A new ministry of truth

A new ministry of truth

  July 03, 2023

New disinformation laws | Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts 

The Albanese Labor government are set to propose a new bill that will make them the definers of what is true.

The Australian Communications Legislation Amendment (Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2023 will grant power to the Australian Communications & Media Authority to penalise dissenters of the new truth and shut down groups and individuals on social media like never before.

If your truth doesn’t line up with the government’s version of truth look out – you will be silenced, censored, expelled, and even punished.

Remember this is coming from a government who believe women can have a penis.

Chris Baxter, a self-described Christian, husband, father to 3, patent attorney, and philanthropic advisor, read the bill and compiled a thread on twitter highlighting some of the dangers of this new bill 👇 

As I read the Bill tonight I have posted a series of Tweets pointing to Clauses people who care about their freedom of speech, people who believe men cannot be women and Christians should be particularly wary about.

Look at the definition of "harm" in the newly proposed Australian "Misinformation and Disinformation Bill".  If this Bill gets past into law, Item (b) will be used to hammer any speech that goes against the Govt. narrative.  End game stuff for digital freedom of speech in Australia.

“Harm” itself is not defined. Despite there already being laws about physical assault, manslaughter, murder and that which causes bodily harm, these news laws will encompass hurt feelings and pit one set of ‘feelings’ against another.

I, and others, are having to already front court for daring to point out men are not women. Under this bill, we will also be guilty of ‘misinformation’ and risk losing our platforms for defending biological reality.

The Australian Govt believes men can be women. There is no way in hell they will regard our public thoughts, stemming from a Biblical worldview, as anything other than misinformation.

The Australian Mis-Dis-Information Bill MUST have an exclusion for religious content.

This is a dangerous bill with far too many undefined characteristics that will land many reasonable people in hot water. Whether it is speaking out about vaccine mandates, the Voice, or biological reality – if you are at odds with the government’s version of truth you will be penalised.

This is not a bill that promotes democratic processes and free speech. It is a bill designed to take us another step closer to a totalitarian regime that holds all the power and punishes all who stand in its way.




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State Of Emergency Declared In Netherlands As Rulers Attempt To Stop Farmers From Protesting

State Of Emergency Declared In Netherlands As Rulers Attempt To Stop Farmers From Protesting

JULY 3, 2023

By Mac Slavo

The Hague, the seat of the ruling class in the Netherlands, has declared a state of emergency to prevent farmers from driving their tractors into the city to protest the government’s mandatory fertilizer reduction targets. Farmers say that their rights and freedom are being trampled on by a totalitarian system of rule we all know as “democracy.”

Democracy worldwide is, even if run perfectly, nothing more than mob rule and nothing less than slavery. All freedom is an illusion as long as governments exist, and people will be deluded into being their slaves.

The organizers of Thursday’s protest are the Farmers Defence Force. They said the state of emergency was a way to quash their democratic rights and freedom of assembly.  Of course, their government, like all governments, sees them only as slaves meant to obey, so they don’t care about rights or freedom. The rulers think they own their slaves. It would be like believing your cow has a right to vote to keep it from being eaten. The notion of government gets more absurd by the day and, yet, slaves still hold up the system that’s oppressing them.

Sovereign Man Confidential – Premium Intelligence Membership

Dutch farmers have decided to disobey and make their way to The Hague to protest regardless of the state of emergency. Although, if they intend to disobey the state of emergency, why not just disobey the unjust law they are protesting? Begging the master for longer chains never works; and if it does, it’s only temporary. The way to end it is to remove the system that’s putting chains on people.

“The Netherlands has for years missed its climate goals. Now it’s time for a great leap forward,” Jetten said, calling the package “ambitious.” He presented 120 different measures which he said would make sure CO2 emissions in the Netherlands will be 55 percent lower than in 1990 by 2030.

The Dutch government can reportedly spend 28 billion euros to reduce the temperature on Earth by 0.000036 degrees. This would mean that each resident would have to contribute about 1,647 euros and a family of four about 6,588 euros., News Facts reported-The Daily Exposé

Greenpeace co-founder Dr. Patrick Moore explained how globalist rulers, including Klaus Schwab and the United Nations, are using the climate scam as an excuse to cut off fossil fuels and nitrogen fertilizer to deliberately depopulate the planet.

In a broad-ranging discussion, including whether the earth is headed for another ice age, the maximum number of people the globe can handle, what would happen if the population were to double in size, whether our masters care about the future or just their time lording power over others and the importance of sustainable energy, Dr. Moore said:

Carbon dioxide [and] temperature [ ] are actually slightly negatively correlated in the long historical record. In other words, it is not a cause-effect relationship … There is no historical relationship between the level of CO2 in the atmosphere and the temperature of the earth … The climate has changed long before humans could have been any factor in it.  It’s been changing all through the history of the earth.

Source: SHTFplan

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