April 16, 2023

After Achilles and Zeus, as blacks. NetFlix also presents black Cleopatra

 After Achilles and Zeus, as blacks. NetFlix also presents black Cleopatra!

The trailer of a new Netflix documentary called 'Queen Cleopatra', which is supposed to explore the real life and personality of Cleopatra, has caused an uproar on social media, one wonders how it will do this, since from the beginning it presents her as black (something which is historically untrue), a historical blunder which an American subscription channel had also committed in 2017 with the black Achilles!

The choice of the young black actress Adele James to play Cleopatra VII of Egypt "stranged" several commentators on the internet, who were quick to comment that the particular monarch was a member of the Ptolemaic dynasty, a Greek family of Macedonian origin, who ruled Egypt after the death of Alexander the Great during the Hellenistic period.

It's good that the foreigners are reacting because we Greeks don't show any sensitivity!

"Cleopatra was a Greek of Macedonian origin"  many commentators write in their posts, while wondering why the creators of a documentary (of a genre that is supposed to be based on historical facts and sources) chose this particular approach.

One of the people who spoke negatively about the allegations that the documentary seems to make is the Egyptologist and former Minister of Antiquities of Egypt Zahi Hawass, according to the site Egypt Independent.

Recalling Cleopatra's Greek origins, Hawass pointed out that the majority of historical findings and depictions of the time support the view of most academics, that the dynamic monarch was not black.

Although the docu-series has yet to air, it's clear from the trailer that the highly capable monarch is portrayed by the show's cast as a black woman, possibly of "  misunderstood ancestry."

One of the people speaking in the short clip even mentions the following:  "I remember my grandmother telling me, 'I don't care what they teach in school, Cleopatra was black'".

“The new documentary series produced by Jada Pinkett Smith explores the lives of prominent and iconic African queens. This season features Cleopatra, the world's most famous, powerful and misunderstood woman – a bold queen whose beauty and loves overshadow her true asset, her mind. 

Cleopatra's legacy has been the subject of much controversy in academic circles, something that is often overlooked by Hollywood. Our series re-evaluates this fascinating part of its history," reads the description of the new program on Netfix's YouTube page.

A change.org petition calling for "Queen Cleopatra" to be canceled due to its false claims garnered several thousand signatures, before the platform eventually removed it for violating its terms of use.

Let's also remember that six years ago, NetFlix, the American subscription television whose services are provided in almost all countries, decided together with the BBC in a series about the Trojan War to present Achilles as black. He also decided to present Jupiter as black!

With information from Pronews.gr




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Μετά τον Αχιλλέα και τον Δία, ως μαύρους. Το NetFlix παρουσιάζει μαύρη και την Κλεοπάτρα!


Μετά τον Αχιλλέα και τον Δία, ως μαύρους. Το NetFlix παρουσιάζει μαύρη και την Κλεοπάτρα!

Χαμό στα social media έχει προκαλέσει το trailer ενός νέου ντοκιμαντέρ του Netflix με τίτλο «Queen Cleopatra», το οποίο υποτίθεται θα διερευνήσει την πραγματική ζωή και την προσωπικότητα της Κλεοπάτρας, αναρωτιέται κανείς πως θα το κάνει αυτό, καθώς απο το ξεκίνημα την παρουσιάζει ως μαύρη (κάτι το οποίο είναι ιστορικά αναληθές), ένα ιστορικό ατόπημα το οποίο αμερικανικό συνδρομητικό κανάλι είχε διαπράξει και το 2017 με τον μαύρο Αχιλλέα!

Η επιλογή της νεαρής μαύρης ηθοποιού Αντέλ Τζέιμς για να υποδυθεί την Κλεοπάτρα Ζ’ της Αιγύπτου, «ξένισε» αρκετούς σχολιαστές στο διαδίκτυο, που έσπευσαν να σχολιάσουν ότι η συγκεκριμένη μονάρχης ήταν μέλος της δυναστείας των Πτολεμαίων, μίας ελληνικής οικογένειας μακεδονικής καταγωγής, που κυβέρνησε την Αίγυπτο μετά τον θάνατο του Μεγάλου Αλεξάνδρου κατά την Ελληνιστική περίοδο.

Καλά που αντιδρούν οι ξένοι γιατί εμείς οι έλληνες δεν δείχνουμε καμμιά ευαισθησία!

«Η Κλεοπάτρα ήταν Ελληνίδα μακεδονικής καταγωγής» γράφουν σε αναρτήσεις τους πολλοί σχολιαστές, ενώ αναρωτιούνται γιατί οι συντελεστές ενός ντοκιμαντέρ (ενός είδους που υποτίθεται ότι βασίζεται σε ιστορικά γεγονότα και πηγές) επέλεξε τη συγκεκριμένη προσέγγιση.

Ένα από τα πρόσωπα που εκφράστηκαν αρνητικά για τους ισχυρισμούς που φαίνεται να διατυπώνει το ντοκιμαντέρ είναι και ο Αιγυπτιολόγος και πρώην υπουργός Αρχαιοτήτων της Αιγύπτου Ζαχί Χαουάς, σύμφωνα με το site Egypt Independent.

Υπενθυμίζοντας την ελληνική καταγωγή της Κλεοπάτρας, ο Χαουάς επισήμανε ότι η πλειοψηφία των ιστορικών ευρημάτων και απεικονίσεων της εποχής στηρίζουν την άποψη των περισσότερων ακαδημαϊκών, ότι δηλαδή η δυναμική μονάρχης δεν ήταν μαύρη.

Παρόλο που η σειρά ντοκιμαντέρ δεν έχει προβληθεί ακόμη, είναι εμφανές από το trailer ότι η εξαιρετικά ικανή μονάρχης παρουσιάζεται από τους συντελεστές της σειράς ως μια μαύρη γυναίκα, πιθανώς με «παρεξηγημένη καταγωγή».

Ένα από τα πρόσωπα μιλούν στο σύντομο κλιπ αναφέρει μάλιστα τα εξής: «Θυμάμαι τη γιαγιά μου να μου λέει, “δεν με νοιάζει τι διδάσκουν στο σχολείο, η Κλεοπάτρα ήταν μαύρη”».

«Η νέα σειρά ντοκιμαντέρ με παραγωγό την Τζέιντα Πίνκετ Σμιθ διερευνά τις ζωές επιφανών και εμβληματικών βασιλισσών της Αφρικής. Σε αυτήν τη σεζόν παρουσιάζεται η Κλεοπάτρα, η πιο διάσημη, ισχυρή και παρεξηγημένη γυναίκα του κόσμου – μια τολμηρή βασίλισσα, της οποίας η ομορφιά και οι έρωτες επισκιάζουν το αληθινό προσόν της, το μυαλό της. 

Η κληρονομιά της Κλεοπάτρας έχει αποτελέσει αντικείμενο πολλών διενέξεων στους ακαδημαϊκούς κύκλους, κάτι που συχνά παραβλέπει το Χόλιγουντ. Η σειρά μας επαναξιολογεί αυτό το συναρπαστικό κομμάτι της ιστορία της» αναφέρει η περιγραφή του νέου προγράμματος στη σελίδα YouTube του Netfix.

Μια αίτηση στο change.org που ζητούσε την ακύρωση του «Queen Cleopatra» εξαιτίας των εσφαλμένων ισχυρισμών του συγκέντρωσε αρκετές χιλιάδες υπογραφές, προτού η πλατφόρμα τελικά την αφαιρέσει για παραβίαση των όρων χρήσης της.

Να θυμίσουμε επίσης ότι προ έξι ετών, το NetFlix η αμερικανική συνδρομητική τηλεόραση οι υπηρεσίες της οποίας παρέχονται σε όλες τις χώρες σχεδόν, αποφάσισε μαζί με το BBC σε μια σειρά με αντικείμενο τον Τρωικό πόλεμο να παρουσιάσει τον Αχιλλέα ως μαύρο. Επίσης, αποφάσισε να παρουσιάσει και τον Δία ως μαύρο!

Με πληροφορίες απο Pronews.gr

Δείτε ακόμα: Μια εταιρεία Woke εμπνευσμένη απο το “1984” του Όργουελ, σχεδιάζει να αντικαταστήσει τις «βίαιες» φράσεις και ιδιωματισμούς με γλώσσα συμβατή με την ηλιθιότητα της εποχής μας.




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The Black Sea Will Never Be ‘NATO’s Sea’, Kremlin Vows

The Black Sea Will Never Be ‘NATO’s Sea’, Kremlin Vows

April 14, 2023

Liz Truss, who briefly served as the UK’s Prime Minister in 2022, has this week called for Ukraine to be fast-tracked into NATO. “I also believe we should fast-track Ukraine’s membership of NATO. We should have done it years ago, but the best time to do it will be now,” Truss emphasized in a speech at a Heritage Foundation event.

The Kremlin has responded firmly in the face of these recent calls, which have also come from Polish leadership and of course Ukrainian officials, by pledging that the Black Sea will ‘never be NATO’s sea’according to state media.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov on Thursday said that “The Black Sea will never be a ‘NATO sea.’ This is a common sea for all coastal states, it should be a sea of cooperation, interaction and security. And it should have indivisible security,” Peskov said.

“The Kremlin believes that NATO and demilitarization are mutually exclusive concepts,” he added, suggesting that the Western military alliance is a threat to peace and not its solution. 

The specific references to ‘ownership’ of the Black Sea came in specific response to provocative words of  Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba, who urged that allied powers turn the Black Sea into a “NATO sea”. Ironically enough he at the same time called for its demilitarization.

Last month there was a rare downing of a US Reaper drone after the Pentagon says it was harrassed by a pair of Russian Su-27 Flanker jets.

The $32 million drone crashed into the Black Sea after being sprayed with jet fuel as the Russian warplanes passed close by. US analysts said the maneuver had never been seen before, and was enough to damage the Reaper to the point of it having to be put down.

This post was originally published at Zero Hedge


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Trump: I KNOW Who Blew Up Nord Stream and 'It Wasn’t Russia'


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IMF Launches New ‘Global Currency’ Called UMU Designed To ‘Monitor All Transactions’

 IMF Launches New ‘Global Currency’ Called UMU Designed To ‘Monitor All Transactions’


A new global currency has just been launched by the international banking elite, but 99 percent of the global population has no idea what just happened.

The DCMA, a globalist membership organization of sovereign states, central banks, commercial and retail banks, and other financial institutions, confirmed the launch of the international CBDC this week at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Spring Meetings 2023.

According to the IMF, the CBDC is designed to “enforce banking regulations” and “monitor all transactions.”

The Universal Monetary Unit (UMU), also known as “Unicoin” and symbolized as Ü, can transact in any legal tender settlement currency and can be configured to operate according to the central banking regulations of each participating jurisdiction.


DCMA executive director Darrell Hubbard, and the “chief architect” of UMU, says UMU strengthens the international monetary system by helping the IMF achieve its stated mandate to provide economic and financial stability to its member states.

“UMU is a game-changer in how cross-border payments are transacted and mitigates against seasonal and systemic local currency depreciation,” Hubbard says.

What is Unicoin, and what are its implications?

Central bank digital currencies (CBDC) have been a hot topic this year. The European Central Bank is due to finish its investigation into a digital euro in October. This week, the Bank of England announced it is looking to grow its CBDC team for a potential ‘Britcoin.’ Also, this week, Sweden has just published the third round of its pilot report for its own e-krona. Per Pymnts:

UMU is “legally a money commodity, can transact in any legal tender settlement currency, and functions like a CBDC to enforce banking regulations and to protect the financial integrity of the international banking system,” the DCMA said in a news release.

Banks can attach SWIFT codes and bank accounts to a UMU digital currency wallet and transact “SWIFT-like cross-border payments over digital currency rails,” a reference to the SWIFT payment system, per the release.

This allows users to bypass “the correspondent banking system at best-priced wholesale FX rates and with instantaneous real-time settlement,” the release said.

The DCMA pointed in the release to comments from Tobias Adrian, financial counsellor at the IMF, who envisioned a “multilateral platform … that could improve cross-border payments — at the same time transforming foreign exchange transactions, risk sharing, and more generally, financial contracting.”

DCMA Executive Director Darrell Hubbard said in the release UMU is “the exact solution” to the vision the IMF has expressed.

The authority said UMU adopts “a global localization public monetary system architecture” and can be configured to meet “the central banking regulations of each participating jurisdiction.”

The launch comes amid a flurry debate about CBDCs in the U.S. Last month saw Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz propose bans on the use of the currency.

DeSantis, often mentioned as a possible 2024 presidential candidate, has proposed legislation that would bar the use of both federal and foreign CBDC as money and called on other states to add similar prohibitions to their uniform commercial codes.

Two days later, Cruz introduced a bill that would prohibit the Federal Reserve from developing a direct-to-consumer CBDC.

DCMA executive director Darrell Hubbard, and the “chief architect” of UMU, says UMU strengthens the international monetary system by helping the IMF achieve its stated mandate to provide economic and financial stability to its member states.

“UMU is a game-changer in how cross-border payments are transacted and mitigates against seasonal and systemic local currency depreciation,” Hubbard says.

What is Unicoin, and what are its implications?

Central bank digital currencies (CBDC) have been a hot topic this year. The European Central Bank is due to finish its investigation into a digital euro in October. This week, the Bank of England announced it is looking to grow its CBDC team for a potential ‘Britcoin.’ Also, this week, Sweden has just published the third round of its pilot report for its own e-krona. Per Pymnts:

UMU is “legally a money commodity, can transact in any legal tender settlement currency, and functions like a CBDC to enforce banking regulations and to protect the financial integrity of the international banking system,” the DCMA said in a news release.

Banks can attach SWIFT codes and bank accounts to a UMU digital currency wallet and transact “SWIFT-like cross-border payments over digital currency rails,” a reference to the SWIFT payment system, per the release.

This allows users to bypass “the correspondent banking system at best-priced wholesale FX rates and with instantaneous real-time settlement,” the release said.

The DCMA pointed in the release to comments from Tobias Adrian, financial counsellor at the IMF, who envisioned a “multilateral platform … that could improve cross-border payments — at the same time transforming foreign exchange transactions, risk sharing, and more generally, financial contracting.”

DCMA Executive Director Darrell Hubbard said in the release UMU is “the exact solution” to the vision the IMF has expressed.

The authority said UMU adopts “a global localization public monetary system architecture” and can be configured to meet “the central banking regulations of each participating jurisdiction.”

The launch comes amid a flurry debate about CBDCs in the U.S. Last month saw Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz propose bans on the use of the currency.

DeSantis, often mentioned as a possible 2024 presidential candidate, has proposed legislation that would bar the use of both federal and foreign CBDC as money and called on other states to add similar prohibitions to their uniform commercial codes.

Two days later, Cruz introduced a bill that would prohibit the Federal Reserve from developing a direct-to-consumer CBDC.






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