Situation Update, July 4,
2022 Happy Independence
Το εύδαιμον το ελεύθερον, το δ’ ελεύθερον το εύψυχον. – Ευτυχισμένοι είναι οι ελεύθεροι και ελεύθεροι είναι οι γενναίοι. // // Happy are the free and free are the brave.
Situation Update, July 4,
2022 Happy Independence
January 2008
Last Trumpet Ministries,
Other sure signs of the end are plagues and pestilences, and never has there been a time such as this for such things. A recent report indicated that the number of cases of children with bipolar disorder, which is also called manic-depressive, has increased 40-fold in recent years. In 1994, there were 20,000 cases. In 2003 there were 800,000 cases! (20) Is this condition being induced upon American children? It is a spiritual condition, and children are becoming demonized by misuse of computers and the many electronic role-playing games.
On November 9th, the New York Times reported that an AIDS vaccine produced by Merck Pharmaceuticals actually increased the risk of recipients contracting HIV. The vaccine contained a modified form of a common cold virus known as adenovirus type 5. (21) On November 16th, 2007, the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia, reported that a mutated adeno common cold virus in mutated form killed ten people. (22)
Are immunizations and vaccinations safe? In recent months, a polio outbreak hit Nigeria, and it was sparked by a vaccine which was supposed to prevent it. Sadly, sixty-nine children were left paralyzed from the vaccine! (23)
On October 30, 2007, just before the witches’ high cross-quarter sabat of Samhain, usually known as Halloween, a Kentucky school district closed down twenty-three schools because of a MRSA staph infection. (24) The Associated Press also reported that thousands of Americans have contracted the potentially fatal and drug-resistant staph superbug. (25)
Where did this and other viruses and strange forms of bacteria come from? Are these designer bugs manufactured in a laboratory?
We must also remember that almost all of these staph infections were picked up in hospitals and other medical facilities.
In another Associated Press story out of Phoenix, Arizona, there is something that sounds like science fiction, but it is true. A brain-eating amoeba, picked up in warm lake waters, killed six young men and boys. The amoeba is called Naegleria fowlen. The microorganism enters the nostrils and goes into the brain where it feeds until the person dies. (26)
All things considered, has there ever been a time such as this?
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David J. Meyer
January 2008
20. Associated Press, Sep. 4, 2007, by Lindsey Tanner, Chicago, IL.
21. New York Times, Nov. 9, 2007, by Lawrence K. Altman & Andrew Pollack, New York, NY.
22. Associated Press, Nov. 16, 2007, Atlanta, GA.
23. Traverse City Record-Eagle, Oct. 6, 2007, Traverse City, MI.
24. Associated Press, Oct. 27, 2007, Pikeville, KY.
25. Cox News Service, Oct. 17, 2007, by Lindsey Tanner, AP, Chicago, IL.
26. Associated Press, Sep. 28, 2007, by Chris Kahn, Phoenix, AZ.
Αντιπαράθεση του Υπουργού Υγείας της Αυστρίας και των ιατρών ως προς την ευθύνη για τους μαζικούς θανάτους από το «εμβόλιο» Covid και τις βλάβες στην υγεία.
By Paul Craig Roberts
July 2, 2022
Στην Αυστρία, οι τεράστιες βλάβες που προκαλούνται στην ανθρώπινη ζωή και υγεία από τα «εμβόλια» του Covid είχε ως αποτέλεσμα ο Αυστριακός Υπουργός Υγείας να μεταθέσει την ευθύνη στους γιατρούς που πρόδωσαν το ιατρικό τους καθήκον να ενημερώνουν τους ασθενείς για τους κινδύνους του εμβολίου.
Φυσικά, αν είχαν κάνει αυτό οι γιατροί, θα είχαν τιμωρηθεί για «διάδοση παραπληροφόρησης». Ήταν η Αυστριακή κυβέρνηση που προσπάθησε να επιβάλει τον καταναγκαστικό εμβολιασμό κάθε Αυστριακού.
Στην πραγματικότητα, η «πανδημία του Covid» ήταν μια άσκηση μαζικής παραπληροφόρησης από «υγειονομικές αρχές», γνωστούς και ως πράκτορες μάρκετινγκ της Big Pharma, ανίκανους, ανόητους πολιτικούς και τα πορνικά Μέσα Ενημέρωσης που ψεύδονταν ασύστολα και συνεχίζουν να το κάνουν.
Τώρα που ο Υπουργός Υγείας της Αυστρίας έχει μεταθέσει την ευθύνη στους γιατρούς. Πόσο ακόμη μπορεί το εντελώς διεφθαρμένο «σύστημα δημόσιας υγείας» των ΗΠΑ να αρνείται ότι υπάρχουν τεράστιοι τραυματισμοί από τα «εμβόλια»;
Το ποσοστό θνησιμότητας στις ΗΠΑ το έτος Covid του 2020 ήταν το ίδιο με το 2019. Το ποσοστό θνησιμότητας αυξήθηκε μετά την εκστρατεία εμβολιασμού. Οι αμερικανικές ασφαλιστικές εταιρείες έχουν αναφέρει εκπληκτικές αυξήσεις μετά τον εμβολιασμό κατά του Covid.
Ο Scott Davison, Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος (CEO) της εταιρείας ασφάλισης υγείας OneAmerica, κατά τη διάρκεια μιας διαδικτυακής συνέντευξης τύπου αυτή την εβδομάδα, δήλωσε: «Βλέπουμε, αυτή τη στιγμή, τα υψηλότερα ποσοστά θανάτων που έχουμε δει στην ιστορία αυτής της επιχείρησης – όχι μόνο στην OneAmerica. Τα δεδομένα είναι παρόμοια σε κάθε επιχείρηση αυτής της κατηγορίας».
Η Big Pharma και οι πράκτορές της στο NIH, το CDC και το FDA, και οι υπεύθυνοι πολιτικοί και τα πορνο-Μίντια θα προσπαθήσουν να ελέγξουν την αφήγηση και να καταλήξουν στο συμπέρασμα ότι οι θάνατοι είναι θάνατοι από Covid λόγω της φθίνουσας αποτελεσματικότητας του «εμβολίου».
Ανεξάρτητοι και έντιμοι επιστήμονες θα επισημάνουν ότι οι θάνατοι ήταν θάνατοι που προκλήθηκαν από τα εμβόλια. Θα καταβληθεί κάθε δυνατή προσπάθεια για να συγκαλύψουν τη μαζική δολοφονία κατηγορώντας έντιμους γιατρούς για «διασπορά παραπληροφόρησης» και αφαιρώντας τις ιατρικές τους άδειες επειδή είπαν την αλήθεια.
Τα καλύτερα του Paul Craig Roberts
Ο Paul Craig Roberts, πρώην Αναπληρωτής Υπουργός Οικονομικών των ΗΠΑ και πρώην συνεργάτης συντάκτης της Wall Street Journal, αναφέρει συγκλονιστικές περιπτώσεις εισαγγελικής κατάχρησης εδώ και δύο δεκαετίες. Μια νέα έκδοση του βιβλίου του, The Tyranny of Good Intentions, που συνυπογράφει με τον Lawrence Stratton, μια τεκμηριωμένη αφήγηση για το πώς οι Αμερικανοί έχασαν την προστασία του νόμου, κυκλοφόρησε από το Random House.
Επισκεφθείτε την ιστοσελίδα του.
Πνευματικά δικαιώματα © Paul Craig Roberts
Αρχική πηγή
Μετάφραση από τη Μαρία Σεφέρου
Χαμός στην ευρωβουλή…
Η Clare Daly είναι μια Ιρλανδή πολιτικός που είναι μέλος του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου (ΕΚ) από τον Ιούλιο του 2019.
Έκανε σκόνη και θρύψαλα την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση και την «παρανοϊκή», όπως την αποκάλεσε, πρόεδρο της Κομισιόν, Ούρσουλα φον ντερ Λάιεν για την Ουκρανία την οποία δίνει, όπως είπε, τροφή στα κανόνια της Ρωσίας.
Μεταξύ άλλων δηλώνει:
«Ο στόχος είναι ένας ατέρμονος πόλεμος, όχι ένας επιτυχημένος πόλεμος.”
Αυτά ήταν τα λόγια του Julian Assange το 2011 σχετικά με τον πόλεμο στο Αφγανιστάν, λόγια που θα μπορούσαν τώρα να έχουν εξίσου εφαρμογή στην Ουκρανία.
Η Ουκρανία θα έπρεπε φυσικά να μπορεί να ενταχθεί στην Ε.Ε, αλλά υπό όρους που δεν χρεωκοπούν τον λαό της, και όταν είναι έτοιμη και όταν μια πλειοψηφία του λαού της επιλέξει.
Αλλά αυτό ασφαλώς δεν πρόκειται να συμβεί την ώρα που η χώρα είναι μια ενεργή εμπόλεμη ζώνη και το γνωρίζουν οι πάντες αυτό.
Έτσι, αντίθετα, τεχνηέντως επιμηκύνουμε αυτόν τον πόλεμο με μια σταθερή ροή παράδοσης βαρέων όπλων.
Η Ε.Ε εγγυάται ένα αδιέξοδο και διασφαλίζοντας ότι η Ουκρανία δεν θα μπορεί ποτέ να επιλέξει το δικό της μονοπάτι.
Η Πρόεδρος von der Leyen το αποκάλυψε την περασμένη Παρασκευή, όταν είπε: ”Οι Ουκρανοί είναι έτοιμοι να πεθάνουν για την Ευρωπαϊκή προοπτική.”
Θεέ μου, πόσο παρανοϊκή ναρκισσίστρια!
Το πραγματικό σχέδιο είναι να μετατρέψουν την Ουκρανία σε μια μηχανή του κιμά, να χρησιμοποιήσουν τον λαό της ως τροφή για τα κανόνια της Ρωσίας».
January 2010
Last Trumpet Ministries,
In this issue of the Last Trumpet Newsletter, we will focus in on what has happened to the erstwhile great nation of the United States of America and examine it.
As always, we do this in the light of the Scripture, and thus we expose the spiritual reasons behind the fall of what was once the most powerful nation on earth.
There are three questions that must be considered regarding this subject:
Who are those that want America to fall? Why do they want America to fall? How are they making America fall?
The answer to the first question is obvious to anyone who has truly studied history. There is an age-old conspiracy consisting of high ranking people in the upper levels of various secret societies. From their vantage point, which is shrouded by secrecy, they are able to plan, scheme, and choreograph the events of the world. In other words, things don't just happen to happen. They happen because someone wants them to happen and has the power to make them happen. It is spiritual wickedness in high places according to Ephesians 6:12. Thus, the major events of history happened by design and manipulation. This includes every major war and revolution. One of these high-ranking Illuminists openly admitted to all of this. The late President Franklin Delano Roosevelt brazenly stated, "….if it happened, you can bet that we planned it that way."
The answer to the second question of why America is being sabotaged is because it must be brought down to a leveling off point so it becomes interdependent on other nations. America is to become just an integral part in a one-world global government. Ultimately this global oligarchy would become a dictatorship under direct control of Lucifer, who is Satan! What thinking person can deny that this is happening before our very eyes? Revelation, chapter 13, reveals this very thing!
The answer to the third question is a little more complex yet obvious. The United States has been spiritually, economically, structurally, and morally dismantled in various ways through simultaneous satanic efforts. There was the attack on the once powerful industrial base of America as millions of good jobs were sent overseas where near slave labor could be obtained for a fraction of the cost. The war in Vietnam was fomented and various anti-war movements then rose up on college campuses throughout the United States. The beatniks of the 1950's became the hippies of the 1960's as our CIA used Dr. Timothy Leary to popularize a mind-altering drug they developed. This drug, LSD, was developed by a Swiss chemist for the CIA and was then used to its full psychedelic potential on an entire generation. Young people used this and other drugs to "trip out," and at the same time occultism and witchcraft began to wrap itself around those involved. Soon witches' spells became popular songs by the Beatles, Simon and Garfunkel, Credence Clearwater Revival, and others. For the full story on this, you may write and request a three-disc set of DVDs we produced entitled "Apocalyptic Rock."
All of this was being done by design as this new generation was being reeducated and indoctrinated by communist college professors. Then, our economy was turned over to base thieves on Wall Street, and our national debt began to soar to astronomical levels while the executives grabbed the money and ran for the tall grass. Meanwhile the ranks of the jobless began to increase exponentially. Incidents of terrorism were also provided, such as the "sneak attack" on the twin towers of the erstwhile World Trade Center.
The sneaks in this "sneak attack" were President George Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, and others of that ilk. Such incidents were used as an excuse to use our military as a massive hit squad on other countries to reshape the world in preparation for one-world governance.
Then came the mass immunization programs and new designer drugs to dose the people of America. These drugs worked in conjunction with the poison additives in our food and water.
Even our air is poisoned by the chemtrails that are filling our skies as airplanes spray their chemicals in patterns above us. All of this was and is being done according to satanic blueprint.
We who are the true children of the Almighty can be thankful that the Lord Jesus Christ is with us until the end of the world. If you have not yet come to Him in faith and repented, the time to do so is now.
The Lord Jesus is our Saviour and our only hope. Soon He will return and bring all things into judgment. He will receive you if you pray to him now while a little time remains.
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David J. Meyer
January 2010
America - A Nation of Willing Slaves!
December 2009
Last Trumpet Ministries,
In this issue of the Last Trumpet Newsletter, we will examine a condition that has developed in our erstwhile great nation, which has brought us to a time such as never was.
We are living in a time that is unique in our nation's history, and very few people are taking notice.
The United States of America was founded by men and women that wanted to escape oppression and to be free, and great effort was exerted to gain that freedom. We now live in the dark reality of a strong-armed and oppressive federalism that has all of the characteristics and potential of imperial Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome.
Indeed, we are on the very brink of dictatorship in a new world order, just as predicted in various places in the Scriptures. How can this be happening here? Just one generation ago, it would not have been believed to be possible. I was born in the year 1950 and have lived in Wisconsin all of my life. I can truly say that this country is no longer the one in which I was born. We are living in a time when people want to be slaves of a government that will feed them, medicate them, entertain them, indoctrinate them, confiscate the fruit of their labors, and bury them.
We know from reading the Scripture how it angered the Almighty God when Israel complained in the wilderness and wanted to go back and be slaves in Egypt. Instead of seeking the Lord's help, they were so ready to give up their freedom and liberty for the so-called social security benefits of Egypt. It is the same in America today. Where is the dignity, integrity, and honor that was once so important to free men and women?
When I think upon all this, I am reminded of the words of the illuministic futurist, Aldous Huxley, who died in 1963. Huxley was a writer for the Illuminati. He was also a mystic who advocated the use of psychedelic drugs. Huxley also wrote Brave New World and numerous essays. Consider some of his words as follows:
"We are in a process of developing a whole series of techniques which will enable the controlling oligarchy to get people to actually love their servitude. A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude. To make them love it is the task assigned, in present-day totalitarian states, to ministries of propaganda, newspaper editors, and school teachers…..The greatest triumphs of propaganda have been accomplished, not by doing something, but by refraining from doing. Great is truth, but still greater, from a practical point of view, is silence about truth."
All things considered, we are most certainly moving across the threshold into a one-world dictatorship under the direction of Satan himself.
Satan and all who submit to him will be quickly destroyed by our coming Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ. One urgent question that demands an immediate answer is: where will you spend eternity?
You now have a glorious opportunity to surrender you heart, soul, and mind to the Lord Jesus. He will accept you and save you if you do. Do it now, before your time runs out!
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David J. Meyer
December 2009
Το εύδαιμον το ελεύθερον, το δ’ ελεύθερον το εύψυχον. – Ευτυχισμένοι είναι οι ελεύθεροι και ελεύθεροι είναι οι γενναίοι. // // Happy are the free and free are the brave.