June 21, 2023

Regime Media Monopolize the Narrative by Hiding Biden and Silencing Trump

Regime Media Monopolize the Narrative by Hiding Biden and Silencing Trump




00:30 Trump Indictment Is Built on Sand (33 minutes)

The media blackout of Biden family crimes continues while major networks focus exclusively on Donald Trump’s indictment about handling documents. However, further study of the Trump indictment shows that it is baseless. A 2012 ruling by an Obama judge determined that the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) has no authority to compel presidents to turn over documents.

33:00 Celtic Throne Feedback (2 minutes)

35:30 Did Obama Set Up Trump? (20 minutes)

Through articles in publications like the Atlantic, attorney Andrew Weissman and a team of other radical lawyers are giving Special Counsel Jack Smith public advice regarding the Trump case. Meanwhile, Conservative Treehouse writer Mark Bradman, known as “Sundance,” questions whether NARA was looking for a letter Barack Obama wrote to Trump about North Korea, which Obama could have intended to be the genesis of the indictment.



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Germany Ends War on COVID and Starts War on Climate Change

Germany Ends War on COVID and Starts War on Climate Change

As far as most of the world is concerned, the coronavirus and associated lockdowns are over. For Germany, however, a new war is beginning. Germany’s first national security strategy was published on June 14. In just over 70 pages, the word “climate” is mentioned over 70 times, as Germany calls for new strategies to fight so-called “climate change.”

“We must realize that we are not well positioned to combat heat death in Germany,” German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach said, as he unveiled new plans in Berlin on June 13. “If we do nothing, we will lose several thousand lives every year, unnecessarily. … You have to talk about whether sports tournaments, for example, can still take place at certain temperatures.” He is not alone in his alarmist language.

“If we continue as we are, we will experience the full extent of the climate catastrophe and, in parallel, a health catastrophe,” Jana Luntz, a member of the presidium of the German Nursing Council, said. She warned against overburdening hospitals.

In December 2020, Lauterbach wrote for Die Welt: “[W]e need measures to deal with climate change that are analogous to the restrictions on personal freedom in the pandemic fight.”

Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock wrote in the security strategy: “None of the changes of our age is as profound as the climate crisis. Today, more people are fleeing the impact of the climate crisis than armed conflict. Security in the 21st century thus also means protecting the natural resources on which all life depends—this is the third dimension of security.” The proposed solution is to “strengthen partnerships with countries suffering greatly from ever more dramatic storms, droughts and heatwaves.”

In reality, this means that Germany seeks more partnerships with authoritarian regimes. In 2021, the European Commission revealed a €300 billion (us$340 billion) investment plan for infrastructure, digital and climate projects. Half of the budget is to be invested in Africa.

On June 12, the European Commission president and the Italian and Dutch prime ministers traveled to Tunisia and offered the authoritarian government over €1 billion (us$1.1 billion) to stop migrants from crossing the Mediterranean Sea to Italy. But Tunisian President Kais Saied is known for being an authoritarian leader with a profound hatred for the only democracy in the Middle East: Israel. Wofram Weimer wrote for n-tv.de: “At the inauguration of the Palestinian mission in Tunisia, he posed with Mahmoud Abbas in front of a map with Israel erased. When five people were killed in an attack on the Djerba synagogue in May, Saied downplayed the attack and forbade criticism.”

Many of the problems in Africa and the Middle East are not caused by climate change but by bad government. Blaming the crisis on climate change gives the EU an opportunity to ignore the crimes of—and favor—authoritarian regimes. Germany’s recent war on climate change is more of a war against democracy at home and abroad.

This war is being waged with little evidence—and even fraudulent scientific research and propaganda. Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry discusses this reality in in his article “The Deadly Climate Change Deception.”

“When you have a society that has become decoupled from each other and has free-floating anxiety and a sense that ‘things don’t make sense, we can’t understand it’—and then their attention gets focused by a leader or series of events on one small point—just like hypnosis, they literally become hypnotized, and can be led anywhere,” Dr. Robert Malone wrote, comparing society’s response today to what happened in Germany in the 1920s and 1930s. Mr. Flurry warns against such a dangerous trend in “Worshiping the Will” from his newly expanded book America under Attack.

These tactics deployed by government and media are most concerning. And you need to understand what is happening.




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Here Goes Your Taxes: Pentagon Discloses “Accounting Error” Resulting in $6.2 Billion Surplus for Ukraine (VIDEO)

Pentagon spokesperson Sabrina Singh

Here Goes Your Taxes: Pentagon Discloses “Accounting Error” Resulting in $6.2 Billion Surplus for Ukraine (VIDEO)

The Pentagon revealed on Tuesday that an overestimation in the value of weapons sent to Ukraine over the past two years has resulted in an extra $6.2 billion of U.S. taxpayers’ money earmarked for the Eastern European country. This figure is approximately double what was originally estimated and allegedly will be utilized for future security packages.

Pentagon spokesperson Sabrina Singh provided clarification on the nature of the error, explaining that the military services had used the replacement cost rather than the book value of equipment pulled from Pentagon stocks and sent to Ukraine.

According to Singh, the error was identified during a detailed review of the accounting process.

“We discovered inconsistencies in equipment valuation for Ukraine. In a significant number of cases, services used replacement costs rather than net book value, thereby overestimating the value of the equipment drawn down from U.S. stock and provided to Ukraine,” Singh said at a news briefing.

She further detailed the misvaluation was split over two fiscal years: $3.6 billion in the current fiscal year and $2.6 billion in the 2022 fiscal year, which ended last Sept. 30.

“Once we discovered this misvaluation, the comptroller reissued guidance on March 31 clarifying how to value equipment in line with the Financial Management Regulation and DoD policy to ensure we use the most accurate of accounting methods.”

“We have confirmed that for FY 23, the final calculation is $3.6 billion and for FY 22 it is 2.6 billion, for a combined total of $6.2 billion,” Singh said.


The outcome of a massive “accounting error,” has sparked debate among American taxpayers.

Laura Loomer wrote, “Really strange how this “accounting error” just so happens to be announced the same exact day as #HunterBiden’s plea deal. It’s like our Government isn’t even trying to hide their money laundering anymore… Looks like a bribery payoff to me if I’ve ever seen one.”

Graham Allen wrote, “Pentagon announces ‘accounting error’ provides extra $6.2 billion for Ukraine?!?! I AM NEVER PAYING TAXES AGAIN!!!”

Aaron Mate wrote, “Yet another “accounting error” frees up billions of more dollars for the Ukraine proxy war. How come these “errors” never free up any money for US health care or the un-housed?”

Photo of author

Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016.

You can email Jim Hoft here, and read more of Jim Hoft’s articles here.





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Justin Trudeau EXPOSED For Lying, Publicly HUMILIATED


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Εγκρίθηκε από την ΕΕ η εντομοφαγία!

Εγκρίθηκε από την ΕΕ η εντομοφαγία!

Καλή όρεξη! Δείτε το χριστιανικά. Ο Άγιος Ιωάννης ο Βαπτιστής τρεφόταν με ακρίδες πριν από 2000 χρόνια και βάλε. (Κατά Ματθαίον 3:4)

19 Ιουνίου 2023 

 Εφιάλτης: Αυτά είναι τα 5 έντομα που σύντομα θα προωθηθούν ως «νέα τρόφιμα» – Ήδη καταναλώνουμε ένα! Για το… καλό μας και για την «κλιματική αλλαγή»!

Η ΕΕ ενέκρινε πέντε έντομα για… βρώση για χάρη της… κλιματικής αλλαγής και δήθεν για το «καλό» των ευρωπαϊκών κοινωνιών αλλά λίγοι ξέρουν πως ήδη καταναλώνουν ένα έντομο χωρίς να το γνωρίζουν.

Το κόκκινο χρώμα που συναντάται στα αλλαντικά, τα αναψυκτικά, τα red velvet cakes, τα παιδικά ζελεδάκια και σε άλλα τρόφιμα, προέρχεται από μία ουσία που ονομάζεται καρμίνη ή αλλιώς Κοχενίλη ή Καρμινικό οξύ (E120).

Η λέξη cochineal προέρχεται από τη λατινική λέξη “coccinus” που σημαίνει “κόκκινο χρώμα”. Το καρμινικό οξύ είναι μια χημική ουσία με κόκκινη απόχρωση, που παράγεται από τα θηλυκά έντομα και τα αυγά τους, του είδους Cochineal Dactylopius coccus Casta. Το Cochineal, Dactylopius coccus, είναι ένα έντομο μικρού μεγέθους, που ζει στους κάκτους nopal του γένους Opuntia, πιο γνωστή σε εμάς ως φραγκοσυκιά.

Το κόκκινο χρώμα στα παιδικά ζελεδάκια περιέχει καρμίνη που παράγεται από τα θηλυκά έντομα και τα αυγά τους

Είναι καταχωρημένο ως πρόσθετο στη βάση δεδομένων της EFSA με την αρίθμηση Ε120 που αντιστοιχεί σε εκχύλισμα κοχίνης, καρμινικού οξέος και καρμίνης.

Μάλιστα για να πλασάρουν την εντομοφαγία με τέτοιο τρόπο ώστε να παρακάμψουν το αίσθημα «αηδίας» που νιώθουν οι καταναλωτές στο άκουσμα της διατροφής με έντομα, έχει ήδη προβλεφθεί από τις εταιρίες marketing και γι’ αυτό πρόκειται να κυκλοφορήσουν, αρχικά, σε μορφή σκόνης.

Γιατί σύντομα θα ακολουθήσουν άλλα… πέντε έντομα που θα μπουν στα πιάτα των καταναλωτών είτε τους αρέσει είτε όχι.

Υποτίθεται πως η εντομοφαγία θα περιορίσει την κατανάλωση κρέατος και άρα θα περιοριστεί η παραγωγή διοξείδιο του άνθρακα.

Ο οικιακός γρύλος (house cricket), το κίτρινο αλευροσκουλήκι (yellow mealworm) και η αποδημητική ακρίδα (migratory locus) είναι οι τρεις τύποι εντόμων που έχουν εγκριθεί ως «νέα τρόφιμα» στην αγορά της ΕΕ.

Στις αρχές του Ιανουαρίου 2023, ενέκρινε τη διάθεση του τέταρτου εντόμου ως τροφή, το μικρότερο αλευροσκουλήκι ή σκαθαράκι (Alphitobius diaperionus), τη μερική διάθεση του πέμπτου εντόμου, οικιακού γρύλου (acheta domesticus) μόνο σε μορφή σκόνης, ενώ εξετάζονται ακόμη 8 αιτήσεις!

Στην ίδια ανακοίνωση, έδωσε το «πράσινο φως για» την πώληση της νέας τροφής από οικιακό γρύλο σε αποξηραμένη, σκόνη, πάστα ή κατεψυγμένη μορφή. Η τροφή αυτή προορίζεται για διάθεση στην αγορά ως συστατικό σε διάφορα προϊόντα διατροφής για τον γενικό πληθυσμό.






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