May 12, 2023

TREASON: Biden regime coordinating with Mexican government to secretly facilitate mass illegal migrant INVASION

TREASON: Biden regime coordinating with Mexican government to secretly facilitate mass illegal migrant INVASION


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Friday, May 12, 2023 by: 

Natural News) Initially, it was thought that Joe Biden’s open border policies were bad enough in contributing to a record number of migrants crossing into the U.S. illegally during his term thus far, but it turns out there’s much more to it.

In fact, according to a revealing report published this week, the Biden regime has actually been coordinating with the Mexican government to send migrants over into the U.S. by the tens of thousands.

“In recent days, large crowds of immigrants have formed on the Mexican side of the Rio Grande fully prepared to swim over well-worn crossing spots to Brownsville – but seemingly held back by unarmed Mexican immigration officials,” the Center for Immigration Studies said in its report.

Over the course of several days recently on the Mexican side, a noticeable pattern emerged as approximately 3,000 immigrants per day crossed over to Brownsville without encountering opposition from either side.

An intriguing sequence of events unfolded; when signaled by Mexican immigration officers, a specific group of around 100-150 individuals from the larger crowd would simultaneously rise and swiftly make their way down the riverbank, bypassing the immigration officers and swimming across to reach America, CIS’s report said.

Upon investigation, it became apparent that this observed pattern was not a mere coincidence, the report states. The Center for Immigration Studies took the initiative to inquire with various Mexican immigration officers about the situation.

Through their inquiries, they discovered that the Department of Homeland Security under President Joe Biden had been coordinating these large-scale swims in collaboration with Mexico’s immigration service, INM. These coordination efforts were carried out at senior levels using an encrypted Whatsapp channel, CIS noted.

According to the accounts provided by the officers, their superiors were in communication with officials from U.S. Customs and Border Protection. The exchanges involved updates on the number of immigrants gathered and ready to cross the river at any specific moment. The coordination aimed to facilitate the smooth crossing of immigrants into the United States.

“We’re letting them know that there’s a group of people ready to cross,” one officer said, CIS’s report stated.

The report added:

The Americans on the other side would ask the Mexicans to hold back the migrants – not because such crossings are illegal and should be blocked and obstructed, but only until the Americans had finished processing the last batch into the country through Brownsville. Once the Americans felt they could take in more, they message the Mexicans that “they are ready to receive them.” Then, senior officials would radio the on-ground immigration officers, all of whom are equipped with radios.

Next, the officers signal to the waiting crowd to go forward and, once they figure enough are in the water, they cut off the rest and push and cajole them back into line until the Americans signal they’re ready again.

The Mexican officers said that the U.S. initiated the system beginning in late April. However, the exact reasons behind this initiation could only be speculated upon, with one possibility being the need to improve the management of the substantial surge in border crossings.

Nevertheless, the collaboration sheds light on the presence of Mexican immigration officers stationed at the river, raising numerous inquiries and prompting further investigation, CIS reported.

“The process, which has never been publicized, amounts to a “controlled-flow” system most often used, controversially, by Colombia, Panama, and Costa Rica, to facilitate mass illegal migration to the U.S. border rather than incur the expense and trouble of blocking it in those countries,” the organization continued.

The controlled flow facilitated by the Biden administration’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in coordination with Mexico represents an exceptionally unusual policy by the United States.

Above all, this insane policy showcases a formal acceptance of illegal immigration and a government readiness to accommodate large-scale illegal immigration instead of taking measures to prevent, obstruct, or discourage it, as mandated by the law, CIS noted.

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Αχρείοι ραγιάδες θέλουν να βραβεύσουν τον κατηγορούμενο για εγκλήματα κατά της ανθρωπότητας Άλμπερτ Μπουρλά στο πανεπιστήμιο Πατρών!

Αχρείοι ραγιάδες θέλουν να βραβεύσουν τον κατηγορούμενο για εγκλήματα κατά της ανθρωπότητας Άλμπερτ Μπουρλά στο πανεπιστήμιο Πατρών!

Δυστυχώς αυτη η χώρα έχει φτάσει στο σημείο να διοικείται εξ’ ολοκλήρου απο προδότες και ραγιάδες, που φτάνουν στο σημείο να βραβεύουν ακόμη και τον σφαγέα τους. Έναν άνθρωπο που σε πολλές χώρες κατηγορείται για πολλά σκάνδαλα, μεταξύ των οποίων απάτες αλλά και εγκλήματα κατά της ανθρωπότητας!

Ο λόγος για τον κτηνίατρο και διευθύνων συμβούλο της PFIZER Άλμπερτ Μπουρλά, που ακόμα δεν έχει ξεκαθαρίσει καν η υπόθεση για τα κρυμμένα στοιχεία των συμβολαίων με την ΕΕ για την τεράστια συμφωνία/μπίζνα των 35 δισ. ευρώ, άχρηστων εμβολίων!

Ένα σκάνδαλο που γίνονται πολλές προσπάθειες συγκάλυψης, στο σημείο μάλιστα που και η συστημική New York Times έφτασε στο σημείο να μηνύσει την ΕΕ για την μυστικότητα των μηνυμάτων της Φον ντερ Λάιεν με τον Άλμπερτ Μπουρλά!

Τι να περιμένει όμως κανείς, όταν οι ίδιοι άνθρωποι προσπάθησαν να ξεστοκάρουν τις αδιάθετες δόσεις των αποτυχημένων εμβολίων πάνω στα μπράτσα των Ελλήνων. ο Μπουρλά παραπονέθηκε ότι 7 δισεκατομμύρια δόσεις έμειναν αδιάθετες!

Κοιτάξτε το παρακάτω βίντεο πως τον υποδέχτηκαν στο Ισραήλ, σε παρόμοια βράβευση με αυτήν του πανεπιστημίου Πατρών.

Διαβάστε επίσης την εύστοχη ανακοίνωση της “ΔΙΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΟΝΙΚΗΣ ΕΝΩΣΗΣ ΥΠΕΡΑΣΠΙΣΗΣ ΤΗΣ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΤΗΣ ΒΙΟΗΘΙΚΗΣ” σχετικά με την βράβευση του Μπουρλά.

Επιστολή της ΔΕΥΔΗΒ στο πανεπιστήμιο Πατρών για την επικείμενη βράβευση του Αλμπέρτου Μπουρλά, διευθύνοντος συμβούλου της PFIZER.

Αρ. Πρωτοκόλλου: 35261
Ημ/νια Πρωτοκόλλου: 12/05/2023
Ημ/νια Πρωτ. Αποστολέα: 12/05/2023


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The Black Hornet Nano-drone Can Now Be Controlled by Voice Commands

The Black Hornet Nano-drone Can Now Be Controlled by Voice Commands

MAY 12, 2023

By Nicholas West

Longtime readers might remember when we first began discussing and warning about insect-sized drones and drone swarms more than a decade ago. The insect-drone concept is thought to have originated as far back as at least the 1970s with the CIA pursuing a dragonfly drone. Since then, we have seen an increasingly rapid development in drone technology, as well as a military push to further automate their capabilities.

We now have robobees that no longer need a power source, as well as microdrones that can use power lines to harvest energy, as seen in the video below.

In the world of drone mad science we’ve also seen an effort recently to create zombie drones made from dead birds as another method of hiding in plain sight. Larger drone systems already have achieved mass coordination from a single human drone operator where more than one hundred quadcopters can be synchronized with the help of virtual and augmented reality.

Apparently, current systems are still too clumsy for military planners. As Defense One reports below, the latest advancement removes hand-held controls altogether and turns over control of a bug-sized drone (or drone swarm) to voice commands. While this is alarming enough, no mention is made of the potential infusion of ChatGPT or other generative AI systems which not only can clone voice commands, but potentially could offer a whole new level of automation that drifts beyond human control.

US Military Now Has Voice-Controlled Bug Drones

By Patrick Tucker

Tomorrow’s missions may take U.S. special operators into places where they’d rather not control drones by hand, so the maker of the popular Black Hornet nano-drone has added a way to steer it by simple voice commands.

U.S. operators began using the Black Hornet after seeing British forces flying them in Afghanistan in 2011. Years of experiments with optical and thermal cameras have turned the nano-drone into a key element of the U.S. Army’s soldier-borne sensor program. Now its manufacturer, Teledyne FLIR, has teamed up with AI startup Primordial Labs to add voice control.

At the Global SOF Foundation’s SOF Week event here, a drone operator used a book-sized computer and a few quick voice commands to send a drone to a series of locations in a noisy conference hall.

The software could be used for just about any kind of drone or system, said Mick Adkins, who runs product and business development for Primordial Labs. He said U.S. Special Operations Command had asked for a demo on seven types of drones, using “a whole inventory of discrete commands,” including “manipulating the sensor, looking at things, moving elevation, interacting with waypoints.”

The mission-level commands, the mission-type orders that we’re supporting right now are things like route, area, and zone reconnaissance, searching between a point, orbiting a point, conducting different scan patterns within a given area. And we’re actually on contract with [U.S. Army Special Operations Command] to add 100 autonomous behaviors this year,” he said.

Because ordering a flying bug drone around is potentially more complicated than steering it with a joystick, the Primordial Labs team worked to make sure the software could understand the user’s intention across a variety of different ways to order the drone to do something. That’s key as multiple operators may need to issue commands to the drone depending on the situation.

Primordial Labs CEO Lee Ritholtz previously worked with DARPA and Lockheed Martin on software for autonomous F-16s. He said that the company next hopes to enable the drone to talk back to its operator about what it sees—that is, what it detects using object-recognition software. So the software might tell the operator how many people, trucks, or enemy troops are in a particular area. Depending on the drone and the optics package, it might pick up things like a hidden firearm that the naked eye might miss. Ritholtz said that he hoped to debut that capability next year but cautioned, “It’s a very hard problem and I would not take anyone seriously who says it’s easily solved.”

Nicholas West writes for Activist Post and Counter Markets.

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