March 15, 2023

Central Banking Continues To Fail

Central Banking Continues To Fail

By Mac Slavo

The Federal Reserve, or the United States central bank, continues to show why totalitarian control over anything, especially a money supply, is little more than slavery. Sadly, too many are still stuck not only believing the myth of “authority” but are caught up in the slave system so fully that they cannot even imagine not having a master.

According to a report by CNN, the shocking implosion of Silicon Valley Bank should not deter the Federal Reserve from its war on inflation, according to former FDIC and Fed official Thomas Hoenig.

“The Federal Reserve is in the hot seat. It’s a no-win situation for them,” Hoenig, the former vice chair of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, told CNN in a phone interview on Monday.

As Gregory Mannarino said, parading Joe Biden out to sell the public another lie about how strong the economy is will do more harm than good.

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“This may wake up some people,” Mannarino says. If the ruling class can “hit people in the pocketbook,” they may begin to see the slave system for what it is. Or, they could beg their master to save them and the solution will be nothing short of permanent slavery. The illusion that there’s any freedom at all in this system will be gone. “[The central banks] are the enemy. They are public enemy number one,” he added. They will stop at nothing to make sure humans are fully controlled tax cattle.

Raising interest rates at the Fed’s monetary policy meeting next week could add to the financial pressure facing the banking system, in part by further depressing the value of the bonds that banks are sitting on, CNN further reported.  But Hoenig, who led the Kansas City Fed during the 2008 financial crisis, urged the Fed to keep hiking rates because inflation hasn’t gone away.

“It says to the world inflation is still the problem,” said Hoenig, who is now a distinguished senior fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University in Virginia. “Get inflation down. Then you can have a long period of stability, hopefully. If you don’t get inflation down, you get a long period of instability.”

The central banks are doing nothing but navigating an agenda that they’ve had in place for over a century. The goal is a central bank digital currency or CBDC which they will use to make sure the slaves stay in line and have a hard time breaking free from.

Rulers Prepare To Take Control: CBDCs Inbound

“This whole thing is going to get a lot worse,” said Mannarino in a video posted today.

Source: SHTFplan

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Αποκάλυψη για Τέμπη: «Ο σταθμός Λάρισας έχει τηλεδιοίκηση, ο σταθμάρχης δεν ήξερε να τη χειριστεί»

Αποκάλυψη για Τέμπη: «Ο σταθμός Λάρισας έχει τηλεδιοίκηση, ο σταθμάρχης δεν ήξερε να τη χειριστεί»

Νέα αποκαλυπτικά στοιχεία που ρίχνουν φως στη μαύρη νύχτα της τραγωδίας με τα τρένα στα Τέμπη περιείχε το «μαύρο κουτί» της τηλεδιοίκησης το οποίο λειτουργεί στον σταθμό της Λάρισας.

Σύμφωνα με ρεπορτάζ της «Καθημερινής της Κυριακής», ο 59χρονος προφυλακισμένος σταθμάρχης Λάρισας δεν γνώριζε ή επέλεξε να μη χρησιμοποιήσει το σύστημα τηλεδιοίκησης που εδώ και μερικούς μήνες έχει εγκατασταθεί και λειτουργεί στον σταθμό Λάρισας, ενώ οι δύο εμπειρότεροι συνάδελφοί του εγκατέλειψαν νωρίτερα από το προβλεπόμενο ωράριο το πόστο τους, αφήνοντάς τον μόνο.

Όπως αποκαλύπτει η «Καθημερινή», για τη χάραξη της διαδρομής ο μοιραίος σταθμάρχης βασίστηκε στον παλιό πίνακα ελέγχου, με συνέπεια να ξεχάσει σε λάθος θέση ένα από τα κλειδιά και να στείλει την αμαξοστοιχία Intercity 62 στο ρεύμα καθόδου, όπου όμως κινούνταν με αντίθετη πορεία η εμπορική αμαξοστοιχία. Περίπου μία ώρα μετά, τα τρένα συγκρούστηκαν.

Αυτό αποτυπώνεται στον πίνακα καταγραφής συμβάντων, όπου φαίνονται όλες οι εντολές που έχουν δώσει οι δύο σταθμάρχες -λίγο πριν τις 10 το βράδυ της 28ης Φεβρουαρίου- στο αυτοματοποιημένο σύστημα ηλεκτρονικής χάραξης διαδρομής. Ωστόσο, μετά τις 10, αμφότεροι αποχώρησαν από τη θέση τους, αφήνοντας μόνο του τον 59χρονο σταθμάρχη, ο οποίος χρησιμοποίησε τον παλιό πίνακα ελέγχου, με αποτέλεσμα το σύστημα να είναι «νεκρό» μετά τις 10.12 μ.μ.

Στο δημοσίευμα αναφέρεται ότι η Λάρισα είναι ένας από τους συνολικά 36 σταθμούς όπου ήδη λειτουργεί το σύστημα τηλεδιοίκησης. Μάλιστα, το σύστημα στην περιοχή έχει εμβέλεια 5,5 χιλιομέτρων από τον σταθμό προς το σημείο της τραγωδίας, απόσταση εντός της οποίας το σύστημα προειδοποιεί στην περίπτωση λάθους.

Τι έχει καταγραφεί στο «μαύρο κουτί»

Στο «μαύρο κουτί» της τηλεδιοίκησης καταγράφονται όλες οι κινήσεις των σταθμαρχών από τις 9.50 μ.μ. της 28ης Φεβρουαρίου έως και τις 2.39 π.μ. της επόμενης μέρας.

Ενδεικτικά, στον πίνακα συμβάντων αναφέρεται ότι από 21.50.36 έως 21.51.15 ο σταθμάρχης μέσω του συστήματος τηλεδιοίκησης προέβη σε χειρισμούς για τη «διέλευση συρμού με χάραξη προς Θεσσαλονίκη». Στο διάστημα μεταξύ 21.50.49 έως 22.07.05 το σύστημα έχει καταγράψει «χάραξη διαδρομής από το Φωτόσημο 2, είσοδο της Λάρισας». Μέχρι τις 22.12.50 μεσολαβούν ακόμα τρεις χειρισμοί στο αυτοματοποιημένο σύστημα.

Διόρθωσαν με μπλάνκο το βιβλίο παράδοσης-παραλαβής

Ο σταθμάρχης και ο -υπεύθυνος για τις βάρδιες- επιθεωρητής κατέθεσαν ότι οι δύο αρχαιότεροι σταθμάρχες αποχώρησαν πριν από τη λήξη της βάρδιας τους στις 11 μ.μ. Πρόσθεσε, μάλιστα, πως μετά το δυστύχημα είδε το βιβλίο παράδοσης-παραλαβής που βρίσκεται στο γραφείο του σταθμάρχη να έχει διορθωθεί με μπλάνκο.

Η απουσία των δύο αρχαιότερων συναδέλφων του και η εγκατάλειψη του αυτοματοποιημένου συστήματος χάραξης διαδρομής «φαίνεται» και στο μαύρο κουτί της τηλεδιοίκησης του σταθμού. Κι αυτό γιατί μετά τις 10.12 μ.μ. δεν καταγράφεται κανένας χειρισμός, με τον 59χρονο να προσπαθεί να συντονίσει τις κινήσεις των συρμών μέσω του παλιού πίνακα ελέγχου.

«Η τηλεδιοίκηση επαναλειτούργησε περίπου μία ώρα μετά το δυστύχημα, στις 1.39 μ.μ., όταν τα στελέχη του ΟΣΕ θέλησαν να ελέγξουν εάν η σύγκρουση των τρένων επήλθε συνεπεία βλάβης του συστήματος τηλεδιοίκησης ή από λάθος του σταθμάρχη», τονίζεται στο δημοσίευμα.



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Hard Questions for Pierre Poilievre


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March 14, 2023

Ο Ενιαίος Κυβερνητισμός σκοτώνει επί 50 χρόνια Μεταπολίτευσης

Mar 14, 2023


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CARPAY and NEILSON: Let's not forget, three years after the lockdowns began... what we went through and at what cost

CARPAY and NEILSON: Let's not forget, three years after the lockdowns began... what we went through and at what cost

Lockdowns, vaccine passports, travel restrictions, and other violations of Charter rights and freedoms — imposed three years ago in mid-March of 2020 — may have receded into the memories of most Canadians. But their harmful economic, social, mental and physical harms will remain with us for years.

The west coast continues to be marked by unprecedented rates of addiction and overdoses. Violent crime rates have risen in Vancouver, Winnipeg, Edmonton, and other Canadian cities. More Canadians than ever before are contemplating the decision to end their own lives.

Three years ago, Canadians were enjoying the final days of pre-lockdown life. Only the Canadians who frequented the World or Global Affairs sections of their newspapers were aware of the curious epidemiological events unfolding in Italy and China — both comfortably distant from Vancouver, Calgary and Toronto. What we did not know was that each of us were enjoying “the last time” — the last time meeting with colleagues, hitting the gym before dinner, sharing a meal with friends and family, or attending a house of worship. Many were enjoying the last time they would make ends meet, have a family or make the decision to avoid destructive substances.

In March of 2020, for the last time, Canadians would be permitted to enjoy the kinds of social, economic and medical structures that had been necessary for the enjoyment of mental health and wellbeing. Three years ago, Canadians began to encounter the installation of some of the most stringent and oppressive non-pharmaceutical interventions in the world.

These interventions were not a weekend’s inconvenience or a temporary intrusion. They were a many-years-long experiment on just how many social, physical, and financial supports could be kicked out from beneath human beings while making them believe that it was in their best interest to live vulnerably and alone.

With more of the pandemic behind us than before us, we have a chance to regard lockdowns, vaccine passports, and travel restrictions as an object of historical analysis and not just as a lived experience. We are, sadly, forgetting that lived experience, or we are being encouraged to forget it.

Canadian governments and their government-funded legacy media organizations are quietly reframing our lived experiences; we are being asked to gloss over the immense human suffering that was caused by a new, radical experiment in government interventions, and the most vulnerable are the ones who stand to lose the most thereby. We are forgetting, or we are being made to forget.

Why remember the study that found, during the fall of 2020, that 58 percent of Canadians aged 18-29 reported having unmet mental health needs, with higher incidence rates being reported by men, those who had lost income due to pandemic restrictions, those living in rural areas and those who had experienced ethno-racial discrimination?

Specific marginalized and vulnerable social groups experienced disproportionate mental health and socio-economic impacts from lockdown restrictions, including those with pre-existing mental health disorders and disabilities, homeless people, those at risk of domestic violence or addiction, low-income families, and minority groups, such as First Nations and immigrant communities, according to another study. Forty percent of those with disabilities or chronic health conditions reported increased anxiety and stress, according to another study.

Why remember the study that showed that different classes of Canadians experienced pandemic restrictions differently?

Some benefited from the disruption to their normal routines, spending more time with family and even gaining financially; other groups suffered disproportionately, especially racial and ethnic minorities, the unemployed, those experiencing family conflict, truckers and other essential workers, and those with pre-existing disabilities and mental health conditions.

Politicians, teachers, social workers and government employees (federal, provincial, municipal) did not face a loss of livelihood, let alone bankruptcy or the loss of life savings that were wrapped up in small businesses. The “laptop class” of lawyers, judges, accountants, and academics were also shielded from financial hardships.

Why remember the study that found that 44 percent of parents with children under 18 reported worse mental health due to pandemic restrictions, with increased alcohol consumption, suicidal thoughts, feelings of vulnerability from physical/emotional domestic violence, and inter-family conflict.

Why recall the study that showed that 65 percent of children in Toronto during the first pandemic wave experienced deterioration in at least one mental health domain. Those suffering from depression rose from 37 percent to 56 percent; anxiety rose from 31 percent to 50 percent; irritability rose from 40 percent to 66 percent; attention problems rose from 40 percent to 56 percent; hyperactivity more than doubled from 23 percent to 56 percent; and obsessions/compulsions increased from 13 percent to 30 percent.

Governments are not in the business of remembering their shortcomings, especially when those shortcomings most impacted the vulnerable and oppressed. Neither are government-funded “mainstream” media organizations. Marsha Lederman and Erin Anderssen write in the Globe and Mail that, according to a new study from the British Medical Journal, government responses to Covid did not have a big impact on the mental health of most people.

Reflecting on her own mental health experiences throughout the pandemic, Lederman writes, “I actually told a friend last week that there were things I missed about that time: Not being overscheduled, not rushing home for work in a panic trying to figure out dinner, spending nearly 24/7 with my kid and cat.”

Of course, neither Anderssen nor Lederman point out that the analysis they cite qualifies findings with the following: “There were few robust studies with vulnerable groups, however, and it is possible that some population groups experience mental health issues that differ from those of the general population or from other groups.” If the study had included an analysis of how government intervention measures had impacted vulnerable Canadians, it might have found that most vulnerable Canadians were under-scheduled, had no work from which to rush home, or had no quiet and peaceful family life to enjoy.

While Canadians are being told by the likes of Anderssen, Lederman, and their governments that mental health was, after all, “no big deal” during the pandemic, Canadian provinces are now spending more on mental health services than ever before, are requesting mental health services for children and youths more than ever before, and are burying more of our young than ever before.

Hindsight doesn’t have to be 20/20. An accurate and informed understanding of our own history is not the prize of “being” or of “turning around one’s neck.” We must choose to really see the suffering in the world, and we must determine to make the future different for them and with them.

Our history should not be written by those who saw none of the suffering in it.



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First published on March 13th, 2023.




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