February 20, 2023

Το ρήγμα «τέρας» της Λευκάδας: Μπορεί να προκαλέσει μεγάλους σεισμούς (Video)

Το ρήγμα «τέρας» της Λευκάδας: Μπορεί να προκαλέσει μεγάλους σεισμούς (Video)

Εικόνες που κόβουν την ανάσα πάνω από το ενεργό ρήγμα του Αγίου Νικήτα – Αθανίου, στη Λευκάδα

Το ρήγμα είναι το «τέρας» του Ιονίου, το οποίο κόβει το Πέλαγος στη μέση, καθώς εκτείνεται από τη Λευκάδα έως την Κεφαλλονιά και τα δυτικά της Ζακύνθου.

Στις εντυπωσιακές εικόνες από την πτήση με drone του Up Stories σε συνεργασία με τον Βαγγέλη Τσάκαλο @Above_View φαίνεται πως το ρήγμα, λόγω των παλαιότερων σεισμών έχει «καταπιεί» ολόκληρα βουνά.

Πρόκειται για ένα από τα πιο επικίνδυνα ενεργά ρήγματα της χώρας μας καθώς μπορεί να προκαλέσει σεισμούς άνω τον 7 Ρίχτερ με ολέθριες συνέπειες.

Το ρήγμα αυτό βρίσκεται σε απόσταση λίγων εκατοντάδων μέτρων από την δυτική ακτογραμμή και είναι ορατό από τον όρμο του Αγίου Νικήτα μέχρι και νότια από το χωριό Αθάνι, τέμνοντας τους ασβεστόλιθους και δολομίτες της περιοχής. Έχει διεύθυνση ΒΒΑ-ΝΝ∆ και ανατολική κλίση.

Το ίχνος του ρήγματος, καλά εκφρασμένο στην μορφολογία της περιοχής ακολουθείται για ένα μήκος 17 km. Το βορειότερο τμήμα του, στη δυτική πλευρά του οικισμού του Αγ. Νικήτα, συμπίπτει με το ανατολικό πρανές του λόφου Μεγάλη Ράχη και μπροστά του αναπτύσσεται το μικρό επίμηκες βύθισμα του Αγίου Νικήτα.

Το συμπέρασμα της επιστημονικής μελέτης των Ροντογιάννη – Τσιαμπάου

Η μελέτη των ρηγμάτων στο νησί της Λευκάδας και η αξιολόγηση των επιπτώσεων των παλαιότερων ισχυρών σεισμών καθώς και του σεισμού του 2003, έδειξε ότι ως σημαντικότερο ενεργό ρήγμα μπορεί να θεωρηθεί το δεξιόστροφο ρήγμα οριζόντιας ολίσθησης Αγίου Νικήτα – Αθανίου, το οποίο έχει διεύθυνση ΒΒΑ-ΝΝ∆, παράλληλη σχεδόν με τη δυτική ακτογραμμή.

Το ρήγμα αυτό έχει παρόμοια γεωμετρικά και δυναμικά χαρακτηριστικά με το υποθαλάσσιο ρήγμα Κεφαλονιάς-Λευκάδας, το οποίο βρίσκεται σε απόσταση μερικών χιλιομέτρων από τις απότομες ακτές, η διαμόρφωση των οποίων δεν συνδέεται με την ύπαρξη κανονικού ρήγματος, αλλά με την τεκτονική ανύψωση της ξηράς, ως αποτέλεσμα της συμπίεσης που επικρατεί στην περιοχή και επακόλουθα φαινόμενα βαρύτητας.

Μέσα στο συγκεκριμένο σεισμοτεκτονικό περιβάλλον αξιοσημείωτο είναι το γεγονός της μη επιφανειακής ανάδρασης του ρήγματος Αγίου Νικήτα – Αθανίου, παρά την τόσο έντονη μορφοτεκτονική του παρουσία και την καταγραφή πολλών σεισμικών επικέντρων κατά μήκος του, γεγονός που πιθανώς να οφείλεται σε μεγάλη περίοδο επανάληψης της δράσης του. Εν τούτοις, η περιοχή του ρήγματος αυτού συνδέεται, σχεδόν σε όλους τους σεισμούς, με αυξημένες καταστροφές στο δομημένο και φυσικό περιβάλλον καθώς και υψηλού βαθμού σεισμικές εντάσεις.





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END OF AMERICAN SOVEREIGNTY: Biden Regime Negotiates “Legally Binding” Deal To Give Chinese-Backed World Health Organization Full Authority Over US Pandemic Policies – No Senate Approval Needed

END OF AMERICAN SOVEREIGNTY: Biden Regime Negotiates “Legally Binding” Deal To Give Chinese-Backed World Health Organization Full Authority Over US Pandemic Policies – No Senate Approval Needed

The Biden Regime never fails to orchestrate an avenue to circumvent the U.S. Constitution and betray the American people. A bombshell report from the Epoch Times Saturday reveals the Regime is about to surrender America’s sovereignty to the World Health Organization (WHO) and give them full control over future pandemic policy.

The Gateway Pundit has reported extensively on these negotiations between the Regime and the WHO over the past year.

TGP’s Alicia Powe, for example, exclusively revealed that Biden’s Health and Human Service Department secretly submitted proposed amendments, “Strengthen WHO preparedness for and response to health emergencies,” to the WHO to reform International Health Regulations of 2005, an existing health treaty.

The amendments delegate the international body of unelected bureaucrats more authority to define what constitutes a pandemic, when a pandemic is in progress, how long a pandemic lasts and how “to prevent, detect and respond to future public health emergencies of international concern,” ultimately delegating the WHO total authority over emergency operations in the U.S. during a “public health emergency.”

TGP’s Julian Conradson also reported there is a plan for a mandatory, universal digital passport and ID system.

The WHO’s Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) has scheduled a meeting for Feb. 27 so members can work out the final terms and sign.

Once America officially signs on to this agreement, we will be completely at the mercy of the globalist organization which helped the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) cover up the original COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan.

Negotiations between Biden Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra and WHO head Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus spawned what is called a “zero draft” of a pandemic treaty. The draft was published on Feb. 1 and now needs ratification from all 194 WHO member states.

The zero draft gives the WHO the power to declare and manage a global pandemic emergency. Once a health emergency is declared every signatory, including the United States, must submit to the authority of the WHO. This includes caving to them on treatments, lockdowns and vaccine mandates along with government surveillance.

Link to draft:

WHO Zero Draft

Thanks to the CCP and the WHO, the virus went on spread across the world and kill millions of innocent people. Over one million Americans alone have died from COVID.

Even more chillingly, the Biden regime does not feel they need to submit this agreement for Senate approval because they are not calling it an official treaty despite it having the full force of one. Common sense tells us this is an unconstitutional maneuver but the Obama regime skated by on the original Iran Deal using similar legal reasoning.

Counting on the federal courts to save us may prove foolhardy as well, despite them being somewhat right-leaning. The Epoch Times reminds us there are Supreme Court cases where previous administrations have prevailed in similar circumstances.

The first is the State of Missouri v. Holland, where the Supreme Court ruled that treaties supersede state laws. The second decision, United States v. Belmont, ruled that executive agreements without Senate consent can be legally binding, with the force of treaties.

We also have Supreme Court Justices nominated by Republicans who are not reliably conservative. We cannot count their willingness to break precedent and uphold the Constitution.

The Epoch Times reported:

The Biden administration is preparing to sign up the United States to a “legally binding” accord with the World Health Organization (WHO) that would give this Geneva-based UN subsidiary the authority to dictate America’s policies during a pandemic.

Despite widespread criticism of the WHO’s response to the COVID pandemic, U.S. Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra joined with WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus in September 2022 to announce “the U.S.-WHO Strategic Dialogue.” Together, they developed a “platform to maximize the longstanding U.S. government-WHO partnership, and to protect and promote the health of all people around the globe, including the American people.”

These discussions and others spawned the “zero draft” of a pandemic treaty, published on Feb. 1, which now seeks ratification by all 194 WHO member states. A meeting of the WHO’s Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) is scheduled for Feb. 27 to work out the final terms, which all members will then sign.

Written under the banner of “the world together equitably,” the zero draft grants the WHO the power to declare and manage a global pandemic emergency. Once a health emergency is declared, all signatories, including the United States, would submit to the authority of the WHO regarding treatments, government regulations such as lockdowns and vaccine mandates, global supply chains, and monitoring and surveillance of populations.

The WHO pandemic treaty is part of a two-track effort, coinciding with an initiative by the World Health Assembly (WHA) to create new global pandemic regulations that would also supersede the laws of member states. The WHA is the rule-making body of the WHO, comprised of representatives from the member states.

“Both [initiatives] are fatally dangerous,” Francis Boyle, professor of international law at Illinois University, told The Epoch Times. “Either one or both would set up a worldwide medical police state under the control of the WHO, and in particular WHO Director-General Tedros. If either one or both of these go through, Tedros or his successor will be able to issue orders that will go all the way down the pipe to your primary care physicians.”

A key question surrounding the accord is whether the Biden administration can bind America to treaties and agreements without the consent of the U.S. Senate, which is required under the Constitution. The zero draft concedes that, per international law, treaties between countries must be ratified by national legislatures, thus respecting the right of their citizens to consent. However, the draft also includes a clause that the accord will go into effect on a “provisional” basis, as soon as it is signed by delegates to the WHO, and therefore it will be legally binding on members without being ratified by legislatures.

There are several U.S. Supreme Court decisions that may support the Biden administration in this. They include State of Missouri v. Holland, in which the Supreme Court ruled that treaties supersede state laws. Other decisions, such as United States v. Belmont, ruled that executive agreements without Senate consent can be legally binding, with the force of treaties.

The WHO, the U.S. Health and Human Services Department, and the World Bank were contacted regarding this article but did not provide a response.

Assuming the Regime finalizes this agreement, our liberties will completely evaporate when the next pandemic happens and countless Americans will perish in the process. Any member of Congress who does not move to impeach Biden over this is abrogating their constitutional duty.

America-A Nation Unprepared! ( January 2009 )

 image by Salon.com

America-A Nation Unprepared!

 January  2009  

Last Trumpet Ministries 


America-A Nation Unprepared!

In this issue of the Last Trumpet Newsletter, we will look with spiritual eyes at an amazing sight. 

The once great United States of America has become a nation in desperate trouble, not only among all the other nations but also with Almighty God. Gross sin, graft, corruption, deception, and every form of evil have taken root in every enterprise and endeavor, and there is no soundness left in the institutions of government, banking, commerce, education, and religion. 

We are a nation totally unprepared for the future, including the ambiguous change promised by Barack Hussein Obama. More urgently, this nation is totally unprepared to meet Almighty God, who will soon come forth with final judgment!

There was a time, not that long ago, when the United States of America was the crown jewel of the world. Immediately after World War II, the United States contained only six percent of the world's population, but controlled eighty-five percent of the world's wealth! What happened? How could a nation that had become so great fall to the depths of poverty and bankruptcy that it is now in? The answer is simple: evil and conspiratorial forces in high places wanted it to happen and gained the power to make it happen. We must remember the words of the late President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, an illuminist and 32nd degree Freemason, who said, "If it happens, you can bet that we planned it that way."

The ultimate objective of the conspirators is one-world government, which is only possible with a one-world money system. The current money systems of the world, especially the economy of the United States, must be sabotaged to supply the excuse to implement a new economic system of cashless, computerized commerce and exchange. 

Meanwhile, wars and commotions continue to reshape the international order while people are held in check by fear of terrorism and dare not raise a voice against the prevailing powers of satanic governance, which oversees the entire operation. Our current conditions are not by accident, nor are they by chance!

None of the above is a surprise to Almighty God. He foretold this through many of His prophets long ago. The powers of antichrist are hard and fast at work to bring forth the mark of the beast, which will demand total subservience to Satan himself. This is the change that Barack Hussein Obama is talking about, and it is nigh upon us. 

Large numbers of people are now throwing their hands up and saying what can I do? There is something you can and must do! First of all, if you do not personally know the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour, surrender you life to Him now in sincere prayer. He will hear you and prepare your heart to meet Him when He returns to this earth. Do it now before it is too late! Then, watch and pray and be vocal to others about what is happening, why it is happening, and what is soon to come! Even if only one person speaks out and declares the truth, then that thought lives. God will bless you and you will become very close to the Lord Jesus Christ!



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February 19, 2023

Barry Cooper, Marco Navarro-Genie discuss new book "Canada's COVID" on pandemic moral panic

Barry Cooper, Marco Navarro-Genie discuss new book "Canada's COVID" on pandemic moral panic

Feb. 19, 2023



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On Friday's episode of The Ezra Levant Show, guest host Sheila Gunn Reid was joined by Barry Cooper and Marco Navarro-Genie to discuss the new expanded version of their book, Canada's COVID: The Story of a Pandemic Moral Panic. Cooper and Navarro-Genie discussed how they came to write the first edition of the book during the initial panic over the coronavirus pandemic. Fears of the virus were at such a high that the pandemic was being compared to the Spanish Flu of 1918, with the implication that people would be dying in the streets as they were one hundred years ago. "It pretty quickly became evident that the story that was being peddled through the media and the actual reality were completely different," says Navarro-Genie.

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