The White House Continues UFO Mockery to Avoid the Serious News 'We are still doing our best to recover debris'
The White House did not provide further details about the objects shot down in North American airspace in recent days , apparently to keep the issue current, saying that the conditions for finding the objects are difficult ... it said only that they were not known fighters or other flying objects and clarified (once again) that the 4 UFOs shot down by F-22s had nothing to do with China's spy balloon.
John Kirby, a spokesman for the White House National Security Council, further argued that the unidentified objects shot down in Alaska, the Yukon and Lake Huron were not linked to espionage efforts, unlike the high-altitude balloon that was shot down earlier this month over from the Atlantic Ocean.
He added, “I want to warn that we did not find the wreckage. We're still doing the best we can with the observations made by the pilots, with the flight profile data we've tried to collect."
Efforts to recover debris from the objects have been hampered by "pretty difficult conditions," including Arctic weather in Alaska, wilderness in the Yukon Territory, and geographic challenges around Lake Huron.
"Pretty tough weather, let alone geographically, just tough time of year," Kirby said. For example, temperatures in Deadhorse, Alaska, where an object was shot down last week, reached minus 30 degrees F on Tuesday.
Kirby warned reporters that "it may be some time before we locate the wreckage..." and said Lake Huron is deep. Weather conditions near where the balloon crashed there are also bad, he noted.
"We're taking this day by day and doing our best to try to locate the wreckage and then develop a plan to recover it," he said.
So far, President Joe Biden and other top federal officials have said little about the multiple shootdowns, which began with a suspected Chinese spy balloon earlier this month. Three more unidentified objects were shot down, with the last over Lake Huron on Sunday. Pentagon officials have said they do not pose a security threat, but have not disclosed their origin or purpose.
White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre responded to an allegation arising from the balloon saga.
"I know there have been questions and concerns about this, but there is still no indication of extraterrestrial activity with these recent disasters," Jean-Pierre told reporters. "I wanted to make sure the American people knew that, you all knew that, and it was important for us to say that from here because we've been hearing a lot about it."
Earlier Tuesday, Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said at a news conference Tuesday that the first F-16 missile fired at the object over Lake Huron had missed. The second hit, he said.
The first Sidewinder missile "landed safely in the water of Lake Huron," Milley told reporters in Brussels. "We are very careful to make sure that this footage is actually safe," he added.
The top general noted that the US military also went to "great lengths" to ensure that missile strikes over US soil did not endanger civilians or property.

"When the takedown occurred, all of the debris fell into Lake Huron, so there was no damage to property or life," Rep. Jack Bergman (R-Mich.) said in a statement this week. On Sunday, Bergman told Fox News that the object was "octagonal" in shape.
US General Glenn Van Herk, asked if it was possible the objects were extraterrestrials, said: “I have not ruled anything out at this time. I'm not going to categorize them as balloons. We still call them unknown objects…”.
Meanwhile, off the coast of South Carolina where the Chinese balloon was shot down, crews were able to recover significant debris from the site, according to a statement Tuesday from NORAD and the US Northern Command. The statement said crews have recovered "all priority sensors and electronic components located as well as large parts of the structure."
On Friday, the North American Aerospace Defense Command, the joint US-Canada organization known as NORAD that provides joint defense of the airspace over the two nations, detected and shot down an object near sparsely populated Deadhorse, Alaska.
Later that night, NORAD spotted a second object flying at a high altitude over Alaska, US officials said. It crossed into Canadian airspace on Saturday and was over the Yukon, a remote region, when it was ordered to be shot down by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
The hype about UFOs over the US and Canada is needed to distract journalists from investigating the North Streams explosions or US budget issues,” Snowden wrote on Twitter .
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