February 02, 2023

Οι άνθρωποι πρέπει να αρχίσουν να προετοιμάζονται για αυτό που έρχεται.

Οι άνθρωποι πρέπει να αρχίσουν να προετοιμάζονται για αυτό που έρχεται.

Οι άνθρωποι πρέπει να αρχίσουν να προετοιμάζονται για αυτό που έρχεται. Αν απλώς ακούτε τα mainstream media ΜΜΕ τα τελευταία χρόνια και δεν έχετε μπει στον κόπο να ψάξετε αλλού για πληροφορίες, πιθανότατα αντιμετωπίζετε το σοκ της ζωής σας.

Για όσους προσέχουν, η κατεύθυνση που ακολουθούμε είναι πλέον ξεκάθαρη και τα γεγονότα αυξάνονται τρέχουν με ιλιγγιώδη ταχύτητα μέρα με τη μέρα. Η Αλήθεια θα γίνει γνωστή και από αυτές τις αλήθειες θα πέσουν οι κυβερνήσεις και οι θεσμοί που κάποτε εμπιστεύονταν.

Αυτοί που επέτρεψαν το μεγαλύτερο έγκλημα κατά της ανθρωπότητας που διαπράχθηκε ποτέ κατά της ανθρωπότητας αντιμετωπίζουν τη θανατική ποινή ή τη ισόβια κάθειρξη για μια λεγόμενη προμελετημένη πανδημία. Αυτό θα γίνει μέσω διεθνών στρατιωτικών δικαστηρίων. Για όσους γνωρίζουν την ιστορία, θα θυμάστε τη Νυρεμβέργη και τις δίκες των Ναζί και των συνωμοτών τους. Θα συμβεί ξανά, αλλά σε μια κλίμακα πολύ μεγαλύτερη από ό,τι φαντάζεστε, και αυτή τη φορά δεν θα έχει ως αποτέλεσμα ορισμένοι να ξεφύγουν από τα εγκλήματά τους.

Δεν θα υπάρξει αμνηστία και καμία συμφωνία.

Ο κόσμος δέχεται επίθεση για δεκαετίες, αλλά στην πραγματικότητα συνεχίζεται εδώ και χιλιάδες χρόνια. Η παγκοσμιοποίηση βρίσκεται στο τέλος της. Έχετε προγραμματιστεί ψυχολογικά για γενιές να πιστεύετε τη διπροσωπία και τα ψέματά τους. Αυτοί είναι πολύ υπολογισμένοι, πολύ έξυπνοι, τεχνοκράτες κοινωνικοί μηχανικοί και χρησιμοποιούν την αποκρυφιστική γνώση για να προωθήσουν τους στόχους τους και να κάνουν πλύση εγκεφάλου στον παγκόσμιο πληθυσμό.

Εκεί που κάποτε διαμαρτυρήθηκαν για να σταματήσουν τους πολέμους, τώρα φέρουν σημαίες της Ουκρανίας και απαιτούν όλο και περισσότερους εξοπλισμούς για να παρατείνουν έναν ανατριχιαστικό πόλεμο που ξεκίνησε από τη Δύση και διεξάγεται από το ναζιστικό τάγμα Azov, των ΗΠΑ, και της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης.

Εκεί που κάποτε διαμαρτυρηθήκατε για την ιατρική ελευθερία και ένα καλό σύστημα υγειονομικής περίθαλψης, τώρα σηκώνεστε και επιτρέπετε σε μια κυβέρνηση να σας επιβάλει ένα επικίνδυνο, μη δοκιμασμένο φάρμακο- εμβόλιο από φόβο μήπως χάσετε τις θεόδοτες ελευθερίες σας. Επιτρέψατε στα παιδιά σας να το κάνουν αυτό.

Εκεί που κάποτε πολεμούσατε για καλύτερα εκπαιδευτικά συστήματα, τώρα τους επιτρέπετε να κλείνουν σχολεία κατά βούληση και να απομονώνουν τα παιδιά σας πίσω από “συρματοπλέγματα”.

Εκεί που κάποτε σας αηδίαζε η παιδεραστία, τώρα καθίστε αναπαυτικά και μην κάνετε τίποτα όταν αντιπαθητικά πρακτορεία μοντέλων όπως η Balenciaga εκτίθενται για τις αποκρουστικές φωτογραφίες μικρών παιδιών με δεσμά. Τι κάνατε όταν πιάστηκε ο Έπσταϊν, μιλήσατε;

Ήρθε η ώρα να βγάλετε το κεφάλι σας από την άμμο, να σταματήσετε να ζείτε σε μια φούσκα που πιστεύετε ότι θα σας προστατεύσει, και να αντιμετωπίσετε την πραγματικότητα κατάματα προτού η πραγματικότητα σας χτυπήσει στα μούτρα. Γιατί η αλήθεια είναι ότι όσοι συνεχίζουν να μένουν ανίδεοι θα παλεύουν πάρα πολύ όσο περνούν οι μήνες.






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I CAN'T STOP LAUGHING 😆 Justin Trudeau TRASHES other Liberals & Parliament erupts in LAUGHTER.



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Canadian senator draws chilling parallels between Bill C-11 and totalitarian regimes

 Canadian senator draws chilling parallels between Bill C-11 and totalitarian regimes

Like Stalin's Pravda or Hitler's book burning, the sweeping censorship bill has been widely ridiculed by critics as an Orwellian piece of legislation —and a Liberal-appointed senator agrees.

By   February 02, 2023

At least one Canadian senator is drawing chilling historical parallels and similarities between censorship legislation being introduced by the Liberals and what is seen in totalitarian regimes.

It’s coming in the form of Bill C-11, a piece of legislation brought forward by the federal Liberal government that would mean sweeping regulation of internet content and censorship by the Canadian Radio-Television Corporation (CRTC).

As the first of its kind in Canada, Bill C-11 An Act to Amend the Broadcasting Act, has been widely criticized as an Orwellian attempt to control the content Canadians can produce and access online. Yet it passed in the House of Commons and has now made its way to the third reading at the Canadian senate – where the only hope of squashing it is by appealing to unelected and primarily liberal-appointed senators.

This seemed hopeless, until Liberal-appointed Senator David Richards drew a chilling comparison:

“In Germany, it was called the Ministry of National Enlightenment,” he said during the third reading.

This reference draws parallels to the Reich Ministry for Propaganda and Public Enlightenment which controlled film, radio, theatre, and the press during Hitler’s reign in Nazi Germany.

Hitler utilized mass media to propagate his radical ideologies and political goals while his faithful followers burned books to ensure the purity of the state.

“Stalin again will be looking over our shoulder when we write,” furthered Canadian Senator Richards, drawing additional similarities between this bill and dictatorships.

Stalin took control of the notorious Russian publication Pravda (meaning truth), and used it as a powerful tool that eventually became the official mouthpiece of the Soviet Union and Stalin’s own dogmas.

The official ideologies of these regimes had this glaring commonality – censorship and control of all printed and produced communication with the public.

Senator Richards continued with his unsettling parallels, stating that he thinks the bill is “censorship being bundled up and sold to the public as ‘national inclusion,’” before further criticizing the legislation for “creating compliance instead of greatness,” even referring to the dystopian writings of George Orwell directly.

“Orwell said that we must resist the prison of self-censorship. This bill goes a long way to construct such a prison.”

The totalitarian society described in 1984 uses a superstate party-approved version of English referred to as “NEWSPEAK” to quell complex thought and manipulate its citizens into robotic interactions. One infamous word is the term thoughtcrime which defines any belief that questions the ruling party as a crime.

It’s exactly what appears to be currently happening to any remaining intellectual free thinker in Western society over the last decade or so – arguably prior – but has especially intensified under the COVID-19 regime.

There are medical professionals being silenced and threatened into self-censorship by their regulators like the countless doctors suspended by the College of Physicians and Surgeons for simply upholding their oath of 'First, Do No Harm,' and providing their patients with true informed consent in the wake of the novel pharmaceutical emergency use of drugs.

Or consider free-speech advocate, psychologist, author, speaker, and academic Jordan Peterson, who is facing an onslaught of censorship mobs, and has most recently received an order from his regulator, the College of Psychologists of Ontario, in a disturbing attempt to re-educate him.

It’s a slippery slope and we’re already on it.

Will Canadian senators squash Bill C-11 as we continue on this downward spiral into an oppressive censorship abyss?






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Thailand drops a BOMBSHELL on @p$izer , and they're PISSED! The narrative is collapsing!

Thailand drops a BOMBSHELL on @p$izer, and they're PISSED! The narrative is collapsing!

The Pfizer Documents They Wanted to Keep Hidden for 75 Years Reveal Unimaginable Atrocities Against Babies & Children

The Pfizer Documents They Wanted to Keep Hidden for 75 Years Reveal Unimaginable Atrocities Against Babies & Children

Feb. 2, 2023



The Vigilant Fox

132 adverse events were reported in the 34 children, an average of 3.88 AEs per child.

Dr. Naomi Wolf: "This could be the reason (why they keep doubling down). All of these people know these kids are in here."

Full Video: https://rumble.com/v2812lk-dr-wolf-ai-at-war-against-humanity-genocidal-pfizer-vaccines-against-childr.html



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The US House "ended" the state of emergency for the Covid-19!

The US House "ended" the state of emergency for the Covid-19!

The US House has "ended" the state of emergency for Covid-19! Republican lawmakers voted to end the emergency as of now, even though Biden had set the "expiration" for May.

Despite President Joe Biden's announcement that emergency declarations related to COVID-19 would expire in May , House Republicans voted to end the public health emergency immediately.

In the United States, Republicans who control the House on Tuesday approved a measure to end the public health emergency designation related to COVID-19, despite an announcement a day earlier that President Joe Biden would end emergency declarations in a few months and even throwing the phrase "The state of emergency will end when the Supreme Court says so" but the opposition here and now closed the issue wanting as they said to put an "end to the Covid surveillance state".

In other words, ending the restrictive measures and most importantly the obligation to vaccinate entire groups of workers.

Termination of public health emergency for Covid-19

After a lengthy debate in which lawmakers at times disagreed on key facts about the virus and vaccinations,  Republicans voted as a bloc to end the covid-19 emergency declaration, along with another measure that would end the vaccine requirement for health care workers at some facilities,  as the GOP began leaning on a policy platform related to the pandemic this week, despite dim prospects for legislation in the Senate.

"Today, the Republican majority begins the long process of reversing the policy failures of President Biden and the previous Democratic majority ," Rep. Michael Burgess of Texas said on the House floor Tuesday.  "Abolishing the COVID Surveillance State."

The public health emergency was first enacted by the Trump administration in 2020 and, along with other emergency declarations, gave the federal government broad authority to expand health care services while helping to approve treatments and vaccines for COVID -19 at record speeds.

On Monday, the Biden administration informed Congress that it plans to let the emergency declarations expire on May 11.  But while Democrats and Republicans seemed to agree that the emergency declaration should end, they disagreed on the timing.

Democrats have been adamant that legislation to end the public health emergency was rushed and that additional time would allow for a useful adjustment period. Representative Frank Pallone of New Jersey argued that Biden's timeline would allow the nation to "responsibly" end its COVID-19 programs.

"A pandemic of this magnitude cannot unfold overnight," Pallone said. "We can't flip a switch and make COVID-19 end with the flick of a finger . "

But Republicans argued that Biden's timeline was arbitrary, criticizing the president for claiming earlier this year that the pandemic was over while maintaining emergency declarations.

"Instead of waiting until May 11, the Biden administration should join us now to immediately end this declaration ," said House Majority Leader Steve Scalise of Louisiana.

"House Republicans are making it clear that the days when the Biden administration could hide behind COVID to waste billions of taxpayer dollars on their irrelevant, radical agenda are over."

But the GOP appeared to be facing a sticking point over Title 42, a public health policy that allows border agents to quickly deport immigrants because of the threat of COVID-19.

According to the White House, ending the public health emergency would also end the controversial immigration policy, which the administration has tried to end while Republicans have rallied to continue it.

Even so, Republicans argued that the legislation passed Tuesday would not end Title 42. Democrats were quick to point out a discrepancy in their stance on ending the public health emergency and preventing public-interest immigration. health.

"While my colleagues say there is no need for a public health emergency, they want to keep Title 42 at the border because of the public health emergency implications," said Representative Lou Correa, D-Calif. "If you really believe the pandemic is over, then you can't say Title 42 is still needed at the border because of a health care crisis."

The bill's sponsor, dubbed the Pandemic is Over Act, responded by arguing that "we are not admitting that COVID-19 is over in this country."

"We certainly don't want it coming across our southern border," said GOP Rep. Brett Guthrie of Kentucky.

"So we support keeping Title 42 in place." The bill will now head to the Senate, where it is unlikely to pass the Democratic-led chamber.

After all, everything is done for the eyes of the world.. And for the improvement of people's perceptiveness.. They constantly send messages that normally should make many people think.. And they try, I can say, as "sweetly" as possible to take back issues that have caused enormous pressure in everyday life, with the main aim and purpose of avoiding reactions from the world which could not be controlled..

It is very basic to understand that the first thing to be avoided from the beginning was the uncontrolled reaction of the world, which might even end in bloodshed.

We have said and explained it for at least the last three years, that the truth was not enough just to be told.. We had to live it and see it for ourselves, so that we can accept it and assimilate it.. And that happens in the days us…

They don't appeal to everyone.. They knew from the beginning that not all of us would respond, but a percentage of people would be able to perceive.. They aimed for this percentage from the beginning and I think they succeeded..




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