The corr@pt FDA organization admits: The campaign against ivermectin was non-existent and was done to make people to get the vaccine !
According to the argument put forward by government lawyers during a recent hearing, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) fooled the world into using Ivermectin as a treatment for Covid-19. He now claims that the campaign was done to encourage people to get their fatal shot.
" The reported statements were not instructions. They were not mandatory. It was recommendations…. We have said what we propose the parties to do. We said, for example, why you shouldn't take ivermectin to treat COVID-19 and why the vaccine is better. We didn't say you shouldn't take it. We didn't say it's dangerous or illegal. We also didn't say doctors can't prescribe ivermectin," Isaac Belfer, one of the attorneys, told the court during a Nov. 1 hearing in Texas federal court .
However, the truth is completely different!
In 2021 the FDA produced a mocking article titled “Why you should not use ivermectin to treat or prevent COVID-19 ,” tweeting: “You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Get serious…”
A second Twitter campaign read: “Keep it for your horses. Ivermectin may be trending, but it is still not licensed or approved for the treatment of COVID-19 .”
The FDA had also written an article on the following question on a different page cited by the Times titled: “ COVID-19 and Ivermectin Intended for Animals .” which also prevented us from receiving the treatment.
Back then we wrote an article: FDA has approved ivermectin for HUMAN use since 1996 – the media is deliberately lying
This prescription antiparasitic, which has been used for years in humans but because it is also used in horses, media propaganda has tried to discredit it. The result was that doctors did not prescribe it, pharmacies did not sell it and lives were lost unjustly.
Ivermectin has been hugely successful in treating mild and moderate cases of Covid-19, as well as a preventative but according to research it even helps with the side effects of the vaccine and is also a powerful anti-cancer drug .
Ivermectin was widely used in its early stages and, according to the state of Uttar Pradesh in India, which has more than 200 million people, "Brought deaths down."
Separately, the Indian government has supported a number of studies , many of which were conducted at their flagship public medical university (AIMS).
India even went so far as to sue a WHO scientist for mass murder : They accused her of ignoring the life-saving Ivermectin!
We presented some of these and many other studies on, but at that time the name Ivermectin alone was enough for Ellinika Hoaxes to take down your post, as "dangerous medical misinformation", even referring to the provisions of the FDA, which today in turn he claims that he never did…
The absolute mockery!
Let's not forget that these fraudsters tried to pass laws to punish alternative news because it supposedly puts out fake news and puts people at risk. The reason they probably didn't manage to make such a law is because the "pincer" would finally catch the systemic media that for three years have been driving the world crazy with lies!