Το εύδαιμον το ελεύθερον, το δ’ ελεύθερον το εύψυχον.
– Ευτυχισμένοι είναι οι ελεύθεροι και ελεύθεροι είναι οι γενναίοι. //
// Happy are the free and free are the brave.
Righteous anger! ... A distraught father who lost his 17-year-old son due to a Covid injection delivered a powerful message criticizing Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for failing to warn the people about the potentially lethal dangers of the experimental vaccines.
In a video posted to Twitter Sunday, Canadian dad Dan Hartman addressed recent comments by Trudeau claiming he never insulted members of the Canadian Freedom Convoy earlier this year.
“Yeah, you did!” Hartman told Trudeau, adding that the prime minister should tell vaccine maker Pfizer, “Fuck you, Pfizer. The deal’s off. You’re hurting my people.”
“I know people personally that would maybe forgive you who hate you right now,” the angry dad, who started the hashtag #Answers4Sean, continued to tell Trudeau.
“But no, you just keep pushing it, don’t you? You won’t fucking admit that one single person has died from the vaccine, will ya?! You won’t even tell the truth,” he yelled, adding, “Tell the fucking truth!”
“My boy is dead from your vaccine! Fuck you!” the irate father bellowed before storming off.
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David Menzies reports on a story of horse-related horror, as an awful video recently surfaced online which shows a horse being dragged by a truck. Our Rebel News team went to investigate this story, because aside from the tragic cruelty, something doesn't quite seem to add up.
Visit Rebel News for more on this story ► https://rebelne.ws/3ieLaHF
Rebel News: Telling the other side of the story. https://www.RebelNews.com for more great Rebel content.
A woman in China gives birth standing up outside the maternity ward because she had not taken a covid test !
At a time when China is rocked by a large wave of protest and demonstrations against the government's reckless policy against the coronavirus, a video from Twitter that has seen the light of day and shows a woman giving birth standing up is causing chills!
The background of these scenes is equally shocking. According to reports, the woman gave birth to her child just a few steps away from the entrance of the maternity hospital in Gulan County
The reason for this, according to some sources, is that he did not have time to take the test against the corona virus required to be able to enter! In fact, the woman is helped to give birth by other people who, probably, are not doctors!
From newsbreak.gr
In another video we see the psychopaths in white doing a mandatory Covid anal test on the street...
And Bonus video Dictator Trudeau who follows the same policy, declares his admiration for China...
Γυναίκα στην Κίνα γεννάει όρθια έξω από το μαιευτήριο γιατί δεν είχε κάνει τεστ covid!
Την στιγμή που η Κίνα συγκλονίζεται από ένα μεγάλο κύμα διαμαρτυρίας και διαδηλώσεων εναντίον της άτεγκτης πολιτικής της κυβέρνησης κατά του κορονοϊού, ανατριχίλα προκαλεί ένα βίντεο από το Twitter που είδε το φως της δημοσιότητας και δείχνει μια γυναίκα να γεννά όρθια!
Εξίσου συγκλονιστικό είναι και το παρασκήνιο των εν λόγω σκηνών. Σύμφωνα με πληροφορίες, η γυναίκα έφερε στον κόσμο το παιδί της ενώ βρισκόταν μόλις λίγα βήματα μακριά από την είσοδο του μαιευτηρίου, στην κομητεία Γκουλάν
Ο λόγος γι’αυτό, όπως αναφέρουν κάποιες πηγές, είναι ότι δεν πρόλαβε να κάνει το τεστ κατά του κορωνοϊού που απαιτείται για να μπορέσει να μπει μέσα! Μάλιστα, την γυναίκα βοηθούν άλλα άτομα να γεννήσει τα οποία, πιθανότητα, δεν είναι ιατροί!
Απο newsbreak.gr
Σε άλλο βίντεο βλέπουμε τους ψυχοπαθείς με τα άσπρα να κάνουν υποχρεωτικό πρωκτικό τεστ Covid στο δρόμο…
Και Μπόνους βίντεο ο δικτάτορας Τριντό που ακολουθεί την ίδια πολιτική, δηλώνει τον θαυμασμό του για την Κίνα…
Ottawa Carleton District School Board (OCDSB) trustees are continuing to squabble about the very heated yet failed attempt to push a mask mandate on students, as the board itself sends damage control messages home to parents.
Last Tuesday’s board meeting that was open to the public had to be postponed due to disruptions from the audience. They reconvened on Thursday, with the motion failing 6-6… 8 against when you count the non-binding votes from the two student trustees who opposed it and, as has been remarked by many onlookers, were the most articulate voices in the room.
It’s all quite something and yet another sign that controversial newly elected trustee Dr. Nili Kaplan-Myrth, who put forward the motion, has caused nothing but trouble with her single-minded focus on mask mandates.
But, wait, there’s more.
An email update, sent to parents and guardians of all OCDSB students on Friday, begins with the following line: “This was a challenging week for the OCDSB community.” It goes on to explain how the issue “generated a lot of discussion” and that “after much debate, the motion did not pass.”
Then there’s this condescending doozy of a paragraph:
“Public discourse and the debate of ideas is important. Critical thinking is important. Criticism, attacks, and abuse of others for their beliefs or ideas are not okay. As a community, we need to learn from and move past the difficult experiences of this week. We all deeply care about the health, wellness and education of students. They would be well-served by our commitment to listen, learn and engage with one another in a respectful manner, supporting the dignity of every person.”
What on earth is going on here? There’s clearly some Dawson’s Creek-level drama going on in the subtext of this weepy lament. What else is happening behind the scenes that they’re not disclosing?
I emailed the board to ask if there have been any actual attacks and abuse occurring as a result of the mask mandate (and, no, mean tweets don’t count). I’ve yet to receive a response.
And what’s with this whole “debate of ideas is important” but “criticism… of others for their… ideas are not okay.” What are they even trying to say here? And why would a school board send such paternalistic ramblings out to all parents?
Then again we do know the “debate of ideas” was still going on between the trustees following the meeting, and maybe that’s what the letter to parents was all about.
In an email exchange the day after the vote – an exchange that all trustees could see that members of the media were CC’d on – trustees were still getting into it.
“It was, in my opinion, a bad motion and it appears others agreed. Accept that and move on,” Trustee Donna Blackburn wrote in an email to Kaplan-Myrth.
The whole email thread began when a parent wrote to all trustees to celebrate the defeat of the mask mandate and criticize Kaplan-Myrth’s overzealous conduct.
After one trustee wrote back to defend Kaplan-Myrth, the good doctor herself chimed in to say: “I look forward to continuing to work with each of the Trustees over the next four years, and I hope that, as colleagues, we stand together against anyone who threatens or attempts to intimidate or insults others.”
But Blackburn clearly felt this was disingenuous, saying in her email: “The challenging of my commitment to our staff and students is unacceptable and must stop. I have been called a baby killer. Do you think that is acceptable?”
Blackburn appears to be referring to the narrative stoked by Kaplan-Myth that those opposed to mask mandates somehow wish ill health upon people.
“We are going to have a very long four years if we don’t all agree to follow certain respectful ground rules,” Blackburn adds. “Please stop suggesting that any Trustee voted last night based on intimidation.”
Blackburn’s certainly right about the long four years, but this is all so very embarrassing – and none of it has anything to do with student excellence.
Do you have information to share about the ongoing Ottawa school board antics? Email anthony@truenorthcanada.com
Canadian JACK FM radio host Drex is recovering from a heart attack.
The producer took to social media to say he had suffered a heart attack but was "doing fine".
"Immediately after dinner I began to feel unwell. I went to bed to try and rest but I couldn't,” he explained in a post. "They took me to hospital where I got a Stent, I had 100% blockage."
Drex goes on to say that the incident was "terrifying, frustrating, and extremely confusing to experience on your own."
In August 2021, Drex, apparently vaccinated, addressed the unvaccinated saying:
"To the people who say vaccination is a 'deeply personal decision': It's time to shut the fuck up and sit in your corner. It's a matter of public health. The media and governments are not lying to you. You're just a fucking moron who has no idea."
Drex believes his diagnosis has nothing to do with the Covid vaccine.
"Imagine almost having a heart attack, only to be hit by vaccine critics ... who blame vaccines," he wrote, saying his family has a history of heart disease.
Το εύδαιμον το ελεύθερον, το δ’ ελεύθερον το εύψυχον.
– Ευτυχισμένοι είναι οι ελεύθεροι και ελεύθεροι είναι οι γενναίοι. //
// Happy are the free and free are the brave.