"I’m not in the Liberal camp," says Commissioner Rouleau when asked if he's properly constituted



Premier Ford and former solicitor general Sylvia Jones should testify at the Emergency Act inquiry



Building Our Cabin

Building Our Cabin



Brazilian Patriots Rise up for Bolsonaro and Surround Military Command in Rio De Janeiro


Brazilian Patriots Rise up for Bolsonaro and Surround Military Command in Rio De Janeiro

Published November 2, 2022




This demonstration at Duque de Caxias Palace is one of many protests erupting across Brazil.

Brazilians don't want to live under the boot of the World Economic Forum and refuse to accept Lula as their leader.

Source: https://twitter.com/RadioGenova/status/1587830921838923776?s=20



Freedom Convoy Organizers Take the Stand - Emergencies Act Inquiry

97.2 Subscribers



Alberta Premier says no more masking children

Alberta Premier says no more masking children 
Alberta Premier says no more masking children

TCS Wire

November 1, 2022

“The detrimental effects of masking on the mental health, development and education of children in classroom settings is well understood, and we must turn the page on what has been an extremely difficult time for children, along with their parents and teachers,” she said in a statement over the weekend.

The new premier’s comments come after an Alberta judge on Thursday ruled that a February order lifting masking requirements in schools was “unreasonable” because it was made by cabinet, not the chief medical officer of health.

But Smith further said she has directed Alberta Justice Minister Tyler Shandro to examine whether to appeal. 

“I have directed our Justice minister to assess whether an appeal of Thursday’s Kings Bench Court decision is appropriate, and have instructed our government’s ministers of Justice, Health and Education to alert me to any legislative or regulatory changes that may be necessary to reaffirm or clarify our government’s full authority with respect to this and other health and education matters,” she said. 

Smith campaigned for the United Conservative Party leadership by taking a critical stance on Jason Kenney’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. She said the government was misled by Alberta Health Services and has promised to replace top leadership in the department. 

In the month since she’s become premier, Smith has apologized to the unvaccinated and opened the door to giving back pay to the province’s unvaccinated workers, who were laid off when a vaccine mandate was implemented. 

She’s also urged Alberta businesses to drop their vaccine mandates ahead of a promise to amend the Alberta Human Rights Act to end discrimination on the basis of vaccine status.

As premier, Smith denounced the WEF and unveiled a plan for her government to push Ottawa back and enforce provincial autonomy.

"People's blood may have CHANGED with vaccines - They look like EATING PARASITES"! SHOCKING DOCUMENTS


  "People's blood may have CHANGED with vaccines - They look like EATING PARASITES"! SHOCKING DOCUMENTS

The allegations are presented journalistically, without regard to the slightest position for or against them...

Embalmer Richard Hirschman, in his new intervention, says that "something has changed with people's blood" in the last two years.

In an interview with UncoverDC contributor Daniel Bobinski on Keep the Republic, Hirschman explained that not only did he start to see an increase in deaths by the fall of 2020, but he also saw an "increase in coagulation" during embalming. ,  "probably because of the spike protein, which the vaccine is packed with."

For his part, Canadian journalist Matthew Horwood of the Western Standard has shocked Twitter users in recent days with the results of his investigation into embalmers in the province of Ontario. “These are not normal blood clots. It's almost like it's tissue and not a blood clot,"  said one of them. " They're just not normal clots. It's almost like it's tissue and not a blood clot. Previously only 10 to 15% had coagulated. You can discredit what I say all day, but you can't ignore what I see .'

Horwood tweeted that he spoke with another Ontario embalmer who finds these strange pieces on almost every corpse he comes into contact with.  "It reminds me of a parasite because there's always a blood clot that seems to feed on it,"  he said.

The journalist also posted some photos showing long blood strands full of blood. The post was deleted by Twitter (it was made before Elon Musk took over).

photo twitter


(The original text in Greek)



«Το αίμα των ανθρώπων ΑΛΛΑΞΕ ίσως με τα εμβόλια – Μοιάζουν με ΠΑΡΑΣΙΤΑ που ΤΡΩΝΕ»! Συγκλονιστικά ΝΤΟΚΟΥΜΕΝΤΑ

 «Το αίμα των ανθρώπων ΑΛΛΑΞΕ ίσως με τα εμβόλια – Μοιάζουν με ΠΑΡΑΣΙΤΑ που ΤΡΩΝΕ»! Συγκλονιστικά ΝΤΟΚΟΥΜΕΝΤΑ

Οι ισχυρισμοί παρατίθενται δημοσιογραφικά, χωρίς να λαμβάνεται υπόψη η παραμικρή θέση υπέρ ή κατά αυτών...

Ο ταριχευτής Richard Hirschman, σε νέα του παρέμβαση, λέει, πως «κάτι έχει αλλάξει με το αίμα των ανθρώπων» τα τελευταία δύο χρόνια.

Σε μια συνέντευξη με τον συνεργάτη του UncoverDC, Daniel Bobinski, στην εκπομπή του Keep the Republic, ο Hirschman εξήγησε ότι όχι μόνο άρχισε να βλέπει αύξηση στους θανάτους μέχρι το φθινόπωρο του 2020, αλλά είδε επίσης μια «αύξηση της πήξης» κατά την ταρίχευση του, «πιθανότατα εξαιτίας της πρωτεΐνης ακίδας, με την οποία είναι γεμάτο το εμβόλιο».

Από την πλευρά του, ο Καναδός δημοσιογράφος, Matthew Horwood, του Western Standard έχει συγκλονίσει τους χρήστες του Twitter τις τελευταίες ημέρες με τα αποτελέσματα της έρευνάς του με ταριχευτές στην επαρχία του Οντάριο. «Αυτοί δεν είναι φυσιολογικοί θρόμβοι αίματος. Είναι σχεδόν σαν να είναι ιστός και όχι θρόμβος αίματος», ανέφερε ένας από αυτούς: «Απλώς δεν είναι κανονικοί θρόμβοι. Είναι σχεδόν σαν να είναι ιστός και όχι θρόμβος αίματος. Προηγουμένως μόνο το 10 έως 15% είχε πήξει. Μπορείς να δυσφημίσεις αυτό που λέω όλη μέρα, αλλά δεν μπορείς να αγνοήσεις αυτό που βλέπω».

Ο Horwood έγραψε στο Twitter ότι μίλησε με έναν αλλο ταριχευτή του Οντάριο που βρίσκει αυτά τα περίεργα κομμάτια σχεδόν σε κάθε πτώμα με το οποίο έρχεται σε επαφή. «Μου θυμίζει παράσιτο γιατί υπάρχει πάντα ένας θρόμβος αίματος που φαίνεται να το ταΐζει», είπε.

Ο δημοσιογράφος δημοσίευσε επίσης μερικές φωτογραφίες που δείχνουν μακριά νήματα αίματος γεμάτα αίματα. Η ανάρτηση διαγράφηκε από το Twitter (είχε γίνει πριν αναλάβει ο Έλον Μασκ).

photo twitter





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