October 22, 2022

Pro-Vaccine GOP Governors Make Meaningless Statements on COVID Shots as Children in Their States Die and are Crippled Every Day from Vaccines

 Pro-Vaccine GOP Governors Make Meaningless Statements on COVID Shots as Children in Their States Die and are Crippled Every Day from Vaccines

by Brian Shilhavy

Editor, Health Impact News

The biggest news story this past week in the Alternative Media was the announcement by the CDC that their Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) was recommending that the 2023 childhood and adult immunization schedule include “approved or authorized COVID-19 vaccines.”

Here is the CDC’s Press Release (emphasis added):

Today, CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommended updates to the 2023 childhood and adult immunization schedules, which includes incorporating additional information for approved or authorized COVID-19 vaccines. CDC only makes recommendations for use of vaccines, while school-entry vaccination requirements are determined by state or local jurisdictions.

It has been almost two years since COVID-19 vaccines were first rolled out in the U.S., and nearly 630 million doses have since been administered nationwide, providing people with critical protection against severe COVID-19. ACIP’s recommendation to add COVID-19 vaccines to the routinely recommended vaccine schedule represents another step in the nation’s recovery.

It’s important to note that there are no changes in COVID-19 vaccine policy, and today’s action simply helps streamline clinical guidance for healthcare providers by including all currently licensed, authorized and routinely recommended vaccines in one document.

The updated schedules and program guidance will be published in early 2023. CDC will continue to update and work with health departments, providers, and other partners over the coming months to ensure a smooth transition of the COVID-19 vaccination program from emergency response to a routine immunization program activity. (Source.)

While here at Health Impact News we obviously vigorously disagree with the ACIP recommendation, this decision has been completely politicized by the Right Wing Alternative media and the Corporate Media outlet Fox News.

Tucker Carlson of Fox News addressed this issue, stating that if the CDC votes to recommend the vaccines be added to their immunization schedule, “your children will not be able to attend school without taking the COVID shot,” and his video clip went viral on Twitter with millions of views:

This then became such a rallying cry in Right Wing circles, that the CDC actually responded to Tucker Carlson’s claim on Twitter:

And as you can read from the official Press Release I just quoted above, the CDC reiterated this after the recommendation: “school-entry vaccination requirements are determined by state or local jurisdictions.”

Tucker Carlson doubled down on his statement, and claimed that the CDC was lying, basically because states take the advice of the CDC:

However, Carlson basically contradicts his own statements. He states that if the ACIP votes to add the COVID-19 vaccines to the immunization schedule,

“children will be forced to take the shot… in order to be educated in the United States in a public school.”

But he then goes on to give several examples where states require children get the shots based on the CDC vaccine schedule.

What he clearly fails to address, is that the states do NOT have to take the CDC recommendations. Just because all of them do, doesn’t prove that the CDC is forcing them to do so.

The other thing Carlson fails to address, is that every state has exemptions that can be filed if parents do not want their children to have the CDC recommended vaccines in order to attend a public school.

Admittedly, there are tremendous financial benefits to the states to require the CDC vaccination schedule, and just as some governors have taken a stand against mandating (that’s the magic word) the EUA COVID-19 vaccines, not a single one of them has taken any actions to prevent the EUA vaccines from being distributed in their states and being injected into the arms of millions of people, including children, so too they will not stop the schools from administering any of the vaccines, including the COVID-19 vaccines, once they are in the CDC schedule.

Since the CDC ACIP voted to include COVID-19 vaccines into the immunization schedule, some Republican Governors, probably taking their cue from Tucker Carlson, have made statements to the public to vow “not to institute mandates in their states.” (There’s that magic word again – “mandates!”)

Summit News covered this:

Following the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices voting 15-0 to add Covid-19 shots to the children’s recommended vaccine schedule, Republican governors have vowed not to institute mandates in their states.

The Covid-19 vaccine has been placed as a recommendation from 6 months of age and older, as well as being approved for the federally funded Vaccine for Kids program, which provides vaccines to children at no or low cost to families.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis led the way in promising not to institute any COVID vax mandates.

“As long as I am Governor, in Florida there will not be a COVID-19 vaccine mandate for children in our schools,” DeSantis said.

He continued, “That is your decision to make as a parent. These are new shots. I get a kick out of it when people compare to MMR – things that have been around for decades and decades.”

Tennessee Governor Bill Lee said he will ignore the CDC in favour of “personal freedom”:

Read more :






First published at 00:12 UTC on October 22nd, 2022.




Truth Provider

Oct. 20, 2022. Another bombshell of a story where MEP Cristian Terhes asks the EU commission how can the public get a refund after big pharma LIED and MISLED the public into getting the jab.

Source: Lewis Brackpool at : https://twitter.com/Lewis_Brackpool/status/1583100589357297665?s=20&t=CZRUlKXSB0CDeRsk0oXR6Q



LILLEY UNLEASHED: Trudeau and Ottawa Mayor Watson putting politics into Emergencies Act inquiry

America - A Nation of Willing Slaves!

image by :  

America - A Nation of 

Willing Slaves!


                                                   December  2009                                          

 Last Trumpet Ministries, 


America - A Nation of Willing



In this issue of the Last Trumpet Newsletter, we will examine a condition that has developed in our erstwhile great nation, which has brought us to a time such as never was. 

We are living in a time that is unique in our nation's history, and very few people are taking notice. 

The United States of America was founded by men and women that wanted to escape oppression and to be free, and great effort was exerted to gain that freedom. We now live in the dark reality of a strong-armed and oppressive federalism that has all of the characteristics and potential of imperial Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome. 

Indeed, we are on the very brink of dictatorship in a new world order, just as predicted in various places in the Scriptures. How can this be happening here? Just one generation ago, it would not have been believed to be possible. I was born in the year 1950 and have lived in Wisconsin all of my life. I can truly say that this country is no longer the one in which I was born. We are living in a time when people want to be slaves of a government that will feed themmedicate them, entertain them, indoctrinate them, confiscate the fruit of their labors, and bury them.

We know from reading the Scripture how it angered the Almighty God when Israel complained in the wilderness and wanted to go back and be slaves in Egypt. Instead of seeking the Lord's help, they were so ready to give up their freedom and liberty for the so-called social security benefits of Egypt. It is the same in America today. Where is the dignity, integrity, and honor that was once so important to free men and women?

When I think upon all this, I am reminded of the words of the illuministic futurist, Aldous Huxley, who died in 1963. Huxley was a writer for the Illuminati. He was also a mystic who advocated the use of psychedelic drugs. Huxley also wrote Brave New World and numerous essays. Consider some of his words as follows: 

"We are in a process of developing a whole series of techniques which will enable the controlling oligarchy to get people to actually love their servitude. A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude. To make them love it is the task assigned, in present-day totalitarian states, to ministries of propaganda, newspaper editors, and school teachers…..The greatest triumphs of propaganda have been accomplished, not by doing something, but by refraining from doing. Great is truth, but still greater, from a practical point of view, is silence about truth."

All things considered, we are most certainly moving across the threshold into a one-world dictatorship under the direction of Satan himself. 

Satan and all who submit to him will be quickly destroyed by our coming Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ. One urgent question that demands an immediate answer is: where will you spend eternity? 

You now have a glorious opportunity to surrender you heart, soul, and mind to the Lord Jesus. He will accept you and save you if you do. Do it now, before your time runs out!

more :


source :

David J. Meyer

Last Trumpet Newsletter 

December    2009



First published at 05:56 UTC on October 22nd, 2022.




Tim Truth



Newsmax's Lara Logan Immigration Rant About Satan, Cockroaches And "Dining On The Blood Of Children"

On The Blood Of Children"


Alt Evil21 Οκτ 2022
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Angelo Karageorgos
Κι αφού και επίσημα πλέον με μεγαλοπρεπείς τελετουργίες περάσαμε στη νέα εποχή όπου η κηδεία της βασίλισσας συμβολίζει την κηδεία του παλαιού κόσμου έχοντας πλέον επιτύχει και την αλλαγή του γενετικού υλικού μεγάλου μέρους της ανθρωπότητας, η εξάπλωση της κακαισθησίας επιταχύνεται σε οποιαδήποτε πτυχή της πραγματικότητας με σκοπό να διαστρέψει κάθε αίσθηση Θεεϊκής αρμονίας που διαπνέει τα ανθρώπινα όντα. Άλλωστε γνωρίζουν καλά πως όσο οικειοποιείσαι το τέρας τόσο του μοιάζεις γι’αυτό και μας διαποτίζουν μανιωδώς με λογιών λογιών “φρούτα” που δεν θα έβγαιναν ούτε μέσα από κωμικά καρτούν επιστημονικής φαντασίας όπως γυναίκες που γονιμοποιήθηκαν με κιτ γονιμοποίησης, καθηγητές με τεράστια επιπρόσθετα στήθη, παιδικά με δυο μαμάδες, άσημους αθλητές που διακρίνονται αγωνιζόμενοι ενάντια σε γυναίκες και άλλα πολλά. Παρότι η ηθική εξαθλίωση είναι ίσως το μεγαλύτερο όπλο για να οδηγηθούμε στην πλήρη υποδούλωση που χωρις ρεπό πασχίζουν να επιτύχουν αιώνες τώρα, ταυτόχρονα θα έπρεπε να περάσουμε και από ένα ολικό ξήλωμα των οικονομιών και κατα συνέπεια όλων των δομών των κοινωνιών. Γι’αυτό και όσο περνά ο καιρός βλέπουμε τις οικονομίες ακόμα και των μεγαλύτερων χωρών να βρίσκονται σε πρωτοφανή ύφεση με τα χειρότερα να έρχονται, ταραχές να συμβαίνουν όλο και περισσότερο και τον κόσμο αποσβολωμένο να μην ξέρει από που να πιαστεί την ίδια ώρα που στην Ελλάδα και όχι μόνο οι λαθρομετανάστες συνεχίζουν να μπαίνουν σαν με επίσημες προσκλήσεις και πλέον από προσωρινοί επισκέπτες για να αποφύγουν τους πολέμους έχουν μετατραπεί σε χρήσιμες μόνιμες προσθήκες για τη σωτηρία του δημογραφικού αλλά και της παραγωγικής οικονομίας. Δεν είναι και άσχετο βέβαια που οι θρησκευτικοί ηγέτες στα πλαίσια της δημιουργίας της πανθρησκείας επισημοποίησαν το Chrislam. Παράλληλα και ενώ τα δεδομένα είναι καταιγιστικά σε σχέση με τις συνέπειες των γονιδιακών ανατροπών που υπέβαλαν τους ανθρώπους, είτε από τον περίγυρο μας, είτε από την πολύ σημαντική συνεχιζόμενη αύξηση της ολικής θνησιμότητας, είτε από τα νέα και είτε από επίσημες μελέτες, οι τηλεειδικοί ορκισμένοι στην ατζέντα συνεχίζουν με την ίδια ρητορική την αποστολή τους όπως και οι ομόλογοι τους στον τομέα τους ψηφιακού μετασχηματισμού της χώρας μας που πασχίζουν να μας φυλακίσουν όσο πιο γρήγορα γίνεται για να κερδίσουν πόντους στα μάτια του αφεντικού αγνοώντας πως είναι άφιλος. Σ’έναν κόσμο που ενώ θα έλεγες πως φανερά το κακό έχει προσβάλλει τα πάντα απλώνοντας το σκοτεινό πέπλο του νομίζοντας πως είναι ικανό να μας επιβάλλει το αιχμαλωτιστικό μέλλον που τόσο ποθεί, εμείς και πάλι έχουμε τη δυνατότητα να διαφύγουμε συνεχίζοντας να το απαρνούμαστε και να παραμένουμε στον ανηφορικό μεν βαθειά λυτρωτικό δε δρόμο της Αλήθειας.

Επικοινωνία: contact@angelokarageorgos.gr Iστολόγιο: https://angelokarageorgos.gr



Sentenced to Four Months In Prison

Sentenced to Four Months In Prison

Published October 21, 2022



"The whole Justice Department under Merrick Garland has become radically partisan ... After we win on November 8 — deliver this crushing blow ... I strongly believe you'll see Merrick Garland impeached next year by the new Congress."

"We have to win massively on the 8th, and then this new Congress has to really go and enforce the rule of law. And the way you enforce the rule of law is to start serious investigations ... And after those investigations, start bringing articles of impeachment and throw these bums out."

Source: https://twitter.com/TPostMillennial/status/1583618238629699584?s=20




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