First published at 23:49 UTC on September 26th, 2022.



The Alex Jones Show



ΜΠΑΜ από το…ΜΠΟΛΙ !!! – Έπεσε ΞΕΡΟΣ μπροστά στον….ΒΑΣΙΛΙΑ-ΕΡ@ΕΤΟ!!!

ΜΠΑΜ από το…ΜΠΟΛΙ !!! – Έπεσε ΞΕΡΟΣ μπροστά στον….ΒΑΣΙΛΙΑ-ΕΡ@ΕΤΟ!!!

-ο χρήστης Περσέας Έλλην 


Ο  κάρολος covid express ΑΦΉΝΕΙ ΤΟΥΣ ανθρώπους ΤΈΖΑ ΜΕ ΈΝΑ ΜΌΝΟ ΒΛΈΜΜΑ …

Δείτε το!!!….

 Greek News On Demand / ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ ΝΕΑ ΤΩΡΑ.


Βολιώτης με τόνους «κάκαλα» στέλνει αλλαγμένη την υπεύθυνη δήλωση του παιδιού του στον διευθυντή του σχολείου

Βολιώτης με τόνους «κάκαλα» στέλνει αλλαγμένη την υπεύθυνη δήλωση του παιδιού του στον διευθυντή του σχολείου

 Μεγάλος μάγκας γονιός από τον Βόλο ο οποίος επέστρεψε την υπεύθυνη δήλωση που έπρεπε να συμπληρώσει για την νέα σχολική χρονιά του παιδιού του με αλλαγμένα στοιχεία και ατελείωτα «μπινελίκια» !!!!

Εκτός εαυτού βγήκε ένας πατέρας ενός μαθητή από τον Βόλο όταν του ζητήθηκε να συμπληρώσει μία υπεύθυνη δήλωση για την έναρξη της σχολικής χρονιάς και πάνω αναγραφόταν η ένδειξη γονέας Α και γονέας Β.

Ο Βολιώτης πατέρας άμεσα τα διέγραψε και έγραψε πατέρας και μητέρα στολίζοντας κανονικά και τον διευθυντή αλλά και τα ερπετά της Νέας Τάξης Πραγμάτων.




Canada "Suspends" Border Restrictions; Italy Moves "Far Right" & MORE! Viva Mondays!

Canada "Suspends" Border Restrictions; Italy Moves "Far Right" & MORE! Viva Mondays!

549K subscribers
Justin Trudeau Still Must Go.

LILLEY UNLEASHED: Trudeau lifting Covid measures all for political gain

LILLEY UNLEASHED: Trudeau lifting Covid measures all for political gain

Toronto Sun
82.6K subscribers

The Sun's political columnist Brian Lilley says although it is better late than never that Trudeau is lifting Covid-19 measures at airports it is based on politics not science.

DAILY | Restrictions ending, ArriveCAN optional; Protesters vs. giant prosthetics; Italy's new PM

DAILY | Restrictions ending, ArriveCAN optional; Protesters vs. giant prosthetics; Italy's new PM


https://rebelne.ws/LivestreamSignup | Never miss when we're live! Visit Rebel News for today's show notes ► https://rebelne.ws/3ya6vaD Rebel News: Telling the other side of the story. https://www.RebelNews.com for more great Rebel content.


Τέλος ὁ προαυλισμός, ἐπιστροφή στό παραμύθι τοῦ τρόμου…

Τέλος ὁ προαυλισμός, ἐπιστροφή στό παραμύθι τοῦ τρόμου…

του Νεκτάριου Δαπέργολα, Διδάκτορος Ιστορίας

Τελείωσε λοιπόν ὁ θερινός προαυλισμός τῶν φυλακισμένων καί πλέον σιγὰ σιγά ξαναμπαίνουμε στά κελιά. Καί θά εἶναι περισσότερα τά κελιά φέτος – καθότι θά ζήσουμε πολλά παραμύθια. Ἤ, μᾶλλον, θά ζήσουμε ἕνα συνολικό παραμύθι τρόμου, τό ὁποῖο θά ἔχει ὅμως πολλούς δράκους, γιά νά συνεχίσουν νά τρομάζουν ἕως θανάτου οἱ συνήθεις κατεσθίοντες κουτόχορτο καί νά μήν ἀντιλαμβάνονται ὅτι ὅλα προχωροῦν βάσει τῶν σχεδίων μίας παγκόσμιας διαβολοσυμμορίας πού ὠθεῖ τόν πλανήτη στό χάος καί τήν ὀδύνη, μέ σκοπό τήν ὁλοκληρωτική του ποδηγέτηση καί τόν ἐρχομό τοῦ παγκόσμιου «Σωτῆρα» του.

Ποιούς δράκους θά δοῦμε λοιπόν φέτος; Οἱ στοιχειωδῶς σκεπτόμενοι ἤδη γνωρίζουν πολύ καλά. Καί τόν ἐνεργειακό καί τόν κλιματικό καί τόν ἐπισιτιστικό. Ἤδη ἀπό καιρό οἱ «προφῆτες» τῶν καθεστωτικῶν ἀντηχείων ἔχουν ἀρχίσει τούς χρησμούς γιά παγωμένους χειμῶνες, πρωτοφανῆ πεῖνα (ἐπιπέδου γερμανικῆς κατοχῆς), μειωμένους ἠλεκτροφωτισμούς καί διακοπές ρεύματος. Ὅσο περνᾶ ὁ καιρός, οἱ χρησμοί θά αὐξάνονται καί οἱ ἴδιοι πού τούς διαρρέουν εἶναι πού θά φροντίζουν καί γιά τήν ἐκπλήρωσή τους. Καί φυσικά θά συνεχιστεῖ πάντα καί τό παραμύθι τῆς ψευτοπανδημίας, καθώς βλέπουμε δυστυχῶς ὅτι παρά τό πλῆρες ξεβράκωμα τῆς κυβερνητικῆς καί ἰατρικῆς ὑποκρισίας εἰδικά τοῦ καλοκαιριοῦ (ὅπου ὅλα ἦταν ἀνοιχτά καί ἐντελῶς ἀσύστολα) καί παρά τό κλιμακούμενο ἐπίσης μακελειό τῶν ξαφνικῶν θανάτων (πού πλέον ἀγγίζει τά ὅρια τῆς γενοκτονίας), ἕνα τεράστιο πλῆθος συμπατριωτῶν μας συνεχίζει ἀκόμη βλακωδῶς νά παραμένει προσηλωμένο στήν ἀπάτη. Ὅπως ἔγραφα καί πρόσφατα, ἐνθυμούμενος τόν Aldous Huxley, ἕνα μεγάλο κομμάτι τῆς σκλαβωμένης κοινωνίας εἶναι ἤδη ἀνίκανο νά ὀνειρευτεῖ τή λευτεριά του, γιατί πολύ ἁπλά ἔχει ἀγαπήσει πιά τή δουλεία του.

Βεβαίως κανείς δέν μπορεῖ νά πεῖ πόσο πολύ θά τό τραβήξουν πάλι τό σχοινί μέ τήν ψευτοπανδημία οἱ κυβερνῶντες, γιατί ἀπό τήν ἄλλη ὑπάρχουν καί κάποιοι συμπατριῶτες μας πού ξυπνοῦν καί τό μακελειό τῆς ξαφνικίτιδας πού γιγαντώνεται δέν ξέρω γιά πόσο πολύ θά μπορεῖ νά ὑπερκαλύπτεται ἀπό τήν πληρωμένη λήθη καί ἀπό τήν ὑφέρπουσα ἠλιθιότητα. Ἄλλωστε, ὅπως προαναφέρθηκε, οἱ ἀχρεῖοι ἔχουν καί ἄλλα βέλη στή φαρέτρα τούς πιά. Ἀλλά καί μόνο πού συνεχίζεται ἡ πασιφανῶς ἐκδικητική προστυχιά μέ τούς ὑγειονομικούς σέ ἀναστολή καί μόνο πού ἐφαρμόζονται τιμωρητικά μέτρα στά σχολεῖα σέ βάρος ἀποκλειστικά τῶν ἀνεμβολίαστων ἐκπαιδευτικῶν καί ἐπίσης μόνο πού βλέπουμε πάλι τά γνωστά ψυχασθενῆ ἀφ’ ἑνός καί μπουκωμένα στό χρῆμα ἀφ’ ἑτέρου τομάρια νά μᾶς ξανακουνοῦν ἀπό τήν τηλεόραση τό δάχτυλο, ἀντιλαμβάνεται εὔκολα κανείς ὅτι μέ τό κορωνοπανδημικό μύθευμα δέν ἔχουμε ἀκόμη τελειώσει.

Ἁπλῶς, ὅπως εἴπαμε, οἱ ἀνάγκες τοῦ παγκόσμιου καθεστῶτος καί των κατά τόπων μαριονετῶν του ἐπιτάσσουν τήν ἐπιστράτευση καί ἄλλων δράκων στό συνολικό δυστοπικό παραμύθι. Ὁ ἐδῶ καί τρία χρόνια γνωστός εἶναι σαφές ὅτι ἀπό μόνος του πλέον δέν ἐπαρκεῖ..


Canada Ends Border Vaccine Rules, ArriveCan Use Requirements

A vehicle enters a Canadian border station at the U.S.-Canada border crossing in Lansdowne, Ont., in a file photo. (Lars Hagberg/AFP via Getty Images)

Canada Ends Border Vaccine Rules, ArriveCan Use Requirements

By Andrew Chen
September 26, 2022 Updated: September 26, 2022

Ottawa is ending its pandemic border measures, including the requirement for travellers to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination upon entering Canada and mandatory masking on planes and trains, while making the use of the ArriveCan mobile app optional.

“Based on the data accumulated over the last few weeks, we are announcing that the government of Canada will not renew the order in council that expires on Sept. 30, and will remove all COVID-19 order requirements for all travellers entering Canada,” Health Minister Jean-Yves Duclos said at a press conference on Sept. 26.  

“This includes the removal of all federal testing, quarantines, isolation requirements, as well as the mandatory submission of health information in ArriveCan.” 

Epoch Times Photo
Deputy Chief Public Health Officer Howard Njoo (L) listens to ministers speak during a news conference announcing an end to COVID-19 requirements at the border in Ottawa on Sept. 26, 2022. (The Canadian Press/Adrian Wyld)

The press conference was held jointly with other cabinet ministers, including Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino, Transport Minister Omar Alghabra, Treasury Board President Mona Fortier, and Infrastructure Minister Dominic LeBlanc.

The ministers said the federal government will maintain the ability to re-establish certain border measures in the future should it find it necessary to prevent the importation of new COVID-19 variants.

“The situation in Canada has greatly improved, but there are challenges that remain and we have to continue to be vigilant … but we feel now that we can change our approach at the international borders at this time,” Mendicino said.

Starting Oct. 1, people will no longer be required to undergo health checks when travelling by air and rail or be subject to COVID-related quarantine or isolation requirements, or wear masks on planes and trains, and airlines will no longer need to review the vaccination status of travellers, regardless of their citizenship.

Similar changes will also apply to passengers travelling by cruise ships, where passengers and crews on board will no longer be subject to vaccination requirements or testing before they board a vessel.

The federal government has been facing pressure by the Conservatives as well as those in the industry and officials in border cities to end the various border restrictions. Opponents of the restrictions have cited concerns about limitation of personal freedoms as well as damage to the business sector.

“Thank you to everyone who fought alongside us to make this happen. Long overdue,” Conservative MP Michelle Ferreri, shadow minister of tourism, said in a social media post.

ArriveCan Now Optional

Epoch Times Photo
A person holds a smartphone set to the opening screen of the ArriveCan app in a file photo. (The Canadian Press/Giordano Ciampini)

ArriveCan was initially introduced for travellers to report their vaccination status and provide pre-departure test results to the Canada Border Services Agency. But its scope was expanded as a digitized border arrival tool, allowing people flying into Canada in certain airports to use it to fill out their customs and immigration form rather than the paper version.

“Since its inception, ArriveCan has been linked to mandatory health information, including vaccination status that travellers have submitted when entering Canada,” Mendicino said. “ArriveCan will now become voluntary for those who want to save time at airports by uploading documents in advance.”

The federal government first introduced the requirement for travellers to be vaccinated against COVID-19 about a year ago, and has renewed that order about every three months.

The latest order will expire Sept. 30 and will not be renewed.

Andrew Chen 



First published at 12:55 UTC on September 26th, 2022.




Truth Provider

Sept. 24, 2022. (Mirrored from the Vigilant Fox). Dr. Naomi Wolf joined Steve Bannon on the War Room to celebrate the beginning of the end of the vaccine agenda. "The fact that the Wall Street Journal is even reporting that is powerful."

Source: https://www.redvoicemedia.com/2022/09/over-98-of-eligible-americans-say-no-thanks-to-updated-c19-boosters-three-weeks-after-rollout/


Millions of Novavax vaccine doses set to go to waste

Millions of Novavax vaccine doses set to go to waste

Millions of Novavax vaccine doses set to go to waste

Low uptake leads to doses destined for the bin as their expiry date looms

Less than 1 percent of the 51 million Novavax Covid vaccines purchased by the federal government have been administered, according to a News Corp report published at the weekend.

The report said 13.4 million Novavax doses had been delivered, but only 218,000 shots had been given.

With the expiry date for stored vaccines looming, millions of doses would need to be thrown away if they were not used soon.

Executives quoted in the report said the low uptake of the Novavax product was due to “poor policy decisions”, as well as vaccine fatigue.

The Morrison government had considered the purchase of Novavax vaccines to be a high priority in its bid to inoculate Australians against Covid-19.

The protein-based vaccine was believed to be a good option for the “vaccine hesitant” who shied away from the mRNA vaccines produced by Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca.

But, according to the report, only 120,000 Novavax vaccines had been administered as primary doses, with 98,000 given as third or fourth booster shots.

The company’s chief medical officer Filip Dubovsky was critical of the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation’s decision to recommended Novavax as a booster only for people who can’t or don’t want to have one of the mRNA vaccines, which it said were “preferred”.

He said the company recently presented the government with data to show its product was an effective booster for people who had already received other vaccine types and he hoped the ATAGI would change its advice. Australian Medical Association vice president Danielle McMullen said Novavax was much later to market than AstraZeneca and Pfizer.

“It’s a valuable option for people, particularly if people did have an adverse reaction to other vaccines, but it’s not at all surprising that it’s much smaller numbers being used,” Dr McMullen said.

The Commonwealth government is believed to have spent more than $8bn in the Covid-19 vaccine rollout, but the amount spent on each vaccine is the subject of confidential purchasing agreements with the manufacturers.

Earlier this year Health Minister Mark Butler announced an inquiry into the Morrison government’s Covid-19 vaccine supply deals.




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