September 20, 2022

Trudeau's vaccine mandates in Canada EXPOSED in court documents | Redacted with Clayton Morris

Trudeau's vaccine mandates in Canada EXPOSED in court documents | Redacted with Clayton Morris
( 1 month ago )


1.06M subscribers
A new lawsuit shows that the Canadian government issued vaccine travel mandates before there was any science on the matter. In fact, they decided on the mandates and then went looking for the science. That's not how these things should go!

About Clayton Morris: Clayton Morris is a news host and real estate investor. Clayton currently co-hosts Redacted together with his wife, Natali Morris. As president of Morris Invest, Clayton helps investors earn passive income through rental real estate with the goal of achieving long-term wealth for their families. Clayton’s Financial Freedom Academy shares the methods he has learned over the years about reaching financial freedom by producing passive income. In his podcast, Investing in Real Estate with Clayton Morris, he elaborates on the experiences that led to his financial philosophies and successes, focusing on how to build a meaningful life.

Mandatory Use Of The ArriveCAN App May Soon Expire

Mandatory Use Of The ArriveCAN App May Soon  Expire


September 19, 2022

Biden has passed 99 executive orders that have cost taxpayers $1.5 trillion dollars

Biden has passed 99 executive orders that have cost taxpayers $1.5 trillion dollars

President Biden has passed 99 executive orders since becoming president and a federal budget expert has estimated that the cost to taxpayers will be upwards of $1.5 trillion, with his recent student loan forgiveness accounting for a huge portion of that amount. 

In an interview with Fox, Heritage Foundation's Matthew Dickerson said, "It could be up to $1.5 trillion in cost to taxpayers just on executive actions, not legislation going through Congress and being signed into law and being debated. It's just pure executive actions taken by Biden costing taxpayers up to $1.5 trillion."

Dickerson continued that as much of Biden's agenda is being implemented by "fiat" it "means more money getting pumped out into the economy that's being financed by the Federal Reserve, which means the printing presses are on, which means that it adds to the inflationary pressures."

Inflation rests at a 40-year high, much of which was caused by Biden's back-to-back $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan and $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill spending plans from 2021.

"Earlier this year, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office produced an analysis showing that less than ten of Biden's earlier executive actions cost taxpayers already more than $500 billion," Dickerson said.

A "budgetary impact analysis" comes with each of Biden's orders but the language does not specify "whether an order will have no impact, increase or decrease federal costs."

The national debt hovers near $31 trillion and is expected to increase after the passing of both the Inflation Reduction Act and student loan forgiveness.

Fox News reports that Biden's policy, especially as it relates to executive orders, is being formed in large part by the group Governing for Impact (GFI), "a secretive group backed by nearly $13 million from Soros nonprofits."

Internal memos obtained by Fox revealed GFI boasted about how they had lobbied Biden to enact 20 of their agenda items, all of which pushed for more regulation in areas of education, environmental, health care, housing, and labor issues.

On their website, GFI states, "Many of the proposals on this site focus on how the new administration could unwind the previous administration's harmful regulatory legacy, but GFI continues to take on new policy projects at all levels of government."

Trump issued 220 executive orders throughout his four-year presidency, while Obama had issued 276 over his eight years in the Oval Office. Biden issued most of his orders in his first year, accounting for about  $200 billion, which is more than both Trump and Obama's at the same point in their presidencies.


Congress Hearing - Climate Emergency is Not Based On Science | Front Page News

#trudeau #canada #frontpagenews

Congress Hearing - Climate Emergency is Not Based On Science | Front Page News

Front Page News

Congress Hearing - Climate Emergency is Not Based On Science | Front Page News

Hi everyone, I hope you all are doing great today. Well, it appears another person is yet again speaking the minds of many Americans on the rather ridiculous climate change alarmism, and idealistic woke green narcissism of the United States government. And you know, I'm just still really astonished at the fact that even the most tepid alarmist zealots find it difficult to fully understand the implication that the United States' renewable energy is primarily coming from China. Meanwhile, none of this hoax would even be remotely conceivable without the Chinese seemingly "factory of the world" which of course uses hydrocarbons as a power source. And apparently, China's grids and factories would have definitely been using it if solar and wind were so good and hence a solidly credible alternative, well, of course, they've got a few token installations, but it's clear that those are just sheer virtue signaling ventures. There's still no denying that it is simply unable to provide even a fraction of the Energy that's needed by the American populace. You know, to say that this has grown absurdly difficult to describe would be an understatement. But in a rather interesting manner, someone like Michael Shellenberger is coming again at a rather crucial time with a really great and enlightened narrative that should definitely ease the whole climate change absurd alarmism in America if the Democrats are really listening and ready to drop their egoistic ideologies and narcissistic political symbolism while focusing on a better America. So what was Micheal's significant and rather groundbreaking testimony that happened earlier on Thursday? Join me today on another interesting story and revelation of the hypocrisies of the left wing and mainstream media. Welcome to First Page News 🤝 We share conservative political news to inform and update you about the happening in politics and in our society that the mainstream media will rather hide from you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sources: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #trudeau #canada #frontpagenews

Larry Brocks EPIC Showdown against Freeland CBC reports on terrorist funding during emergency act

Larry Brocks EPIC Showdown against Freeland CBC reports on terrorist fundin

during emergency act


Watch Larry Brock’s EPIC question period, talks CBC reports and he absolutely SHUTS down Chrystia Freelands NON answers. It seems that Freeland is having some trouble remembering, saying that the go fund me for the freedom convoy, was funded by terrorist and foreign money laundering. Freelands lack of answers irritate Mr Brock. Truth is at the end of the clip when Juan Benitez testifies on the 88% of the Canadian funded campaign. Heres the clip
Check me out on: Rumble Twitter This clip is based on a real question period I encourage everyone to check it out in full majority of the clips can be found on this main page #Larrybrock #CBC #Justintrudeau #chrystiafreeland #mandates #emergencyact #arriveCAN #canadaborder #nafta #ottawa #freedom #freedomfighter #liberal #conservative #NDP #cbcegy #inflation #gofundme

Things That M

Χιλιάδες Καναδοί στους δρόμους κατά του Τρίντο: «Πρέπει να φύγεις άμεσα»

Χιλιάδες Καναδοί στους δρόμους κατά του Τρίντο: «Πρέπει να φύγεις άμεσα»

 Χιλιάδες άνθρωποι βγήκαν στους δρόμους του Τορόντο σήμερα με ένα συλλογικό μήνυμα: «Ο Τριντό πρέπει να φύγει»!

Οι πολίτες του Καναδά αντιδρούν στις ορέξεις του γνωστού νεοταξίτη Τρίντο και στα άρρωστα σχέδια που προωθεί, του ζητάνε να αποχωρήσει και να οδηγηθεί η χώρα σε εκλογές.


Dr. McCullough: The Vaccine Agenda 'Is a Representation of Pure Evil'

Dr. McCullough: The Vaccine Agenda 'Is a Representation of Pure Evil'

Published September 19, 2022



"... it would be a needle in every arm of every person in the world, down to little babies out of womb and warm with relentless injections that do not stop — no end in sight. We could never have conceived that this would happen in the world. It is a representation of pure evil."


Leak: Liberals Poised to Remove Covid Mandates - Even the ArriveCAN App

#mandates #arrivecan #canada

Leak: Liberals Poised to Remove Covid Mandates - Even the ArriveCAN App


Clyde Do Something
92.5K subscribers
With Pierre Poilievre winning the Conservative Leadership in a landslide victory, Justin Trudeau and the Liberals seem to be afraid of the incoming push to remove them from power. Toronto Star: Biden "the pandemic is over": #mandates #arrivecan #canada Join the Discord server:
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