September 17, 2022

‘Trudeau Must Go’ hashtag movement keeps growing on Twitter


‘Trudeau Must Go’ hashtag movement keeps growing on Twitter

Olympians, politicians and everyday Canadians are sharing their displeasure with the prime minister online.

A new trend has emerged on Twitter recently.

Users are making posts where they describe themselves, say who they are, what they do for a living, write the phrase “Justin Trudeau thinks I’m a problem and that I hold unacceptable views,” and use the hashtags #TrudeauMustGo or #TrudeauHasToGo. 

The “TrudeauMustGo” hashtag officially went viral on September 15, 2022, ranking as the number one hashtag in politics, with 153,000 tweets.

As of September 16, the trend is still continuing to gain momentum. This Twitter campaign was started by Martin Bélanger, who lives North West of Calgary.

In one post, which was shared more than 2,300 times and 8,600 likes, gold-medal winning Olympic figure skater Jamie Sale chimed in.

Another saw Danielle Smith, a front-runner in the race to replace outgoing Alberta Premier Jason Kenney, get in on the trend.

Maxime Bernier, the leader of the People’s Party of Canada, also joined in.

Everyday Canadians also found virality in the trend, with one man who said he was an engineer posting a picture from Ottawa.

A user, who is a self-proclaimed doctor, posted a selfie in scrubs with a stethoscope around his neck and garnered more than 6,000 likes on the platform.

An individual alleging to be a former member of the Canadian Armed Forces received similar support to Jamie Sale, with more than 2,400 retweets and 8,500 likes.

very similar campaign using the same hashtag happened in 2019 on Twitter, months prior to that year’s federal elections.


Μην μου πείτε ότι δεν ήξεραν τί θα πάθουν τα παιδιά στην καρδιά τους όταν τα καλούσαν να εμβολιαστούν.

Μην μου πείτε ότι δεν ήξεραν τί θα πάθουν τα παιδιά στην καρδιά τους όταν τα καλούσαν να εμβολιαστούν.

Διαφήμιση για μυοκαρδίτιδα στα παιδιά.

Τι κρύβουν με την τοποθέτηση απινιδωτών στα σχολεία;

Έχετε καταλάβει γιατί βάζουν απινιδωτές στα σχολεία; Τι περιμένουν μετά τους εμβολιασμούς ή το στρες που έχει δημιουργηθεί υπό την παράνοια των περιοριστικών μέτρω; Ανακοπές; Καρδιακά επεισόδια;

Σε αυτές τις ηλικίες δεν είχαμε ποτέ τέτοιου είδους φαινόμενα… Περιμένουν κάτι ή ξέρουν πως θα συμβαίνουν διάφορα παράξενα υγειονομικά περιστατικά κατά την διάρκεια της φετινής σχολικής χρονιάς;

Ο μαχόμενος για ολα αυτα τα σχέδια της Ιατροπολιτικής ανίερης «Συμμαχίας» και κατά όλων των Αντισυνταγματικών μέτρων Σπύρος Παγιάτης με αφορμή την τοποθέτηση απινιδωτών στα σχολεία έστειλε την παρακάτω επιστολή προς την Πρωτοβάθμια & Δευτεροβάθμια Εκπαίδευση στην Περιφερειακή Διεύθυνση Ιονίων Νησων υπόψη του κ.Πέτρου Αγγελόπουλου .

Ο κ.Παγιάτης αναφέρει οτι μετα την Δημόσια ανακοίνωση για τοποθέτηση απινιδωτών στα Γυμνάσια -Λύκεια ζητα να ενημερωθεί για τα κάτωθι:

  • Ποιος ανέλαβε την κάλυψη του ποσού για την αγορά αυτών και ποιο το κόστος τους.
  • Ποιος έδωσε την εντολή για την τοποθέτηση τους στα Γυμνάσια και τα Λύκεια της Κέρκυρας.

Επίσης ο ίδιος διερωτάται προς τον κ. Αγγελόπουλο, αν έχει ορίσει ως Διευθυντής Περιφερειακής Εκπαίδευσης αρμόδιο -Υπεύθυνο ειδικά εκπαιδευμένο άτομο για την λειτουργεία του απινιδωτή και αν υπάρχει δυνατότητα χρήσης αυτού από συγκεκριμένο άτομο.

Επίσης τον καθιστά υπεύθυνο για την χρήση του απινιδωτή τον ιδιο καθώς τους Διευθυντές των σχολείων και το εκπαιδευτικό προσωπικό.


Never Mind Threats to Power Grids, Fires, Recalls, Other Issues, It’s Rising Lithium Prices that “could derail the EV revolution”


Never Mind Threats to Power Grids, Fires, Recalls, Other Issues, It’s Rising Lithium Prices that “could derail the EV revolution”

SEPTEMBER 17, 2022

By B.N. Frank

Electric vehicles (EVs) have been associated with threatening power grids (see 12), fires (see 123456789), health and environmental issues (see 1234, 5, 67), and high costs (see 1234)  In fact, a survey published in July revealed that many Americans are still not interested in owning or leasing them because of costs and of course, other concerns as well.  Those basing their decision strictly on cost may be not interested for a while longer.

From Zero Hedge:

Lithium Prices Hit New Record As EV Affordability Concerns Mount

by Tyler Durden

While California banned the sale of new gas-powered cars by 2035, and the Biden administration unveiled $900 million in new funding to build electric vehicle charging stations, rising lithium prices could derail the EV revolution.

The progressive view is that EVs will save the planet from catching on fire because green vehicles would eliminate the harmful carbon emissions of fossil fuel vehicles. Though a widespread rollout of EVs depends on affordability, and EVs are way more expensive than gas-powered.

Bloomberg reported lithium carbonate, a key metal in EV batteries, hit a new record high in China this week. Per ton, prices jumped to 500,500 yuan ($71,315), more than triple the price versus last year.

The global surge in lithium prices has increased the cost of EV batteries. Tesla hiked vehicle prices several times this summer (see: here) because of rising battery costs.

A steady increase in demand for global EVs combined with a recent power crunch in Sichuan province, a region that produces 20% of China’s lithium production, resulted in the disruption of output and tighter supplies, hampering an already-squeezed global market.

Research firm Rystad Energy said a second energy crisis could materialize in China this winter when heating demand soars:

“This could lead to new power shortages and hit lithium operations,” it noted, expecting lithium prices to stay elevated for the rest of the year.  

Soc. Quimica & Minera de Chile SA, the world’s second-largest lithium producer, warned investors Thursday of a “very tight market” in the years ahead and sees higher prices.

The expectation that EVs would become affordable for the masses is a distant pipedream because of the high costs associated with battery production.

At least half of an EV battery includes lithium, nickel, manganese, and cobalt, four metals that have surged this past year. Also, let’s not forget China controls the world’s rare earth mineral trade…

The surge in lithium prices and other critical metals for EV batteries is a significant concern that could derail the EV revolution due to affordability concerns.

Despite ongoing and increasing issues associated with EVs, EV mandates are being considered and/or introduced in at least 17 states and the Biden Administration recently approved the first $900M for building charging stations.

SHOCKING! Pfizer's Boss Reveals Truth About The MRNA Vaccine Technology

#trudeau #canada #frontpagenews

SHOCKING! Pfizer's Boss Reveals Truth About The MRNA Vaccine Technology


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Hey viewers, I hope you all are doing great today. I bet you would really, really be completely astonished after hearing this. You know, with these big pharma conniving with the government, it appears we now live in scary times. Apparently, the government-sponsored health agencies and other corrupted entities keep spending billions on brainwashing fear propaganda, while pharmaceuticals continue to advertise non stop on T Vs no matter what channel you watch. And with the majority of media totally sold out, only the strongest mentally resist and see the lies and manipulation of these bunch of unbelievable guys. And this time around, more facts have been revealed in uncovering the lies and hysteria of the co vid 19 vaccines. And I'm just so sad right now. It appears these guys have been reckless with critical decisions as regards co vid 19 vaccines all this while, and more than caring for humanity, it was all about the money and fear mongering to keep exploiting the citizens. Both the government and Big pharma were never honest with the people in the first place and would rather continue to have several people being jabbed with their not totally verified experimental vaccines, which they've lied to be completely safe and effective. And in what appears to be a rather horrible and shocking announcement, it would be really saddening to know that Pfizer boss Albert Bourla apparently disclosed that the "m R N A vaccine technology was actually not sufficiently proven when they launched the co vid one. Bourla revealed that even though he was encouraged about the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine, he wasn't sure. So, if I get this straight, these guys actually recognized that the vaccine wasn't entirely safe, or at the best, they weren't completely sure of its adverse effect but still went ahead pushing for its approval by the government to inject people with it??? If this isn't criminal, then what more could it be?? You know, these guys are just really sickening!!! And, of course, trusting the American government appears to have been a huge mistake. Apparently, most of these politicians are solely focused on continuing to gain more money and power for themselves and telling enough lies to get re-elected. They are less concerned about whether their decisions and approvals of vaccines that haven't been adequately proven and lack enough testing might eventually be harmful to their own people. But you know, what's more terrific will be revealed later in today's video. So don't go anywhere and watch till the end. Welcome to First Page News 🤝 We share conservative political news to inform and update you about the happening in politics and in our society that the mainstream media will rather hide from you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sources: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #trudeau #canada #frontpagenews


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