September 12, 2022

Australian lawyers: "pain is coming" to those who forced people to be vaccinated! (video)


Australian lawyers: "pain is coming" to those who forced people to be vaccinated! (video)

Australian lawyers have filed briefs from affidavits that include dozens of peer-reviewed and pre-printed studies on the harms caused by COVID vaccines, urgently requesting a hearing date. You can view the video of the depositions and copies of the  court filings here .

AVN believes that the   Australian Government has acted contrary to the dictates of the Precautionary Principle, failing in its duty of care by not merely dispensing and recommending, but requiring Australians to perform this medical procedure. There is no informed consent when one's livelihood and ability to feed one's children is at stake.

"In recent decades, an average of 2.4 people died and around 3,500 injuries were reported per year from all conventionally licensed vaccines," said Barrister Julian Gillespie, author of the original report. However, in the less than 12 months since the COVID shots began,   755 deaths and 104,236 injuries have been reported .

Lawyer Julian Gillespie in the video below claims "pain" is coming as patients have the right to take legal action and demand compensation from the doctors and medical staff who vaccinated them. Doctors in turn can sue  Apra  and the public board for forcing them to ignore their code of medical ethics.

Translated by Alina Kamba

See also:  CDC asked to apologize for working with Facebook to spread false and unscientific information about Covid19 vaccines



Αυστραλοί δικηγόροι: “έρχεται πόνος” σε όσους εξανάγκασαν ανθρώπους να εμβολιαστούν! (βίντεο)

Αυστραλοί δικηγόροι: “έρχεται πόνος” σε όσους εξανάγκασαν ανθρώπους να εμβολιαστούν! (βίντεο)

Αυστραλοί δικηγόροι, κατέθεσαν υπομνήματα, απο ένορκες καταθέσεις που περιλαμβάνουν δεκάδες αξιολογημένες και προεκτυπωμένες μελέτες σχετικά με τις βλάβες που προκαλούνται από τα εμβόλια για τον COVID, ζητώντας επειγόντως μια ημερομηνία ακρόασης. Μπορείτε να δείτε το βίντεο με τις καταθέσεις και τα αντίγραφα των δικαστικών υποβολών εδώ.

Η AVN πιστεύει ότι η Αυστραλιανή Κυβέρνηση ενήργησε σε αντίθεση με τις επιταγές της Αρχής της Προφύλαξης, αποτυγχάνοντας στο καθήκον της περίθαλψης, όχι απλώς διανέμοντας και συνιστώντας, αλλά επιβάλλοντας στους Αυστραλούς να κάνουν αυτήν την ιατρική πράξη. Δεν υπάρχει ενημερωμένη συναίνεση όταν τα προς το ζην και η ικανότητα κάποιου να ταΐσει τα παιδιά του είναι σε κίνδυνο.

«Τις τελευταίες δεκαετίες, κατά μέσο όρο 2,4 άνθρωποι πέθαναν και περίπου 3.500 τραυματισμοί αναφέρθηκαν τον χρόνο από όλα τα συμβατικά αδειοδοτημένα εμβόλια», είπε Barrister Julian Gillespie, συγγραφέας της αρχικής έκθεσης. Ωστόσο, σε λιγότερο από 12 μήνες από τότε που ξεκίνησαν οι ενέσεις για τον COVID, έχουν αναφερθεί 755 θάνατοι και 104.236 τραυματισμοί .

Ο δικηγόρος Julian Gillespie στο παρακάτω βίντεο, ισχυρίζεται πως έρχεται “πόνος” καθώς οι ασθενείς έχουν το δικαίωμα να προβούν νομικά και να απαιτήσουν αποζημιώσεις απο τους γιατρούς και το ιατρικό προσωπικό που τους εμβολίασαν. Με την σειρά τους οι γιατροί μπορούν να μηνύσουν το Apra και το δημόσιο συμβούλιο που τους εξανάγκασε να παραβλέψουν τον κώδικα ιατρικής δεοντολογίας τους.

Μετάφραση Αλίνα Καμπά


Δείτε ακόμα: Το CDC καλείται να απολογηθεί γιατί σε συνεργασία με το Facebook διέδωσαν ψευδείς και αντιεπιστημονικές πληροφορίες για τα εμβόλια Covid19



Trudeau turns out to be a staunch conservative ally

Trudeau turns out to be a staunch conservative ally


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September 11, 2022

Chrystia Freeland’s Beijing Connection

Chrystia Freeland’s Beijing Connection


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Cash Handouts To Canadians Could Spark “Inflationary Fire,” Economists Warn


Cash Handouts To Canadians Could Spark “Inflationary Fire,” Economists Warn

By Tyler Durden

While the Bank of Canada is locked in a period of oversized interest rate increases to combat the highest inflation since the early 1980s, politicians who want to please their constituents are aiming for new rounds of fiscal support, which economists warn is a terrible idea.

“While there are times where fiscal largesse is just what the economy needs, these aren’t such times,” Avery Shenfeld, chief economist at Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, wrote in a note to clients.

“In a period of high inflation and excess demand, cutting taxes or handing out cheques can add fuel to the inflationary fire, and make the job of a central bank that’s raising rates to cool demand all that more troublesome,” Shenfeld said. 

He continued:

What concerns us is that federal and provincial governments in Canada are feeling tempted to “do something” to help their constituents cope with high prices. While governments are feeling some inflation in their own costs, they’ve done even better on the revenue side, which creates the impression that they have the green light to put more money in voters’ pockets. That issue is apparently at least up for discussion as the Liberals meet to plan their agenda for the upcoming parliament.

Provinces have already moved in that direction. Either through fee rebates or broad-based cheques, most residents of Ontario, Quebec, Saskatchewan and Manitoba have or will soon receive payments marketed as a helping hand to deal with inflation. Alberta’s governing party is choosing a new leader, and it remains to be seen whether that will impact its apparent willingness to devote a huge $13 bn surplus this year to debt reduction.

The appeal of handouts to voters complaining about inflation is evident in the fact the provinces opting for them were generally about to face the electorate. But unless very narrowly targeted to only reach those in the most need of support to put food on the table, or even better, financed by offsetting spending cuts elsewhere, they add to the inflation pressure in the economy by increasing spending power.

Last week, the BoC hiked rates by 75bps as expected, lifting the overnight rate to 3.25% – the highest policy rate among major advanced economies – with the fourth consecutive outsized (more than 25bps) rate hike, and warning that “given the outlook for inflation, the Governing Council still judges that the policy interest rate will need to rise further.”

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The problem with deploying additional rounds of stimulus checks in an inflationary environment while the BoC combats inflation is that it will make the central bank’s job even more challenging, increasing the risks of a hard landing.

“We’re not going to deny that there are households seriously in need of help right now in this inflationary environment,” Robert Kavcic, senior economist at the Bank of Montreal, wrote in a separate note.

“But, from a policy perspective, we all know that sending out money as an inflation-support measure is inherently inflationary,” Kavcic said. 

The warning from economists is right about the dangers of additional rounds of cash handouts and how it could stoke even more inflation. Perhaps the politicians should wait to deploy stimmy checks when the next downturn arrives.

Isn’t it ridiculous how politicians want to inject more money into the economy to “fight inflation”… 

Source: ZeroHedge

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Ποιός σας είπε ότι φορτίζονται μόνο οι μπαταρίες;

Ποιός σας είπε ότι φορτίζονται μόνο οι μπαταρίες;

 Posted on 11 Σεπτεμβρίου, 2022

Το αμερικανικό FDA (οργανισμός τροφίμων και φαρμάκων) ενημερώνει τους πολίτες ότι τώρα θα μπορούν να επαναφορτίσουν την ανοσία τους με μία ενημερωμένη KOBINT19 ενισχυτική δόση! «ΕΠΑΝΑΦΟΡΤΙΣΕ ΤΗΝ ΑΝΟΣΙΑ ΣΟΥ» ΓΡΑΦΕΙ ΤΟ FDA


Mr Carignan looks in disgust at Freelands answer on the emergency Act, and how she proposed the idea

#mandates #truckersconvoy #trudeau

Mr Carignan looks in disgust at Freelands answer on the emergency Act, and how she proposed the idea

Claude Carignan must have asked Chrystia Freeland about 20 times who came up with the emergency act invocation. Chrystia Freeland responds over and over with the same answer it was a collective agreement by Cabinet. Our minister of finance doesn’t have the figures of damages during the protest in Ottawa, she was questioned on asking the united states for tow trucks invoking the act after the blockades were already cleared., heres the clip
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#I'mSorry: A Vaccinated Apology to the Unvaccinated


#I'mSorry: A Vaccinated Apology to the Unvaccinated

Published September 11, 2022



"It really took The Freedom Convoy to open my eyes a little bit to see what was going on. Seeing them trucks out in Coutts and tractors blowing through the barricades and seeing hundreds of people lined up the highways supporting the convoy. It was really touching. And that’s when I really started to dig deeper and open my eyes.”

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