September 02, 2022

Pope: The World Is Already In A “Third World War”

Pope: The World Is Already In A “Third World War”

By Mac Slavo

Pope Francis said that the world is already in a third world war. The comment was made in reference to Ukraine but he warned that similar conflicts will be fought piecemeal over time.

“Tomorrow you will remember the anniversary of the outbreak of World War II, which so painfully marked the Polish nation,” the pope said Wednesday. “May the memory of past experiences urge you to cultivate peace in yourselves, in your families, in social and international life.”

The pope referred to the current era as the “third World War,” saying the overarching conflict will most likely play out piecemeal, unlike previous global wars, according to Vatican media.

Back in 2018, the pope warned that a nuclear war was coming:

The Pope’s WW3 Warning: The World Is At ‘The Very Limit’ Of Nuclear War

But when asked if he was worried about the possibility of nuclear war, Pope Francis said: “I think we are at the very limit. I am really afraid of this. One accident is enough to precipitate things.” –SHTFPlan

The pope has stepped in often and has used politics to help convince the masses to do something. Take, for example, a 20-euro coin. This coin shows someone getting a vaccine. Not just any vaccine, though. This is a coin that has a description that specifically commemorates the COVID-19 vaccines.

The 20-euro silver coin, designed by Chiara Principe, is dedicated to a current theme that is very close to Pope Francis’ heart: treatments to counter the pandemic and the need to be vaccinated. The coin depicts a doctor, a nurse, and a young person who is ready to receive the vaccine. The Holy Father has repeatedly stressed the importance of vaccination, recalling that healthcare is “a moral obligation”, and it is important to “continue efforts to immunize even the poorest peoples”. -Commercializzazione Filatelica e Numismatica

He’s also been incredibly ignorant on economic issues before:

Pope Francis Blames Capitalism for World Hunger, Yet Again

What’s ironic about the pope blaming capitalism, or the free market for world hunger is that he’s the head of one of the most powerful organizations on the globe: the Vatican.

The Vatican economy minister, Father Juan Antonio Guerrero, said the Vatican’s total net assets in 2019 were about 4 billion euros, which is believed to be the first time any such figure has been given. -Reuters

We are only in a war if people choose to obey the ruling class and fight in one. If no one fights, there is no war. The pope could be encouraging peace, not selling fear to the masses.

Source: SHTFplan

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US Signs Deal to Give Israel Four Refueling Planes Needed to Bomb Iran

US Signs Deal to Give Israel Four Refueling Planes Needed to Bomb Iran

By Dave DeCamp

The Pentagon signed a contract with Boeing on Thursday to supply Israel with four KC-46 refueling planes that are needed for potential Israeli strikes on Iran, although the aircraft won’t be delivered until at least 2025.

The deal is worth $927 million, and Israel is purchasing the planes from Boeing with money from the $3.8 billion in military aid it receives from the US each year. Of that amount, Israel receives $3.3 billion in Foreign Military Financing, a State Department program that gives foreign governments money to purchase US-made military equipment.

Israel has the option to order four more KC-46s in the future. The deal has been in the works for a long time, and Israel has previously asked the US if it could accelerate the delivery of the planes, but the US has denied the request. The US military would need to give up its spot in line to receive KC-46s in order for Israel to receive the planes earlier.

Israel currently relies on aging tankers for mid-air refueling, which aren’t expected to be capable of supporting attacks on Iran. According to the Times of Israel, Israeli jets would need to travel about 1,200 miles to strike targets in Iran, which would require either the KC-46s or stopping in a Gulf country to refuel.

Over the past year, Israel’s military has been focused on making preparations to bomb Iran. Israeli warplanes recently simulated launching large-scale attacks on Iran over the Mediterranean Sea.

The signing of the contract comes as the US and Iran are engaged in EU-mediated negotiations to revive the Iran nuclear deal, which Israel is strongly against. Israeli officials have stepped up their efforts to sabotage the agreement and are calling for the US to prepare a military option.

Source: Antiwar

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«ΨΥΧΡOΛΟΥΣΙΑ»! Ο Πούτιν έκλεισε ΕΝΤΕΛΩΣ την κάνουλα

«ΨΥΧΡOΛΟΥΣΙΑ»! Ο Πούτιν έκλεισε ΕΝΤΕΛΩΣ την κάνουλα

Η Gazprom διέκοψε ΠΛΗΡΩΣ τις προμήθειες 

φυσικού αερίου Nord Stream!!!

2 Σεπτεμβρίου 2022 - 19:55

Πριν από λίγα λεπτά, η Gazprom ανακοίνωσε την «επ’ αόριστον» διακοπή του Nord Stream 1 «για τεχνικούς λόγους», πυροδοτώντας μια «βόμβα» στα θεμέλια της Ευρώπης.

Η κίνηση αυτή έρχεται ως απάντηση στην κίνηση των G7 για πλαφόν στην τιμή του ρωσικού πετρελαίου. 

Παρά τα όσα είχαν γίνει γνωστά το πρωί της Παρασκευής για αποκατάσταση της ροής φυσικού αερίου μέσω του Nord Stream στην Ευρώπη το Σάββατο, η Gazprom ανακοίνωσε πριν από λίγο ότι σταματά εντελώς τηn ροή εξαιτίας τεχνικού προβλήματος.

Όπως υποστηρίζει κατά την διάρκεια ελέγχου ρουτίνας εντοπίστηκε διαρροή λαδιού. Μάλιστα η εταιρεία παρουσίασε και φωτογραφία με την βλάβη.

Με αυτά τα δεδομένα υποστηρίζει δεν μπορεί να λειτουργήσει με ασφάλεια η τουρμπίνα.

Η Gazprom δεν θα συνεχίσει τη ροή φυσικού αερίου μέσω του αγωγού έως ότου επιλυθούν τα προβλήματα εξοπλισμού, εξήγησε σήμερα ο ρωσικός ενεργειακός κολοσσός, ενώ δεν παρείχε χρονοδιάγραμμα για την επανεκκίνηση της προμήθειας φυσικού αερίου.

Η Ρωσία είναι ο δεύτερος μεγαλύτερος εξαγωγέας πετρελαίου στον κόσμο μετά τη Σαουδική Αραβία και ο μεγαλύτερος εξαγωγέας φυσικού αερίου στον κόσμο.

Η Ευρώπη εισάγει περίπου το 40 τοις εκατό του φυσικού αερίου της και το 30 τοις εκατό του πετρελαίου της από τη Ρωσία και ο Πούτιν έχει ήδη κατηγορηθεί για «ενεργειακό εκβιασμό» στραγγαλίζοντας τη ροή φυσικού αερίου στη Γερμανία μέσω της παροχής Nord Stream.

photo intime


Conspiracy? Elites poised to push insects for human consumption on the masses

#RebelNews #Rebel #EzraLevant

Conspiracy? Elites poised to push insects for human consumption on the masses


FULL REPORT by @Ezra Levant: Rebel News' Ezra Levant discusses a new facility in London, Ontario that is set to be home to the largest cricket production facility in the world. 00:00 Start 00:03 Discussing EllisDon’s new massive cricket facility 02:30 What is the Hult Prize? 03:55 Aspire Food Group CEO states mission 07:05 WEF pushing bugs on the masses 10:15 Bill Gates’ involvement in “insect agriculture” and the WEF 15:30 Klaus Schwab of the WEF 18:00 CBC reporter discusses “conspiracies” 25:12 What’s the conspiracy theory here? 27:55 Discussing CBC reporter Colin Butler




First published at 02:36 UTC on September 2nd, 2022.

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BOMBSHELL ADMISSION: CDC Hell-Bent On Ensuring That Vax Workers Can Kill With Impunity (PREP Act)


Tim Truth

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First published at 00:53 UTC on September 2nd, 2022.

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Tim Truth

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Η οργάνωση Antifa προστατεύει τις παιδικές παραστάσεις “drag event” στο Τέξας από διαμαρτυρίες γονέων…

Η οργάνωση Antifa προστατεύει τις παιδικές παραστάσεις “drag event” στο Τέξας από διαμαρτυρίες γονέων…

Οπλισμένοι Antifa παρουσιάστηκαν στο Roanoke του Τέξας, (ένα προάστιο του Ντάλας και του Φορτ Γουόρθ) για να «προστατέψουν» τους παρευρισκόμενους σε μια εκδήλωση «Barrel Babes Drag Brunch» “drag event” φιλικό στα παιδιά.

Οπλισμένοι με AR-15, μασκοφόροι της ομάδας Antifa περιπολούσαν στους δρόμους και ακόμη και απο τον τρίτο όροφο ενός κοντινού γκαράζ σαν ελεύθεροι σκοπευτές για να επιτεθούν στην Protect Texas Kids, μια άοπλη ομάδα που ιδρύθηκε από την Kelly Neidert με γονείς που διαμαρτύρονται για την προστασία των παιδιών.

Το Protect Texas Kids είχε μια προγραμματισμένη διαμαρτυρία εν όψει της εκδήλωσης, στην οποία οι Antifa απάντησαν στέλνοντας τρομοκράτες από το John Brown Gun Club, με επικεφαλής τους Christopher Guillott και Garrett Lee, μια παραστρατιωτική αντιφασιστική ομάδα.

«Η Kelly Neidert είναι μια «χριστιανή φασίστας» και ένας από τους πιο επικίνδυνους φασίστες διοργανωτές στο DFW», έγραψε το John Brown Gun Club στη σελίδα του στο Twitter που υποστηρίζει τις εκδηλώσεις drag kids. «Έχει δουλέψει με τον Andy Ngo, τον Alex Stein και μια σειρά από άλλους απροσδόκητους φασίστες «influencers»».

Αν και η αστυνομία κλήθηκε να αντιμετωπίσει την εκδήλωση ως παράνομη και για τον λόγο ότι πρόσφεραν ποτά σε ανηλίκους, δεν εμφανίστηκαν φοβούμενοι την ομάδα John Brown Gun Club. Στην πραγματικότητα, εθεάθη να απομακρύνει τους διαδηλωτές και όχι τους οπλισμένους του Antifa…

Ακολούθησαν κάποιες διαπλοκές, όπως μια θυμωμένη, μητέρα να ουρλιάζει έξω από το club ενώ συνόδευε τον γιο της στο event. Όταν φώναξαν από απέναντι, η γυναίκα ψιθύρισε στο αυτί του αγοριού και προφανώς του είπε να δείξει το μεσαίο δάχτυλό του στην ομάδα.

Δείτε ακόμα: Η κόρη του προέδρου των ΗΠΑ (Τζο Μπάιντεν) ισχυρίστηκε ότι ο πατέρας της την κακοποιούσε όταν έκαναν μαζί μπάνιο!

πηγή :

Ελεύθερη Γνώμη με τον Άγγελο Αγγελάτο , Σημερα Σομπόνη Ερευνήτρια 9/1/2022

Ελεύθερη Γνώμη με τον Άγγελο Αγγελάτο , 

Σημερα Σομπόνη Ερευνήτρια 9/1/2022


Greek Voice TV

Ελεύθερη Γνώμη με τον Άγγελο Αγγελάτο , Σημερα Σομπόνη Ερευνήτρια 9/1/2022\ donation here

DANGER: Mega Companies QUIETLY Adding Crickets To Food: Crickets In Our Food

#foodshortages2022 #foodshortage #foodshortages

DANGER: Mega Companies QUIETLY Adding Crickets To Food: 

Crickets In Our Food


DANGER: Mega Companies QUIETLY Adding Crickets To Food: Crickets In Our Food This Is Scarry Stuff! Eating crickets could be pretty scary and dangerous for some people did you know that some big food companies are adding crickets to snacks bread cookies and many other things quietly? That’s right large companies and industries are quietly adding crickets to food, it could be dangerous for some people as some people may have cricket allergies and the mega companies are quietly adding these crickets to the food that’s right crickets in our food pro cricket protein added to our food in some situations discreetly, when some people may have shellfish allergies etc. which could be harmful for them to eat. Eating foods and possibly having a food allergy issue with that food and not knowing about it could be dangerous. Are you guys preppers or just interested in good information you can always find great information from Prepping channels like preppernurse1, Alaska prepper, Canadiann and prepper, many are saying that prepper are not a proper things are turning out like Soylent Green movie. So be on the alert for the word a Chata, or household cricket in your foods that’s right house crickets Bing ground up into cricket proteins which means crickets in our food, bugs in our food essentially, although they are high in protein crickets many people like Canadian prepper Alaska Prepper will tell you that it is being secretly added in some cases, coming about fast especially in places like Canada and Australia, is it the WEF? Many of the snack industries are definitely putting out a lot of cricket based cookies and bread, are you in the eating bugs? To me it’s an SHTF food situation that’s right crickets and the food is not something I’m personally interested in food shortage or not. Preparedness is going to be my key against eating crickets, for SHTF 2022 I’m gonna be prepped for 2022 ACHETA DOMESTICUS, or house cricket flower or cricket flower watch for those things on the ingredients also another warning out there is bio engineered food, that’s another thing that you might want to look into it could be a matter of you eating who knows what, be sure to read your labels, it is so important these days to do your research and read the labels of your food, whether it’s a food shortage or not Walmart food shortages Costco food shortages any kind of food shortages or empty shelves be sure to be read in your labels you could see Foods that are expired or you may see things in the ingredients that you do not want to feed to your family, so when stocking up your prepper pantry and considering SHDF foods and prepping foods be sure to read the labels of your food that you buy at the grocery stores. And like I said empty shelves are not cricket food cricket flower better consider this cricket warning this is a message for preppers in 2022 and everyone else. ———————————————— The full video with the old guy ( you decide what you think about it and put in comments) ——————————————————- LONG TERM FOOD STORAGE VIDEOS ..............


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