September 02, 2022

DANGER: Mega Companies QUIETLY Adding Crickets To Food: Crickets In Our Food

#foodshortages2022 #foodshortage #foodshortages

DANGER: Mega Companies QUIETLY Adding Crickets To Food: 

Crickets In Our Food


DANGER: Mega Companies QUIETLY Adding Crickets To Food: Crickets In Our Food This Is Scarry Stuff! Eating crickets could be pretty scary and dangerous for some people did you know that some big food companies are adding crickets to snacks bread cookies and many other things quietly? That’s right large companies and industries are quietly adding crickets to food, it could be dangerous for some people as some people may have cricket allergies and the mega companies are quietly adding these crickets to the food that’s right crickets in our food pro cricket protein added to our food in some situations discreetly, when some people may have shellfish allergies etc. which could be harmful for them to eat. Eating foods and possibly having a food allergy issue with that food and not knowing about it could be dangerous. Are you guys preppers or just interested in good information you can always find great information from Prepping channels like preppernurse1, Alaska prepper, Canadiann and prepper, many are saying that prepper are not a proper things are turning out like Soylent Green movie. So be on the alert for the word a Chata, or household cricket in your foods that’s right house crickets Bing ground up into cricket proteins which means crickets in our food, bugs in our food essentially, although they are high in protein crickets many people like Canadian prepper Alaska Prepper will tell you that it is being secretly added in some cases, coming about fast especially in places like Canada and Australia, is it the WEF? Many of the snack industries are definitely putting out a lot of cricket based cookies and bread, are you in the eating bugs? To me it’s an SHTF food situation that’s right crickets and the food is not something I’m personally interested in food shortage or not. Preparedness is going to be my key against eating crickets, for SHTF 2022 I’m gonna be prepped for 2022 ACHETA DOMESTICUS, or house cricket flower or cricket flower watch for those things on the ingredients also another warning out there is bio engineered food, that’s another thing that you might want to look into it could be a matter of you eating who knows what, be sure to read your labels, it is so important these days to do your research and read the labels of your food, whether it’s a food shortage or not Walmart food shortages Costco food shortages any kind of food shortages or empty shelves be sure to be read in your labels you could see Foods that are expired or you may see things in the ingredients that you do not want to feed to your family, so when stocking up your prepper pantry and considering SHDF foods and prepping foods be sure to read the labels of your food that you buy at the grocery stores. And like I said empty shelves are not cricket food cricket flower better consider this cricket warning this is a message for preppers in 2022 and everyone else. ———————————————— The full video with the old guy ( you decide what you think about it and put in comments) ——————————————————- LONG TERM FOOD STORAGE VIDEOS ..............

ΧΑΜΟΣ! Καναδοί πολίτες πάνε στα δικαστήρια τον Τριντό, vid // Canadian citizens take Trudeau to court, video

Καναδοί πολίτες πάνε στα δικαστήρια τον Trudeau

Canadian citizens take Trudeau to court

 Δείτε το ρεπορτάζ για τον Καναδό 

πρωθυπουργό που μονοπωλεί τις τελευταίες 

μέρες το ενδιαφέρον...


See the reportage on the Canadian Prime 

Minister who monopolizes the interest in the 

latter days... 


πηγή / source       


"Ο Shaun Rickard, ο Karl Harrison και ο δικηγόρος τους Sam Presvelos δεν μπόρεσαν να βρουν ούτε ένα άτομο ( ! ) στην 20μελή ομάδα "ειδικών" του Trudeau για την κρίση του Covid-19 κομμουνιστικού στύλ, που να έχει επίσημη εκπαίδευση στην επιδημιολογία , την ιατρική ή την δημόσια υγεία ..."
"Shaun Rickard, Karl Harrison and their lawyer Sam Presvelos couldn't find a single person ( ! ) on Trudeau's 20-member team of "experts" on the covid-19 crisis communist style, who has formal training in epidemiology, medicine or public health..."

September 01, 2022

Fraudulent COVID Deaths: Grieving Parents Were BRIBED With Big Money to Change Their Child's Death Certificate

Fraudulent COVID Deaths: Grieving Parents Were BRIBED With Big Money to Change Their Child's Death Certificate

Published September 1, 2022



The federal government pushed out a program that offered to pay the funeral costs for anyone who had a family member die from COVID. The amount being offered was at least $13,000.

Ernest Ramirez, whose son tragically died from the Pfizer shot, was called and told that his funeral expenses would be paid for if he changed his son's death certificate to a COVID death. He said no.

But how many family members do you think elected to take the check?

Want justice against these criminals? Sign the petition to help convene a grand jury investigation against the CDC:

The Independence Party hosts leadership debate featuring Artur Pawlowski

#RebelNews #RebelNewsCanada #Rebel

The Independence Party hosts leadership debate featuring Artur Pawlowski


Rebel News Canada

FULL REPORT by Selene Galas: Rebel News' Selene Galas was on the scene in Calgary covering the Independence Party's leadership debate featuring Pastor Artur Pawlowski. SUBSCRIBE: Subscribe on Rumble - Rebel News: Telling the other side of the story. for more great Rebel content.





First published at 13:14 UTC on August 2nd, 2022

video :


wil paranormal

Canada is preparing to have another massive convoy, this time in Western Canada asking Canadian police officers to stand with the people as the criminal politicians and Health officials are exposed.
If this attempt fails, it may be time to leave Communist Canada.



First published at 14:04 UTC on September 1st, 2022.

video :

Final Warning for Canadian Police, Military, and  Mankind!!!


Truth Provider

August 30, 2022. From David Cheyne: In this video I urge you to share this with police, military, and people from all walks of life. We are about to enter a very dark period of human history. As more of this agenda is revealed, it is very clear that the globalists and their puppet cronies are pretending nothing is happening as they push forward their genocidal agenda.

To download the evidence package that has been delivered to police across the country:

UNREAL! Donors Exempt From Western University Vaccine Mandate

#trudeau #canada #frontpagenews

UNREAL! Donors Exempt From Western University Vaccine Mandate


UNREAL! Donors Exempt From Western University Vaccine Mandate Join Us On Telegram and share ideas and comment without any censorship -

this is arguably one of the most ridiculous things I've seen in a very long time. And I just wonder, just how did it get this worse and absolutely laughable in Canada? Right to the extent that even academic institutions that apparently should provide a space aimed at facilitating learning now get it completely wrong too. Apparently, by the standards of Western University in London, Ontario, the co vid science only applies to the poor and not the wealthy. In a rather absolutely shocking and funny manner, it would be interesting to know that donors and prospective donors are exempt from Western University's three dose vaccine mandate. So it turns out if you're cutting the university some cheques, science says co vid passes you by. Like really??? Ahh ahh ahh…And they expect the students and everyone else to buy that bull shit?? If I may get this right, apparently, Western University is trying to say that a prospective student is safe but once accepted, they become a health hazard. More like implying that you can't drive drunk because you are a danger to others, except if you are just mildly intoxicated, then it's okay. These guys should give me a break! Of course, the whole hypocritical bull shit is as glaring as ever. But you would later get to know what's even more baffling in today's video as we dive deeper into the discussion. But before then, please take a moment to click the subscribe button and give thumbs up for this video and our other videos. You might as well consider sharing our videos with as many people as possible. Also, don't forget to drop your opinion in the comment section below. At the same time, please, take a moment to buy us a cup of coffee to support this channel to enable us to continue to bring you the news that you won't get from the legacy media by clicking on the Thanks button down below. That said, let's quickly continue. In what appears to be more of an expensive joke and absolutely unbelievable action, the Western University located in London, Ontario, has hinted to the public that its three dose vaccination mandate apparently applies to students, staff, and visitors but those thinking of cutting a check to the university get a pass from the vaccine mandates. You would recall that as the 20 22 to 20 23 school year approaches; Western University had announced that it would be continuing to implement co vid 19 vaccine and masking requirements this September. In other words, from the first day of September, students, staff, and faculty are still required to be vaccinated against co vid 19 and to wear medical grade masks in classrooms and seminar rooms, with the exception of those presenting, performing, and or speaking to a group who can remain two meters apart. And as if that wasn't enough, the University also required that all attendees have received at least one booster shot. So, in effect, students, faculty, and staff are mandated to submit current proof of vaccination to the university by the first of October. Welcome to First Page News 🤝 We share conservative political news to inform and update you about the happening in politics and in our society that the mainstream media will rather hide from you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sources:

Trudeau's vaccine mandates in Canada EXPOSED in court documents | Redacted with Clayton Morris

#redacted #claytonmorris #moomoo

Trudeau's vaccine mandates in Canada EXPOSED in court documents | Redacted with Clayton Morris


996K subscribers

A new lawsuit shows that the Canadian government issued vaccine travel mandates before there was any science on the matter. In fact, they decided on the mandates and then went looking for the science. That's not how these things should go!

Putin just EVISCERATED the WEF great reset with this move | Redacted with Clayton Morris

Putin just EVISCERATED the WEF great reset with this move | Redacted with Clayton Morris



Russian President Putin just turned off gas flows to Europe upending the liberal world order.
Germany remains defiant calling for even more sanctions against Russia.
FAA whistleblowers come forward to expose troubles with vaccine mandates.
And Zelensky rents his Italian villa for 50K a month!




Aug 30, 2022

video :

SAD (Sudden Adult Death) Better Known As Covid-19

INJECTION Depopulation.



This video which has one of the largest Covid-19 vaccine deaths caught on video...fails to show you the true perspective of the millions of people maimed and killed...from the most deadliest depopulation scheme known to man kind.

Source: MaxResistance:

The World Economic Forum Is Terrifying But It's Destined to Fail: Bob Mo...

#wef #worldeconomicforum #thegreatreset

The World Economic Forum Is Terrifying But It's Destined to Fail: 

Bob Moriarty


The Jay Martin Show
160K subscribers
Financial author and legendary investor Bob Moriarty breaks down the World Economic Forum and it's agenda of absolute control over humanity. Bob explains that even though the WEF has a lot of political power and money behind it, it is an exercise that is destined to fail in the end. Masterworks - Skip the waitlist and invest in blue-chip art for the very first time by signing up for Masterworks: Purchase shares in great masterpieces from artists like Pablo Picasso, Banksy, Andy Warhol, and more. How Masterworks works: -Create your account with your traditional bank account -Pick major works of art to invest in or our new blue-chip diversified art portfolio -Identify investment amount -Hold shares in works by Picasso or trade them in our secondary marketplace See important Masterworks disclosures: Sign up for our free weekly newsletter at


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