August 26, 2022

Macron - Get Ready For Suffering And Hard Times!

#trudeau #canada #frontpagenews

Macron - Get Ready For Suffering And Hard Times!

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Macron - Get Ready For Suffering And Hard Times! 🥺 Buy Us A Cup Of Coffee ☕ By Clicking On The THANKS Button 🙏 The Courage To Speak The Truth Is A Virtue! When the WEF said we would own nothing and be happy, they sure weren’t joking. I don’t mean that they are right in saying that we would be happy because you won’t find anyone smiling about the recent happenings within the member countries of the World Economic Forum. And while the WEF are using subtle methods to make their goal come to fruition, the president of France, Emmanuel Macron, chose to be direct and tell his people, the French citizens, that they shouldn’t expect to receive the kind of quality of life that they enjoyed in previous years. In an interview, he said and I quote, “What we are currently living through is a kind of major tipping point or a great upheaval. We are living the end of what could have seemed an era of abundance. The end of the abundance of products of technologies that seemed always available; the end of the abundance of land and materials including water.” He went on to say and I quote yet again, “This overview that I’m giving, the end of abundance, the end of insouciance, the end of assumptions, it’s ultimately a tipping point that we are going through that can lead our citizens to feel a lot of anxiety. Faced with this, we have a duty, duties, the first of which is to speak frankly and clearly without doom mongering.” While it is normal for world leaders to give their citizens the sad news that things won’t be as they used to be, Macron’s statement was different for a particular reason, or two. In his statement, he was specific about what the people would lose, and what they wouldn’t have in abundance anymore, and those are land and water. Now, the issue of land is a prevailing one in the world now, at least among the member countries of the WEF. In the Netherlands, a certain politician accused the Dutch prime minister, Mark Rutte of trying to take the lands from farmers and use them to expand the country. In the United Kingdom, the outgoing prime minister, Boris Johnson wants to buy lands from British farmers for a reason only they know. And Canadian prime minister, Justin Trudeau is looking to frustrate farmers out of holding on to their lands. Recently, he released his federal agents on farmers in one of the prairie provinces, and these government workers didn’t care for the laws of Saskatchewan and trespassed on private property. When you look into these slightly different but interconnected situations, you would see that the core similarity between them would be their foundation which is the WEF, their supreme puppetmaster who dictates to them what to do and how to do it. But Macron isn’t being so honest about the people losing some quality of life and having to live with less. I say this because while he brought this message of doom to his people, some French companies were making big bucks despite a housing crisis that is nationwide. The Daily Times reported that based on France’s CAC 40 stock index, some of the largest companies in the country had made record high profits in what is now the best quarter ever. Welcome to First Page News 🤝 We share conservative political news to inform and update you about the happening in politics and in our society that the mainstream media will rather hide from you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sources: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #trudeau #canada #frontpagenews

'Everything Your Government Has Told You About This Virus Is a Lie': FLUVID-19 - Official Trailer


'Everything Your Government Has Told You About This Virus Is a Lie': FLUVID-19 - Official Trailer

Published August 26, 2022



"Everybody sees what's going on. People woke up. They're not looking for anybody to save them; they're saving themselves..."


Έφτιαξαν μάσκες για αγελάδες που φιλτράρουν το μεθάνιο απο το ρέψιμο τους, που προκαλεί την κλιματική αλλαγή!

Έφτιαξαν μάσκες για αγελάδες που φιλτράρουν το μεθάνιο απο το ρέψιμο τους, που προκαλεί την κλιματική αλλαγή!

Έφτιαξαν μάσκες που εξουδετερώνουν το μεθάνιο απο τα αέρια που ρεύονται οι αγελάδες. Μάλιστα κέρδισε και βραβείο σχεδιασμού σε διαγωνισμό που οργάνωσε ο πρίγκιπας Κάρολος της Βρετανίας για την αντιμετώπιση της κλιματικής αλλαγής.

Η φορετή συσκευή για βοοειδή, δημιουργία της βρετανικής εταιρείας Zelp, ήταν μια από τις τέσσερις καινοτομίες που βραβεύτηκαν στον πρώτο διαγωνισμό Terra Cart Design Lab.

Ο Κάρολος, ο οποίος λάνσαρε τον διαγωνισμό στο πλαίσιο της Πρωτοβουλίας Βιώσιμων Αγορών, παρέστη στην απονομή την περασμένη εβδομάδα και χαρακτήρισε «συναρπαστική» την ιδέα της μάσκας, ανέφερε η Telegraph.

Η συσκευή ανιχνεύει τα επίπεδα μεθανίου στην ανάσα των ζώων και όταν αντιληφθεί ρέψιμο ενεργοποιεί σύστημα που οξειδώνει το μεθάνιο και το μετατρέπει σε διοξείδιο του άνθρακα και νερό.

Το μεθάνιο είναι δεκάδες φορές πιο δραστικό από το διοξείδιο του άνθρακα ως αέριο του θερμοκηπίου. Επιζεί όμως στην ατμόσφαιρα μόνο λίγα χρόνια, αντί ολόκληρους αιώνες, γι’ αυτό και η μείωσή του θεωρείται ένας από τους αποτελεσματικότερους τρόπους για τη συγκράτηση της κλιματικής αλλαγής.

Σύμφωνα με μελέτη που δημοσιεύτηκε το 1995 στο Journal of Animal Science, κάθε αγελάδα απελευθερώνει έως και 492 λίτρα μεθανίου την ημέρα – σε όλο τον κόσμο υπάρχουν περίπου ένα δισεκατομμύριο αγελάδες.

Δείτε ακόμα: Για πρώτη φορά στην ιστορία οι κυβερνήσεις προσπαθούν να προκαλέσουν σκόπιμα οικονομική κρίση!


Prince Charles backs face masks for cows to help save the planet one burp at a time

 This methane-catching face mask for cows is being trialled by one of the UK's largest meat producers

Prince Charles backs face masks for cows to help save the planet one burp at a time

Methane-catching devices, an invention backed by the Prince of Wales, could be fitted to herds to reduce carbon hoofprint of British beef.

The methane-catching devices, an invention backed by the Prince of Wales, could be fitted to British herds to reduce emissions of the powerful greenhouse gas.

Startup Zelp, founded by Francisco Norris, uses pioneering technology to convert methane burped out by dairy and beef herds into water and carbon dioxide in an attempt to stem emissions.

The company has been working with one of the UK's largest meat producers to trial the devices on cows to help cut the carbon footprint of British beef.

Cows produce methane and carbon dioxide, both of which contribute to climate change. Around 95 per cent of the methane emitted by a cow is thought to come from their mouths and nostrils, Zelp said.

The device sits around the animal's head and captures the methane produced when it exhales CREDIT: Royal College of Art

The device sits around the animal's head and captures methane emitted when it exhales. The gas travels through a micro-sized catalytic converter, and it is released into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide and water vapour.

The company said tests had shown a 53 per cent reduction in methane emissions, and it is hoping to reach 60 per cent next year.

The invention was one of four to win a £50,000 prize run by the Terra Carta Design Lab, a prize for Royal College of Art students and alumni which forms part of the Prince's Sustainable Markets Initiative.

Winners were selected by a panel including the Prince of Wales, who is also the Royal Visitor at the RCA, and Sir Jony Ive, the chancellor of the Royal College of Art and a former chief design officer at Apple.

On Wednesday the Prince and Sir Jony visited an exhibition showcasing the designs at the RCA, with Prince Charles hailing the invetion as "fascinating".Speaking to the winners he said: "I can’t tell you how proud I am to be associated with the Royal College of Art, particularly as a result of seeing the remarkable ideas presented by many of them alumni and existing students."May I say that it is critical because of the urgency we face in terms of the crisis confronting us in all directions and just how important is what their ideas represent in terms of finding solutions rapidly."I can only hope as a result of this and drawing more attention to what you are doing that we will have a better chance of winning this battle in shorter time. I can only wish you every possible success. Many congratulations, marvellous."

Read more :  HERE


Γιάννης Καλατζής - Η σούστα πήγαινε μπροστά

Γιάννης Καλατζής - Η σούστα πήγαινε μπροστά


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Γιάννης Καλατζής - Η σούστα πήγαινε μπροστά || Audio Release HQ © FM Records S.A.

Η σούστα πήγαινε μπροστά κι ο μάγκας τοίχο τοίχο δεν έτυχε στα χρόνια αυτά τίποτα να πετύχω Ανάβουνε φωτιές στις γειτονιές του Αη Γιάννη αχ πόσα ξέρεις και μου λες αχ πόσα τέτοια ξέρεις και μου λες που `χουν πεθάνει Με βάλαν πάνω στην κορφή στ’ αγριεμένο κύμα στης Σμύρνης την καταστροφή στ’ άδικο και στο κρίμα

Ανάβουνε φωτιές στις γειτονιές του Αη Γιάννη αχ πόσα ξέρεις και μου λες αχ πόσα τέτοια ξέρεις και μου λες που `χουν πεθάνει

WEF Plans To Microchip Children Revealed | Front Page News

#trudeau #canada #frontpagenews

WEF Plans To Microchip Children Revealed | Front Page News


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WEF Plans To Microchip Children Revealed | Front Page News 🥺 Buy Us A Cup Of Coffee ☕ By Clicking On The THANKS Button 🙏 The Courage To Speak The Truth Is A Virtue! I have seen a lot of bull in recent times but surely, this one would stand as one of the worst I have seen. Nothing prepared me for the shock I got when, while scouting for news, I came across this. Now the Wef wants our children in their sinister scheme which they christened the Great Reset. Just like they always do, the forum published an article where a scientist in their fold explained the reasons they claim are solid as to why kids must have microchips in them. The author of the article said that though the issue of microchipping kids would be a highly contested one because of ethical reasons, there was cause to believe that the microchips would help the kids, especially those who had behavioral abnormalities like attention deficit disorder. The scientist claimed that in the case of a kid with attention deficit disorder, the parents might need to microchip them to augment their children's reality and help them in places such as the classroom. Though the scientist included that it would be better to use smart tech rather than outright implants on such children so they can take their reality dampening impediments off when they need to. In the article's words, "Many children with attention deficit struggle in school. In the best case, they get special education services or classroom accommodations. However, with extra visual and audio guidance that blocks off excess stimuli, an otherwise-enabled child can cope with a standard school environment. And when class is over, and playtime begins, they can just take the aids off.” I will have to hand it to those guys at the Wef, they are sure cunning. Maybe even more cunning than Trudeau himself, their foremost puppet. You might be asking why, well here's why I think so. They are playing a game of psychology here as we can see from the way they approached the topic. The scientist admitted that it would be controversial to do so but went ahead to make it look like they plan on using it to correct the behavioral abnormalities in children with attention deficit disorder and dyslexia. The plan is to make this appealing to parents by positioning the discourse in a way that would seem to help their kids lead better lives. And this is why this organization is a dangerous one. Welcome to First Page News 🤝 We share conservative political news to inform and update you about the happening in politics and in our society that the mainstream media will rather hide from you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sources: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #trudeau #canada #frontpagenews

Sask Minister & Poilievre Call Out Trudeau | Front Page News

#trudeau #canada #frontpagenews

Sask Minister & Poilievre Call Out Trudeau | Front Page News


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Saskatchewan Minister Stand Up To Trudeau | Front Page News 🥺 Buy Us A Cup Of Coffee ☕ By Clicking On The THANKS Button 🙏 The Courage To Speak The Truth Is A Virtue! Complaints have been coming in from the province of Sask and these complaints have been laid by farmers who say that agents belonging to Trudeau's government trespasses on their farmlands in their quest for nitrogen. The farmers say that these federal agents turn up in clearly marked government of Canada vehicles and enter their farmlands to test nitrogen content. No plea to the farmers to allow them to test for nitrogen on their lands, they just walk in there. This has infuriated Sask minister, Jeremy Cockrill, who has seen most, if not all of these complaints, so much that he has given public notice to what was happening in Sask. In a letter that he posted along with a caption on Twitter, he appeared to threaten Trudeau's federal agents whom he claimed were unlawfully trespassing on private lands. The farmers had stated that the federal agents didn't see a need to ask them for permission before waltzing into their lands with their equipment. Cockrill also mentioned that what Trudeau's agents were doing was a clear transgression of the Sask Trespass to Property Act. And breaking the rules of the Act could cause the defaulting individuals involved to part with up to 200,000 dollars and give up six months of their freedom locked up in prison. With the public letter, the Sask government is making it clear to Trudeau's government that they were not welcome to test for nitrogen or any other gas on private lands, not without permission from the landowners. This is another showing from the Sask government that they do not conform to Trudeau's policy targeting farmers in the country. As one of the prairie provinces in the country, Sask farmers grow a large percentage of what the country eats. But with Trudeau's policy, they fear that their farms and yields would be greatly affected if the prime minister is allowed to have his way. Hence, all three premiers of the prairie provinces came out to jointly condemn Trudeau's policy. But with what is happening in Sask at the moment, it seems like Trudeau didn't care much for what they had to say and has, instead, gone ahead to follow through with his plan. Welcome to First Page News 🤝 We share conservative political news to inform and update you about the happening in politics and in our society that the mainstream media will rather hide from you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sources: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #trudeau #canada #frontpagenews

Lab Rat Offspring Got Rib Malformations After COVID Vaccination: Moderna Trial Documents

 Image by The Epoch Times


Lab Rat Offspring Got Rib 

Malformations After COVID 

Vaccination: Moderna Trial 



Judicial Watch, an organization that promotes government transparency and accountability, obtained reports from Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine trial on animals.
During the study, female rats were given human doses or 100 micrograms of the mRNA vaccine—two before and two during pregnancy.

The test results show that about 4 percent of their offspring had statistically significant skeletal malformations, specifically abnormally wavy ribs.


Είναι αυτή η σύνδεση 5G που ψάχναμε; (βίντεο)


Είναι αυτή η σύνδεση 5G που ψάχναμε; 

Πολλές εικασίες στο παρελθόν έχουν ακουστεί για την σύνδεση του κορονοϊου ή των εμβολίων με το σύστημα 5G. Δείτε ακόμα: CHARLES LIEBER: ΤΟ ΕΝΕΣΙΜΟ ΝΕΥΡΩΝΙΚΟ ΔΙΚΤΥΟ (βίντεο)

Ο Mat Taylor επισκέπτεται για άλλη μια φορά στη σημερινή εκπομπή του Stew Peters για να αποκαλύψει τα σχέδια της κυβέρνησης να μας σκοτώσει όλους.

Και όπως καταμαρτυρείται στην εκπομπή του Stew, στο εμβόλιο έχουν ενσωματωθεί αυτοσυναρμολογούμενα μορφώματα που ενεργοποιούνται από συχνότητες Wi-Fi!


Αυτή θα μπορούσε να είναι η σύνδεση 5G που ψάχναμε!

ΠΗΓΗ: Exclusive Horrific Images: Circuits In Covid Jab Internet Router Causes Circuits To Self Assemble



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