August 22, 2022

Mainstream media pushes fear and double masking

Mainstream media pushes fear and double masking

Mainstream media pushes fear

 and double masking


August 20, 2022

The mainstream media is up to its old antics again, trotting out ‘experts’ to warn the public of COVID and push the unavailing practice of double masking.

“[The pandemic] is raging around as wildly as it has ever been,” claims Raywat Deonandan, an epidemiologist who routinely pushes for restrictions and is frequently cited by Global News.

He, along with Chief Public Health Officer Theresa Tam, are now saying that we need to be “readying ourselves for the fall” and are expecting potential new variants to emerge just as people settle back into the old normal and put pandemic nonsense behind them.

Horacio Bach, another of Global News’s frequently cited ‘experts,’ obviously agrees with renewing COVID measures, going so far as telling Canadians that they should consider double masking — perhaps the most ineffectualnonsensical, ridiculous COVID measure ever posited.

“But we have to remember we’re dealing with this virus that can spike at any time,” said Bach. “We don’t know when this is coming, so just take the same precautions that we have when COVID-19 just started and follow the guidelines that we have from the start.”

Despite saying he doesn’t know when the spike is coming, in the next breath, Bach says that he expects a spike in the fall and winter before pushing for more vaccines and double masking — neither of which worked in the past and neither of which would work this time around if COVID was the super threat it’s made out to be.

Indeed, despite thoroughly believing we’re still in a pandemic after two years, mainstream experts want Canadians to continue complying with the same measures that have failed to end the pandemic.

Meanwhile, Ontario Chief Medical Officer Kieran Moore recently said that we’re “on the downswing” following the peak of the seventh wave — which most people probably haven’t even heard about because it’s such an irrelevant non-threat.

“I think we’ve already started on the downswing,” Moore said.

“It’s always easier to look back and say where we were, but from our vantage point just today, it certainly has stabilized, and we’re seeing a decrease in the overall number of people hospitalized, stabilization in ICU, which are typically late indicators, and at a provincial level the wastewater is on the decrease.”

Recently, Moore also warned Ontarians of the risk of adverse reactions to the vaccine, saying that young people should weigh the risks and benefits of the vaccine before getting another — a factor often overlooked by mainstream health experts.

source :
The Counter Signal with Keean Bexte is a mainstream media alternative, 
news and culture podcast.

BREAKING: Saskatchewan warns Trudeau’s federal Nitrogen agents could be arrested

Justin Trudeau’s Agents have been caught trespassing on farmland to test nitrogen levels


BREAKING:   Saskatchewan

 warns Trudeau’s federal 

Nitrogen agents could be


Saskatchewan Minister Jeremy Cockrill has sent a warning to the Trudeau government that officers sent by Ottawa will be arrested if they continue to trespass on farmland to test nitrogen levels.



August 21, 2022
According to Cockrill, Trudeau’s government has been unlawfully sending federal employees onto Saskatchewan farmlands to test for nitrogen levels without the consent of landowners.
In the letter, the Minister raised multiple complaints from Saskatchewan farmers that raised “serious concerns about Government of Canada employees, in clearly marked Government of Canada vehicles, trespassing on private lands.” The farmers reporting these trespasses made clear that these government agents did not request permission to access the land and were not in any other manner given consent to access it.

Minister Cockrill further pointed out to the Trudeau government that these actions constitute a breach of the Saskatchewan Trespass to Property Act, and warned that these actions could carry with them serious penalties, including fines of up to $200,000 and up to six months in prison.
By sending this letter, the Saskatchewan government has provided a clear order to the Trudeau government to cease and desist with any unlawful trespasses and warned them that should it continue, their employees could face arrest and prosecution.
What is more concerning to some than the actual trespass are the motivations of the federal agents. According to the land owners who confronted the federal agents trespassing on their land, they were told that the purpose of them being there was to test the water in the farmers’ dugouts to measure nitrate levels.
For those following recent news in the agricultural world, this is being seen as connected to the Trudeau government’s recently announced policy to reduce the use of fertilizer on Canadian farms by 30%. This policy has been widely criticized by farmers across the country and by provincial governments in the Western provinces.
Some observers have said that there is reason to suspect that these actions are the first steps in replicating the attacks on farmers that have provoked widespread unrest in the Netherlands and other places in Europe.
While the federal government has not yet confirmed it, there is speculation that the water sampling we now know is underway, will be used as baseline measurements to enforce reductions in fertilizer usage going forward.
All of these factors have led Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe to demand an explanation from the Trudeau government as to what exactly they were up to.

source :
The Counter Signal with Keean Bexte is a mainstream media alternative, 
news and culture podcast. 


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