August 20, 2022

World Economic Forum Suggests There Are “rational” Reasons to Microchip Your Child


World Economic Forum Suggests There Are “rational” Reasons to Microchip Your Child

By Didi Rankovic

The latest highly controversial technology/policy that the World Economic Forum (WEF) has set out to normalize is the idea of implanting tracking chips into humans.

It wasn’t that long ago that those speculating on a future where this is happening would get dismissed as conspiracy theorists, but now the world elites’ most vocal outlet is predicting that chip implants will eventually become just a commodity.

And the WEF makes a case that implanting chips into children could be viewed by parents as a “solid, rational” move. All of this crops up in a blog post on the organization’s website dedicated to the future of augmented reality (AR), and what is referred to as “an augmented society.”

Like in many of WEF’s other takes on the future of various types of technology, the emphasis is put on inserting the “right,” i.e., its own “vision” in the direction these should be developing, with the inevitable mention of undefined society stakeholders who will hold the key to the ethics issue of it all.

The WEF is talking up the allegedly broad usefulness of AR going forward in fields such as healthcare, education, and professional settings, with the underpinning notion of providing guidelines as to how to “ethically” regulate this vast potential power – and therefore, when all’s said and done, control it.

The WEF calls AR and similar tech transformative – but in need of “the right support, vision, and audacity.”

Once again it isn’t at all clear why “audacity” is thrown in, unless it is a euphemism to sell some pretty outrageous “visions” that the WEF is expressing, such as replacing drugs with brain implants that will manipulate the body with electrical pulses, and pairing all sorts of chips put into humans through surgery, with sensors one might find in a chair.

And so, with the human and the chair “seamlessly integrated,” the quality of life across the board shoots up, the Davos-based group promises.

“As scary as chip implants may sound, they form part of a natural evolution that wearables once underwent. Hearing aids or glasses no longer carry a stigma,” the blog post reads. “They are accessories and are even considered a fashion item. Likewise, implants will evolve into a commodity.”

But critics of these trends say their opposition has nothing to do with “stigmas” – rather with serious concerns about civil rights, privacy, and the very concept of human autonomy.

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Source: Reclaim the Net

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OUR FAMILIES in 1950s and 1960s . // ΟΙ ΟΙΚΟΓΕΝΕΙΕΣ ΜΑΣ ΤΗΝ ΔΕΚΑΕΤΙΑ ΤΟΥ 1950 και 1960

OUR FAMILIES in 1950s and 1960s . //  ΟΙ ΟΙΚΟΓΕΝΕΙΕΣ ΜΑΣ ΤΗΝ ΔΕΚΑΕΤΙΑ  ΤΟΥ 1950 και 1960

Pictures - Sketches from the 1950s. 

Εικόνες - Σκίτσα απο την δεκαετία του 1950 .

The Family Pride Event In Serbia That the Corporate Media Doesn't Want You to Know About


The Family Pride Event In Serbia That the Corporate Media Doesn't Want You to Know About

Published August 20, 2022



They hate your families; they hate you having children because those without need for assistance from the state, with strong family ties and support structures, are the hardest people to control.


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Bureaucrats responsible for public policy seemingly allowed to have private conflicts of interest


Bureaucrats responsible for public policy seemingly allowed to have private conflicts of interest

Ontario’s key pandemic advisor, Chief Medical Officer of Health (CMOH) Dr. Kieran Moore, declared his own Pfizer conflict of interest. Why can’t anyone in the Ministry of Health ascertain whether or not they knew about it?

Bureaucrats responsible for public policy seemingly allowed to have private conflicts of interest

Reports on Dr. Moore’s own declared conflict of interest began several months ago when I discovered that he was part of a presentation hosted by the University of Toronto titled “Changing The Way We Work” where he provided information to family doctors on the role that they play in ensuring uptake of the COVID injections.

In that video, Moore himself declares that he has a conflict of interest as he sits on the advisory board for Pfizer’s Lyme Disease North American strategy.

Before Moore’s appointment to Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, he was the Local Medical Officer of Health for the Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox, and Addington Health Unit. Prior to the pandemic, he was hoping that this jurisdiction would be a testing ground for a Lyme Disease Vaccine but I have confirmed with Pfizer Canada that this did not come to fruition. They’re testing it instead in the United States.

Let’s not forget, too, that Dr. Moore received a 30% raise in 2020, during record unemployment, job loss and small business closures for the common folk, with an astronomical yearly earning of $412, 637.00.

It appears that his CMOH salary is more modest, yet still in 2021 he netted nearly $226, 000.00. And in this role, of which he was appointed in June of 2021, he was the key advisor to the Doug Ford conservative government, in implementing indiscriminate vaccine mandates including vaccine passports that saw mass segregation of the unvaccinated from society. The great unwashed could no longer enter public venues, from their children’s own sporting events, to restaurants and cinemas, could not be by the side of their ailing family members during times of distress in hospital, and many were terminated from their jobs without the ability to receive financial social supports that they have paid into their entire tax paying lives.

Moore should have technically disclosed his unethical conflict of interest with Pfizer to Deputy Minister of Health, Dr. Catherine Zahn. Oddly, it’s not an independent review board such as the Ontario Integrity Commissioner.

No, strangely, Moore would have declared this to a deputy minister in his own ministry. I’ve reached out to her numerous times; she doesn’t answer my requests. To note here that Dr. Catherine Zahn made an astronomical $650, 454.00 in 2021, which was down from her pandemic bonus of almost $705,000.00/year salary in 2020.

Why would this taxpayer-funded bureaucrat have to answer to a concerned citizen journalist?

Initially, I was also reaching out to Christine Elliott’s office, who was formerly Minister of Health, but she also doesn’t return my calls. For reference, she was making a mediocre $165,000 a year salary.

I even asked Doug Ford if he knew about this conflict before he appointed Dr. Moore.

This past June, after the Ontario provincial elections that saw then Minister of Health Elliott bow down from re-election, the new Deputy Premier and Minister of Health is now former Ontario Solicitor General, Sylvia Jones. Her salary was also a mediocre $165,000. I emailed her and a few other ministry contacts in charge of communications/operations on August 17 to inquire about the conflict of interest. No one responded.

I continue the investigation because my Access to Information Request (ATIP) has been denied in full.

They cite the following reason:

“Conflict-of-interest declarations submitted by or for Dr. Kieran Moore as part of the vetting process related to obtaining his current position of Chief Medical Officer of Health are HR records and are withheld in full subject to the exclusionary provision of FIPPA – s.65(6) (Labour Relations).”

Basically, they’re withholding his human resources records such as his employment contract. But I don’t want his employment contract. I want to know if he declared a conflict of interest with Pfizer. That’s it.

How can a public servant have private conflicts of interest?

We’re appealing this decision and I’m going to keep digging. To support this important work to highlight the hypocrisy of the bureaucracy, please chip in to offset the costs of my work at Rebel Investigates.




First published at 20:45 UTC on August 20th, 2022.


DEATHS SPIKING +16% to +26% In New Zealand In Recent Months In Excess Of Baseline Avg


Tim Truth

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ΓΡΗΓΟΡΗΣ ΜΠΙΘΙΚΩΤΣΗΣ - Τριαντάφυλλα σπασμένα // Αξέχαστα Χρόνια - Αξέχαστες Επιτυχίες

ΓΡΗΓΟΡΗΣ ΜΠΙΘΙΚΩΤΣΗΣ - Τριαντάφυλλα σπασμένα

Αξέχαστα Χρόνια - Αξέχαστες Επιτυχίες 



'' Τριαντάφυλλα σπασμένα '' (1964) ΓΡΗΓΟΡΗΣ ΜΠΙΘΙΚΩΤΣΗΣ και ΒΟΥΛΑ ΓΚΙΚΑ
Κάποτε ήμουνα παιδί και σε αγάπησα πολύ Μα έγινε η αγάπη μου κλωνάρια μαδημένα Σπασμένα τριαντάφυλλα στο χώμα πεταμένα Το περιβόλι της καρδιάς το 'καψες όπως ο βοριάς Τα όνειρα μου πέσανε βαριά τραυματισμένα Σπασμένα τριαντάφυλλα στο χώμα πεταμένα Οι αναμνήσεις στο μυαλό χορό αρχίσανε τρελό Τα περασμένα μου 'πανε πως είναι πιά για 'μένα Σπασμένα τριαντάφυλλα στο χώμα πεταμένα.

Trump, Vaccines and Alex Jones ( Must Watch This Video )

Trump, Vaccines and Alex 


August 20, 2022



channel image

7 Liberal claims about the Freedom Convoy officially DEBUNKED

7 Liberal claims about the Freedom 

Convoy officially DEBUNKED


True North

Several key pieces of testimony have poked holes in Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s justification for using the Emergencies Act to quash peaceful freedom convoy protestors in February. True North has listed seven instances where officials have categorically disputed the Liberal government’s claims about the Freedom Convoy. ——————————————————————————— - JOIN True North - - DONATE to True North - Share us online and spread the word! FACEBOOK - TWITTER - INSTAGRAM - TELEGRAM: RUMBLE:

——————————————————————————— An original video production by True North Canada.

Tom Selleck / Jesse Stone Lost in Paradise

Tom Selleck /
Jesse Stone Lost in Paradise


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Jesse Stone Lost in Paradise

After reviewing the files on several murders, Police Stone takes special interest in one case involving the fourth victim of a brutal serial killer who disemboweled his victims while they were still alive. From the interview of the killer, Stone concludes that he’s a “sick son of a bitch”, but doesn’t believe he killed the fourth victim.



Jesse Stone: Lost In Paradise (2015)

Last, in the Jesse Stone movies in order, this movie shows Jesse taking a short vacation.

He spends his time in Boston, and this is where he meets Lieutenant Sydney Greenstreet, who was impressed by his work and wanted him to handle some closed cases, which were catching his eyes.

What next? Watch the movie to know more.



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