July 28, 2022

Australian Government Department of Health has no record of a “COVID-19 virus” isolated/purified from any human on the planet


Australian Government Department of Health has no record of a “COVID-19 virus” isolated/purified from any human on the planet

A colleague in New Zealand, myself, and other (mostly anonymous) helpers have submitted Freedom of Information requests to various institutions in various countries seeking records that describe the isolation aka purification of “SARS-COV-2” (the alleged “COVID-19 virus”) from an unadulterated sample taken from a diseased patient.

The reason for these requests is that without this purification step having been performed (followed by controlled experiments and other necessary steps), there is no way to claim scientifically that the alleged “novel coronavirus” blamed for widespread death/disease/lockdown measures actually exists.

Without this step having been performed, and followed by the necessary controlled experiments, and independently replicated, all claims of this alleged virus are nothing but wild, unscientific, fraud-based speculation backed only by fraudulent science, fraudulent tests and fraudulent diagnoses.

Our requests were intentionally worded to weed out the fraudulent, illogical and unscientific claims of having “isolated SARS-COV-2”, of which there are many (see examples here and here and here).

Our requests were not limited to records of purification performed by the respective institution, and not limited to records authored by the respective institution, rather they were open to records of isolation aka purification performed by anyone, anywhere on the planet.

Colleagues in numerous other countries have obtained responses to the same and similar information requests from dozens of additional institutions.

As of July 26, 2021 86 institutions and offices in 23 different countries have responded to said requests. Every institution has failed to provide, or cite, even 1 record describing the actual isolation/purification of any “SARS-COV-2” from a patient sample by anyone, anywhere on the planet, ever.

The collection includes responses from other Australian institutions that are not listed on this page that you are currently on (the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity and the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation – CSIRO).

All of these world-wide responses are available from this page.

Our wish is that this scientific fraud will be exposed for all the world to see, and that individuals responsible/complicit in the global “COVID-19” crime against humanity will be held accountable to the fullest extent lawfully possible.

My colleague in NZ submitted the same formal records request to the Australian Government Department of Health under Australia’s Freedom of Information Act 1982, and obtained a response from the Legal Advice & Legislation Branch of the Department of Health.

Before we get to the response provided by the Australian Government Department of Health, I invite you to take a look at their website (fyi, as of Feb. 15 2021 this link is not broken despite WordPress indicating otherwise). Straight away you can clearly see that these people are all over the “COVID-19” situation.

Right on their homepage they’ve got a COVIDSafe app, links to the latest “COVID-19” news, key “COVID-19” facts and figures, “COVID-19” statements, “COVID-19” outbreak information, “COVID-19” contacts and phone numbers, and answers to your “COVID-19” questions. Impressive! I mean these people are on top of it, right?

These are the people who advise the Australian government on health. Surely they have proof that “the virus” has been isolated in a scientific manner, since isolation is a fundamental step in showing scientifically that a new virus is causing death and disease.

Ok so let’s now have a look at the FOI response from the Legal Advice & Legislation Branch of Australia’s Department of Health.

The response was provided within the body of an unsigned email from FOI@health.gov.au, which is the email address for the Freedom of Information Coordinator, FOI Unit, Department of Health, as shown in the screenshot below. (You can verify this for yourself here: https://www.health.gov.au/about-us/corporate-reporting/freedom-of-information-foi – fyi, as of Feb. 15 2021 this link is not broken despite WordPress indicating otherwise.)

No attachment or signed letter was provided by the Coordinator, just the unsigned email (forwarded to me by my NZ contact, who prefers to remain anonymous for now), shown in the screenshots below.

The email was too long to fit into 1 screenshot, so there are 3 screenshots posted below. The last line of the 1st and 2nd screenshots are shown again at the beginning of the screenshots that come next, so you can see that I haven’t left anything out. (I also copied and pasted the contents of the email into a Word documents and converted that to a pdf that you many view or download from here: https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Australia-Dept-of-Health-isolation-FOI-response.pdf.)

The department does not hold the documents you are seeking access to.”

Another public health institution where the essential scientific step of virus isolation is simply taken as an article of faith, just like at Health Canada.

(Note that my colleague in NZ has written back to the Department’s FOI coordinator to request that their response be provided in an official, signed pdf, which will also be posted here should the Coordinator comply.)

UPDATE, September 10, 2020: Today my colleague in NZ received a formal response letter from the Principal Lawyer in the Legal Advice & Legislation Branch of the Australian Government’s Department of Health. Below is a screenshot. You may access the full letter here: https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Decision-No-Documents-FOI-1937-signed-scrubbed.pdf

So there you have it. No records describing isolation of “the virus” from an unadulterated sample taken from a diseased patient, ever, anywhere on the planet.

Note that the Principal Lawyer included in their response a reference to an Australian paper “on the isolation of SARS-CoV-2 at VIDRL (which describes inoculation of Vero/hSLAM cells which led to the isolation of SARS-CoV-2 in culture)“. Can you spot the oxymoron?
(Note: the link to the paper is working perfectly well, even though WordPress is indicating otherwise.)

[Note: VIDRL = Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory at the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity (“the Doherty”).]

Below is a screenshot from the Supporting Information, 2.1–2.2 from the VIDRL/Doherty paper cited above by the Australian Department of Health. (Note: the link to the supporting information is working perfectly well, even though WordPress is indicating otherwise.)

And what are Vero/hSLAM cells? Below is a description provided by a supplier, Sigma Aldrich.

So the researchers at the Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory performed the usual “monkey business” of mixing a patient sample with kidney cells from an African green monkey and fetal bovine serum (both are sources of genetic contamination), and antibiotics. They then attributed any toxic effects to “the virus” that they assumed was in the patient sample, but never actually looked for or found in the patient sample. Their conviction that “the virus” was in the patient sample was based on completely meaningless PCR “testing” (more on PCR tests below).

Note that “the Doherty”, home of VIDRL where “the virus” was alleged to have been isolated, has also admitted in response to an FOI request that they too have no record of “SARS-COV-2” isolation:

One of the places that the fake VIDRL/Doherty “SARS-VOV-2 isolate” was shipped to was Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), where researchers set about using it in “vaccine” development.

CSIRO has also admitted to having no record of any “SARS-COV-2” isolation:

As they say, “you can’t make this stuff up”.


January 5 2021 update:

A former Senior Scientist with 35 years experience at Health Canada, Saeed Qureshi, PhD, has written a review, dated November 1st, 2020, of the above VIDRL/Doherty “isolation” study cited by the Australian Department of Health (below is a screenshot):
Isolation and characterization of the virus (SARS-CoV-2) – be watchful of false claims and twisted scientific presentations.

(This next section re Dr. Cowan was added on May 1, 2021.)

At the 1:16:25 mark in the “Virology Debunks Corona” documentary (shown a bit further below), there is an excerpt from one of Dr. Tom Cowan’s videos where he also commented on this same Australian study.

In addition to the utter failure of the researchers to isolate/purify/demonstrate any “virus”, Dr. Cowan highlights the following sentence from the paper:

Following several failures to recover virions with the characteristic fringe of surface spike proteins, it was found that adding trypsin to the cell culture medium immediately improved virion morphology.

Dr. Cowan then notes:

They said they looked at the results of this culture from the Vero cells, and they found little vesicles and they said they contain coronavirus particles, but the viruses did not look like the normal coronaviruses… in other words they didn’t have the spike protein on them, and then quote ‘It was found that adding trypsin to the cell culture medium immediately improved virion morphology‘ meaning the appearance of the virus, in other words they looked in the cell culture and they didn’t see any particles with the spike protein so they added trypsin which as you probably know is a pancreatic enzyme whose function is to digest proteins, which is what the outer coating of a virus is supposedly made of, so this outer coating of the ‘virus’ was digested by the trypsin which then quote ‘improved the appearance of the ‘virus”. In other words, it was only then that they could see the spike proteins, which immediately would make anybody think that the only reason you could see the spike proteins is because they dissolved the proteins around the coating which would naturally leave little spikey things protruding out from the membrane. When you hear this you can only shake your head and think ‘what the heck, that’s not how people do stuff’. The fact of the matter is there was no spike-protein-looking particle from the culture…. They simply could not find a particle with spike protein, so they cut away some of the edges, leaving naturally spikes protruding from the wall and they said ‘there it is, the spike protein. If that isn’t the wackiest way of thinking I’ve ever seen then maybe the next one in this article will be even wackier….”

More false claims – Emails from Head of the Electron Microscopy and Structural Virology Laboratory, VIDRL, Dr. Jason Roberts

Addendum, February 15, 2021:

Dr. Jason Roberts is listed as the Head of the Electron Microscopy and Structural Virology Laboratory, VIDRL. According to the listing Dr. Roberts “previously served as Deputy Head of the National Enterovirus Reference Laboratory, and Technical Supervisor for the World Health Organization’s Western Pacific Regional Reference Laboratory for Poliomyelitis based at VIDRL... Dr Roberts is an internationally recognised virologist with over twenty years’ experience…”

Dr. Roberts is one of the co-authors on the so-called “isolation in culture” study cited above by the Australian Department of Health.

In December 2020 a gentleman named Rick Kawulia had an email exchange with Dr. Roberts on the topic of “COVID-19” and the alleged “SARS-COV-2”. Mr. Kawulia forwarded the exchange to me and kindly gave his permission for me to publish his own name and email address (“You can use of course and fine to use my name and email, we’re in this together”). 

I have finally decided to go ahead and publish the exchange, in the public interest, because virologists need to be held accountable for their wild claims.

You will see below that not only did Dr. Roberts insist that “SARS-C0V-2” had been isolated, he also made the remarkably false claim that Koch’s Postulates had been fulfilled.

****************************** EMAILS ********************************

From: rick kawulia <rbernie@me.com>
Sent: 20 December 2020 16:18
To: Roberts, Jason

Subject: Sars 2

Hi Jason,
I was wondering if you could answer a couple of questions on the Sars 2. I read where Australis has isolated and purified and have electron microscopy of the virus/s and the complete genetic sequence.
Are these photos public as we only get to see pretty artist renditions in the news. Is this isolated and purified virus from just a swab and thus created in a dish or has a whole virus been isolated and purified from a (tissue) cell or blood? Are the photos available?
Kind regards,

Rick Kawulia
Opus Advisors
… (some details omitted)…
Email: rbernie@me.com<mailto:rbernie@me.com>


On 23 Dec 2020, at 1:07 pm, Roberts, Jason <Jason.Roberts@vidrl.org.au<mailto:Jason.Roberts@vidrl.org.au>> wrote:

Hi Rick,

The original case report for the isolation and characterisation the first known Australian SARS-CoV-2 infected patient is at the following link…


Obviously there has been a large amount of work done on thousands of samples and we have thousands of SARS-CoV-2 related electron microscope images.

Regarding any additional images, there are a number of manuscripts under peer-review that contain imagery. If you have a specific image request and defined usage case I can arrange for our communication team to assist.

Kind regards,
Dr Jason A. Roberts
Senior Medical Scientist
Head, Electron Microscopy and Structural Virology
Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory
T: +61 3 93429610| F: +61 3 93429696| E: jason.roberts@mh.org.au<mailto:jason.roberts@mh.org.au>
Honorary Senior Fellow – University of Melbourne

VIDRL at The Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity
792 Elizabeth Street | Melbourne | Victoria | Australia | 3000


From: rick kawulia <rbernie@me.com>
Sent: 23 December 2020 13:44
To: Roberts, Jason

Subject: Re: Sars 2

Hi Jason,
Thanks so much for taking the time and the effort. No one in the health department has returned an email.  You answered some important questions at least. And thanks for you and your teams efforts. We are lucky to have people like you watching our backs. I’m less complimentary of the politicians, where I think we have to watch our backs.

I’m basically trying to fit the sense of lockdowns versus what science is showing us.
Has the virus passed Koch’s Postulate’s?
 [my emphasis – CM]
I read that during the Spanish Flu they tried spitting into mouths and swabbing sick people and then taking the sick person’s swab no one became sick.
Of course with Wuhan we know the same coughs, shortness of breath caused demonstrations due to the air pollution.
Kerry Mullis says the PCR should not be used for diagnosis yet we call it the gold standard. He added you can find anything in people if you know how to use the PCR test.
In the USA they were using cycles of 40 which even Fauci admitted over 35 was meaningless.

Now that the experimental vaccines are being promoted we are told the CDC is recommending 25 cycles.   Geez I wonder why? Of course the positive tests will go down and they will credit the vaccine.
Positive tests should go down as we have more heard immunity and it is realised that more people are already naturally immune to the virus as it is supposed to be what 85% the same as Covid/Sars viruses we are already exposed to.
I’d appreciate your take on this. I realise that it is not your position to justify lock downs or any of that but the science seems to be misused here.
Even your “isolation” from a swab – is it not true that it is not an isolation and purification from the blood and thus we can have a mouth and throat of viruses and yet never get sick or even form antibodies or send in the T cells?
Anyway I went and got swabbed and I was found to be negative, but as someone who is 64 lost his source of income due to lock downs, and I am now in Quarantine for 2 weeks (close to someone in the gym apparently) you get a little cynical, especially when you have people like Bill Gates wanting to force vaccinate the entire planet, and then tattoo them or inject a nano object which can monitor our health, bank accounts, vaccination history and others for our safety and convenience of course.

Thanks again, and have Merry Christmas and all the best for 2021



Sent: 23 December

Thanks Rick,
Answers to your questions can be found here…


For the record, I have been a microbiologist for 25 years, 15 years of which I worked with WHO in outbreak response management and disease surveillance. I have never seen anything as concerning as this virus in my career and to be honest this is the first time I have felt genuine fear for the future. Regardless of conspiracy theories (for which I have no time for) this virus is going to do whatever the hell it wants and without mitigation the death toll will be dramatic, directly or indirectly. We are doing everything we can to protect everyone in spite of the death threats we recieve from conspiracy theorists and constant dismissal of the work we have been doing .

I have supplied answers to your questions in your email text, where possible. See below. [my emphasis – CM]

All the best,

Dr Jason A. Roberts
Senior Medical Scientist
Head, Electron Microscopy and Structural Virology
Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory
T: +61 3 93429610| F: +61 3 93429696| E: jason.roberts@mh.org.au<mailto:jason.roberts@mh.org.au>
Honorary Senior Fellow – University of Melbourne

VIDRL at The Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity
792 Elizabeth Street | Melbourne | Victoria | Australia | 3000

From: rick kawulia <rbernie@me.com>
Sent: 23 December 2020 13:44
To: Roberts, Jason
Subject: Re: Sars 2

Hi Jason,
Thanks so much for taking the time and the effort. No one in the health department has returned an email.  You answered some important questions at least. And thanks for you and your teams efforts. We are lucky to have people like you watching our backs. I’m less complimentary of the politicians, where I think we have to watch our backs.

I’m basically trying to fit the sense of lockdowns versus what science is showing us.
Has the virus passed Koch’s Postulate’s? [my emphasis – CM]

Yes very much so [my emphasis – CM]

I read that during the Spanish Flu they tried spitting into mouths and swabbing sick people and then taking the sick person’s swab no one became sick.

Sounds apocryphal

Of course with Wuhan we know the same coughs, shortness of breath caused demonstrations due to the air pollution.

Haven’t seen people drop dead on the street from basic air pollution before. Interesting.

Kerry Mullis says the PCR should not be used for diagnosis yet we call it the gold standard. He added you can find anything in people if you know how to use the PCR test.

I’ve spent 20 years developing PCR assays for diagnostic useage and international disease surveillance, including for the polio eradication initiative and this is nonsense.

In the USA they were using cycles of 40 which even Fauci admitted over 35 was meaningless.

This is a simplification of what Tony is referring to. For greater discussion refer to the podcast with Tony Fauci and Vincent Racaniello.

Now that the experimental vaccines are being promoted we are told the CDC is recommending 25 cycles.
Geez I wonder why? Of course the positive tests will go down and they will credit the vaccine.

I recommend you study up on PCR methodology as you need to understand the difference between cycle threshold and total cycles. There is a conflation in your statements.

Positive tests should go down as we have more heard immunity and it is realised that more people are already naturally immune to the virus as it is supposed to be what 85% the same as Covid/Sars viruses we are already exposed to.

Herd immunity has never been achieved for any virus in history in the absence of a vaccine, even with vaccines available herd immunity is still problematic. These vaccines will likely not result in herd immunity either, but they will reduce the risk of death or severe long term effects that are being observed in a significant proportion of infected individuals. [my emphasis – CM]

I’d appreciate your take on this. I realise that it is not your position to justify lock downs or any of that but the science seems to be misused here.
Even your “isolation” from a swab – is it not true that it is not an isolation and purification from the blood and thus we can have a mouth and throat of viruses and yet never get sick or even form antibodies or send in the T cells?

Dramatic over-simplification of the disease process, it’s not the virus that is killing and disabling people directly, it’s an inappropriate immune response that is doing the damage, please refer to the TWiV podcasts and lectures.

Anyway I went and got swabbed and I was found to be negative, but as someone who is 64 lost his source of income due to lock downs, and I am now in Quarantine for 2 weeks (close to someone in the gym apparently) you get a little cynical,

I understand. But please remember that this is a one in a hundred year global disaster. If we did the bare minimum as seen in the US, then we would expect well over 25,000 deaths and probably 2,500,000 people with significant life changing disability in Australia. Our health system would also collapse and people would be dying left right and centre from car accidents, birthing complication, heart attacks etc. [my emphasis – CM]

especially when you have people like Bill Gates wanting to force vaccinate the entire planet, and then tattoo them or inject a nano object which can monitor our health, bank accounts, vaccination history and others for our safety and convenience of course.

Sorry, this is complete nonsense. The tracking device you refer to is probably in your pocket. Most of the planet has a mobile phone so tracking is a piece of cake already, no need for science fiction nano nonsense.

Thanks again, and have Merry Christmas and all the best for 2021

Thanks Rick, I wish you all the best for the future, I hope that by the end of 2021 we will be on a better course for the future.


********************* END OF EMAIL EXCHANGE ************************

Update, April 7, 2021:

A newer FOI response, to a request that was submitted on the advice of Australia’s Department of Health, has come to us via John Blaid.

Addressed to Mary-Jane Liddicoat, the formal (but undated) letter that was authored sometime after March 9, 2021 by the ACT Government (aka Government of the Australian Capital Territory) / Canberra Health Services (CHS) advises that CHS holds no records relevant to the topic of isolating (aka purifying) the alleged “SARS-COV-2”. The response is shown below; the entire pdf letter from CHS is posted here:

Update: July 26, 2021:
Earlier this year, another attempt was made to follow up on the above FOI response from Australia’s Department of Health, wherein the department had advised my colleague in NZ to seek the requested records from various State and Territory Departments of Health.

The individual making these attempts has received 4 responses from said Departments thus far and none have yielded any description of “SARS-COV-2” isolation/purification, by anyone, anywhere on the planet. All 4 responses are posted below.

March 19, 2021: Australian Capital Territory / Canberra Health Services once again failed to provide / cite any record of “SARS-COV-2” purification from any patient sample on the planet (thus demonstrating that they still have zero proof that “the virus” actually exists). Full communications:

Mar 16 2021: Western Australia Minister & Department of Health confirm they have no record of “SARS-COV-2” purification from any patient sample on the planet (and thus zero proof that “the virus” exists), and that PathWest Laboratory Medicine only does the quackery version of “virus isolation”. Full communications:

April 28, 2021: South Australia Minister for Health and Wellbeing confirmed they have no record of “SARS-COV-2” purification from any patient sample on the planet (and thus zero proof that “the virus” actually exists). Full communications:

May 25, 2021: New South Wales Ministry of Health, Australia, confirmed they have no record of “SARS-COV-2” purification from any patient sample on the planet (and thus zero proof that “the virus” actually exists). Full communications:

Update October 2021:
Australia’s Department of Health was again forced to admit that they have no records describing purification of the alleged “COVID-19 virus”, by anyone anywhere:

This time they went 1 step further: explicitly admitting that they have zero records that establish “its” existence.  

They then went on to claim that “scientists at the Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory at The Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity were the first to isolate SARS-CoV-2 outside of China“. 

Perhaps they don’t realize that The Peter Doherty Institute has already admitted that the “request relates to a process that is outside the scope of the usual operations at the Doherty Institute” and “no documentation is available”?  Hmm.

At this point you might be scratching your head and wondering… what the hell is going on?

If you would like to learn more about the fraud and trickery that’s behind the fake pandemic known as “COVID-19”, I recommend having a look at the presentations, articles and facts from various sources that I’ve compiled on the page linked below.

If you would like to receive email updates re new FOI responses, let me know at Christine.Massey@protonmail.com.

Connect with CM on Twitter:


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image by: CGTNApr 10, 2020


First published on February 20th, 2021.

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Dr. Wuzunyou, chief epidemiologist of the Chinese CDC admits: ‘They didn’t isolate the virus’. They have never seen the alleged ‘virus’ code or isolated it – instead, it was found to be 78% similar to SARS CoV-1. Viruses do mutate, but the so-called…

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Απεβίωσε ο Καθηγητής Ποινικού Δικαίου της Νομικής Κομοτηνής, Στέφανος Παύλου


Έφυγε από τη ζωή σε ηλικία 60 ετών ο Στέφανος Παύλου, δικηγόρος, καθηγητής Ποινικού Δικαίου της Νομικής Κομοτηνής του ΔΠΘ, και μέλος της Επιστημονικής επιτροπής της Ένωσης Ποινικολόγων και Μαχόμενων Δικηγόρων, η οποία και γνωστοποίησε τη θλιβερή είδηση αναφέροντας: “Μόλις πληροφορηθήκαμε με συντριβή τον απρόσμενο θάνατο του εκλεκτού συναδέλφου, καθηγητή Ποινικού Δικαίου της Νομικής στο Δημοκρίτειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θράκης και μέλους της Επιστημονικής επιτροπής της Ένωσης, Στέφανου Παύλου. Να είναι ελαφρύ το χώμα Στέφανε”.

Σε ψήφισμα που εξέδωσε ο Τομέας Ποινικών και Εγκληματολογικών Επιστημών της Νομικής Σχολής του ΔΠΘ, του οποίου ο ίδιος διατελούσε Διευθυντής, αναφέρει:

“O Τομέας Ποινικών και Εγκληματολογικών Επιστημών της Νομικής Σχολής του Δημοκρίτειου Πανεπιστημίου Θράκης, μετά το θλιβερό άγγελμα του θανάτου του Διευθυντή του, Καθηγητή της Νομικής Σχολής ΔΠΘ Στέφανου Παύλου, εκφράζει τη βαθύτατη θλίψη και οδύνη του για την απώλεια του φίλου και συναδέλφου, διακεκριμένου επιστήμονα, που με το ακαδημαϊκό του ήθος, την άριστη επιστημονική του κατάρτιση και τις άοκνες προσπάθειές του, προσέφερε τα μέγιστα στις ποινικές επιστήμες και συνέδραμε σημαντικότατα στην εύρυθμη και αποτελεσματική λειτουργία του Τομέα μας. O Τομέας Ποινικών και Εγκληματολογικών Επιστημών συνήλθε σήμερα σε έκτακτη συνεδρίαση και αποφάσισε:

να εκφράσει ο Καθηγητής Αριστοτέλης Χαραλαμπάκης, ως αρχαιότερος Καθηγητής του Τομέα, εκ μέρους των μελών του Τομέα, τα συλλυπητήρια στην οικογένεια του αείμνηστου Καθηγητή,

να εκφωνήσει ο ίδιος τον επικήδειο στην εξόδιο ακολουθία,

τα μέλη του Τομέα να παραστούν στην κηδεία,

να κατατεθεί στεφάνι στη μνήμη του εκ μέρους του Τομέα,

να δημοσιευτεί το παρόν Ψήφισμα”.



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