August 16, 2022

The Unvaccinated Will Be Vindicated: A 100K Thank You to the Citizen Heroes of Our Time

The Unvaccinated Will Be Vindicated: A 100K Thank You to the Citizen Heroes of Our Time

Published August 16, 2022



If you had the courage to resist vaccination or speak out against the mandates, I want to offer you my deepest gratitude. Thanks to your bravery and the millions alike, we’ve been spared from the gulags and have the powers that be on the ropes.

There’s much more progress to be made, and we will get there in time, but when you look back at where we were then and where we are now, there is no doubt that WE ARE WINNING!

Read My Full Article on Substack:

Say NO to Quarantine Camps in NY!

Say NO to Quarantine Camps in NY!

By Michael Kane

Protest in HARLEM at Tish James’ Office 8-17-22 1pm

Wednesday August 17, 1pm

163 W 125th St Adam Clayton Powell Jr. State Office Building, Manhattan

Peaceful Rally and Educational Protest

Children’s Health Defense & CHD NY will be holding a rally in front of New York Attorney General Letitia James’ office in Harlem NYC to let her and Governor Kathy Hochul know that New Yorkers say NO to the unconstitutional quarantine and isolation measures they are trying to get reinstated.

In July, Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox was successful in overturning an illegal health regulation enacted by Governor Kathy Hochul. The regulation allowed for a massive expansion of powers to force isolate and quarantine New Yorkers with no due process or evidence of illness. Even though Hochul lost in court, she is appealing the decision.

The overturned regulation allowed for the detention and quarantine of any individual suspected of having contracted a communicable disease, with no due process, no evidence, detained for as long as the state sees fit, and within any facility the state desires. An individual could be isolated and quarantined in a prison cell, in a hospital, in their own home, or any location the state deems acceptable.

Judge Ronald Ploetz of Cattaraugus County noted in his decision that New York has longstanding law, Public Health Law (PHL) 2120, governing how people can be quarantined to prevent transmission of communicable disease. Current New York law allows for due process before someone can be forced into quarantine. Hochul’s regulation would get rid of all such processes even in times when there is not an emergency declared.

Judge Ploetz wrote in his decision,

“The Commissioner (of the New York State Department of Health) has unfettered discretion to issue a quarantine or isolation for anyone, even if there is no evidence that person is infected or a carrier of the disease. Further, the Commissioner sets the terms, duration, and location of the detention, not an independent magistrate as required by PHL 2120.”

We need everyone to let Attorney General Tisch James know it is outrageous for Hochul to be appealing this decision with James leading the charge!

To waste taxpayer money in an attempt to hold onto a dangerous, illegal, and unconstitutional regulation is unacceptable. New York public health law already allows for a process of isolation and quarantine that is not illegal or unconstitutional, and does not need to be changed. Judge Ploetz agrees with this.

Recently South Africa has announced an extremely similar Quarantine Act in their country. China and Australia have already physically built camps that quarantine and isolate people even just suspected of being in contact with an infected individual. If we have such a regulation in New York this dangerous trend is destined to spread even farther across the country and across the world.


Source: Teachers for Choice

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COVID Vaccine Test Animals Were All Killed Shortly After Vaccination


COVID Vaccine Test Animals 

Were All Killed Shortly After


Can’t Find SAFETY CONCERNS If All Animals Are Destroyed

fact checkpromoted by Twitter, attracted my attention. It said that there were NO SAFETY CONCERNS found in animal tests and trials of Covid vaccines:

I felt like I had to take a closer look. And I found something.

The fact check, fortunately, mentions three animal studies — one for each COVID vaccine — and I read each one closely. It turned out that in all three studies, experimenters killed the test animals shortly after vaccination and the subsequent challenge of animals with Sars-Cov-2. They killed them so as to make it impossible to find “safety signals” that arise in vaccinated beings post-vaccination in the long run.

This means, with all test animals dead, the scientists could not find out

  • whether these animals could actually reproduce
  • whether these animals had shortened lifespans
  • what happens to the test animals upon COVID reinfections
  • whether the test animals would be more likely to have cancers or other immune-mediated diseases
  • whether the test animals were more likely to suffer from other species-specific illnesses

It is very convenient to kill test animals, because this way, vaccine companies could report that “they identified no safety concerns” — and it is kind of truthful! There are no safety concerns with dead animals!

What are these trials? They were mentioned right in the fact check.

Here are the links from above if you want to follow them:

Pfizer: 12 Macaques Vaccinated

The three vaccinated sentinel macaques who are reported above to NOT have been necropsied (killed), were kept for a short time to allow for a viral rechallenge, and were necropsied shortly after the study ended.

EDIT: It turns out that one of the coauthors of the above Pfizer study, named “Deepak Kaushal”, admitted to FAKING DATA in federal grant applications. he falsified and fabricated experimental methodology. Deepak Kaushal was the director of the Texas Biomedical center where the monkey research was conducted for Pfizer.


Moderna: 16 Macaques Vaccinated

The article (and supplemental table S1) show that animals were all killed on the days 7, 8 and 14-15 after “viral challenge”. The goal was, ostensibly, to analyze their lungs. I totally agree with the need to analyze lungs, but why could they not have more macaques and follow their lives post-vaccination?

AstraZeneca: 20 Hamsters Vaccinated

AstraZeneca vaccinated 20 hamsters and necropsied some on day 4 and some on Day 14.

Picture 7C leaves little doubt that the remaining hamsters were also necropsied, as it analyzes tissue samples from hearts, spleens, lungs, kidneys etc.

Cruelty to Humans?

In this article, I am not complaining about cruelty to animals. I am complaining about cruelty to humans, shown in these animal trials. All test animals were killed shortly after vaccination. Nobody was allowed to follow them up and see if they seem happy, if they reproduce, live out their lifespans healthily, etc.

The lab animals were promptly destroyed instead — perhaps to ensure that NO SAFETY SIGNAL EMERGED and so that fact-checkers can tell us that “there is nothing to see here”. I am not even touching the tiny sample sizes and the audacity of giving a novel treatment to thousands of people after testing it on a few hamsters or a dozen macaques.

That’s kind of cruel — and it is cruel to us, the target market for COVID vaccines.

Do you think that they could have followed up their test animals’s health at least until the end of human Covid vaccine trials? Is destroying all test animals trialled with a radically novel vaccine technology, a bit suspicious?


 Greek News On Demand / ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ ΝΕΑ ΤΩΡΑ.

Βασιλακόπουλος για τα πανηγύρια…… « Να μην σηκώνονται οι ηλικιωμένοι να χορεύουν να χαίρονται από τις καρέκλες τους»


Βασιλακόπουλος για τα πανηγύρια……« Να μην σηκώνονται οι ηλικιωμένοι να χορεύουν να χαίρονται από τις καρέκλες τους »

Έχουν χάσει πλήρως τον έλεγχο και λένε ότι βλακεία τους έρθει στο κεφάλι.

Να πάνε οι ηλικιωμένοι στα πανηγύρια αλλά να μη σηκώνονται να χορεύουν λέει το παρατράγουδο της Αννίτας Πάνια, με σκοπό να μην κολλήσουν κορ€νοϊό.
Να κάθονται σε μία καρέκλα και να απολαύσουν τα τραγούδια αναφέρει το σκουλήκι της Νέας Τάξης Πραγμάτων Θοδωρής Βασιλακόπουλος.

Μήπως να τους βάλουμε και πάνες για να τα κάνουν πάνω τους γιατί στην τουαλέτα θα έχει συνωστισμό?

Ωθούν τον κόσμο σε καταστάσεις βίας…

πηγή :




Μόνο Ηλίθιοι η" Πονηροί Προπαγανδιστεές προβάλλουν αυτά τα Γελοία επιχειρήματα για να Εξαπατήσουν τον κόσμο .

Cops Shut Down 8-Year-old Girl’s Lemonade Stand to Protect Society from Unlicensed Lemonade


Cops Shut Down 8-Year-old Girl’s Lemonade Stand to Protect Society from Unlicensed Lemonade

AUGUST 15, 2022

By Matt Agorist

Alliance, OH — Asa Baker is an 8-year-old girl from Ohio with an overwhelming entrepreneurial spirit. Over the hot summer, rather than spend the days inside watching TV, Asa would set up a lemonade stand in her front yard to make some cash.

“It’s fun and you get lots of people,” Asa told FOX 8 news in an interview, adding that lots of truckers stop buy and pay more than the $1 per cup that she charges.

“Especially on a country road, I get a lot of people,” she said.

Unfortunately for Asa, however, her summer of entrepreneurial spirit would come to a grinding halt when police shut down her stand for the crime of selling lemonade without a permit.

Earlier this month, Asa had her first experience with the state’s iron fist when she set up her stand at her father’s business downtown. Everything was cleared with the property owner and she had permission to be there during the town’s annual Rib and Food Festival.

Asa was in an alleyway about a half block from the festival and business was good — until police showed up.

Asa says when she saw a police officer walking up to her stand she thought he was going to buy a cup of lemonade. But that was not his mission. Instead of encouraging the little girl’s business acumen in the lemonade realm, he was there to shut her down.

Asa had not paid the government for the privilege of selling lemonade from private property and it was this cop’s job to enforce this law.

Highlighting the sentiment behind the “just doing my job” mentality, this officer actually had a conscience and was upset that he had to shut down Asa’s stand. But he still shut it down.

“Well, they were really sad that they had to shut me down but they gave me $20 to try and pay for it,” said Asa.

“I could definitely tell he did not want to shut her down, but, I mean, you get a call, he has to do it. He definitely did the right thing, you know, in the situation he was put in,” said Katrina Moore, Asa’s mother.

E-Course: Backyard Chickens for Eggs

“We looked it up and it was pretty much anywhere in Ohio. You have to have a license and I’ve never heard of that,” said Kyle Clark, Asa’s Dad.

FOX 8 reached out to the city who stated that the police department is obligated to enforce the city’s ordinances — apparently, even if it means quashing an 8-year-old girl’s spirit.

In the codified ordinances of the city of Alliance, it clearly states that any vendor must procure a license before opening.

There are no exceptions. Not even for a child’s lemonade stand.

The law is so vague, that the family has no idea what permit to buy — especially for an 8-year-old girl.

“In order to get a food vendor’s license, it only lasts for five days and its $40 for five days so that’s kind of out of the picture. If she wants to sell on the street, she has to get a street permit. If she sells in front of a business, we have to get a solicitors permit,” said Moore.

The good news is that Asa was unfazed, and a week later she was back out on the street selling lemonade. After the negative press on social media, this time, police said they were going to leave her alone — a win for civil disobedience.

Source: The Free Thought Project

Matt Agorist is an honorably discharged veteran of the USMC and former intelligence operator directly tasked by the NSA. This prior experience gives him unique insight into the world of government corruption and the American police state. Agorist has been an independent journalist for over a decade and has been featured on mainstream networks around the world. Agorist is also the Editor at Large at the Free Thought Project. Follow @MattAgorist on TwitterSteemit, and now on Minds.

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