July 05, 2022

BONANZA s. 10, ep. 4 / EN - whole series

BONANZA s. 10, ep. 4 / EN - whole series



Another adventures of Ben Cartwright and his sons (Pernell Roberts, Dan Blocker, Michael Landon and Mitch Vogel) as they run and defend their ranch while helping the surrounding community.

You are racist if you have a ..... lawn

You are racist if you have a .... lawn


According to the legacy media, you're racist if you have a front lawn. Watch Fake News Friday with Andrew Lawton and Harrison Faulkner: https://tnc.news/2022/07/01/fnf-misin...

The people are starving and the skies are clear

Image Credit: The Greanville Post

The people are starving and the skies are clear

by Jon Rappoport

July 7, 2022

(To join our email list, click here.)

Let me put this on the table: Inflation IS their climate change plan.

That old broken down demented grifter, Joe Biden, said the price of gas at the pump was the doing of GAS STATION OWNERS, and all they had to do was cut the price.

The Political Left—meaning Globalists—want to limit driving and traveling and use of oil across the board. This is the limit-CO2 agenda.

But that agenda was and is a cover for enforced poverty and lower energy use.

That agenda is the Globalists’ planned future for all of us.

A decrepit country struggling to maintain any sort of functioning economy at all.

Because that country is easier to take over.

It has nothing to do with global warming and CO2, which was a con from the get-go. A way of throttling industry.

Every tyrant down through history has longed for the day when he could say to the people, “If you don’t want to starve, let me take care of you. I will. You just have to obey all my orders.”

I don’t know what the oil company CEOs are doing these days. But if they grew a pair of balls, they would find a way to deliver oil at a reasonable price, even if they had to break the law to do it and force the federal government to send in troops to stop them. THEN the public would know what’s going on. THEN the people would speak. THEN we would have something.

The problem is, the oil execs have been sucking at the federal money teat for far too long. They’ve turned into collaborators.

They don’t know how to go public and speak straight from the shoulder to the people. They only know how to do corporate speak, blown-dry air-brushed bullshit.

They’ve had it too easy.

We got a preview of corporate courage when Trump stood aside and let that worm, little Anthony Fauci, take over the country during the fraudulent pandemic. The national lockdown was declared, and big-time corporate heads did NOTHING to rebel and keep their doors open for business. They just gathered around the federal bailout trough and snorted in cash.

They STILL don’t see what’s waiting for them up the road. The Globalist plan to enforce poverty means the customers bases of those corporations will shrink and keep shrinking.

More and more, the corporations will become giant bureaucracies of the federal government.

Not ONE of these CEOs will stand up and say, “America, this is what is REALLY going on…the government is driving you into poverty. We’re not going to sit here and take it. As of today, we’re all-out rebels, but we need millions of you to support us…”

America is 10 CEOs and 10 microphones away from the beginning of a revolution.

If people could see it.

by Jon Rappoport

July 7, 2022


Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALEDEXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Illuministic Health Mismanagement!

Transparency International

Illuministic Health 


October 2008

 Last Trumpet Ministries, 


In a recent report by Medical News Today, it was stated that 79 million Americans have medical bills that they cannot pay. (27) Many of these bills are large, and people are being brought to poverty and homelessness because of it! According to USA Today, drug prices are up 100% and some as much as 1,000%. (28) We have a shameful and corrupt health care system in our country.

We have now learned that the American Academy of Pediatrics is actively promoting the use of statin drugs for children as young as eight years of age. Statin drugs are known to damage muscles, including the heart, and to cause fatigue. (29) Why do doctors not know how to make children healthy without giving them pills? There are only two possible answers to that: either they are very ignorant or very evil!

Something is very wrong with the establishment “health care” system in America. We have runaway epidemics of diabetes, autism, hypertension, cancer, and so on. The following words were submitted to me by a certified natural health professional or CNHP: “Dr. Robert Mendelsohn often criticized modern medicine for its sanctimonious doctrine. He argued that doctors are the priests who dispense holy water in the form of inoculations to ritually initiate our loyalty into the larger medical industry. 

Dr. Richard Moskowitz agrees. ‘Vaccines have become sacraments of our faith in biotechnology. Their efficacy and safety are widely seen as self-evident and needing no further proof.’

Others see a link between vaccinations and satanic rituals of witchcraft, where animals are sacrificed and their organs brewed in a hellish concoction of horrid substances: voodoo medicine by 21st century mad scientists. Sadly, our children are their unwilling subjects as society is slowly devoured by their insatiable appetite for human experimentation.”

We have now learned that the Food and Drug Administration has approved zapping lettuce, spinach, and other greens with radiation. I am drawing upon forty-five years experience as an avid student of chemistry and physics when I say that radiation breaks down and disassembles organic compounds into free radicals and destroys all nutritional value of food. 

We should also note that the radioactive waste that is used to irradiate food may kill bacteria, but not viruses. (30)

Truly, we live in a polluted land, and I pray that God will give us wisdom and faith.

more :


source :

David J. Meyer

Last Trumpet Newsletter 

October 2008


27. Medical News Today, Aug. 24, 2008, Medicalnewstoday.com
28. USA Today, Aug. 9. 2008, by Julie Appleby, Gannett News Service.
29. Wellness Resources, Jul. 11, 2008, by Byron Richards, CCN, http://www.wellnessresources.com
30. Associated Press, Aug. 22, 2008, by Lauren Neergaard, Washington, D.C.

The Day When Reality Strikes!

Knowing Jesus

The Day When Reality Strikes!

 October 2008

 Last Trumpet Ministries, 


In this issue of the Last Trumpet Newsletter, we will use our God-given knowledge and discernment to look at our nation, which is now in a condition such as it never was before. We are living during a time of change, transition, and metamorphosis; and it is not for the good. 

We are seeing a major shift in the prevailing spiritual wind, which is bringing with it the very essence of antichrist as never before. 

For a very long time, we have been watching major erosion and deterioration of all of the old and established institutions, morals, and spiritual fiber that brought America to its erstwhile greatness. 

These foundations are rapidly being pulled away, and they are disappearing without a trace among our new, younger society. The youth of our nation have no reference point to the past and no index of the future as they wander through the corridors of antichrist and illuministic deception. 

There is such confusion and so many mixed signals that most people will not utilize the mental energy to even think about what is happening to them. We have been told continually that things are not that bad and everything is going to get better. 

The current American society has never known hard times, and most look at you in disbelief if you tell them hard times are coming.

When people refuse to acknowledge reality, there is nothing left for them but deception, and most people will never wake up until reality hits them squarely in the face. 

The Almighty is now bringing trouble upon our land as a wake-up call. We are a nation in trouble, and we are stricken with one disaster after another! We are hearing some politicians say, “God is on our side,” but how can that be true if we are not on God’s side?

We know that very soon the ultimate reality is going to hit everyone squarely in the face. The return of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, will bring Judgment Day, and everyone will be there. 

Judgment Day will be a day when all deception, concealments, and cover-ups will be gone. It will be a day of stark reality for everyone. 

Then comes the reality that you will spend eternity somewhere. You will be either in the Kingdom of Heaven or in a state of eternal damnation. 

If you are reading this, there is still time to repent, and the Saviour will hear you. He will not turn you away! Do it now, while the clock is still ticking!

more :


source :

David J. Meyer

Last Trumpet Newsletter 

October 2008

Επίσημο: Aπό 27 Ιουλίου τέλος η αστυνομική ταυτότητα όπως την ξέραμε


Επίσημο: Aπό 27 Ιουλίου τέλος η αστυνομική ταυτότητα όπως την ξέραμε

Από 27 Ιουλίου στο κινητό η ταυτότητα και το δίπλωμα οδήγησης, ανακοίνωσε ο Κυριάκος Πιερρακάκης.

Ο Κυριάκος Πιερρακάκγς αποκάλυψε σήμερα ότι από τον Ιούλιο οι πολίτες δεν θα χρειάζεται να φέρουν μαζί τους την ταυτότητά τους και το δίπλωμα οδήγησης προκειμένου να τα επιδεικνύουν. Αρκεί να έχουν μαζί το κινητό τους!

Το απόγευμα της 27ης Ιουλίου η ψηφιακή ταυτότητα και το ψηφιακό δίπλωμα οδήγησης θα είναι γεγονός, είπε συγκεκριμένα ο υπουργός Κυριάκος Πιερρακάκης στο ΟΤ FORUM 2- δίνοντας όχι μόνο ημερομηνία αλλά και ώρα.

Ψηφιακή ταυτότητα όπως… πιστοποιητικό εμβολιασμού

Αυτός είναι ο προγραμματισμός και ελπίζουμε ότι θα τηρηθεί απολύτως, είπε ο Κυριάκος Πιερρακάκης, εξηγώντας ότι η χρήση θα είναι τόσο εύκολη όσο ήταν και αυτή με το πιστοποιητικό εμβολιασμού για τον κορονοϊό.

Ο κ. Πιερρακάκης εξήγησε, παράλληλα, ότι προς το παρόν ξεκινάμε με την ταυτότητα και το δίπλωμα που είναι εθνικά έγγραφα – γιατί το διαβατήριο είναι διεθνές έγγραφο και κατ’ επέκταση η διαδικασία είναι πιο πολύπλοκη.

Άλλωστε, «δεν μας τιμά η ταυτότητα που έχουμε» είπε γελώντας ο υπουργός, προσθέτοντας ότι είναι από τις χειρότερες της Ευρώπης αισθητικά και λειτουργικά.

Όμως και δεν θα μασήσω τα λόγια μου υπολείπεται και σε θέματα ασφάλειας, πρόσθεσε τέλος ο υπουργός.

ΠΗΓΗ >> https://www.dikaiologitika.gr/eidhseis/koinonia/391131/episimo-apo-27-iouliou-telos-i-astynomiki-taftotita-opos-tin-kserame?fbclid=IwAR1Kc60gmvwQP8qMWtoGsZh68hksN9H7k-DtJ3r_TnKaELQq5H1zrWtp6Lg

Greek News On Demand / ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ ΝΕΑ ΤΩΡΑ.

Crude Oil WTI Futures - Aug 22 (CLQ2)


The Economic Times

Crude Oil WTI Futures - Aug 22 (CLQ2)

98.38 -10.05(-9.27%)

  • Prev. Close:
  • Bid/Ask:
  • Day's Range:
    97.75 - 111.44

Jul 05, 2022


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