January 22, 2023

America Seized by the Dark Side of the Force! ( December 2003 )

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America Seized by the Dark Side of the Force!

December  2003

   Last Trumpet Ministries, 


America Seized by the Dark Side of the Force!

Daniel 8:23-24

23 And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up.

24 And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practise, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people.

 In this issue of the Last Trumpet Newsletter, we will examine a condition of great consequence, which is overwhelming our nation. 

Forces of darkness, which have been at work in our erstwhile great nation since its beginning, have now seized upon it with the death grip of the antichrist beast. A mysterious and clandestine darkness has descended upon our nation allowing conspiracy and deception to prevail to its optimum levels. 

While the illuministic masterminds continue to work their plan to set up a one-world government, they are systematically dismantling the remnant of every moral institution that is left in the United States and are doing so with almost no opposition. While churches and religious organizations continue to collect money and dispense foolishness, having been completely neutralized by idolatry and indifference, Satan and his evil spirits are openly manifesting themselves. Our Saviour warned us that such gross darkness would come, and that this spiritual condition would come, and that people who walk in such darkness would not know where they are going. 

As I look at people in busy shopping malls and other public places, I see something different on their faces in these last days. There are so many expressionless faces and empty eyes as their bodies and minds are becoming increasingly illuminized by spirits of darkness. More and more people are becoming images of the beast as they are transformed by their music, computers, movies, and televisions. They are conforming to a system and do not have a clue as to what is happening to them. They are all changing together in the darkness as they are being prepared to accept the rising of the prince of darkness. 

One of the amazing things about all of this is that those who choose to walk in spiritual darkness have no perception of or ability to see the light. The true Christian, however, walks in the light and understands what is going on in the darkness. The Almighty and Eternal God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob still sustains and empowers His remnant to do exploits in these days. 

Recently, we have seen one such courageous Christian rise up in defiance of the antichrist Federal beast. Chief Justice Roy S. Moore of the Supreme Court of the State of Alabama defied a Federal order to remove a monument of the Ten Commandments from the courthouse and was removed from office by a panel of Federal judges who were gloating about his removal. 

This valiant man stood before his accusers and said, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith, and the battle is not over.” (1)

One would think that if there were any other true Christians in high offices they would have come to the aid and defense of Judge Moore but none did that I know of. Furthermore, our so-called “Christian” President completely ignored him and the whole situation. 

Could it be that the word “Christian” is used rather loosely and deceptively in these last days? Could it be that there are more wolves in sheep’s clothing than there are sheep? 

It is time to realize that being a believer in Jesus Christ is not enough; we must be true Christians. If we would crowd our hearts with the Word of God and not give place to the Devil, and if we would advance into the depth of prayer and touch the very throne of God by faith, we would see everything as it truly is, and our lives would be changed forever.

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David J. Meyer

Last Trumpet Newsletter 

December  2003



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First published on January 22nd, 2023.




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Who’s Running the World? 8 Takeaways From This Week’s WEF Meeting

Who’s Running the World? 8 Takeaways From This Week’s WEF Meeting

As the World Economic Forum today wrapped up its weeklong annual meeting of nearly 3,000 political, business, media and academic elites, The Defender identified eight key takeaways based on news reports and comments by participants and attendees.


As the World Economic Forum (WEF) today wrapped up its weeklong annual meeting of nearly 3,000 political, business, media and academic elites, mainstream media largely continued to sing the meeting’s praises, while independent media outlets took aim at the WEF’s agenda and its promoters.

The Associated Press (AP) described the meetings in Davos, Switzerland, as taking on the “pressing global issues” while simultaneously being the “target of bizarre claims from a growing chorus who believe it involves a group of elites manipulating events for their own benefit.”

Among those critics was Twitter owner and CEO Elon Musk, who responded to a tweet: “WEF is increasingly becoming an unelected world government that the people never asked for and don’t want.”

Musk posted an online poll — that generated 2.42 million votes — where he asked whether “The World Economic Forum should control the world.” Eighty-six percent of respondents said “no.”

The Defender on Wednesday reported on the first few days of meetings. This article lists eight key takeaways from Davos — and why they matter.

Global elites really want vaccine passports

One of the proposals that generated the most attention at this year’s WEF meeting came from embattled former U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair, now executive chairman of the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change.

Blair proposed the development of a “national digital infrastructure,” stating, “We should be helping countries to develop a national digital infrastructure which they will need with these new vaccines” — a statement that strongly suggested “new vaccines” are coming and we will “need” them.

Blair also said:

“You need to know who’s been vaccinated and who hasn’t been. Some of the vaccines that will come down the line, there will be multiple shots.

“So [for vaccines] you’ve got to have — for reasons to do with healthcare more generally but certainly for pandemics — a proper digital infrastructure and most countries don’t have that.”

As previously reported by The Defender, Blair endorsed the “Good Health Pass,” a digital vaccine passport launched by ID2020, a collaborative effort between Mastercard, the International Chamber of Commerce and the WEF.

Members of the Good Health Pass Collaborative include Accenture, Deloitte and IBM, while general partners of ID2020 include Facebook and Mastercard.

ID2020’s founding partners include Microsoft, the Rockefeller Foundation, Accenture, GAVI, The Vaccine Alliance (a core partner of the World Health Organization, or WHO), UNICEF, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Bank.

Global ‘leaders’ appear to be clairvoyant

On the disease front, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus warned that “a resurgence of tuberculosis may be coming … sooner or later.”

Statements like Tedros’ appear to belie a knowledge of future developments. This has been the norm at previous WEF meetings — and it was the case again this year.

Investigative journalist Jordan Schachtel pointed out that “Event 201, the pre-pandemic coronavirus simulation, was announced at a Davos WEF conference in 2019.”

Similarly, this year, Lawrence “Larry” Summers, who served as U.S. secretary of the treasury between 1999 and 2001 and director of the National Economic Council from 2009 to 2010, said “the odds in my view are better than 50-50” that “there will be a COVID-scale problem within the next 15 years.”

Summers made these remarks as part of a panel, “Global Economic Outlook: Is this the End of an Era?” whose panelists included International Monetary Fund (IMF) Director Kristalina Georgieva and former IMF managing director and current president of the European Central Bank Christine Lagarde.

During a press conference, officials presented the WEF’s “Global Cybersecurity Outlook 2023” report, predicting a “catastrophic cyber event” said to be “likely in the next two years.”

These are people who think very highly of themselves

Statements by WEF’s Founder and Executive Chair Klaus Schwab and WEF meeting participants also revealed how the “elite” meeting participants appear to believe they are the self-anointed saviors — or rulers — of the world. .......

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Putin and China could DESTROY the WEF and the West if this goes any further | Redacted News



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German Gov’t Bombshell: ‘Alarming Number of Vaccinated Are Developing AIDS’

German Gov’t Bombshell: ‘Alarming Number of Vaccinated Are Developing AIDS’

January 22, 2023

The German government has admitted that an ‘alarming number’ of vaccinated people are developing ‘AIDS-like symptoms.’

According to new data released by German authorities, Germany has experienced over 102k excess deaths in 2022, a 276% increase on excess deaths recorded in the year 2020.

Expose-news.com reports: As the German government published data in January 2022, concerns about the effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine began to rise.

The data suggested that most of the individuals who had been fully vaccinated would develop full-blown vaccine-induced acquired immunodeficiency syndrome by the end of the month.

Furthermore, the data confirmed that the immune systems of the fully vaccinated had already degraded to an average of minus 87%.

In Germany at the time, 70.53% were fully vacinaed, 2.97% were partially vaccinated and 26.5% were unvaccinated, according to reports.

So the unvaccinated had 186 cases out of 26.5% of the population. While the fully vaccinated had 4020 cases out of 70.53% of the population.

So the vaccinated Omicron case incidence was 57 per 1 per cent of the population (830,000 is 1% of the 83 million German population). While the unvaccinated Omicron case incidence was just 7.02 per 1 per cent of the population.

So the vaccinated were (57.0/7.02 =) 8.12x more likely to be infected with Omicron than the unvaccinated in Germany .

The Koch Institut failed to produce its normal vaccine effectiveness table in its December 30 weekly report.

Vaccine effectiveness isn’t really a measure of a vaccine, it is a measure of a vaccine recipient’s immune system performance compared to the immune system performance of an unvaccinated person.

Vaccines allegedly help develop immunity by imitating an infection. Once the imitation infection induced by the vaccine goes away, the body is left with a supply of “memory” t-cells and antibodies that will remember how to fight that disease in the future.

So, when the authorities state that the effectiveness of the vaccines weakens over time, what they really mean is that the performance of your immune system weakens over time.

Thankfully, we were able to help the Germans out with the information The Koch Institut failed to produce by simply doing the calculation for them using Pfizer’s vaccine effectiveness formula.

Vaccine effectiveness = immune system effectiveness = (1-8.12)/8.12 = -7.12/8.12 = minus-87.7%.

Therefore, at the beginning of January 2022, fully vaccinated Germans had a 87.7% lower immune response than the unvaccinated had to Omicron.

This means that the average German was down to the last 12.3% of his or her immune system for fighting certain classes of viruses and certain cancers etc. etc.

Panic among the Government of Germany

Further analysis showed that the average fully vaccinated German would reach minus-100% immune system degradation by the end of January 2022.

As the data and death tolls continued to cause public concern, the German government found itself under pressure to address the situation.

In an effort to quell the growing unrest, the government announced at the end of January that the initial data had been “incorrect” and that there had been a “mistake” in the analysis. They claimed that the fully vaccinated individuals were not at risk of developing AIDS and that the immune systems of the fully vaccinated had not degraded to an average of minus 87%.

However, many were sceptical of these claims and accused the government of attempting to cover up the truth. Critics pointed out that the sudden alteration of the data without any clear explanation or transparency raised suspicions of a cover-up.

Despite the German government’s efforts to reassure the public, the damage had already been done. The incident had shaken public trust in the government and the pharmaceutical industry, and many were left wondering what the true impact of Covid-19 vaccination really was.

As the weeks passed, the situation in Germany continued to worsen.

According to official German Government data, by week 49 of 2022, the country had suffered over 102,000 excess deaths, a staggering increase from the 27,291.6 excess deaths reported by week 49 of 2020.

This represented a 276% increase in excess deaths in 2022, despite the roll-out of a vaccine that was supposed to lower deaths due to the alleged Covid-19 pandemic.

These figures alone should make the public question whether the vaccine had had the opposite effect and if fully vaccinated Germans did indeed develop AIDS by the end of January 2022.

The government and pharmaceutical companies will of course continue to deny any responsibility and insist that the vaccine is safe and effective.

However, this data proves that you must remain sceptical and continue to demand further research and investigations into the consequences of issuing an experimental mRNA gene therapy to millions of people for the first time, and numerous ties.

Because as the death toll continues to rise, it has become clear that something is not right and that the true impact of the Covid-19 injections needs to be fully understood.

If Covid-19 injections causing acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in early 2022 are not to blame for Germany recording a 276% increase in excess deaths in 2022 compared to 2020, then the German government needs to explain to the public what on earth is.






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