September 21, 2022

Unprecedented amount of Canadian doctor deaths generates suspicion


Unprecedented amount of Canadian doctor deaths generates suspicion

An Alberta physician urges the Canadian Medical Association to investigate the new phenomena and immediately halt COVID-19 vaccine mandates.

On September 3, Alberta based nuclear medicine physician, William Makis wrote a letter to the Canadian Medical Association (CMA) urging them to launch an investigation into the sudden deaths of 32 young Canadian doctors.

The letter states that the CMA “has aggressively and unethically promoted the use of experimental COVID-19 Vaccines in populations where risks of serious injury far outweighed any potential benefits.”

Dr. Makis refers to 32 “young Canadian doctors who died suddenly and unexpectedly in the last 16 months, all of whom were double, triple or quadruple COVID-19 vaccinated” and cites this as “highly suspicious for COVID-19 Vaccine Injury.”

Referring to VAERS data, Dr. Makis expresses grave concern around the safety signal for these injections.

He cites growing literature that hints at mechanisms of immune impairment by the mRNA injections. This includes myocarditis-induced sudden death and how it is being shown to be different than typical myocarditis.

When asked about the recent partnership between the CMA and the Canadian Press intended to strengthen health influence, Dr. Makis says that the organization has “become too bureaucratic and political.” 

“They’re supposed to focus on healthcare issues, not influencing and politics,” he says before referring to the CMA’s In Memoriam page that appears to lack accurate disclosure on the magnitude of Canadian physician deaths. 

Dr. Makis urges all Canadians to get involved to bring awareness to the record number of doctor deaths. He wonders if the roll out of the Omicron specific booster – an injection only tested on 8 mice – will increase the risk of sudden death to Canadians.


Omar refuses to admit ArriveCan is being scrapped

Omar refuses to admit ArriveCan is being scrapped

Omar refuses to admit ArriveCan is being scrapped

Despite anonymous Liberal MPs stating the mandatory ArriveCan app will be scrapped by the end of the month, Minister of Transport Omar Alghabra refuses to confirm or deny it.


 “Look first of all, ArriveCan is a critical tool to process travellers with the requirement of the vaccine mandate. It’s a tool that helps process arrivals as they arrive,” he said.

“There’s no decisions has been made. We’re constantly assessing the situation and making decisions based on the information that we have.” 

The Globe broke the news yesterday on account of anonymous Liberal MPs who said the app would become optional by October. The COVID-19 vaccine requirement is also reportedly set to be lifted.  

Currently, unvaccinated travellers entering Canada are required to quarantine for 14 days. 

However, as Minister Omar Alghabra’s comments suggest, the changes still need to be finalized by Trudeau’s cabinet.

Conservative MP Melissa Lanstman tweeted “The Trudeau government has clung to COVID-19 restrictions longer than any provincial government in the country. Liberal political science of continued measures has damaged our economy and our reputation.”

The controversial app has drawn scorn from foreign politicians. Last month, US Congresswoman Elise Stefanik penned an open letter to the Canadian Ambassador to the US and Canada’s Public Safety Minister, asking Canada to scrap the app.

“I write to you regarding Canada’s burdensome border requirements that continue to negatively impact US and Canadian border communities,” she wrote. 

“As you know, the US and Canada’s unique partnership is critical to the success of the communities on both sides of our border…”

“We should be working to further develop our partnership, not inhibit its success with misguided burdens such as the Canadian government’s mandated use of the ArriveCAN app.”  

In June, Alghabra said the feds had no intention to drop the app.


The Counter Signal

Why isn’t Justin Trudeau in Ottawa for the return of Parliament?

Why isn’t Justin Trudeau in Ottawa for the return of Parliament?


Lock Him Up: Politico Article Summarizes How Bill Gates Hijacked Healthcare into a Global Script

Lock Him Up: Politico Article Summarizes How Bill Gates Hijacked Healthcare into a Global Script

Published September 21, 2022



 Four bad non-profits held the world hostage by basically laundering money to usher in draconian policies.

• Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

• Gavi - Aligned with Bill Gates

• The Wellcome Foundation - a British research foundation

• CEPI - founded by Gates and the Wellcome foundation

They spent $8.3 million to lobby for certain policies in the United States and Europe. At the same time, these groups gave $1.4 BILLION to the World Health Organization.

Dr. Naomi Wolf: "Every single wrong thing that ruined your life and your children's life for the first 18 months since 2020 came out of the WHO. And the script for lockdown in country after country came out of the WHO."

Full Video:

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"This Is Unbelievable!" - Soldiers Are Getting Crushed By Inflation and Jab Mandates While Biden Declares "The Pandemic Is Over"


"This Is Unbelievable!" - Soldiers Are Getting Crushed By Inflation and Jab Mandates While Biden Declares "The Pandemic Is Over"

Published September 21, 2022



Senator Marsha Blackburn: "They need to be paid in a manner that they are not going to be on food stamps."

"The President says, 'The pandemic's over.' So fine. Let's remove this mandate from our troops."


Tesla Battery Fire at Utility Substation Closes Highway

Tesla Battery Fire at Utility Substation Closes Highway

 By B.N. Frank

Tesla vehicles have been and continue to be associated with battery fires and fires that are difficult to extinguish (see 12).  Of course, battery fires and fires that are difficult to extinguish have been reported with other companies’ electric vehicles (EVs) as well (see 1234567).  Regardless, another Tesla battery caught fire yesterday, this time at a utility substation in California.

From ZeroHedge:

by Tyler Durden

There are reports of a utility-scale battery fire at a PG&E facility in Moss Landing, an area located in Monterey County, California.

Local media says the fire has forced a temporary closure of Highway 1 along a 6-mile stretch from Portero Road to Salinas Road.

Bloomberg headlines note the fire at the PG&E substation originated from a Tesla battery pack, but the size of the utility-scale battery has yet to be determined.

Here are images of the fire:

The incident comes as utilities increasingly rely on large lithium-ion batteries to store renewable energy from the wind and the sun. These batteries are similar to ones used in electric cars and are also prone to fires.

Last July, a massive Tesla Megapack caught fire in Australia’s Victoria state. The blaze took three days to be extinguished.

There’s no official word on what caused the Tesla battery pack fire in California this morning.

In addition to fires, Teslas have been associated with numerous other safety issues as well, some of which have led to fatal accidents, investigations lawsuits, and recalls (see 1234567891010111213141516171819202122).  High maintenance costs (see 12) and security issues (see 123) continue to be identified too with Tesla vehicles too.  High levels of biologically and environmentally harmful radiation emissions have also been reported in Teslas and other EVs (see 12345).  Got pets?  Radiation exposure from EVs (and other common sources) can affect them too.

Activist Post reports regularly about Teslas, EVs, and unsafe technology.  For more information, visit our archives and the following websites:

Image: Pixabay

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