December 07, 2022

Diligent Detective facing persecution for investigating vaccine status of mothers whose infants died suddenly

Diligent Detective facing persecution for investigating vaccine status of mothers whose infants died suddenly

Ottawa detective faces professional misconduct charges for investigating a string of sudden infant deaths, despite that being her legally mandated job description.

Ottawa detective Helen Grus, a constable by rank, faces charges of misconduct nearly a year after being suspended after she began investigating the vaccination status of a string of mothers whose babies died suddenly.

Questioning the safety and efficacy of the novel injections was taboo when Grus initially launched her investigations but is proving to be highly relevant as information continues to come out.

Oddly, the Ottawa Police Services (OPS) are dragging their feet on the disclosure and evidence items against Grus despite officer suspensions being typically reserved for severe circumstances like assault, abuse, neglect, etcetera. One would think they would have the documentation necessary to proceed.

In a hearing yesterday morning, defense lawyer Bath-Sheba Van den Berg noted the importance of all the disclosure being obtained before proceeding further.

Counsel Van den Berg said that only two of five requested disclosure items were obtained and that a third was finally accessed, but there was an additional request submitted. Out of six disclosure items total, only three have been acquired.

As a result, Van den Berg intends to file a motion to have withheld disclosure and evidence against Grus finally released.

The disclosure is to be released by December 29 with submissions and responses to follow by the end of the first week of January.

Prior to the charges launched against Grus, she was a well-respected detective within the OPS’ Sexual Assault Child Abuse unit. The unit is mandated by law to investigate all incidences of sudden and unexplained death in newborns, infants and children under the age of five.

And Grus is facing allegations of professional misconduct by the professional standards unit at the OPS for doing just that.

Grus began investigating nine instances of otherwise healthy infants who died suddenly by probing the vaccination status of the parents.

It is alleged that prior to being suspended with pay on February 4, Grus was part of a group of officers that were suspended without pay a few days earlier for failing to disclose private medical information as part of the OPS’ COVID-19 vaccination policy.

Independent journalist and former Toronto police detective Donald Best has been following the case closely since its inception.

Best asserts that Grus is being persecuted for political reasons and as per his inside sources, many within the OPS are displeased with the witch hunt launched against her.

The question remains: could Grus have been onto something?

We now know that the mRNA injections do not stay in the shoulder as previously asserted by individuals vested in dismantling “vaccine misinformation.”

It’s now well documented that the injections have a biodistribution mechanism, as evidenced by the JAMA study showing mRNA in the milk of breastfeeding mothers.

Immunologist and virologist Byram Bridle tried to alert the public to this unknown phenomenon in May 2021 before he was slandered, smeared, and censored.

As of November 25, there were at least 659 cases where COVID-19 vaccine exposure via breastmilk was cited for adverse events.

If Grus’ suspicions were correct and she was upholding her duty to conduct true detective work, she should be hailed for her efforts – not persecuted and vilified.

Γρηγόρης Μπιθικώτσης - Ένα το χελιδόνι // Grigoris Bithikotsis - One the swallow

Άξιον Εστί 1977. Μουσική: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης


Axion Esti 1977. Music: Mikis Theodorakis


Crude Oil Downtrend // Πτωτική τάση αργού πετρελαίου

Crude Oil Downtrend // Πτωτική τάση αργού πετρελαίου

Crude Oil WTI Futures - Jan 23 (CLF3)

72.58 -1.67(-2.25%)
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Justin Trudeau's %54 Million ArriveCAN Scandal

Justin Trudeau's %54 Million ArriveCAN Scandal

Published December 7, 2022






 Τον περασμένο χρόνο, η γραφειοκρατία της πράσινης τυραννίας της ΕΕ κατάφερε να καταστρέψει σχεδόν τις ενεργειακές σχέσεις της Δυτικής Ευρώπης με τη Ρωσία, αφήνοντας την ήπειρο απελπισμένη για εισροές ενέργειας για να διατηρήσει το ηλεκτρικό της δίκτυο σε λειτουργία. 

Στην συνέχεια ο εφοδιασμός τροφίμων της Ευρώπης δέχεται άμεση επίθεση μέσω διαφόρων σχεδίων που φαίνεται να έχουν σχεδιαστεί για να τερματίσουν τα οικονομικά προσιτά τρόφιμα, ενώ η ηλεκτρική ενέργεια γίνεται δυσβάσταχτη για τις επιχειρήσεις και τα νοικοκυριά.

«Η Γερμανία απαγορεύει στους αγρότες να λιπάνουν σωστά τη γη για να εξυπηρετήσουν την πράσινη ατζέντα της ΕΕ», εξηγεί η «Από την Πέμπτη, η χρήση νιτρικών λιπασμάτων έχει περιοριστεί αυστηρά για μεγάλες εκτάσεις γεωργικής γης στη Βόρεια Ρηνανία-Βεστφαλία», αναφέρει ο ιστότοπος, αναφερόμενος σε μια από τις πιο άφθονες περιοχές παραγωγής τροφίμων στη Γερμανία.



Chris Sky: This is Happening in Kitchener, Ontario!


December 06, 2022

Auditor general finds a 'minimum' of $27.4 billion in suspicious COVID benefit payments

 COVID-19 benefit cheques. Scotiabank says the generous benefits likely fuelled excess demand in the economy. PHOTO BY PETER J. THOMPSON/NATIONAL POST

Auditor general finds a 'minimum' of $27.4 billion in suspicious COVID benefit payments

Auditor general says CRA's 'lack of rigour' in CERB and other pandemic benefits recovery efforts means majority of overpayments not likely to be recovered

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OTTAWA – Canada’s auditor general says a “minimum” of $27.4 billion in suspicious COVID-19 benefit payments need to be investigated because the government did not manage the aid programs efficiently, and it will likely fail to recover “significant” amounts in overpayments.

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That’s in addition to $4.6 billion in confirmed government overpayments solely in double-dipping applications for the various COVID-19 aid programs launched within the first months of the pandemic, according to a new report by Auditor General Karen Hogan published Tuesday.

The 92-page report highlights the government’s success in setting up six aid programs that doled out a total of $210 billion to individuals and companies quickly in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and ensuing lockdowns.

But it’s extremely critical of the government’s management of the programs and ensuing efforts to find and claw back overpayments.

“The Canada Revenue Agency and Employment and Social Development Canada did not manage the selected COVID‑19 programs efficiently given the significant amount paid to ineligible recipients, the limited adjustments as programs were extended, and the slow progress on post‑payment verifications,” the report concludes.

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But National Revenue Minister Diane Lebouthillier argued Tuesday that some of Hogan’s numbers are “exaggerated”, namely regarding Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) payments that should be investigated further.

“The agency does not agree with the auditor general’s calculation regarding ineligible recipients of the wage subsidy. The agency’s real verifications indicate that compliance with the subsidy was high, and that the auditor general’s figures were exaggerated,” she said in response to opposition questions Tuesday.

During a press conference, Hogan said she was “concerned” by CRA’s and ESDC’s “lack of rigour” in their efforts to identify and recoup overpayments from the half-dozen COVID-19 aid programs she audited. She called on the government to “act now” before it’s too late (the law limits eligibility verification to 36 months after payment).

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“The number of post payment verifications included in the plan is insufficient to address all payments at risk of being ineligible,” she said.

Her report criticizes both organizations for “the significant amount paid to ineligible recipients, the limited adjustments as programs were extended, and the slow progress on post‑payment verifications.”

Hogan’s latest report is her first dive into the $210 billion in payments made via the government’s six COVID-19 financial aid programs, with the most generous being the $100 billion Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy, the $74.8 billion Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) and the $28.4 billion Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB).

Many of the programs, but particularly the $2,000-per-month CERB that was launched in April 2020, were designed to urgently get money into Canadians’ pockets by setting aside the usual pre-payment verifications.

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Hogan said the programs “quickly offered financial relief to individuals and employers, prevented a rise in poverty, mitigated income inequalities, and helped the economy to recover from the effects of the pandemic”.

But that’s about where her praise ended.

Her report notes there are at least $27.4 billion in suspected ineligible payments that CRA and ESDC let through over the six programs that now need to investigate on top of the $4.6 billion in overpayments it has already identified and is trying to claw back.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg, Hogan warns. The report chronicles a separate series of eyebrow-raising CERB payments, such as $1.6 billion to individuals who appear to have quit their jobs (instead of losing it due to COVID-19), $6.1 million to incarcerated recipients and $1.2 million in payments to dead people.

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In the case of CEWS, the report estimates that there are $15.5 billion in suspected overpayments to ineligible companies, based on a comparison of their HST and GST filings before and during the pandemic. CRA has previously contested this method of calculation as overbroad and inaccurate.

Hogan also discovered CRA doesn’t have the data to measure the program’s overall objective: getting companies to retain or rehire employees during lockdowns.

In a joint statement, Ministers Diane Lebouthillier (CRA) and Carla Qualtrough (ESDC) celebrated Hogan’s findings about the positive impacts of the programs all the while stating that the government would pursue a “compassionate” and “responsible” approach to recouping overpayments and catching fraudsters.

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The Conservatives denounced the lack of transparency or “proper plan” to fix the “lack of control” by the government over its pandemic program disbursements.

“Conservatives are calling on the Liberals to present the plan that shows that they’re going to take this report seriously and put in the controls that Attorney General is also calling for,” said CPC MP Adam Chambers.

In her recommendations, Hogan pushes CRA and ESDC to increase their post-payment verifications to capture all possible ineligible payments.

That drew an exceptional response from the government, who only “partially agreed” because it believes it would not be “cost effective” nor “best practices” to go after “100 % of all potentially ineligible claims.”

During her press conference, Hogan pushed back. “My advice to them is if they wanted to make a decision about recovery, one that might either forgive payments or be empathetic, then that’s something they should be clear and transparent to with Canadians. But current legislation would require them to follow up with those individuals in recovery.”

By :  Christopher Nardi



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