February 19, 2023

Justin Trudeau⁩‘s fringe minority. // Η περιθωριακή μειοψηφία του Τζάστιν Τριντό. ( Feb. 2022 )

Justin Trudeau⁩‘s fringe minority. // 

Η περιθωριακή μειοψηφία του Τζάστιν Τριντό. 

image by :Yellowhead Institute



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February 18, 2023

Ευγένιος Σπαθάρης - Ο Καραγκιόζης στο διάστημα ..... ( και η .... κλιματική αλλαγή )



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George Soros Announces Plans To Seize Control of Earth’s Atmosphere To Fight Climate Change

George Soros Announces Plans To Seize Control of Earth’s Atmosphere To Fight Climate Change

George Soros, who has previously stated his sincere belief that he is “a God who created everything”, has announced plans to seize control of the Earth’s atmosphere to fight “climate change.”

According to Fox News, Soros spoke to the Munich Security Conference Thursday and boasted that he had discovered a process where white clouds are created to reflect sunlight away from warming areas to prevent ice sheets from melting. Ice sheets melting in Greenland in particular, he claimed, could doom human civilization.

This idea could create a global calamity resulting in the deaths of millions of humans and animals. Soros does not seem concerned about this possibility in the slightest, announcing that he is in consultation with indigenous groups regarding the plan, but he is not interested in the views of the rest of humanity.

“Our civilization is in danger of collapsing because of the inexorable advance of climate change,” Soros said.

“The melting of the Greenland ice sheet would increase the level of the oceans by seven meters. That poses a threat to the survival of our civilization,” he continued. “I wasn’t willing to accept that fate, so I tried to find out whether anything could be done to avoid it.

“I was directed to Sir David King, a climate scientist who had been chief scientific advisor to previous British governments.”

“Sir David King has a plan to repair the climate system. He wants to recreate the albedo effect by creating white clouds high above the earth,” he added. “With proper scientific safeguards and in consultation with local indigenous communities, this project could help restabilize the Arctic climate system which governs the entire global climate system.”

“Unless we change the way, we deal with climate change, our civilization will be thoroughly disrupted by rising temperatures that will make large parts of the world practically unlivable.”



GWP report: The “plan” Soros and King are advocating for is called solar geoengineering. This idea will not save civilization but does have the potential to destroy it.

The perils of solar geoengineering are profound. One study shows that this type of engineering could endanger wildlife. Implementing and failing to sustain this technology would leave species around the world unable to cope with the changing conditions, causing mass extinction.

Solar geoengineering could also lead to global starvation. According to the website DowntoEarth, releasing man-made clouds into the atmosphere above the Arctic as Soros proposes would have catastrophic consequences. This would disrupt the monsoons in Asia and increase droughts, particularly in Africa, endangering both food and water sources for two billion people.

An even more terrifying truth is that solar geoengineering is a relatively cheap technology. One country could fully fund and implement this technology on its own.

Just try to imagine China, for example, possessing this power. The communist dictatorship would not hesitate to use this technology as a weapon to accomplish their geopolitical goals if necessary and as a self-defense mechanism.

Because one country could have the potential to alter the climate and potentially kill billions of people, this might lead to World War III. A new global war with nuclear weapons exchanged would finish off the life on Earth that solar geoengineering misses.

Governments around the world including here in America must ban this dangerous technological scheme before it takes hold. The fate of the world hangs in the balance.



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The Death of Canada - Viva Frei Live

It's a dark day and there's no silver lining.



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15-minute neighbourhoods protest

15-minute neighbourhoods protest

Protestors gathered on Broad Street to stand against new transport plans

Earlier today, protesters gathered on Broad Street to stand against new transport plans in Oxford, which have proven to be highly controversial. The transport plans include proposals to block residential streets using bollards or planters to stop vehicles cutting through, and to set up six traffic filters to cut unnecessary journeys and make walking, cycling, and public and shared transport the preferred option. Protestors disagree with this, saying that the proposals to discourage driving are an infringement on freedoms and an attempt to control people.

The OxStu spoke to one of the organisers of the protest, who said: “We’re here to come together to say no to 15-minute cities, we’re here because we’re incredibly worried about the attack on our rights, the freedom of movement, and everything that comes from freedom of movement…Most people you speak to here are going to be all for a return to local economies. But this isn’t going to achieve that, it’s going to restrict people’s rights.” 

Another protester, from Stand in the Park U.K., stated: “We’re obviously in opposition to this rollout of 15-minute cities and the implications of what that means when you are effectively locking people into zones in their own hometowns. It’s made to sound like this wonderful idea because it would be fantastic if we have all these nice little community hubs with amenities within close reach, but the actual reality of what this means is that you are being tracked and traced within your own town. You’re looking at having to have permits to leave the zone that you find yourself in.”

These comments reflect a sentiment frequently expressed by Reclaim Party leader, GB News presenter, and former actor, Laurence Fox, who was also at the protest. Fox has previously raised concerns that 15-minute neighbourhoods are part of a wider plan to control people, often including the push for people to get vaccinated as also being part of this plan. Oxford has become of particular interest to those who share these ideas due to these new transport plans, which have been seen as a great example of this ‘attack’ on freedoms. Many of these claims about the levels of control that people will be under have been exaggerated, as in reality, the traffic filters do not mean that people will be forced to remain in a zone against their will, they only restrict driving.

Police at the scene have been taking measures to ensure the protest goes ahead, with Thames Valley Police stating earlier that: “We anticipate large numbers of people will attend this event and as such, there is a possibility of some local disruption on the day.” The police also said they would “seek to ensure that the event is allowed to proceed peacefully”, and that they recognised the “strength of feeling and the important part that peaceful demonstrations play in society.”





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