August 25, 2022

UNREAL! BC Government Is Exploiting Unvaccinated Mothers

#trudeau #canada #frontpagenews

UNREAL! BC Government Is Exploiting Unvaccinated Mothers


UNREAL! BC Government Is Exploiting Unvaccinated Mothers 🥺 Buy Us A Cup Of Coffee ☕ By Clicking On The THANKS Button 🙏 The Courage To Speak The Truth Is A Virtue! You know, when you look at the whole Liberals and New Democratic Party's coalition; it would be most probably not really wrong to be cynical that it was most likely going to be nothing but a coalition government that would usher in and encourages massive dictatorship among levels of government both at the federal and provincial levels. And, of course, that's because birds of a feather flock together. Apparently, the Jagmeet-headed New Democratic Party isn't really different from the narcissistic and authoritarian Liberal party. And that cynicism couldn't be more confirmed with the likes of the N D P premier of British Columbia, John Horgan, who has decided to put Canadian mothers and, by extension, a lot of Canadian households in an absolutely horrifying and alarming situation with no consideration whatsoever for the depressing impacts of the current inflationary spiral ravaging Canada.
Apparently, Justin Trudeau himself would go about his hypocritical narratives telling everyone that no government, politician, or man should tell a woman what she can and cannot do with her body. Meanwhile, he's not only guilty of what he's preaching against, but what's worse is that the same is happening right under Trudeau's nose, in his country and to his own allegedly loved citizens, and he's doing nothing about it. You know, living in Canada is just really scary these days with these bunch of narcissistic and irrational N D P and Liberal politicians. As if it's not already finally straining for the majority of Canadian mothers with their families due to the severe inflation in the country, it would be rather saddening to know that the current Premier of British Columbia, John Horgan, would have Canadian mothers serving as public officers in British Columbia who are unvaxxed be forced to be vaccinated or pay back all their maternity leave top up benefits which apparently sums up to fifty thousand dollars for some of the public service workers. You think it's totally ridiculous and narcissistic too, right?? Well, you would get to know what's more ridiculous about this whole apparently horrific indecency to Canadian mothers later in today's video.
It would be rather pathetic to know that at this point, Canadian mothers on maternity leave who are not fully vaccinated against co vid 19 working in the British Columbia Public Service are not only at risk of losing their jobs but would be forced to repay all of their maternity leave top-up privileges as well.
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We share conservative political news to inform and update you about the happening in politics and in our society that the mainstream media will rather hide from you.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sources: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #trudeau #canada #frontpagenews

SHOCK warning for self test COVID: Contain TOXIC SUBSTANCE which may be HARMFUL, vid

SHOCK warning for self test 


SUBSTANCE which may be 


New commotion...

 Earlier this year, the US government sent out 60 million Covid SELF TESTS funded by American taxpayers. There's just one problem: they can be dangerous to public health, as the US media reports.

Ohio poison control centers are sounding the alarm about a colorless and odorless liquid called sodium azide.

Many wonder why the government would use such a deadly and controversial substance in their test kits. The chemical is often used in pest control agents and airbags.

As broadcast:

“A warning to the 60 million people taking these covid self-tests that are being distributed for free by the government.

The vial of liquid in many of the kits contains a chemical that can be harmful or even fatal. This is colorless, tasteless and odorless. It's a powder found in things like airbags and pest control solutions.”

See in the following Greek video at 1.25 what is the vial with the liquid.

This liquid, supposedly, does not come into contact with humans. Only by accident can it be swallowed by a child, go into the eye or fall on the skin.

There are also those who put the liquid in their nose and then take a sample with the betoneta....

The report continues:

“Ohio Poison Control Centers are sounding the alarm about a liquid substance called sodium azide that has been found in some home self-test kits for covid and could be toxic to children and adults if used improperly. Our toxicology community has been surprised that this was the ingredient in some of the kits and is also concerned. We have observed exposures across all age groups. The center


 Doctors advise parents to keep the kits out of children's reach and when testing children for covid at home, ensure they are supervised to avoid any side effects from exposure. Sodium azide can be toxic to humans and animals and things it can cause that we would want to watch out for would be hypotension, weakness, fatigue, fainting.'


photo intimate


Προειδοποίηση ΣΟΚ για self test COVID: Περιέχουν ΤΟΞΙΚΗ ΟΥΣΙΑ που μπορεί να είναι ΕΠΙΒΛΑΒΗΣ, vid

Προειδοποίηση ΣΟΚ για self test 


που μπορεί να είναι 


Νέος σάλος...

 Νωρίτερα αυτό το έτος, η κυβέρνηση των ΗΠΑ έστειλε 60 εκατομμύρια SELF TEST Covid που χρηματοδοτήθηκαν από τους φορολογούμενους Αμερικανούς. Υπάρχει μόνο ένα πρόβλημα: μπορεί να είναι επικίνδυνα για την δημόσια υγεία, όπως μεταδίδουν μέσα ενημέρωσης στις ΗΠΑ.

Τα κέντρα ελέγχου δηλητηριάσεων του Οχάιο κρούουν τον κώδωνα του κινδύνου γύρω από μια άχρωμη και άοσμη υγρή ουσία που ονομάζεται αζίδιο του νατρίου.

Πολλοί αναρωτιούνται γιατί η κυβέρνηση θα χρησιμοποιούσε μια τόσο θανατηφόρα και αμφιλεγόμενη ουσία στα κιτ δοκιμών. Η χημική ουσία χρησιμοποιείται συχνά σε παράγοντες ελέγχου παρασίτων και αερόσακους.

Όπως μεταδίδεται:

«Μια προειδοποίηση για τα 60 εκατομμύρια των ανθρώπων που λαμβάνουν αυτά τα self-tests για τον covid που διανέμονται δωρεάν απ’ την κυβέρνηση.

Το φιαλίδιο με το υγρό σε πολλά από τα κιτ περιλαμβάνει ένα χημικό το οποίο μπορεί να είναι επιβλαβές ή ακόμη και θανατηφόρο. Αυτό είναι άχρωμο, άγευστο και άοσμο. Είναι μια πούδρα που ανευρίσκεται σε πράγματα όπως οι αερόσακοι και τα διαλύματα ελέγχου παρασίτων».

Δείτε στο παρακάτω ελληνικό βίντεο στο 1.25 ποιο είναι το φιαλίδιο με το υγρό.

Αυτό το υγρό, υποτίθεται, δεν έρχεται σε επαφή με τον άνθρωπο. Μονό από ατύχημα μπορεί να το καταπιεί ένα παιδί, να πάει στο μάτι η να πέσει στο δέρμα.

Υπάρχουν και εκείνοι που βάζουν το υγρό στη μύτη τους και μετά παίρνουν δείγμα με την μπετονέτα….

Συνεχίζει το ρεπορτάζ:

«Τα Κέντρα Δηλητηριάσεων του Οχάιο σημαίνουν συναγερμό γύρω από μια υγρή ουσία που ονομάζεται αζίδιο του νατρίου η οποία βρέθηκε σε ορισμένα κιτ αυτοελέγχου στο σπίτι για τον covid και θα μπορούσε να είναι τοξική στα παιδιά και τους ενήλικες αν χρησιμοποιηθεί ακατάλληλα. Η κοινότητά μας της τοξικολογίας έχει εκπλαγεί που αυτό ήταν το συστατικό σε ορισμένα από τα κιτ και επίσης ανησυχεί. Έχουμε παρατηρήσει εκθέσεις σε όλες τις ηλικιακές ομάδες. Το Κέντρο


 Οι γιατροί συμβουλεύουν οι γονείς να διατηρούν τα κιτ σε σημεία δυσπρόσιτα στα παιδιά και όταν ελέγχουν τα παιδιά για τον covid στο σπίτι, να διασφαλίζουν ότι βρίσκονται υπό επίβλεψη προκειμένου να αποφύγουν τις οποιεσδήποτε παρενέργειες από την έκθεση. Το αζίδιο του νατρίου μπορεί να είναι τοξικό για τους ανθρώπους και τα ζώα και πράγματα που μπορεί να προκαλέσει και για τα οποία θα θέλαμε να προσέχουμε θα ήταν υπόταση, αδυναμία, κόπωση, λιποθυμία».


photo intime


Pete Santilli drops bombshells Mike Lindell has it all!

Pete Santilli drops bombshells 

Mike Lindell has it all!

August 25, 2022



Attorney Thomas Renz tells Mike Adams that Fauci and others will be PROSECUTED


Attorney Thomas Renz tells Mike Adams 

that Fauci and others will be 


August 24, 2022


Health Ranger Report

For more updates, visit:



First published at 05:30 UTC on August 25th, 2022.



Vera Sharav compares the Nazi regime with Covid's Great Reset. Vera is a Holocaust survivor and human rights advocate. She speaks at the 75th Anniversary Event of the Nuremberg Code in Nuremberg, Germany.

Michelle Dewberry Tells Police Officers Doing the Macarena to ‘Pack It in and Do Your Job!'


Michelle Dewberry Tells Police Officers Doing the Macarena to ‘Pack It in and Do Your Job!'

Published August 24, 2022



This is Tony Fauci: "We Just Trashed This Generation of Kids and the Poor"


This is Tony Fauci: "We Just Trashed This Generation of Kids and the Poor"

Published August 24, 2022 



• A third of elementary school children are going to need remedial education.

• The mental illness rates, suicides, alcoholism, and drug addiction were off the charts.

• Children of abusive households were locked at home with their abusers.

• They closed the beaches, gave $1,000 tickets for surfing, and covered outdoor skateparks in sand. Thus, people spent less time outdoors and more time inside, where COVID actually spread.

• Instead of treating people in the hospital diagnosed with COVID, they sent them back home, where they returned to their families ill and sick to spread more disease.

• Parks departments padlocked inner-city basketball courts and took down the rims, one of the few amenities some people had for recreation.

RFK Jr: "It just was insane. This is Tony Fauci; this is his legacy."

Full Interview:

Ο γερουσιαστής Kennedy έχει ένα μήνυμα για τον Dr. Fauci μετά την απόφαση παραίτησής του


Ο γερουσιαστής Kennedy 

έχει ένα μήνυμα για τον Dr. 

Fauci μετά την απόφαση 

παραίτησής του

Senator Kennedy has a message for Dr. Fauci after his decision to resign

Senator Kennedy has a message 

for Dr. Fauci after his decision 

to resign

Published August 24, 2022



ΙΣΧΥΕΙ;;; Ηλεκτρικό αμάξι πιάνει φωτιά ενώ φορτίζεται;;; VIDEO . Does it APPLY;;; Electric car catches fire while charging???

ΙΣΧΥΕΙ;;; Ηλεκτρικό αμάξι πιάνει φωτιά ενώ  φορτίζεται;;; 

Does it APPLY;;; Electric car catches fire while charging???

Δεν είναι ασφαλή όπως λένε;;; 

Aren't they as safe as they say???



August 24, 2022

Quebec Conservative Party becomes first to launch 2022 provincial election campaign


Quebec Conservative Party becomes first to launch 2022 provincial election campaign

MONTREAL - Quebec’s Conservative Party is launching its electoral campaign today in Quebec City even though the official first day of campaigning has yet to be called.

Conservative Party Leader Éric Duhaime announced the launch on Twitter this morning, making him the first of the provincial party leaders to do so.

Premier François Legault has yet to officially trigger the election, but is expected to do so before the end of August.

But the province’s governing party has already made several election promises in recent days, including a five-year, $1.4-billion pledge to convert all unsubsidized daycare spots into subsidized spaces.

Duhaime, who’s running as party leader for the first time, unveiled the Conservative platform last week along with the campaign slogan “Freedom to choose.”

Quebec’s election is scheduled for Oct. 3, with a campaign required by law to last between 33 and 39 days.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Aug. 21, 2022


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