April 16, 2023

The Digital Currency Monetary Authority (DCMA) announces the official launch of an international central bank digital currency (CBDC).

 The Digital Currency Monetary Authority (DCMA) announces the official launch of an international central bank digital currency (CBDC).

The DCMA, a membership organisation of sovereign states, central banks, commercial and retail banks, and other financial institutions, confirmed its intention to launch an international CBDC at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Spring Meetings 2023.

The introduction of this offering is poised to strengthen the monetary sovereignty of participating central banks while complying with the recent cryptocurrency assets policy recommendations proposed by the IMF.

Universal Monetary Unit

Universal Monetary Unit (UMU), symbolised as ANSI character, Ü, will function legally as a money commodity, capable of transacting in any legal tender settlement currency while functioning like a CBDC to enforce banking regulations and to protect the financial integrity of the international banking system.

With this, banks will be able to attach SWIFT codes and bank accounts to a corresponding UMU digital currency wallet and transaction SWIFT-like cross-border payments over digital currency rails. This completely bypasses the correspondent banking system at best-priced wholesale FX rates and with an instantaneous real-time settlement.

Tobias Adrian, financial counsellor, IMF

In an IMF interview with Tobias Adrian, a financial counsellor at the IMF, he states “Cross-border payments can be slow, expensive and risky. In today’s world of payments, counterparties in different jurisdictions rely on costly trusted relationships to offset the lack of a common settlement asset together with common rules and governance.

“But imagine if a multilateral platform existed that could improve cross-border payments—at the same time transforming foreign exchange transactions, risk sharing, and more generally, financial contracting,” Adrian concludes.

A new turn for cross-border payments

According to Darrell Hubbard, the executive director of the DCMA, and the chief architect of UMU, “This vision expressed by the IMF is the exact solution the DCMA is delivering to central banks worldwide.”

Adopting a global localisation public monetary system architecture, UMU can be configured to operate according to the central banking regulations of each participating jurisdiction.

George Walker, a partner at Practus LLP, specialising in international law, facilitated meetings between the DMCA and the IMF, states “Although the IMF has not officially endorsed Universal Monetary Unit, in reviewing the DCMA’s whitepaper and in weekly team discussions, the IMF has yet to state any objections to UMU’s FX premium rates and its monetary sovereignty approach.”

According to Hubbard, “UMU is not attempting to disrupt the international monetary system. If fact, it strengthens it by helping the IMF achieve its stated mandate to provide economic and financial stability to its member states. UMU is a game-changer in how cross-border payments are transacted and mitigates against seasonal and systemic local currency depreciation.”

Safeguarded by legislation

Model law legislation has now been drafted for the issuance of UMU in collaboration with several sovereign states.

The proposed legislation underlines that UMU should not be enacted as a legal tender for negotiating domestic prices or international trade agreements. Instead, the legislation proposes UMU to be enacted as a complementary money commodity for the store of value, mitigating against potential seasonal and systemic local currency depreciation, and tendered as a payment currency at the time of settlement.

Merchants and trading partners could accept UMU for the equivalent market value for their goods and services priced in any national legal tender. UMU has premium exchange rates built into its wallet and can convert any settlement currency amount to the equivalent UMU amount.

In addition, UMU seeks to support central banking and regulated financial institutions with features including a trusted consensus protocol, staked proof of trust (SPOT) protocol and a multi-dimensional DLT (mDLT) capable of supporting any asset or liability ledger enabling full-service digital banking and international trade payments.

The DCMA introduces UMU as ‘crypto 2.0’ because it innovates a new wave of cryptographic technologies for realizing a digital currency public monetary system with a widespread adoption framework encompassing use cases for all constituencies in a global economy.

This is DEVASTATING for the US dollar, and they’re trying to hide it.


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Watch: Beyond The Reset

 Watch: Beyond The Reset

APRIL 16, 2023

By Tyler Durden

This excellent animated short film about the not-too-distant-but-very-dystopian future is at once humorous and terrifying.

It speculates on the potential consequences of the infamous Great Reset, medical tyranny, woke culture, and green agenda.

Everything, that World Economic Forum (WEF) is planning for us.

If you’d like to buy the creator a beer, his PayPal address is oleg@3depix.com

Source: ZeroHedge

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The Unvaccinated Won't Be Unvaccinated for Long With mRNA in the Food Supply

 The Unvaccinated Won't Be Unvaccinated for Long With mRNA in the Food Supply

April 16, 2023


"We've confirmed: this mRNA stuff is in the food supply," reported attorney Tom Renz. It turns out that Merck has been injecting mRNA into pigs since 2018.

"For all you guys that stood strong and said no to these mRNA vaccines. Well, you're gonna get them anyway right through your food."


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Trudeau Holds Healthcare Hostage to Force Digital ID on the Provinces / Feb 10, 2023


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After Achilles and Zeus, as blacks. NetFlix also presents black Cleopatra

 After Achilles and Zeus, as blacks. NetFlix also presents black Cleopatra!

The trailer of a new Netflix documentary called 'Queen Cleopatra', which is supposed to explore the real life and personality of Cleopatra, has caused an uproar on social media, one wonders how it will do this, since from the beginning it presents her as black (something which is historically untrue), a historical blunder which an American subscription channel had also committed in 2017 with the black Achilles!

The choice of the young black actress Adele James to play Cleopatra VII of Egypt "stranged" several commentators on the internet, who were quick to comment that the particular monarch was a member of the Ptolemaic dynasty, a Greek family of Macedonian origin, who ruled Egypt after the death of Alexander the Great during the Hellenistic period.

It's good that the foreigners are reacting because we Greeks don't show any sensitivity!

"Cleopatra was a Greek of Macedonian origin"  many commentators write in their posts, while wondering why the creators of a documentary (of a genre that is supposed to be based on historical facts and sources) chose this particular approach.

One of the people who spoke negatively about the allegations that the documentary seems to make is the Egyptologist and former Minister of Antiquities of Egypt Zahi Hawass, according to the site Egypt Independent.

Recalling Cleopatra's Greek origins, Hawass pointed out that the majority of historical findings and depictions of the time support the view of most academics, that the dynamic monarch was not black.

Although the docu-series has yet to air, it's clear from the trailer that the highly capable monarch is portrayed by the show's cast as a black woman, possibly of "  misunderstood ancestry."

One of the people speaking in the short clip even mentions the following:  "I remember my grandmother telling me, 'I don't care what they teach in school, Cleopatra was black'".

“The new documentary series produced by Jada Pinkett Smith explores the lives of prominent and iconic African queens. This season features Cleopatra, the world's most famous, powerful and misunderstood woman – a bold queen whose beauty and loves overshadow her true asset, her mind. 

Cleopatra's legacy has been the subject of much controversy in academic circles, something that is often overlooked by Hollywood. Our series re-evaluates this fascinating part of its history," reads the description of the new program on Netfix's YouTube page.

A change.org petition calling for "Queen Cleopatra" to be canceled due to its false claims garnered several thousand signatures, before the platform eventually removed it for violating its terms of use.

Let's also remember that six years ago, NetFlix, the American subscription television whose services are provided in almost all countries, decided together with the BBC in a series about the Trojan War to present Achilles as black. He also decided to present Jupiter as black!

With information from Pronews.gr




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