April 25, 2024

Human-caused fires make up 100% of Alberta's wildfires so far this year: Forestry minister

Human-caused fires make up 100% of Alberta's wildfires so far this year: Forestry minister

'We expect that almost all of the wildfires we've experienced so far this year are human-caused, given the point we're at in the season and the types of weather we're seeing, ' said Todd Loewen, minister for forestry and parks.

All of the 63 wildfires burning in Alberta's forest right now are human-caused, Todd Loewen, minister for forestry and parks, said on Wednesday.

Loewen's comment came during Wednesday's weekly Alberta wildfire update, where he urged citizens living in forested areas to obey all local fire bans and restrictions.

More than 170 wildfires have been put out across the province so far this year.

Currently, 63 wildfires are burning the province's forest protection area, with seven mutual aid fires. A mutual aid wildfire is a wildfire outside of the Forest Protection Area of Alberta in which Alberta Wildfire assists the lead agency.

This wildfire is classified as out of control at approximately 1500 hectares, the Alberta government reports.

"I urge you to assess your property for wildfire danger and take any preventive action you can to address these risks," Loewen said. "This includes breaking up fuel sources that could ignite a structure, removing trees in close proximity to your home, and properly maintaining your gutters and roofs to rid the materials that could easily ignite such as leaves and dry needles."

Loewen added that community members should be aware of fire bans in the area.

"These preventative measures play a crucial role in reducing human-caused wildfires when risk levels are high," he said.

"We expect that almost all of the wildfires we've experienced so far this year are human-caused, given the point we're at in the season and the types of weather we're seeing."

According to Josee St-Onge, an information officer with Alberta Wildfire, many regions of the province are expecting cool, wet weather. However, she cautioned that this might not be sufficient to alleviate the fire risk.

"We need significant and continued rain to overcome the drought conditions that we are experiencing across many parts of the province," she said.

"Snow has melted and exposed dead and dry vegetation which is extremely flammable for wildfire. Until vegetation green-up happens, wildfires will easily ignite and can spread very quickly."

Last year, the UCP government had to hire out-of-province arson investigators due to the uncharacteristically destructive wildfire season.

It was suspected that arson, not purported climate change, was to blame for a number of the large fires.

Throughout the 2023 wildfire season, 1,094 fires burnt a record 2.2 million hectares. The five-year average is 1,110 wildfires, though 2023 saw 10 times the amount of land burned.

source:  RebelNews



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April 24, 2024



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WHO Forced To Abandon Pandemic Treaty As Public Rise Up Against Globalist Tyranny

WHO Forced To Abandon Pandemic Treaty As Public Rise Up Against Globalist Tyranny


The World Health Organization’s controversial Pandemic Treaty has been scrapped due to the increasing numbers of people who are waking up and rising up against the globalist elite’s tyrannical agenda.

Following fierce backlash from the public, the WHO has been forced to completely revise its proposed International Health Regulations (IHR) amendments.

According to the group Us for Them UK, the changes represent a serious victory “for national democracy, free speech and human rights.”

Naturalnews.com reports: Almost all of the substantive concerns presented to the WHO Working Group for the IHR amendments have been trimmed back, one of the biggest changes being that the WHO’s recommendations will be non-binding.

“Article 13A.1 which would have required Member States to follow directives of the WHO as the guiding and coordinating authority for international public health has been dropped entirely,” Us for Them UK tweeted.

Another change is the erasure of a proposal that would have struck from the amendments wording that recognizes the “dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms” of human beings.

“This proposal marked a particularly low water-mark, and should never have been suggested,” Us for Them UK says.

If you are concerned about the WHO suddenly attaining dictatorial powers at the mere “potential” of a public health emergency, worry not: the WHO will only be able to gain total control if it can demonstrate “that coordinated international action is necessary.”

WHO won’t be your daddy; corrupt Congress will

As for the controlled flow of information by the government, a process more commonly known as censorship, the WHO will have no jurisdiction over this, either.

What happened during the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “pandemic” in terms of how the WHO applies its IHRs will also remain the same rather than be expanded to also include “all risks with a potential to impact public health.”

Of great remaining concern, however, is the explicit recognition in the revised IHR amendments that Member States – in our case, the United States – will be the ones responsible for implementing whatever WHO recommends, as they so choose.

What this means, of course, is that the always smart and never corrupted U.S. Congress, meaning the Zionists and multinational corporations that control them, will have the full and unfettered privilege of deciding how We the People get treated during the next public health “crisis.”

Other provisions that were “diluted,” according to Us for Them UK include details about the surveillance mechanisms that would have allowed the WHO to mandate the finding of thousands of potentially new so-called pandemic “signals,” as well as provisions that would have pushed the adoption of digital health passports.

Keep in mind that the entire published document as it currently exists from the WHO remains an interim draft, so it could be modified further. The IHR Working Group will pore over it and make final negotiations as to how it will appear in its final form.

If you would like to read over the latest draft of WHO’s IHR Amendments, you can do so at this link.

“We won’t be safe until the WHO are disbanded, though,” commented someone on X (@Free_ByTheSea).

“It is not acceptable that our nation is influenced by an unelected group who conceived the original amendments. Nor is it reasonable that members of our government tried to persuade us they were nothing to worry about. We shouldn’t have to defend ourselves from groups like this. The WHO needs to go.”

Another responded that while these latest developments might seem like a win for medical freedom, we must still be vigilant because the WHO is untrustworthy.

“WHO has shown itself to be an abusive partner to free nations,” this person added. “The solution to a relationship with an abusive partner is to LEAVE. Leave the WHO.”




Sean Adl-Tabatabai   https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/author/cyrus/.



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