September 21, 2022

City of Toronto ad campaign suggests kids must be vaccinated to enjoy normal life

City of Toronto ad campaign suggests kids must be vaccinated to enjoy normal life

The City of Toronto says it wants to “ensure greater clarity” after facing criticism for an online ad campaign promoting Covid-19 vaccination for children as young as six months old.

In one ad, a young girl looks out her window at other children playing and asks her mother if she can join them.

“No honey,” the mother replies from offscreen. “There’s still something going around.”

“Okay,” the girl replies, as she sadly looks back out the window as text flashes onto the screen:

“Kids should be out there. Not in here. Covid-19 vaccines available for children 6 months to 12 years.”

After the video was widely panned on Twitter for implying unvaccinated children should be kept away from their friends, the City of Toronto deleted a tweet with the video and published a retraction, though not an apology.

“The City removed a tweet and video from earlier today,” the retraction said. “We always strive to ensure clear understanding, especially about vaccinations, and will work to ensure greater clarity in the future.”

City of Toronto spokesperson Brad Ross told Toronto Sun reporter Joe Warmington that the campaign “was intended to highlight the negative impact (the pandemic) has had on children and drive home the benefits of vaccine, as vaccination remains the most effective way to protect our children, families, communities and ourselves against the serious effects of Covid-19.”

“We do believe we can better communicate this intent and, as such, we have removed the video to better address the core message of children being eligible to be vaccinated against COVID-19,” Ross said.

However, a suite of related videos continues to be available on the City of Toronto’s YouTube channel. These videos all have a similar tone and message.

In one, a voice is heard offscreen cooing over a newborn. Eventually the camera shows that the voice is coming through someone on the other end of a video call with the infant.

“Don’t miss these moments,” the screen says. “Get connected (in real life). Covid-19 vaccines available for children 6 months to 12 years.”

In another video, a young girl barges into a room while her mother is chairing a virtual meeting.

“She should be in school,” the screen tells viewers. “Covid-19 vaccines available for children 6 months to 12 years.”

Covid vaccines are not required to attend elementary or secondary schools in Ontario.

True North found five separate ads that appear to be part of the campaign pushing child vaccination.

Ross said in his statement to Warmington that the videos were “created by staff and community ambassadors,” and that elected officials, such as Toronto Mayor John Tory, “were not involved in any way.”


September 20, 2022

Oh SH*T, the WEF climate lockdowns are already starting | Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris

Oh SH*T, the WEF climate lockdowns are already starting | Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris

1.06M subscribers

Does the World Economic Forum want you to voluntarily lock down for the environment? Maybe Covid lockdowns were a warm up because left-leaning leaders seem to be signaling that they want to take away the life you know for the health of the planet. And their own enrichment of course.

The Suppression of #TrudeauMustGo & MORE! Viva Mondays!

The Suppression of #TrudeauMustGo & MORE! Viva Mondays!

Viva Frei
549K subscribers

In Trudeau’s Canada, ‘2+2=4’ is White Supremacy

In Trudeau’s Canada, ‘2+2=4’ is White Supremacy


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Canada to scrap border vaccine mandate and make ArriveCan optional

Canada to scrap border vaccine mandate and make ArriveCan optional

Canada is set to do away with Covid-19 vaccine requirements for incoming travellers and make ArriveCan optional by the end of the month. 

According to The Globe and Mail, sources familiar with cabinet conversations say that the changes will take place on Sept. 30. 

Following the changes, unvaccinated travellers will be able to enter Canada freely without having to attest their vaccination status or be required to quarantine in the case of permanent residents and Canadian citizens. 

However, at the direction of Health Minister Jean-Yves Duclos, the mask mandate for trains and planes will remain.

It is unclear whether the United States has plans to lift its own border vaccine mandate. 

For months, the Liberals have been facing criticism for maintaining vaccine mandates and burdening travellers with the ArriveCan requirement. 

Deputy Conservative leader and former transport critic Melissa Lantsman has been demanding that the federal government dropped the application as a requirement as early as July

“People do not want to come, and the regulations are certainly redundant,” said Lantsman. 

“These kinds of things say Canada is closed for business and when we have that coupled with a transportation network that just isn’t conducive to the potential in this area, we have a recipe for disaster.”

The CEO of the Canadian American Business Council has recently stated that the application and remaining mandates were threatening the “seamless integration” between Canada and the US. 

“We’ve got to get to the place where Canadians and Americans are travelling back and forth, seeing family, having fun, but also doing business together,” said CEO Maryscott Greenwood. 

“That’s really been a huge hallmark of our relationship, the seamless integration of our economies and of our people. That’s at risk right now.”

The Trudeau government has also faced pressure from communities that border the US who have been impacted by the reduced flow of people crossing into Canada.


The Andrew Lawton Show | Jukebox Justin embarrasses Canada on the world stage – again

The Andrew Lawton Show | Jukebox Justin embarrasses Canada on the world stage – again


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spent Saturday evening belting out Bohemian Rhapsody in a United Kingdom hotel lobby – two days before Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s stage funeral. 

While foreign media are talking about all the backlash to Trudeau’s antics, the Canadian media are covering for him, instead taking aim at his critics. 

True North’s Andrew Lawton talks about the latest number from Jukebox Justin in this live edition of The Andrew Lawton Show. Also, People’s Party of Canada leader Maxime Bernier joins the show live to talk about the road forward for the PPC with a new Conservative Party of Canada leader.



Chrystia Freeland was once a WEF critic

Chrystia Freeland was once a WEF critic


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