Showing posts with label SUDDENLY.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SUDDENLY.. Show all posts

Heart Failure Epidemic? Is this just the beginning?          

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NBA Legend John Stockton Claims ‘Thousands’ Of Athletes Have Died From The Vaccine

Credit: Kyle Terada-USA TODAY Sports
 NBA Legend John Stockton Claims ‘Thousands’ Of Athletes Have Died From The Vaccine

Since his retirement in 2003, Utah Jazz legend John Stockton hasn’t found himself in the spotlight very often. Over these past few years, however, he has really made it a point to share his views on various hot-button topics.

At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, Stockton was amongst those actively speaking out against the vaccine and even spoke out in support of Kyrie Irving when he had his standoff against the vax.

“You have a lot of supporters Kyrie,” Stockton told fellow vaccine skeptic podcast hosts Chad Fisher and Tony Farmer. “Not all them of can get to you, and you can’t get to all of them, but there’s every bit a majority out there that’s sitting there pulling for you. They’re just not quite as bold as he is. I’m proud of him as an individual to take that kind of individual risk and be that bold for what you feel is right.” I have such great respect for Kyrie Irving for stepping up like that,” Stockton said. “He’s right in the mix of it, he has a tremendous amount to lose in endorsements. So I salute him.”

Stockton went quiet for a while but did resurface this month when he claimed that athletes have died from the vaccine.

“I think it’s highly recorded now, there’s 150 I believe now, it’s over 100 professional athletes dead – professional athletes – the prime of their life, dropping dead that are vaccinated, right on the pitch, right on the field, right on the court.”

In his most recent public appearance, however, he only doubled down on the outlandish claims and said he had the proof in his hands.

“I had the proof in my hands, the piece of paper with the names…I think it’s in the thousands now. Don’t quote me on that one, I’m not saying 1,000, but it might be. It’s a big number”

Stockton has not shared where he got the information from, but we can confirm that his statement is not rooted in fact.

Fortunately, it seems the whole anti-vaccine craze has finally expired in the NBA, and Stockton’s words are falling on deaf ears.  With the COVID-19 pandemic in the past now, fans just don’t have time to listen to fake news and facts about the vaccine.

Hopefully, Stockton comes to realize his mistake and walks back some of the comments he’s made recently.

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Tens of thousands more Britons than expected have died with experts on high alert to find out why! According to British news media, from May to December last year there were 32,441 excess deaths in England and Wales, excluding deaths from the coronavirus.

As announced in Great Britain, "excess deaths are defined as the number of people who died above the five-year average - calculated excluding 2020 because of how the coronavirus increased the death toll in that year". These shocking figures raised a number of important questions about what is happening to the country's populations, how it is changing and why so many more people are dying. Professor David Coleman, emeritus professor of demography at the University of Oxford, expressed his concern to the Mirror, but suggested two reasons that could contribute to the rise in excess deaths.

"The population is ageing, and also the population in Britain is the fattest in Europe and rather vulnerable to disease, mainly heart disease and diabetes." Something which has caused questions anyway as there are not a few who believe that an analytical investigation should be done in order to shed light.          

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Revealing video with 763 cases of dead TV personalities worldwide! YOU WILL BE BORED OF WATCHING THEM CRASH DOWN

Revealing video with 763 cases of dead TV personalities worldwide! YOU WILL BE BORED OF WATCHING THEM CRASH DOWN

April 27, 2023 

The biggest advertising scandal in human history is coming to light. Even the hurt ones could wake up so show it and send it to the pierced  and hopefully some will wake up  who would like to wake up.

Kla.TV collected 17 hours of footage of the gruesome consequences of the inoculation campaign. 763 known people have died after being vaccinated against the coronavirus alone. How many "mortals" have died is unknown. A few million?

In the video they try to raise public awareness of the countless deaths and victims are immediately criticized by the mainstream media. One of them is Peter Ganz, initiator of the "gallery of horrors" exhibition. He documented more than 3500 cases of people being harmed by inoculation with the non-existent and invisible virus-19.

Around the world, countless free media, virologists, epidemiologists and platforms documented the massive damage of the pandemic. In December last year, residents of several French cities reacted with shock after pictures emerged of the countless deaths from riots in the city centre.

Kla.TV has issued an urgent warning about the dangers of piercing more than 100 shows. The site has cut more than 17 hours of video down to nearly 40 minutes.

You might save a few lives if you send it to someone you know who is vaccinated.


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I wonder why this is happening more often than ever before? // Αναρωτιέμαι γιατί συμβαίνει αυτό πιο συχνά από ποτέ;

 I wonder why this is happening more often than ever before? 

Αναρωτιέμαι γιατί συμβαίνει αυτό πιο συχνά από ποτέ;  🤔


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CBS-Kcal News Meteorologist Faints On Live TV


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Canada: Thousands of healthy children die 'suddenly and unexpectedly'

Canada: Thousands of healthy children die "suddenly and unexpectedly" !

Thousands of fully vaccinated healthy children in Canada are dying "suddenly and unexpectedly" according to newly released  figures  .

Below are some examples of young Canadian athletes who have died suddenly in the last 3 months:

Presley Clara Rose Wilchuck (age 13) (died January 13, 2023)

Presley played football in Regina, Saskatchewan. He died suddenly on January 13, 2023.

Jeremy Riendeau (age 10) (died January 3, 2023)

Jeremy was a hockey player in Sainte-Martine, Quebec. He died suddenly on January 3, 3023. A local newspaper reports: "the young boy was passionate about hockey" (  click here  )

Slade Smith (age 7) (died November 29, 2022)

Slade was a hockey player from Calgary, Alberta. He died suddenly on November 29, 2022. The family's statement read:

"  Slade died suddenly after an illness of only four days, and his sweet heart could not take it. "

Ayla Grace Loseth (age 9) (died November 29, 2022)

Ayla lived in West Kelowna, British Columbia.

"Ayla was an accomplished horsewoman who loved her Holly and the horse Titanium very much" (  click here  )

He developed flu-like symptoms on November 26, 2022, was sent home from an emergency, and died three days later from complications of a strep A infection (click  here  ).

Ayla's family raised concerns about the medical treatment she received (  click here  ):

"The family has raised questions about why Ayla was not given antibiotics sooner"

"Nothing seemed urgent enough until it was too late."

Danielle Mei Cabana (age 6) (died November 26, 2022)

Danielle lived in Richmond, British Columbia. She was a hockey player, a member of the Richmond Ravens U7 girls hockey team. He died suddenly on November 26, 2022 (  click here  ).

Reported by the Richmond News (  click here  ):

“According to an Instagram post by dad Denis Cabana, Danielle came down with the flu at the same time as her sisters around Memorial Day.

Danielle was taken to hospital last Wednesday when she appeared to be still battling the flu after her sisters had recovered. He was soon transferred to the ICU where   he was diagnosed with myocarditis   due to the flu.

She then underwent two heart operations and started breathing on her own last Saturday, but   eventually died after suffering a “major stroke. "

Eric Homersham (age 13) (died 9 November 2022)

Eric  Homersham, a Grade 8 student at West Island College, died on November 9 after collapsing during a school basketball tryout. "

"Eric, the youngest of three brothers, has been with the Southeast Calgary Wolverines Youth Hockey Club for eight years, joining the program as Timbit in 2014. He started with the U15 Division 1 team this season."

It's no surprise that Canadian health authorities are trying to pretend these sudden deaths of Canada's youngest athletes aren't happening.

However, they can only ignore this serious problem for so long.

The graphs below show 2-dose mRNA intake on the left and booster mRNA intake on the right, as a percentage of all Canadian children aged 5-11 and 12-17 years.

The Canadian government stopped publishing these charts in January 2023.

Source NewsPunch


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