Showing posts with label NWO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NWO. Show all posts

May 02, 2024

There’s a new app out that helps consumers find out if the food they buy contains insect-derived ingredients, and the ‘fact checkers’ are not happy.

New app tells you if your food contains insect-derived ingredients

New app tells you if your food contains insect-derived ingredients

“The Insect Scanner App is an essential tool for anyone who wants to ensure that their food is free from insects. With the help of the scanner, you can quickly and easily check whether a food item may contain insects without having to open it or conduct extensive research,” the app’s Google Play description reads.

“… The user interface is simple and intuitive, making it easy for anyone to use the app. Whether you’re a vegetarian, a meat-eater, or simply someone who doesn’t want to consume insects, the Insect Scanner App is an indispensable tool while shopping.”

Self-appointed ‘fact checkers’, of course, are not happy, taking to X to make Community Notes confirming that the app is accurate but that the insect ingredients, specifically dyes made from bugs, are actually a good thing.

So far, the app, created by German developer Marcel Bartecki, has garnered over 100,000 downloads since it was launched in September 2023.

The app also allows users to see the scientific names and/or ingredient names that producers use to mask the fact they’re processing insects and adding them into food, including those for house crickets, mealworms, migratory locusts, and grain mold beetles, with an option to not search for individual creepy crawlers if users don’t have a problem with certain ingredients.

This is particularly helpful in revealing the misleading labelling that some companies use to mask the inclusion of cricket protein, which is often labelled less offensively as “Acheta protein”, and other similar products.



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The "climate crisis" terrorism is a product of activists and mass media with a lot of money behind it!


The "climate crisis" terrorism is a product of activists and mass media with a lot of money behind it!

The UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ("IPCC") reports do not define what a "climate crisis" means. The crisis that supposedly requires society to achieve zero carbon emissions or, at the very least, "net zero."

In contrast, the IPCC's latest Assessment Report ("AR6") published in 2021 points out that the corporate media's view of climate change has moved away from a neutral position by adopting and promoting terms such as "climate crisis", "global warming" and "climate emergency".

Such a statement by the IPCC should leave no doubt that the notion of an ongoing "climate crisis" is a joint product of climate activists and the click-hungry media, with no solid scientific basis, writes Aivar Usk.

So what does climate science tell us? Usk details his research on climate models, disaster scenarios and the imagined climate crisis, while giving us a reality check on what the climate records show, without the media hype. For example, "July 2023, dubbed 'Earth's hottest month on record,' may have had nearly the same number of warm and cold areas around the world compared to the time a decade earlier," he writes.
Climate models, disaster scenarios and the imagined climate crisis

By  Aivar Usk

The term "climate crisis" is now a frequent feature in politicians' speeches and in the media, the "mitigation" of which is said to require society to achieve Net Zero carbon emissions.

However, in the reports of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (“IPCC”), the latest AR6 Assessment Report (from 2021), prepared by the Science-Based Working Group on Climate Change (“WG1”), a vol. 2,409 pages entitled "  Climate Change 2021. The Science Basis  ", it points out that the media's treatment of climate change has moved away from the neutral position, adopting and promoting terms such as "climate crisis", "global warming" and "climate emergency". Such a statement by the IPCC should leave no doubt that the term "climate crisis" is a joint product of left-wing climate activists and the media to terrorize the world, without any scientific basis.

The term is also absent from the European Union's 2021 climate change law, even though the European Parliament already declared a climate and environmental emergency in November 2019.

A certain small percentage of warming of our planet's climate can indeed be detected if one chooses an appropriate starting point in the time series of recent temperatures. For example, comparing the current situation to the times at the end of the Little Ice Age around 1850, or 1880, or even the coldest period between 1944 and 1976. 

Estimates of warming would be even more muted if the starting point of the time series was the 1877/1878 El Niño, the tropical weather phenomenon that caused  the "year without a winter  " and is the warmest recorded global temperature period.

However, looking back over the millennia, the hypothesis of an unprecedented warming of our times is contradicted by the Medieval and Roman Warm Periods, not to mention the Holocene Optimum climate some 6,000 years ago.

Research over the next few years will show whether the warming recorded in 2023 was caused by a convergence of three factors, as many scientists have hypothesized: the proximity of the peak of the 25th  cycle   of solar activity, the strong tropical weather phenomenon El Niño, and the known record amount of water vapor injected into the stratosphere by the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai submarine volcanic eruption.

The effect of anthropogenic CO  2   was continuous and could not have caused such rapid warming. One indisputable fact seems to be that the Earth has been significantly   warmer   than today for most of the past  500 million years , possibly even warmer than predicted for 2100, and has not caused irreversible tipping points in the climate system.

For example, data collected by  NASA's AIRS  satellites  and published monthly    on Dr.  Ole Humlum, emeritus professor of geography at the University of Oslo, show that July 2023, falsely dubbed "Earth's hottest month on record", had almost the same number of warm and cold areas around the world compared to a decade earlier.   Old papers   don't let us forget the extreme weather conditions of almost a century ago, which make last year's summer pale in comparison to those times.

July 2023, dubbed "Earth's hottest month on record," had nearly the same number of warm and cold places around the world compared to a decade ago, as can be seen by looking at NASA  
AIRS satellite data   posted on   Climate4you .com .

Essentially, scientists in different countries create their own climate models – the coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation model AOGCM or   GCM  – to calculate projections of temperature, precipitation and other climate parameters, the results of which are then compared together to hopefully that the average of all representatives of the family of models can provide reliable information.

Scientists in different countries have very different views on the magnitude of the additional greenhouse effect due to carbon dioxide added to the atmosphere by human activities. Of course, the western countries that have a political agenda for the climate, present the size much larger.

There seems to be no consensus anywhere: while the Russian climate scientists who created the INM-CM4-8 model are convinced that the correct ECS is 1.8°C, the Chinese model CAMS-CSM1-0 uses 2.3° C, Norway's NorESM2-LM 2.5°C, Japan's MIROC6 uses 2.6 ºC and US NASA GISS-E2-1-G uses 2.7 ºC, while the US NCAR CESM2 model uses ECS 5, 2 ºC, the UK HadGEM3-GC35-LL ºC and the Canadian model CanESM5 uses 5.6 ºC (  McKitrick & Christy, 2020  ). There are many charlatans who would try to exploit such a confused and uncertain situation for political reasons.

In 2017, Dr. John R. Christy, a climate scientist at the University of Alabama in the US,   showed   to the US House Committee on Science, Space and Technology that there is a significant bias among the vast majority of representatives of the previous CMIP5 family of models, as well as on average, towards the excess warming relative to the observational data.

"Therefore, the model average is considered untrue in representing recent decades of climate variability and change, and would therefore be unsuitable for use in predicting future climate change or for related policy decisions," he concluded.

The warming bias of the current family of CMIP6 models has also been addressed   by the modelers themselves , who have called some of the temperatures predicted by the models  "horrifyingly divergent and wrong".

An article by Dr. Zeke Hausfather  et al.  in the scientific journal   Nature   in May 2022 warned that some of the latest climate models look "much warmer" and predict climate warming in response to higher CO   emissions  than other evidence supports. It was also noted that already published research findings claiming that the effects of climate change will be "worse than we thought" are often attributed to CMIP6's "hot" models.

The inability to make reliable future predictions can be seen as evidence that climate modelers do not have a proper understanding of the nature of climate processes. Specifically, they are criticized for insufficiently addressing the effects of the Sun, clouds and volcanic activity.

Scientists fueling the crisis narrative generally avoid direct debate, but in the few public debates that have taken place, scientists from the climate realist camp have presented more persuasive arguments (  2018  ,   2023  ).

Dissenting voices are mostly suppressed or ignored, with activists constantly trying to label them as "paid for by the fossil fuel industry" or even "conspiracy theorists", without even qualifying as climate scientists to to have an opinion on the subject. Even a Nobel laureate in physics is unable to understand climate science and express credible critical opinions on the subject – unless he is certified by climate activists. Does this remind you of something?

Dr. Roy W. Spencer, an American climate scientist with a long-standing NASA background,   compared  the predictions of the latest generation of climate models with the observed history to date and found that during the period 1979-2022, global warming was projected to be averaged by CMIP6 models  exceeded the balloon meteorological record by 43% and the satellite record by 75%.

After a brief review of other relevant factors, Dr. Spencer summarizes the article by stating: "Given these uncertainties, policymakers must proceed cautiously and not allow themselves to be swayed by exaggerated claims based on  demonstrably flawed climate models ."

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I feel it appropriate to conclude with a quote from one of the official reviewers of the IPCC's third assessment report, TAR – Estonian-born professor from the University of Toronto, Olev Träss, who said in an interview with the   Postimees newspaper  :

“ The question is whether we should reduce carbon dioxide and put a lot of money into it – I would never do it. I am quite convinced, and I feel I am on the right track, that the effect of carbon dioxide is very small. The entire scientific community with whom we are having this discussion, even at the University of Toronto, is largely of the same opinion – we are convinced that this green agenda is really a political fraud .'

Looking at the growing number of signatures of publicly dissenting scientists on the  Global Climate Declaration  , it seems evident that every constitutionally democratic state must distance itself from the cult of the climate crisis, stop selectively listening to scientists and reassess the need for the climate. Abandoning utopian and costly human climate action, and leaving humanity free from motivated science and technology.



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April 30, 2024

D. Trump: The survival of Ukraine is very important for the USA but even more important for Europe – America's allies are not spending enough to support Ukraine!

D. Trump: The survival of Ukraine is very important for the USA but even more important for Europe – America's allies are not spending enough to support Ukraine!

 As Democrats begin to pull back on Ukrainian aid, Republicans step in to fill the void... Donald Trump has said  Ukraine's survival is important to the U.S. , and Republicans are set to vote on a  $61 billion aid package to the US House of Representatives .

As he said on social networking platform Truth Social on Thursday:

"As everyone agrees, Ukrainian Survival and Strength should be much more important to Europe than to us, but it is also very important to the US, he said and added save… Europe!"

The former president criticized America's European allies for not spending enough to support Ukraine .

The following paradox as reported by Reuters. It's how his followers interpreted the post  as a message that he opposes the current aid package , even though Trump specifically said so.

Of course, this is not so paradoxical for Trump's followers, who to this day believe that he is God's chosen one who will bring justice and peace to the world... The same as Jewish Zionists and Christian Zionists in the USA believe.

They are no different from the "vaccinators", who during the pandemic had closed their ears and eyes to anything that questioned the sacred juice of Pfizer. Just look at the comments on X, from yesterday's post:  Trump completely changes his stance and supports the financing of the wars in Ukraine and Israel – His followers call him a traitor ! The occasion of which was the specific article.

Fuel to the fire for a war that has already been decided!

Ukrainian Prime Minister Denis Shmyhal welcomed progress on a $61 billion aid package from Republicans, saying U.S. officials had assured him that Kiev could expect to get new weapons once the aid was approved, according to Reuters.

Shmyhal, however, has  warned  of the possibility of a third world war if Ukraine loses to Russia.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba thanked Germany for agreeing to supply Ukraine with one more Patriot air defense system,  saying he would appeal to other countries at the G7 meeting this week for more weapons.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said the West should do more to help defend Ukraine's skies citing the Russian attack on the northern city of Chernihiv.  "This would not have happened if Ukraine had received sufficient air defense equipment and if the world's determination to resist Russian terrorism was sufficient," he said in a social media post on X.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba echoed Zelensky's comments in a separate social media post and suggested that Ukraine should enjoy the same coverage of airstrikes as Israel.  "In the Middle East, we have seen what credible protection of human life from missiles looks like," he added, referring to Iran's drone and missile barrage on Israel that was intercepted by Western and Israeli forces.

Finally, Russia has barred entry to hundreds of Australian citizens, the Russian Foreign Ministry announced on Wednesday.  It said Moscow would indefinitely block entry to 235 city councilors in response to the "anti-Russian agenda".

Trump is an  unrepentant stooge of Big pharma , who himself has repeatedly touted the effectiveness of Operation Warp Speed, his administration's program to accelerate vaccine development from "5 to 12 years" of safety trials to just nine months

The three companies Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer and Moderna were pushed by  Trump's "Operation Warp Speed"  to get emergency approval for coronavirus vaccines. This was done by a group of well-informed persons who alternated key positions between the  (FDA) administration  , the three pharmaceuticals and their presence in the media for their promotion.

The paradoxical phenomenon of Trump's followers who always support the opposite of what he supports is not only the responsibility of PsyOp "Q", but also the  alternative media , which are supposed to support the truth but never reported the real facts, are also largely responsible. . Perhaps, we are the only alternative medium that we have tried in this.

An example of this is the following articles:

Beware of messianists and US psychological experiments!

The psychological experiment "Q" and the companies psy group and cambrige analytica.

Because Donald Trump is NOT the best solution in the 2024 American elections!

Trump says he's shocked Florida's six-week abortion law "is a terrible mistake."

Trump over "smart" cities!

The dark face of Donald Trump and everything you never "happened" to hear!

Perhaps the stickiness of some people who refuse to see reality explains the fact that we Westerners are becoming more and more stupid....   Westerners' IQ scores fall on four out of five measures.



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April 29, 2024

'EU leadership must go!' Hungary's Orban warns of 'whirl of war' ahead of EU elections


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