Showing posts with label Last Trumpet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Last Trumpet. Show all posts

The Universal Leaven Of Illuminism!

The Universal Leaven Of Illuminism!

January  2003 

Last Trumpet Ministries

The Universal Leaven Of Illuminism!

In this issue of the Last Trumpet Newsletter, the first issue of the new year, we will examine the amazing events of our day in the light of God's Word, which will clearly reveal the lateness of time and the imminent return of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. 

We know that Satan has a plan for the last days, and that he has been working his latter day plan for over two centuries. 

On May 1, 1776, on the witches' high sabat of Beltaine, the organization known secretly as the "Illuminati" emerged under the direction of Dr. Adam Weishaupt. Weishaupt was born a Jew and converted to Roman Catholicism and was teaching canon law at Ingolstadt University in Bavaria, when he was selected and retained by the Rothschild banking dynasty to formulate a plan whereby all governments, economic powers, and every other endeavor of man could be infiltrated or "leavened" and controlled secretly from the inside. The purpose was to eventually bring forth a one world government or new world order, no matter how long it would take. 

This new totalitarian dictatorship was to be controlled by a man selected by Satan himself, and all people would be forced into submission and made to worship the "god of this world."

Weishaupt knew that such a task would require supernatural guidance, so he and four other co-conspirators went into a cave near Ingolstadt and held a Luciferian ritual using witchcraft incantations from the "Greater and Lesser Keys of Solomon." They called upon the one they call Lucifer, who is truly Satan, by invoking the "force of the controlling unknown." 

Having received direction from the "controlling unknown", they set up an organization conceived in the blackness of night on that high cross-quarter sabat of May 1, 1776. The organization was called the "Illuminati", which means "holders of the light", and the word "Illuminati" is derived from the word "Lucifer." Another name for this clandestine organization that is commonly used by upper-level witches is "Moriah", which means "the conquering, destroying wind." Here let it be noted that the original insignia or crest of the Illuminati still appears on the back of our U.S. one-dollar bill, complete with its pyramid and all-seeing eye. 

As a former witch and astrologer, I know full well the power of secrecy. I also know that the direct descendants of the original Illuminists are in power today and are working like mad to bring forth the new world order. We must remember that they always operate in secrecy, and they always have a cover to conceal their real work and to maintain the essential secrecy. We must also note that their method of operation is not direct attack but a gradual leavening of illuministic thought and philosophy into every existing institution of man. Thus, government, education, the economy, religion, entertainment, the news media, the medical profession, the food industry, and so on all seem to be operating and intact, while a common satanic thread runs through them all as the dark forces permeate and leaven every enterprise in preparation for the reception and acceptance of earth's satanic king. 

Those who have discernment can see this leavening effect that the Lord Jesus warned us about. He said to beware of the two sources of this leaven, the Pharisees and Herod. Thus, false religion and antichrist government would perpetuate Satan's plan. 

Why are there so many secret societies and so many secrets? Why is there a steady departure from the true system of values, and why is there such a lack of character in people today? The answer is both tragic and simple; people have been illuminized to a great extent. The leaven of the Pharisees and of Herod, the yeast of the Illuminati, has gone to work on the people and the United States and it is not the country it once was. Only God can help us! Pray fervently!

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America-A Nation Unprepared! ( January 2009 )

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America-A Nation Unprepared!

 January  2009  

Last Trumpet Ministries

America-A Nation Unprepared!

In this issue of the Last Trumpet Newsletter, we will look with spiritual eyes at an amazing sight. 

The once great United States of America has become a nation in desperate trouble, not only among all the other nations but also with Almighty God. Gross sin, graft, corruption, deception, and every form of evil have taken root in every enterprise and endeavor, and there is no soundness left in the institutions of government, banking, commerce, education, and religion. 

We are a nation totally unprepared for the future, including the ambiguous change promised by Barack Hussein Obama. More urgently, this nation is totally unprepared to meet Almighty God, who will soon come forth with final judgment!

There was a time, not that long ago, when the United States of America was the crown jewel of the world. Immediately after World War II, the United States contained only six percent of the world's population, but controlled eighty-five percent of the world's wealth! What happened? How could a nation that had become so great fall to the depths of poverty and bankruptcy that it is now in? The answer is simple: evil and conspiratorial forces in high places wanted it to happen and gained the power to make it happen. We must remember the words of the late President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, an illuminist and 32nd degree Freemason, who said, "If it happens, you can bet that we planned it that way."

The ultimate objective of the conspirators is one-world government, which is only possible with a one-world money system. The current money systems of the world, especially the economy of the United States, must be sabotaged to supply the excuse to implement a new economic system of cashless, computerized commerce and exchange. 

Meanwhile, wars and commotions continue to reshape the international order while people are held in check by fear of terrorism and dare not raise a voice against the prevailing powers of satanic governance, which oversees the entire operation. Our current conditions are not by accident, nor are they by chance!

None of the above is a surprise to Almighty God. He foretold this through many of His prophets long ago. The powers of antichrist are hard and fast at work to bring forth the mark of the beast, which will demand total subservience to Satan himself. This is the change that Barack Hussein Obama is talking about, and it is nigh upon us. 

Large numbers of people are now throwing their hands up and saying what can I do? There is something you can and must do! First of all, if you do not personally know the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour, surrender you life to Him now in sincere prayer. He will hear you and prepare your heart to meet Him when He returns to this earth. Do it now before it is too late! Then, watch and pray and be vocal to others about what is happening, why it is happening, and what is soon to come! Even if only one person speaks out and declares the truth, then that thought lives. God will bless you and you will become very close to the Lord Jesus Christ!


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The Lethal Injection of America! // January 2007

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The Lethal Injection of America!

 January  2007  

Last Trumpet Ministries,

 The Lethal Injection of America!

America has become a nation of human guinea pigs. We have heard the horror stories about human experimentation by Nazi extremists in Germany during World War II, but now it happens in our country in a deceptive and clandestine program of the worst kind. 

I received a large number of inquiries from my previous newsletter concerning the artificial blood called Polyheme, and that it was used in many hospitals without the knowledge of the recipients. In fact, one of the readers sent me a blue wristband from one of the more honest hospitals that had the words printed on it, “I decline the Northfield polyheme study.” 

One of the great problems with America, however, is that most people are so deceived and naïve that they never raise issues about anything, much less question their trusted doctors and health care professionals. 

The plain truth is that there are no safe vaccines, not one! Chronic ear infections, attention deficit disorder, allergies, asthma, autism, death, diabetes, meningitis, polio, seizures, and sudden infant death syndrome are only some of the things caused by adverse reactions to vaccines. It was U.S. Representative Ron Paul, who is also a medical doctor, who said, “When we give the government the power to make medical decisions for us, we, in essence, accept that the state owns our bodies.” (24)

In a recent article that appeared in the American Association of Retired People or AARP bulletin, the following was revealed about vaccine technology: “Vaccines are currently grown in fertilized chicken eggs. A new technology would incubate them in human, monkey, canine, insect or other cells in enclosed vats.” The article goes on to inform us that health experts felt that the new system is quicker, and it eliminates the risk of using contaminated eggs. The Sanofi Pasteur Company is working on this project in their Swiftwater, Pennsylvania, plant, and they have received a $97 million contract from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to accelerate production and to conduct clinical trials. (25)

When we consider all of the diseases, pestilences, and infirmities that are now plaguing our country, we know something is drastically wrong. Our bodies are being experimented with and managed by evil minds in high places. 

The e-coli outbreaks traced to spinach, onions, and other fruits and vegetables have never happened before in such a great magnitude. One New York newspaper recently carried a headline regarding the e-coli outbreaks called “Double Trouble.” (26) 

Indeed, we have been warned well in advance of these days that are now upon us. Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, told us there would be pestilences, commotions, fearful sights, and many such things; and we can read about it in Matthew, chapter 24; Mark, chapter 13; and Luke, chapter 21. It is all happening exactly as described and it is happening now!

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David J. Meyer

Last Trumpet Newsletter 

January  2007  


24., Information card.
25. AARP Bulletin, Nov., 2005, American Association of Retired People.
26. Newsday, Dec. 8, 2006, front page, New York, NY.


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America Seized by the Dark Side of the Force! ( December 2003 )

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America Seized by the Dark Side of the Force!

December  2003

   Last Trumpet Ministries,

America Seized by the Dark Side of the Force!

Daniel 8:23-24

23 And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up.

24 And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practise, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people.

 In this issue of the Last Trumpet Newsletter, we will examine a condition of great consequence, which is overwhelming our nation. 

Forces of darkness, which have been at work in our erstwhile great nation since its beginning, have now seized upon it with the death grip of the antichrist beast. A mysterious and clandestine darkness has descended upon our nation allowing conspiracy and deception to prevail to its optimum levels. 

While the illuministic masterminds continue to work their plan to set up a one-world government, they are systematically dismantling the remnant of every moral institution that is left in the United States and are doing so with almost no opposition. While churches and religious organizations continue to collect money and dispense foolishness, having been completely neutralized by idolatry and indifference, Satan and his evil spirits are openly manifesting themselves. Our Saviour warned us that such gross darkness would come, and that this spiritual condition would come, and that people who walk in such darkness would not know where they are going. 

As I look at people in busy shopping malls and other public places, I see something different on their faces in these last days. There are so many expressionless faces and empty eyes as their bodies and minds are becoming increasingly illuminized by spirits of darkness. More and more people are becoming images of the beast as they are transformed by their music, computers, movies, and televisions. They are conforming to a system and do not have a clue as to what is happening to them. They are all changing together in the darkness as they are being prepared to accept the rising of the prince of darkness. 

One of the amazing things about all of this is that those who choose to walk in spiritual darkness have no perception of or ability to see the light. The true Christian, however, walks in the light and understands what is going on in the darkness. The Almighty and Eternal God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob still sustains and empowers His remnant to do exploits in these days. 

Recently, we have seen one such courageous Christian rise up in defiance of the antichrist Federal beast. Chief Justice Roy S. Moore of the Supreme Court of the State of Alabama defied a Federal order to remove a monument of the Ten Commandments from the courthouse and was removed from office by a panel of Federal judges who were gloating about his removal. 

This valiant man stood before his accusers and said, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith, and the battle is not over.” (1)

One would think that if there were any other true Christians in high offices they would have come to the aid and defense of Judge Moore but none did that I know of. Furthermore, our so-called “Christian” President completely ignored him and the whole situation. 

Could it be that the word “Christian” is used rather loosely and deceptively in these last days? Could it be that there are more wolves in sheep’s clothing than there are sheep? 

It is time to realize that being a believer in Jesus Christ is not enough; we must be true Christians. If we would crowd our hearts with the Word of God and not give place to the Devil, and if we would advance into the depth of prayer and touch the very throne of God by faith, we would see everything as it truly is, and our lives would be changed forever.

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David J. Meyer

Last Trumpet Newsletter 

December  2003


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A New And Grotesque Smallpox Vaccine! ( September 2002 )

RACGP - From smallpox to polio, vaccine 

 A New And Grotesque Smallpox Vaccine!

 September  2002

   Last Trumpet Ministries,

A New And Grotesque Smallpox Vaccine!

Since terrorism has become a daily word, and our own government drops the fear bomb on us every day, we have been hearing about the necessity of all Americans to receive the smallpox vaccine. 

The U. S. Department of Health and Human Services has determined that 250 million doses are needed to adequately protect the American people, and the government is currently procuring the vaccines.

 Originally, the vaccine called "dryvax" was made by Wyeth laboratories using calf skin, which is no longer considered to be optimal. The Food and Drug Administration determined that a better vaccine is the MRC-5 line, which is developed from the lung tissue of a 14 week fetus aborted for psychiatric reasons from a 27 year old physically healthy woman. Thus, the stem cells of an aborted baby would be injected into the entire population of the United States, which would have disastrous spiritual and physical effects. (27) 

When certain people found out what the government intended to do, they began to make noise about it, and the government back-peddaled and said they would use the old vaccine. Can you believe them?

Remember the former Pentagon Press Agent, Arthur Sylvester, who plainly stated that the government has the right to lie to the people? We have no way of verifying what is in those needles, and it would take a skilled microbiologist and immunologist to make such a qualitative determination. 

We know that the fetal stem cells and vaccine produced from them are held at Coriell Cell Repositories at the Coriell Institute for Medical Research at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. The repository number is AG05965. I would be happy to send you a copy of this face sheet with all of the information on it including the Coriell Cell Repositories letter head. Please help us with postage and copying if you can.

When President Bush gave the OK for fetal stem cell research one month before the twin towers came down, it was all part of the plan. These are strange and grotesque times that we are living in. 

It is far beyond what Dr. Frankenstein would have ever thought possible. In DeForest, Wisconsin, in a secret and locked barn are five black and white calves that are not ordinary bovines. These five calves are clones, but what is even more unusual is that they are part human, because human DNA was added to their genetic makeup when they were embryos. These cows will now produce a human protein in their milk known as C-1 Esterase Inhibitor, and it is suppose to benefit humans. (29) 

With this kind of nonsense going on, is it any wonder that animals are developing mad cow disease, chronic wasting disease, and other strange illnesses? Corn and tomatoes contain the DNA of fruit flies and other animal genetics. This is absolutely contrary to the law of our Creator, the Almighty God, and people are going to pay dearly for it. 

This is spiritual anarchy, and judgement is on its way!

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David J. Meyer

Last Trumpet Newsletter 

September  2002


27. WorldNetDaily, Nov. 18, 2001, by Jon Dougherty, Internet Service.
28. Coriell Cell Repositories, face sheet.
29. The New York Times, July 23, 2002, by Nicholas D. Kristof, New York, NY.


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America-A Nation Dying in Her Sleep!

 America-A Nation Dying in Her Sleep!

 September  2009

   Last Trumpet Ministries,

 The Rise of Marxist Socialism in America!

Is the United States of America in a state of transition into a Marxist-socialist or even a communist country? Could the sleeping masses of people be so deceived and oblivious to what is going on that the unthinkable is happening? 

Most educated people are familiar with two books written by George Orwell. One is entitled 1984, and the other is entitled Animal Farm. Both books are about a one-world, communistic government that micro-manages every person. 

Those infamous words "Big Brother is watching you" came from the book 1984. In the book, the entire world becomes a panopticon, which means you are always being watched. But you don't know who's watching you. 

In the book Animal Farm, we find a microcosm of the world in the form of a happy farm of animals, protected by a firm constitution, which guarantees individual rights for all. 

Soon, a gradual but persistent takeover began to transform the farmyard into a communist-socialist state, and by the time many of the animals came fully awake it was too late. 

Here let it be noted that during the week following Obama's 100th day in office, the massive internet marketplace known as pulled these two books by Orwell on their Kindle electronic-book reader device, saying they are not authorized to be sold because of a questionable copyright violation. (1) They also flatly and assertively stated that there is no government conspiracy! 

Obama, like Ado/ph Hi/ler, must have realized that certain books needed to be eliminated so people would not catch on to what is happening to them! (Amazon has since re-added these books, likely due to public outcry.)

On August 6th, 2009, the U.S. Observer reported that Obama and the White House are compiling a list of enemies that oppose the Obama health plan. Obama called upon all Americans to report on each other if they detect opposition to Obama's plan. This includes e-mails and casual conversation. .......

The official White House blog also offered a website that Americans can use to "flag and report" each other. I will not list the name of that website in this newsletter for obvious reasons.

Every socialist/communist state also needs a propaganda ministry and the complete management of the news media. ...........

Strange things are happening in this government-in-transition. On July 9th, 2009, the United States Department of the Treasury posted a contractor job notice in an attempt to procure comedians to conduct "humor in the workplace programs." These programs are designed to relieve stress in the workplace for the workers in the Bureau of the Public Debt (BPD). (5) Considering the sad shape our country is in, is it a time to just laugh it off? When filthy humor is used in the presence of the misfortune of so many others, it is also a reaction to the spirit of antichrist. It is a mocking spirit of satanic laughter. ..............

The elitist attitude of the corrupt government officials reveals their complete lack of empathy for the ones that they call the "ordinary Americans." 

On July 16th, 2009, ABC News reported that a recent conference of executives for the Social Security Administration, held in Phoenix, Arizona, cost $700,000.00, including dancing girls and other entertainment. The event was held at the Arizona Biltmore Resort & Spa. (7)

So much has happened since our country was handed over to a man who cannot even prove he is eligible to be President of the United States. Furthermore, there seems to be a general fear to criticize him in any way, which is a guaranteed right of every American. Obama does not understand that because he was not born in America. ...........

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David J. Meyer

Last Trumpet Newsletter 

September  2009

Controlled Food and Drug Poisoning!

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Controlled Food and Drug Poisoning!

July  2008

 Last Trumpet Ministries,     

At the end of last year on December 17th, 2007, the United Nations warned that the global food supply is dwindling rapidly. (29) 

In April 2008, food riots began to break out in Egypt, numerous African countries, Bolivia, Indonesia, and elsewhere around the world. Food rationing became necessary in many countries. Even here in the United States, rice was rationed. (30) 

Food prices are rising rapidly, and that was before the great flood that recently engulfed much of the Midwest in the United States. The state of Iowa is a disaster area, and nearly the entire corn crop is destroyed. I will comment more on that later. 

Food prices were already escalating because of high fuel prices; now massive shortages will drive them higher than ever. In addition to that, we frequently have recalls of food because of contamination with E. coli, salmonella, listeria, and other potentially deadly bacteria. This has affected a wide range of foods including spinach, peanut butter, tomatoes, lettuce, beef, chicken, snack foods, and chocolate. (31) 

Many millions of pounds of food had to be recalled and destroyed in recent months. Such things were a very rare occurrence a few years ago; now the recalls are frequent. I am reminded of God's warning to Israel if they did not obey Him. It is found in Deuteronomy, chapter 28. Verses 16-20 read as follows:"Cursed shalt thou be in the city, and cursed shalt thou be in the field. Cursed shall be thy basket and thy store. Cursed shall be the fruit of thy body, and the fruit of thy land, the increase of thy kine, and the flocks of thy sheep. Cursed shalt thou be when thou comest in, and cursed shalt thou be when thou goest out. The Lord shall send upon thee cursing, vexation, and rebuke, in all that thou settest thine hand unto for to do, until thou be destroyed, and until thou perish quickly; because of the wickedness of thy doings, whereby thou hast forsaken me."

Another great problem in America is the heavy dependency on prescription drugs, all of which have side effects. People have come to believe in the magic that the drug companies promise, and they never stop to think that their liver and other systems of their body must process the powerful chemicals and extracts in their medicine. Almost two-thirds of women twenty and older are using prescription drugs. One in four teenagers are on at least one prescribed drug. Fifty-two percent of adult men and 75% of people sixty-five and older are using prescribed medication. We also know that 28% of women and nearly 22% of men take five or more medicines regularly! (32) 

With all of the drugs being consumed by so many millions of people, why is our nation getting sicker? People have bought a lie that God needs the help of man to produce remedies in laboratories when the truth of the matter is that natural remedies already exist within the realm of natural herbs and whole foods in the creation of God.

One example of what is wrong with the drug industry in America came to light with the use of a blood thinner called heparin. In April 2008, the FDA said that sixty-two people died and over eight hundred had severe allergic reactions after they were given heparin. Almost all heparin is made in Red China in small factories sitting among the vegetable and fruit fields in Red China. Heparin is literally squeezed from pig guts. It is derived from the mucus wrung and washed from pig intestines and other organs. This product is then shipped to the United States, where the biggest distributor of heparin to hospitals is Baxter International Inc. of Deerfield, Illinois. 

When FDA inspectors finally got around to inspecting the Chinese workshops that produced the extract, they found scratched metal tanks with an unidentified substance sticking to the sides of them. 

The sad fact is that 40% of all pharmaceuticals and 80% of the chemicals used in drugs are imported, mostly from Red China, India, and Mexico. (33)

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source :

David J. Meyer

Last Trumpet Newsletter 

July  2008


29. International Herald Tribune, Dec. 17, 2008, by Elisabeth Rosenthal, Rome, Italy.
30. Daily Telegraph, Apr. 9, 2008, by Gary Cleland, London, England, U.K.
31. Health Day, Jan. 14, 2008, by Amanda Gardner, Health Day News.
32. Associated Press, May 14, 2008, by Linda A. Johnson, Trenton, NJ
33. Detroit Free Press, Apr. 13, 2008, by Elaine Kurtenbach, AP, Changzhou, China.



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