Showing posts with label Last Trumpet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Last Trumpet. Show all posts

Illuministic Management of Human Resources! ( January 2005 )

Illuministic Management of Human Resources!

January  2005

 Last Trumpet Ministries, 

Illuministic Management of Human Resources!

These last days are very strange times to be living in as sinister forces move quickly to manage and control the human populations of the world.

On one of my many visits to the United Nations in New York City, I learned from a UN official that the UN was actively involved in population reduction. 

On November 28th, 2004, the United Nations’ World Health Organization or WHO, predicted that a pandemic of severe influenza will break out this year and peak in February, 2005. Officials stated that well over a billion people will get sick with this flu, and millions will die from it. (31) These health officials clearly stated that over one fourth of the population of the world will be sick with this flu during a three month period.

Meanwhile, the U.S. Government has now announced that they have purchased millions of doses of an unapproved, experimental flu vaccine from Europe, and those receiving it must sign a paper stating they will not hold the government responsible for what could happen to them. (32) 

The big question is this:   How do these health officials know so much about when and where the flu will break out? It is not winter weather that causes a flu season. Where do these viruses come from? In what laboratories are they manufactured? Most people don’t ask such questions; 

in fact, most people go through life without thinking for themselves. That is why the powers of darkness continue to work and enslave mankind. When the Lord Jesus saves your soul, He also gives you ears to hear and eyes to see. Thankfully, He also gives us the power of prayer whereby we obtain victory.

We are living in a time when Dr. Frankenstein would win the Nobel Prize. Recently, MSNBC reported that biologists are raising hybrid animals called “chimeras.” In Minnesota, pigs are being born with human blood in their veins. In Nevada, there are sheep whose livers and hearts are largely human. In California, mice peer from their cages with human brain cells firing inside their skulls. (33) These animals are given the name “chimeras” after the mythical Greek creature with a lion’s head, a goat’s body, and a serpent’s tail. The hybrid creatures thus become biological homes for evil spirits and are produced by introducing human stem cells from aborted human babies into the animal fetuses. (34)

When President Bush, who is thought to be anti-abortion, signed the stem cell legislation, he opened the satanic door to this sort of grotesque evil. The report goes on to say “Genetic engineering allows these critters to make human proteins such as insulin for use in medicines.” (35)

January  2005


31. AFP News Service, Nov. 26, 2004, Bangkok, Thailand.
32. Reuters News Service, Dec. 7, 2004, Washington, D.C.
33. MSNBC News Service, Nov. 20, 2004, by Rick Wales.
34. Ibid.
35. Ibid.


America - A Nation of Willing Slaves!

image by :  

America - A Nation of 

Willing Slaves!


                                                   December  2009                                          

 Last Trumpet Ministries,

America - A Nation of Willing



In this issue of the Last Trumpet Newsletter, we will examine a condition that has developed in our erstwhile great nation, which has brought us to a time such as never was. 

We are living in a time that is unique in our nation's history, and very few people are taking notice. 

The United States of America was founded by men and women that wanted to escape oppression and to be free, and great effort was exerted to gain that freedom. We now live in the dark reality of a strong-armed and oppressive federalism that has all of the characteristics and potential of imperial Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome. 

Indeed, we are on the very brink of dictatorship in a new world order, just as predicted in various places in the Scriptures. How can this be happening here? Just one generation ago, it would not have been believed to be possible. I was born in the year 1950 and have lived in Wisconsin all of my life. I can truly say that this country is no longer the one in which I was born. We are living in a time when people want to be slaves of a government that will feed themmedicate them, entertain them, indoctrinate them, confiscate the fruit of their labors, and bury them.

We know from reading the Scripture how it angered the Almighty God when Israel complained in the wilderness and wanted to go back and be slaves in Egypt. Instead of seeking the Lord's help, they were so ready to give up their freedom and liberty for the so-called social security benefits of Egypt. It is the same in America today. Where is the dignity, integrity, and honor that was once so important to free men and women?

When I think upon all this, I am reminded of the words of the illuministic futurist, Aldous Huxley, who died in 1963. Huxley was a writer for the Illuminati. He was also a mystic who advocated the use of psychedelic drugs. Huxley also wrote Brave New World and numerous essays. Consider some of his words as follows: 

"We are in a process of developing a whole series of techniques which will enable the controlling oligarchy to get people to actually love their servitude. A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude. To make them love it is the task assigned, in present-day totalitarian states, to ministries of propaganda, newspaper editors, and school teachers…..The greatest triumphs of propaganda have been accomplished, not by doing something, but by refraining from doing. Great is truth, but still greater, from a practical point of view, is silence about truth."

All things considered, we are most certainly moving across the threshold into a one-world dictatorship under the direction of Satan himself. 

Satan and all who submit to him will be quickly destroyed by our coming Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ. One urgent question that demands an immediate answer is: where will you spend eternity? 

You now have a glorious opportunity to surrender you heart, soul, and mind to the Lord Jesus. He will accept you and save you if you do. Do it now, before your time runs out!

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source :

David J. Meyer

Last Trumpet Newsletter 

December    2009

The End Of All Things Is At Hand!

 The End Of All Things Is At Hand!

February  2003

 Last Trumpet Ministries,   


Nahum 3:1-6

Romans 13:11-12

and :  I Peter 4:7

"But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer."

In this issue of the Last Trumpet, we will focus on the extreme lateness of the hour in which we live, and we will examine the Word of God to see the signs that we were given to watch for, which are now coming to pass before our very eyes everyday! 

The Scripture verses above bring forth a great urgency and finality. The first text tells of the horrors of a great war fueled and fired by the occult powers of witchcraft. These verses tell us that families and nations are sold by the powers of witchcraft, which is the driving force that currently operates all of the governments of this world and is merging them politically, economically, and spiritually into one government to be presided over by Satan himself in the form of a man. 

We know that regional and global wars have been used to reshape the international order, and we are now living in a time where everyday we are hearing of wars and rumours of wars. 

The sad fact is that the Illuminati Masterminds of the Great Conspiracy are even now preparing for the last great war to finalize the reshaping of the international order to bring forth the new world order under an antichrist and totalitarian one-world dictatorship. 

Every indicator reveals that a Third World War is forthcoming, and this one will be the final cataclysm that changes the world forever and brings the troubled earth to the final day of judgement by the Almighty God.

The one-world conspirators in high places have worked for over 200 years to bring the world to this hour. People have been indoctrinated, groomed, molded, and reshaped in their thinking and in every facet of their way of life to receive the new leadership of antichrist, and very few have escaped that comprehensive orientation. 

Now a horrifying war is about to be used to finalize the age-old project, and as a former witch and occultist, I can see without a doubt that this is all happening at the hand of Satan and by the occult power that he gives to those that are working his plan. 

For 22 years, I have warned people everywhere by means of this newsletter that this time would come, and now it is here. As true Christians, we must stand ready to carry the truth into the darkness, and through prayer we must expose the hidden things of the forces of evil. The power of the blood of Jesus Christ prevails!

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source :

David J. Meyer

Last Trumpet Newsletter 

February  2003

Illuminism Destroyed by Divine Revelation! ( January 2004 )

Illuminism Destroyed by Divine Revelation!

 January  2004


An Illuminized Nation On The Needle!

The people of the United States of America are now living during a reign of terror and have been since the towers fell on September 11, 2001. One of the most recent forms of terror is the killer influenza that is making people sick in all fifty of the United States. Many children are dying from this strange influenza, which in some cases gives them pain in the stomach and six to eight hours later they are dead. 

Most people would refuse to believe that Illuminati scientists would produce such a horrible biological agent. How could anyone be that cruel and unconscionable? The health authorities seem to know when the flu will strike, and they seem to know well in advance what kind of vaccine to produce. 

On December 11th, 2003, the Associated Press reported that the flu outbreak had hit hard in 24 states. (12) The very next day, it was reported that this flu had spread to all fifty states. (13) On the next day following, December 13, 2003, Dr. William Schaffner of Vanderbilt University, among other scientists, announced that the world will soon experience a pandemic outbreak of influenza. (14) The one that is coming is being compared to the pandemic that killed 20 million people from 1918-1919 world-wide. Dr. Greg Poland of the Mayo Clinic said, “It’s going to happen; for the American people in particular, I think it will be horrific.” (15) 

The fear campaign has worked as the American people have been rushing to use up the 83 million doses of vaccine that were produced last April, which is known as a trivalent vaccine consisting of the A/Beijing/262/95-like (H1N1), the A/Sydney/5/97-like (H3N20), also the B/Beijing/184/93-like hemagglutinin antigens. 

The truth is that vaccines are dangerous and are making people sick. Now that the injectable vaccine is used up, people are receiving the nasal spray, which contains live viruses, and people who receive this nasal spray are told that they can shed this virus to other people for up to 21 days and thus infect other people. (16) 

It is interesting to note that the nasal mist vaccine is being made available to people as they shop at Wal-Mart, the nation’s largest retailer. What a perfect time for the vile conspirators to dose the American people as they fill the stores during the pagan Christmas rush. 

The nasal mist is especially dangerous, as it contains live “N” proteins or neuraminidase and “H” proteins or hemagglutinin, which are responsible for the virus attaching itself to the host cells and invading them.

The injections of vaccine, which 83 million Americans received, contain other very dangerous substances, and it is shocking that so many people are buying into the lie that these injections are helping them. 

If you received a flu shot recently, this is what was injected into your body: ethylene glycol (antifreeze), phenol (carbolic acid), formaldehyde (cancer causing agent), aluminum (causes Alzheimer’s disease and seizures), and among others, thimerosal (mercury-based disinfectant). (17) 

As a chemist with forty years of experience, I can tell you that the mercury in thimerosol is a residual poison, and thus, it stays in the body and builds as do the compounds of arsenic, another transition metal. 

We have now learned that a panel of experts at the Center for Disease Control has voted unanimously to recommend that beginning in 2004, six million healthy babies, ages 6 months to 23 months, receive flu shots. (18) When I read this article, I could not help but think of Matthew 2:16 which says, “Then Herod, when he saw that he was mocked of the wise men, was exceeding wroth, and sent forth, and slew all the children that were in Bethlehem, and in all the coasts thereof, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had diligently enquired of the wise men.” 
We know that Satan hates children, and that the Lord Jesus has a special love for them. We as true Christians are dealing with a dark and sinister conspiracy and must pray until we break through unto victory. 

The people of America are being terrorized and made to panic as they are blitzed with a media campaign to drive them into the hands of an untrustworthy government.

One more point that should be made about getting a vaccination is that the word itself adds up to 666, which is the number of antichrist. When the English alphabet is graduated progressively by sixes, we assign numerical equivalents to letters as follows: A=6, B=12, C=18, D=24 and so on. If we take the word vaccination and apply that code, we have the following results: V=132, A=6, C=18, C=18, I=54, N=84, A=6, T=120, I=54, O=90, and N=84. Thus, the numbers of the word vaccination add up to 666.

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source :

David J. Meyer

Last Trumpet Newsletter 

January  2004

12. Associated Press, Dec. 11, 2003, by Daniel Yee, Atlanta, GA.
13. Associated Press, Dec. 12, 2003, by Angie Wagner, AP.
14. Associated Press, Dec. 13, 2003, by Malcolm Ritter, New York, NY.
15. Ibid.
16. News Release, Dec. 11, 2003, by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny,
17. Health and Beyond, Dec. 10, 2003, by Chet Day.
18. USA Today, Oct. 16, 2003, by Anita Manning, AP.

Illuministic Management of Human Resources!

Image by NBC News

  Illuministic Management of Human Resources!

January  2005

Last Trumpet Ministries,

These last days are very strange times to be living in as sinister forces move quickly to manage and control the human populations of the world. 

On one of my many visits to the United Nations in New York City, I learned from a UN official that the UN was actively involved in population reduction. 
On November 28th, 2004, the United Nations’ World Health Organization or WHO, predicted that a pandemic of severe influenza will break out this year and peak in February, 2005. 
Officials stated that well over a billion people will get sick with this flu, and millions will die from it. (31)

These health officials clearly stated that over one fourth of the population of the world will be sick with this flu during a three month period. Meanwhile, the U.S. Government has now announced that they have purchased millions of doses of an unapproved, experimental flu vaccine from Europe, and those receiving it must sign a paper stating they will not hold the government responsible for what could happen to them. (32) 

The big question is this: How do these health officials know so much about when and where the flu will break out? It is not winter weather that causes a flu season. Where do these viruses come from? In what laboratories are they manufactured? 
Most people don’t ask such questions; in fact, most people go through life without thinking for themselves. That is why the powers of darkness continue to work and enslave mankind. 

When the Lord Jesus saves your soul, He also gives you ears to hear and eyes to see. Thankfully, He also gives us the power of prayer whereby we obtain victory.

We are living in a time when Dr. Frankenstein would win the Nobel Prize. Recently, MSNBC reported that biologists are raising hybrid animals called “chimeras.” In Minnesota, pigs are being born with human blood in their veins. In Nevada, there are sheep whose livers and hearts are largely human. In California, mice peer from their cages with human brain cells firing inside their skulls. (33) These animals are given the name “chimeras” after the mythical Greek creature with a lion’s head, a goat’s body, and a serpent’s tail. The hybrid creatures thus become biological homes for evil spirits and are produced by introducing human stem cells from aborted human babies into the animal fetuses. (34) 

When President Bush, who is thought to be anti-abortion, signed the stem cell legislation, he opened the satanic door to this sort of grotesque evil. The report goes on to say “Genetic engineering allows these critters to make human proteins such as insulin for use in medicines.” (35)

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source :

David J. Meyer

Last Trumpet Newsletter 

January  2005


31. AFP News Service, Nov. 26, 2004, Bangkok, Thailand.
32. Reuters News Service, Dec. 7, 2004, Washington, D.C.
33. MSNBC News Service, Nov. 20, 2004, by Rick Wales.
34. Ibid.
35. Ibid.

The Greatest Deception!

image by Daily Sabah

The Greatest Deception!

 April  2010

 Last Trumpet Ministries,

      The Greatest Deception!

In this issue of the Last Trumpet Newsletter, we will once again examine the sad but true condition of our nation and the world. We will use the Word of God, which will reveal the spirits that are at work behind the current events as the world races to accept a grand deception and to believe a lie

We know that the purpose of Satan is to unite the entire world under the authority of a totalitarian dictator that the Bible calls the man of sin or son of perdition. 

Satan knows that the only way this can happen is through a grand deception. The man of sin must appear as a godlike answer man who will bring change to our troubled earth. Only the true and discerning Christians will see him for what he really is. The unregenerate and impenitent wicked people that fill the earth will never understand until it is too late.

The greatest deception began back in the Garden of Eden long ago, and Satan has been building on that deception ever since. Satan's false promise to Eve was that she could have it both ways. She could be both good and evil simultaneously according to the great deceiver. That lie is the premise of every form of occultism. We are supposed to believe there are good witches and bad witches, two sides of the "force," and so on. 

Our Saviour declared that when He came in his Father's name, He was not received. He went on to say that if another would come in his own name, he would be received. This is a prophecy about the forthcoming Antichrist!

Our current President is a man who embraces all religions, and while trying to appear to be good, he continually embraces evil. Here let it be noted that I have been heavily criticized by mainstream "Christians" for exposing Obama for what he really is and for saying that he is not an American and that he holds the office of the President of the United States illegally. I have been told that I should be praying for him. I many times will pray the Psalms when I pray. There are some Psalms where you can actually pray the verses. Let the record show that I do pray Psalm 109:8 for Obama, which reads as follows: "Let his days be few; and let another take his office." 

Have Americans forgotten that they have a right to redress and criticize a faulty government? If that is not the case, America has no right to exist because our founding fathers rebelled against the King of England. It is not only our right but also our duty to speak out and declare the truth!

The situation is critical at this time, and every indicator points to the fact that this present world is coming to an end. The Bible is proven true by the events of each day, and the vast majority of the people are completely oblivious to it. 

Very soon time will end and give way to eternity. Where will you be and what will you be doing when that last trumpet of God sounds? Are you ready to meet the Saviour? You can be at peace with Him right now by repenting and yielding your heart, soul, and mind to Him. He will receive and accept you. Do it now, before it is too late. If you contact us, we will help you to obey the entire Gospel. The Lord Jesus Christ will hear the simplest prayer if it is truly from the heart.

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source :

David J. Meyer

Last Trumpet Newsletter 

April  2010

Beast Management of the Human Body!

 image by : Enduring Word

 Beast Management 

of the Human Body!

February  2006

Last Trumpet Ministries,

We know that the powers of darkness and the Beast system of antichrist believe that if they can manage the human body and control it, they can also manage and control the soul. Revelation 18:12-13 lists the commodities that come under the absolute control of the Beast as follows: 

“The merchandise of gold, and silver, and precious stones, and of pearls, and fine linen, and purple, and silk, and scarlet, and all thyine wood, and all manner vessels of ivory, and all manner vessels of most precious wood, and of brass, and iron, and marble, and cinnamon, and odours, and ointments, and frankincense, and wine, and oil, and fine flour, and wheat, and beasts, and sheep, and horses, and chariots, and slaves, and souls of men.”

One of the means by which the Beast and his Illuminati masterminds control human populations is by their encouragement for dependency on drugs. 

On the eve of Friday the 13th of January 2006, a report was released verifying that fifty percent of Americans are on prescription drugs. (17) If you have ever wondered why there are disproportionately so many advertisements for prescription drugs on television, you have your answer. 

All of these drugs have a long list of side effects, but people are urged to use them anyway, even though some side effects like cardiac arrest and melanoma are mentioned. 

It is all part of the Illuminati blueprint to reduce the population and control what is left of it. 

The Illuminati conspirators working in our government have poisoned our food with additives, our water with chlorine and fluoride, and our air with chemtrails of ethylene dibromide. Thus, we have cancers, heart and lung diseases, and especially, an epidemic of asthma and diabetes.

When I was a child in the 1950’s and 1960’s, I remember the little drug stores where someone would come in every hour or so and get a prescription filled. Now we have the mega drug stores with long lines of people waiting inside and strings of cars waiting for the drive-up window outside. These drug stores are as busy as a fast food restaurant at noon with the same hustle and bustle of workers rushing to supply the need. Actually, the druggists need the fast food chains very much since they produce so much of the sickness. The massive medical centers and hospitals must be kept full; and whatever it takes, a steady supply of patients must be provided for the waiting facilities and staff.

The city of New York has now adopted a health regulation requiring that the results of all blood sugar testing done in medical laboratories be reported to a central data base of the same type that keeps track of people with tuberculosis and HIV. Patients can expect to get letters and phone calls from doctors prodding them to take medication and to come in for checkups. (18) 

Other cities and states are expected to pass similar measures. New York’s health commissioner, Dr. Thomas R. Frieden, said that the benefits of the program “outweigh what it gives up in medical privacy.”

These are the strangest of times as illuministic scientists tamper with everything in God’s creation and try to defy His immutable laws. 

The irradiation of food is another problem, because radioactivity breaks down compounds into original elements destroying vitamins and other nutrients in the food. 

In Australia, a food agency is trying to convince consumers that there is nothing to worry about if their food glows in the dark in their refrigerators. The food agency’s general director, George Davey, said the calls continue to come in from distraught people, but he wants to assure everyone that the meat and fish is perfectly safe. (19)

In Taiwan, scientists doing stem cell research have produced three fluorescent green pigs. These pigs are totally green throughout, including their hearts and internal organs. It is a kind of genetic color coding, which the scientists believe will aid them in their research. (20)

In Cambodia, a new strain of malaria has been found which has an one hundred percent mortality rate, causing death within forty-eight hours. The parasite that causes the disease is different from any other ever known, for it has the ability to restart the heart of its victim for up to two hours after the initial demise of the person. Cambodian General Ary Serey said, “We have obtained samples of this new parasite and plan to learn how it starts the heart and other major organs of the deceased.” Authorities also said, “The victim behaves in extremely violent ways from what is believed to be a combination of brain damage and a chemical released into the blood during resurrection.” (21) It has been called an outbreak of zombism.

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source :

David J. Meyer

Last Trumpet Newsletter 

February  2006


17. Reuters News Service, Jan. 12, 2006, Washington, D.C.
18. Associated Press, Dec. 18, 2005, New York, NY.
19. Associated Press, Nov. 16, 2005, Sydney, Australia.
20. Reuters News Service, Jan. 12, 2006, Taipei, Taiwan.
21. BBC News, Apr. 1, 2005, Quan’sul, Cambodia.

Illuministic Health Mismanagement!

Transparency International

Illuministic Health 


October 2008

 Last Trumpet Ministries,

In a recent report by Medical News Today, it was stated that 79 million Americans have medical bills that they cannot pay. (27) Many of these bills are large, and people are being brought to poverty and homelessness because of it! According to USA Today, drug prices are up 100% and some as much as 1,000%. (28) We have a shameful and corrupt health care system in our country.

We have now learned that the American Academy of Pediatrics is actively promoting the use of statin drugs for children as young as eight years of age. Statin drugs are known to damage muscles, including the heart, and to cause fatigue. (29) Why do doctors not know how to make children healthy without giving them pills? There are only two possible answers to that: either they are very ignorant or very evil!

Something is very wrong with the establishment “health care” system in America. We have runaway epidemics of diabetes, autism, hypertension, cancer, and so on. The following words were submitted to me by a certified natural health professional or CNHP: “Dr. Robert Mendelsohn often criticized modern medicine for its sanctimonious doctrine. He argued that doctors are the priests who dispense holy water in the form of inoculations to ritually initiate our loyalty into the larger medical industry. 

Dr. Richard Moskowitz agrees. ‘Vaccines have become sacraments of our faith in biotechnology. Their efficacy and safety are widely seen as self-evident and needing no further proof.’

Others see a link between vaccinations and satanic rituals of witchcraft, where animals are sacrificed and their organs brewed in a hellish concoction of horrid substances: voodoo medicine by 21st century mad scientists. Sadly, our children are their unwilling subjects as society is slowly devoured by their insatiable appetite for human experimentation.”

We have now learned that the Food and Drug Administration has approved zapping lettuce, spinach, and other greens with radiation. I am drawing upon forty-five years experience as an avid student of chemistry and physics when I say that radiation breaks down and disassembles organic compounds into free radicals and destroys all nutritional value of food. 

We should also note that the radioactive waste that is used to irradiate food may kill bacteria, but not viruses. (30)

Truly, we live in a polluted land, and I pray that God will give us wisdom and faith.

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source :

David J. Meyer

Last Trumpet Newsletter 

October 2008


27. Medical News Today, Aug. 24, 2008,
28. USA Today, Aug. 9. 2008, by Julie Appleby, Gannett News Service.
29. Wellness Resources, Jul. 11, 2008, by Byron Richards, CCN,
30. Associated Press, Aug. 22, 2008, by Lauren Neergaard, Washington, D.C.

The Day When Reality Strikes!

Knowing Jesus

The Day When Reality Strikes!

 October 2008

 Last Trumpet Ministries,

In this issue of the Last Trumpet Newsletter, we will use our God-given knowledge and discernment to look at our nation, which is now in a condition such as it never was before. We are living during a time of change, transition, and metamorphosis; and it is not for the good. 

We are seeing a major shift in the prevailing spiritual wind, which is bringing with it the very essence of antichrist as never before. 

For a very long time, we have been watching major erosion and deterioration of all of the old and established institutions, morals, and spiritual fiber that brought America to its erstwhile greatness. 

These foundations are rapidly being pulled away, and they are disappearing without a trace among our new, younger society. The youth of our nation have no reference point to the past and no index of the future as they wander through the corridors of antichrist and illuministic deception. 

There is such confusion and so many mixed signals that most people will not utilize the mental energy to even think about what is happening to them. We have been told continually that things are not that bad and everything is going to get better. 

The current American society has never known hard times, and most look at you in disbelief if you tell them hard times are coming.

When people refuse to acknowledge reality, there is nothing left for them but deception, and most people will never wake up until reality hits them squarely in the face. 

The Almighty is now bringing trouble upon our land as a wake-up call. We are a nation in trouble, and we are stricken with one disaster after another! We are hearing some politicians say, “God is on our side,” but how can that be true if we are not on God’s side?

We know that very soon the ultimate reality is going to hit everyone squarely in the face. The return of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, will bring Judgment Day, and everyone will be there. 

Judgment Day will be a day when all deception, concealments, and cover-ups will be gone. It will be a day of stark reality for everyone. 

Then comes the reality that you will spend eternity somewhere. You will be either in the Kingdom of Heaven or in a state of eternal damnation. 

If you are reading this, there is still time to repent, and the Saviour will hear you. He will not turn you away! Do it now, while the clock is still ticking!

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source :

David J. Meyer

Last Trumpet Newsletter 

October 2008


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Το εύδαιμον το ελεύθερον, το δ’ ελεύθερον το εύψυχον. – Ευτυχισμένοι είναι οι ελεύθεροι και ελεύθεροι είναι οι γενναίοι. // // Happy are the free and free are the brave.