Showing posts with label HEALTH. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HEALTH. Show all posts

Dr. Aseem Malhotra Calls Into Question the Medical Status Quo: "Why Are Patients Getting Sicker?"

 Dr. Aseem Malhotra Calls Into Question the Medical Status Quo: "Why Are Patients Getting Sicker?"

April 29, 2023



"United States, you've lost two years off your life expectancy in the last few years," he denoted. "In the UK, since 2010, Joe, we've had a leveling off, a stalling of life expectancy, and an increase in people living with chronic disease."

"If we, as a profession, collectively, we're doing everything right according to the best available evidence, why are our patients getting sicker?"

Full Episode:          


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THIS IS WHY I've Been Warning You about DIGITAL I.D.!

April 25, 2023
Very sad situation here with a woman in Alberta... Don't wait until someone has your private info online, start your security scan now with DataSeal:          

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April 26, 2023


Florida legislators created SB 222 with numerous protections from any state sponsored forced injections, discrimination by vaccine status, guaranteed informed consent but governor DeSantis stepped in to replace it with a bill that not only slashed every critical protection but that also added handover of the power of the state of Florida to the World Health Organization upon any declaration of a public health emergency. Who got to the governor? Who is the real Ron DeSantis?          

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COVID contrarian doctors express concerns over mRNA technology in the food chain

COVID contrarian doctors express concerns over mRNA technology in the food chain

An event organized by independent media outlet Bright Light News gave three American doctors a platform to emphasize their concerns with the handling of COVID-19, while viral immunologist Byram Bridle expanded on continued mRNA platform safety concerns.


Independent media outlet Bright Light News recently brought three COVID contrarian doctors to Canada for a panel discussion titled “The War On Medicine: Cells Don’t Lie.”

Doctors Ryan Cole, Kate Lindley and Pierre Kory addressed attendees at the Eglinton Grand theatre in Toronto on Thursday, April 6.

Critical care physician and lung specialist Dr. Pierre Kory is a founding member of the Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC). He spoke in depth about the suppression of evidence of early treatment re-purposed drugs to treat COVID-19 and the corruption involved with Big Pharma shilling for profits.

Dr. Lindley spoke in depth about the World Health Organization's continued power grab, with the organization's threatening the health sovereignty of independent nations. There are two mechanisms through which the WHO is attempting what some refer to as a “global coup” — one through its Pandemic Treaty and the other is by amending existing, legally-binding International Health Regulations.

The other keynote speaker, Dr. Ryan Cole, is one of only two pathologists conducting autopsies on vaccinated individuals showing concerning concentrations of vaccine-derived spike protein in various tissue samples. He explains that “cells don’t lie” while sharing slides with the audience showing massive accumulation of spike protein in bodily tissue that the public was previously advised was impossible.

Viral immunologist Dr. Byram Bridle further compounds the concerns over the distribution of this novel product into various parts of the body, a phenomenon called biodistribution.

It was confirmed by the JAMA network in a study that showed mRNA transferred into the milk of breastfeeding mothers.

“Therefore it’s confused by breastfeeding infants,” says Bridle. “Which is concerning because there is no legal approval for oral administration of these COVID-19 vaccines, so you wonder about legal implications.”

The safety concern is further compounded by the fact that there are yet to be safe concentration limits defined and/or demonstrated.

“This is not natural mRNA that breaks down in seconds or minutes,” Bridle explains further.

“This is modified mRNA that we’re finding — that can be found in the body for much longer than what was [previously] told. Remember that the mRNA is just a genetic blueprint so it can amplify the small amount of messenger RNA into a larger amount of spike protein, so that was the observation. What Dr. Ryan Cole and I both became concerned about at that moment is to see then that there is a possibility, if you give mRNA vaccines to food producing animals, that this could potentially get into the milk… therefore we could be consuming these mRNA vaccines, their components or their derivatives.”

Dr. Bridle uses cow milk as an example but says that this extends to any form of meat consumption where the mRNA was injected into the muscle. “Remember these injections go into the muscle, and we know they don’t stay [exclusively] in the muscle, but certainly some does stay in the muscle, and muscle is the meat that we consume from these animals,” he says.

Bridle further refers to poultry with the unknown of whether or not the mRNA concentrates in eggs.

“There are legitimate scientific principles that cause us to raise legitimate questions about whether the potential for meat or milk or eggs and other potential food products to be contaminated with these things. We clearly need research to be done before we use these mRNA vaccines in our food producing animals,” emphasizes Bridle.


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Trudeau & His Liberals Have Completely Failed Canadians!


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CRIMES OF TREASON: If Joe Biden or any other politician seeks to sign and agree to the WHO Zero Draft Pandemic Accord which will give the WHO authority to violate human rights protected under the U.S. Constitution during a declared Pandemic they will be found guilty of Treason.

What defines the identity of the United States? It is the individual human rights and laws defined in the U.S. Constitution, therefore any action or law that is written or approved by any U.S. citizen owing allegiance to the United States that seeks to abolish or override any part of the U.S. Constitution can be legally viewed as an act of Treason which is written in Article III of the U.S. Constitution: "Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States." This deliberate act of Treason would invoke the U.S. Military to defend the U.S. Constitution from all enemies Domestic and Foreign. The World Health Organization controlled by Bill Gates is a money making hedge fund with Big Pharma forcing their poison on the people that will kill them over time. The weapon of the world is the WHO, we have to Stop the WHO, the new WHO Accord is the number one enemy of humanity. New insider information from a credible source says the charter of the WHO has already been legally disqualified, but we cannot stop fighting to make sure it is never signed into law. Additional insider military information reveals Paris, Germany and the United Kingdom have authorization from NATO to use live ammunition on their own citizens. They don't need government approval to mobilize their military against their own citizens. It is a worldwide depopulation plan and the Mainstream Media are in on it. Pascal Najadi using a one page document of evidence has successfully criminally charged the Swiss President for "Abuse of Power" for making false statements about the safety and effectiveness of the Pfizer mRNA vaccines. He has filed 3 additional criminal charges and the case is with the State Attorney General and State Prosecution for investigation. Pascal is triple vaccinated. U.S. citizens both vaccinated and unvaccinated are strongly encouraged to file Covid related criminal charges at their local Sheriff's Office just as Pascal Najadi has successfully done. Every citizen in the world can do this, we must unite and join forces to bring those responsible to justice for these horrific crimes against humanity.

By Truth Justice ™


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