Showing posts with label HEALTH. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HEALTH. Show all posts

June 07, 2023



First published on June 7th, 2023.




⚠️On the Clear Evidence of the Risks to Children from Smartphone and WiFi Radio Frequency Radiation [PDF]⚠️

⚠️FOIs reveal that health/science institutions around the world (211 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever⚠️          

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June 02, 2023

"They're prepping us for the next pandemic, Covid was a rehearsal" - Dr Kat Lindley | Redacted News

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May 21, 2023

‘COVID Was a Scam’: Ventilator-Acquired Pneumonia Killed Millions – Bombshell Study

‘COVID Was a Scam’: Ventilator-Acquired Pneumonia Killed Millions – Bombshell Study


A new study by researchers at Northwestern University in Illinois has confirmed that the millions of deaths in the early days of the pandemic were caused by ventilators, which gave patients ventilator-acquired pneumonia. The virus itself was harmless.

SARS-CoV-2 was a harmless mild illness, afflicting most people with little more than cold or mild flu-like symptoms. The mainstream media and Big Pharma, however, was told and incentivized to make it appear like Covid-19 was extremely deadly, which resulted in millions of scared and vulnerable citizens being killed by the “treatment” modalities they were offered.

One of the deadly treatments was ventilators, which caused patients who otherwise would have survived to develop a serious case of ventilator-acquired pneumonia. According to Northwestern scientists, this is why millions died – not because of the mild virus itself.

“Covid itself has a ‘relatively low mortality rate’ compared to other respiratory illnesses, the researchers found after examining about 600 patients with severe pneumonia,” journalist Alex Berenson reported on his Substack. “Yet Covid patients remained intubated longer than other patients and developed secondary bacterial infections more often.”

“Those extra infections caused many deaths in Covid patients, the researchers wrote. More patients may have died from the bacterial infections than Covid itself.” reports: This revelation is really bad news for the corporate media and establishment medicine, both of which aggressively pushed for all admitted covid patients to have a ventilator smashed over their breathing holes. These same entities then tried to blame President Donald Trump for not doing enough to “save lives” by imposing even more medical tyranny.

Early on in the scamdemic when Trump openly stated that he did not believe the medical establishment needed so many ventilators, let alone even more ventilators after their overuse created a shortage, he was blasted by the powers that be for spreading “misinformation.”

“Doctors often preemptively put patients on ventilators,” The Wall Street Journal reported in December 2020, noting that the medical establishment’s excuse for ventilator overuse is that it would help protect hospital staff from “catching covid” from patients breathing out covid “viral particles.”

It was already long established at the time that putting patients on mechanical ventilation, especially for long periods of time, is really dangerous because tracheostomy tubes “are a highway to bacterial lung infections,” to quote Berenson, who warns that ventilator-acquired pneumonia is very difficult to treat, even with powerful antibiotics.

“The importance of VAP [ventilator-acquired pneumonia] as a driver of mortality in patients with COVID-19 has been underestimated,” wrote the researchers behind the new study, which was published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation.

The truth about ventilators eventually came out, resulting in many hospitals simply abandoning them altogether. This resulted in truckloads of brand-new ventilators having to be given away – though nobody wanted them, so most ended up in landfills.

“By then, though,” Berenson notes, “it was too late for Covid patients admitted – and ventilated – in 2020.”

“It is incredible the speed at which the – once revered – medical profession was effortlessly dismantled,” wrote one of Berenson’s readers about what covid did – or perhaps simply brought to light – concerning the deeply embedded corruption within the medical establishment.

“Charlie Munger, Warren Buffet’s right-hand man, once said: ‘Show me the incentive and I will show you the outcome,’” – and, man, was this right as far as what happened during covid, resulting in millions of needless deaths.

video :

By Sean Adl-Tabatabai          

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May 17, 2023

Many COVID jab recipients now suffering neurological problems; Big Government, Big Tech trying to cover up the truth

Many COVID jab recipients now suffering neurological problems; Big Government, Big Tech trying to cover up the truth

Tuesday, May 16, 2023 by: 

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(Natural News) Anyone who got “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) and now suffers from neurological or other serious health problems is just dealing with “anxiety due to the COVID vaccine.” This is the position of government health authorities, anyway, who refuse to admit that these experimental drugs could ever cause anyone serious harm – and Big Tech is in on the coverup as well.

A Facebook support group for individuals who took the needle(s) and are now debilitated was shut down recently for violating the social media platform’s “misinformation” policy, which prohibits any information that is “likely to directly contribute to the risk of imminent physical harm, including by contributing to the risk of individuals getting or spreading a harmful disease or refusing an associated vaccine.”

In the eyes of Facebook and the rest of Silicon Valley, not to mention the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and other government agencies, there is no such thing as health damage caused by COVID jabs. Those who suffered such a thing are just making it up in their head, or simply have the post-injection jitters.

One woman who describes herself as “pro-science and pro-vaccine” spoke to The Wall Street Journal about the post-injection neuropathy she developed after voluntarily signing up to be a human guinea pig for AstraZeneca’s COVID injection trial. She was eventually diagnosed as having post-vaccine neuropathy and severe postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, also known as POTS.

After getting kicked off Facebook, she started her own “science-based nonprofit offering financial, physical, and emotional support” for others like herself who suffered severe reactions post-injection. That non-profit currently boasts 21,000 members in the United States and another 20,000 from other countries.

“We are not antivax and are neutral on the COVID vaccines,” Brianne Dressen, the woman in question and founder of React19, the aforementioned non-profit, is quoted as saying. “But doctors need to be aware of what’s going on so they can treat patients.”

(Related: Some people are losing teeth due to COVID injections.)

Will government agencies ever acknowledge that COVID jabs are destroying lives?

Dressen and her allies are reportedly pressing the NIH, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to acknowledge the fact that many people are suffering from debilitating health problems due to the shots, which were launched by the Trump administration under Operation Warp Speed.

Thus far, none of these federal agencies are willing to come clean about the matter. They still reject the notion that COVID injections are anything other than some kind of modern miracle and scientific marvel. However, now that the COVID “emergency” is over, many are hoping that the tide will turn.

Early on, Dressen says officials at the NIH were at least entertaining what she brought to their attention, commending her for “getting the word out.” Since then, though, very little has been said or done to address the elephant in the room, which is the tens of thousands, if not millions, of jab-injured people whose lives will never be the same due to the experimental drugs the government told them to take.

Big Pharma is likewise in denial over the fact that its chemical offerings have destroyed or ended many, many lives – and needlessly so, seeing as how COVID was largely a scam in that it was hardly the “pandemic” the government made it out to be.

As time goes on, we expect many more victims to come forward about their injuries, especially as the longer-term ones like antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) and vaccine-induced AIDS really start to manifest.

The latest news about injuries and deaths caused by COVID injections can be found at

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May 16, 2023

Fired Teachers Who Refused COVID Vaccine To Get Full Reinstatement And Back Pay

Fired Teachers Who Refused COVID Vaccine To Get Full Reinstatement And Back Pay

By Jack Phillips

Three Rhode Island teachers who were fired for refusing the COVID-19 vaccine have been offered their jobs back with full back pay after reaching a settlement with the school district.

Teachers Stephanie Hines, Brittany DiOrio, and Kerri Thurber were terminated from their positions in Barrington Public Schools after they had requested a religious exemption after the school mandated employees get the vaccine.

Last week, their attorney, Greg Piccirilli, and the school district said they had reached a settlement, allowing the teachers to return to their jobs. They are also each entitled to $33,333 in damages along with their back pay. DiOrio will get $150,000, Thurber will get $128,000, and Hines will receive $65,000 under the agreement.

“The three teachers have the opportunity to return to teaching positions within the Barrington School District should they choose to do so, at the steps they would have been at had they worked continuously,” the Barrington Public Schools district said in a statement on May 11.

In a statement to the Boston Globe, Piccirilli said that his clients are “extremely gratified that they’ve been vindicated in their position,” adding that he will get $50,000 in attorneys fees as part of the settlement. “A lot of people were dismissive and skeptical of their claims at the time,” he told the Boston Globe. “They went through a lot of personal trauma dealing with this. Their faith has gotten them through this.”

Meanwhile, Barrington Public Schools told the Providence Journal that it reached the settlement because the litigation would likely put a drag on the school’s resources and funding. It attempted to distance itself from its own vaccine mandate by claiming that it was dealing with the spread of COVID-19, although there is a growing body of evidence that shows the vaccines do not prevent the spread of the virus.

Our district was navigating an unprecedented health pandemic and leaned on the important recommendations by the CDC and the Rhode Island Department of Health to ensure the safety of our students and school community,” the Barrington School Committee said Thursday, according to the outlet. “Our then-policy helped combat the pressing public health crisis of the time, while keeping schools open, and [was] one that nearly all faculty and staff adhered to.”

It added that “we determined this ongoing, expensive litigation” would likely continue for a lengthy period of time, and a resolution should be reached because the “administration’s time, and our district’s financial resources, should be spent on the daily work and mission of Barrington Public Schools … our School Committee looks forward to continuing to support this important work.”


The three were first placed on unpaid leave in late 2021 before they were fired in January 2022, according to statements made by the district and the teachers. During a hearing in Barrington in October 2021, DiOrio said that she “did nothing wrong.”

I have done nothing wrong. This is destroying my future ability to earn a living,” she said of the mandate. “What makes me more of a threat now? Is this how a highly-rated school department treats its people?”

At the time,  Sara Rapport, a lawyer representing the School Committee, said that the teachers were violating the school policy for not complying, adding that committees have the plenary authority over school interests. She said that the teachers’ decision not to get vaccinated pose a greater risk to students.

“Teachers have a right not to be vaccinated,” she said in late 2021. “But every decision has consequences. Religious beliefs do not override the health and safety of the community.”

Read more here…

Source: The Epoch Times via ZeroHedge

Image: Spiro Skouras

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May 06, 2023

Man Forcibly Removed From Canadian Hospital For Refusing To Wear Face Mask

Man Forcibly Removed From Canadian Hospital For Refusing To Wear Face Mask


A man was physically removed from his local hospital in Toronto, Canada last month because he refused to wear a face mask.

This type of oppression was witnessed across the globe in 2020 and 2021, but it is quite disturbing to see that it still continues in some places in 2023.

InfoWars reports: Watch the footage below as the individual, Eugene, stood up for his principles and told hospital security he wouldn’t wear a mask and they’d have to call the police and have him arrested.

After a few minutes of arguing back and forth, the hospital security workers refused Eugene service and had him trespassed from the property.

According to the Toronto Sun, “On April 7, experiencing extreme abdomen pain, later diagnosed as kidney stones, Eugene went to the Bayview campus of Sunnybrook. When asked to put on a mask to be seen by a doctor, he refused, and security was called to deal with him.”

The Sun also reported, “Eugene wasn’t arrested after he was taken outside, he simply had a conversation with the police officers who were called. They offered him a ride to another hospital.”

Eugene told the outlet, “This mask mandate for hospitals doesn’t make sense anymore. They don’t ask people to wear gloves or wash their hands. As a personal thing, I decided that I would not wear a mask when there is no reason.”

In 2020, a Toronto woman was killed after being restrained by hospital security when she too wouldn’t wear a mask.

The woman’s family filed a $16-million lawsuit in January 2023 against the workers who restrained her and the University Health Network. 

In response to the recent video of Eugene being forcibly removed over the mask dispute, Toronto Sun political columnist Brian Lilley published an article calling for mask mandates to end at Ontario hospitals.

The pandemic is now such a non-threat, even World Health Organization Chief Tedros Ghebreyesus announced Friday, “I declare COVID-19 over as a global health emergency.”


Niamh Harris

Writer at The People's Voice          

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