February 07, 2025

SANTORINI UPDATE: GOOD MORNING TO YOU "It's bad to build palaces on sand. The "earthquake" and the entanglement will break you into pieces. »

"It's bad to build palaces on sand. The "earthquake" and the entanglement will break you into pieces. »

"It's bad to build palaces on sand. The "earthquake" and the entanglement will break you into pieces. »
The fact that at night we observed a slight decrease in the rate of earthquakes, the phenomenon is still developing and residents should not ignore the measures and listen to those who tell them that everything is fine and the seismic crisis is over.
When the forces of nature collide with the stakes of the State, nature will win, the Citizen will pay and Security Forces will be called to take the snake out of the hole and then no one will know anything about the culprit because the evidence is incomplete...
This is what history has shown... and unfortunately urban anarchy is seen apart from earthquakes in both floods and fires... (Power of streams, building a settlement in a pine-planted area... ). This phenomenon is unprecedented for Santorini with these death traps that build on the altar of profit on the unstable Beast Earth.
I wonder if the Civil Engineers who put their signatures on, don't they know, they become complicit in these crimes??
Who owns all these plots on the cliff??? Are there titles for them?? Have they passed land registry?? Not to mention city permits because a warehouse to go build on a plain will impose so much armament and foundation on you like you're going to build a skyscraper.
However, there is something more serious. A little bird whispered to me yesterday about something that even the junta dared to do in the Academic field.
By the order of the minister in charge, the formation of the National Seismic Risk Committee is vaccinated with the appointment of a well-known Academic government relative and his abstinence as its new members.
All members of the committee have been appointed to strict merit criteria by their FEC bearers as I am a member.
What are they trying to achieve? Hats off to these worthy scientists on the board who have melted their pants off in earthquake research and response?
And what does Mr. Minister, who obviously obeys superior orders, think he has to do with firefighters who can order and treat them like pots as in yesterday's press conference (show) under the Prime Minister?
Should such a thing happen I will resign from the committee and I think the rest of its members should do the same and I'm sure they will because I know them one by one and they have moral values.
Something the Academics didn't do when with "uprising" calls to voters (I know well what I'm writing) they were forced without merit criteria to be chosen as a new vice-president member of the Academy someone (... ) leaving out a very worthy scientist who had submitted then, due to the death of the Late Professor Ambrazi, had opened a position, Professor Varotso.
Unfortunately, when the country's anti-seismic policy is driven by such "decide and decree", unprecedented for a European country, practices become inadequate.
I dedicate this following song to you
by Yannis Kotsiras:
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