July 27, 2024

The first reactions from Russia that God protected her and did not participate in SATANOFIESTA! Zakharova: the torch was carried by a Knight of the Apocalypse. An LGBT parody of the Last Supper! Dugin: Satanic Olympics! SATANOFIESTA WAS NOT BROADCAST IN RUSSIA!


The first reactions from Russia that God protected her and did not participate in SATANOFIESTA! Zakharova: the torch was carried by a Knight of the Apocalypse. An LGBT parody of the Last Supper! Dugin: Satanic Olympics! SATANOFIESTA WAS NOT BROADCAST IN RUSSIA!

Maria Zakharova for the opening ceremony, among other things, said:...

I wasn't planning on attending the opening ceremony. But after seeing the pictures, I couldn't believe that they weren't deepfakes or photoshop.

  1. The Olympic torch was carried by  drug addict rapper Snoop Dogg in the lyrics, "Da, da, da, da, it's the motherfuckin' DO-double-G".
  2. In the performance, the Olympic flag was carried by one of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse, implying the end of the world . French experts envision this as a digital apocalypse where humans are dethroned by a robotic model with AI instead of a soul.
  3. One of the main performances of the Olympic Games was an LGBT parody of the holy Christian event — the Last Supper of Christ. The apostles were portrayed by transvestites. It seems that Paris decided that since the Olympic rings are colorful, everything could turn into one big gay parade.
  4. The highlight was the inverted Olympic flag, raised upside down over Paris.

I wonder how many more "spies" it would take to make the Paris Olympics such a spectacular failure?

This is not the bottom.

This is the waste of the Seine.”


The start of the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris is the final crisis of modern Western civilization. The West is cursed, and that's an axiom. Anyone who does not immediately take up arms to destroy this unprecedentedly  audacious satanic culture  is complicit.

But another aspect is also important.  At this pole, there is the West and its unprovoked woke Satanism . And what do we have in our own pole? Something slightly more dignified, the penultimate stop, but on the same road, same route.  We slammed on the brakes when the destination appeared before us, where the giant figure of the Pale Rider stood, surrounded by a retinue of liberal perverts and body-positive monstrosities.  But we are still drifting there out of inertia and certainly not questioning the previous stage of our history –  are we still on the right train if the last stop on the route is the 2024 French Olympics? The West is the devil. And who are we?  On the one hand he frightens us and casts us out of his unholy banquet, but on the other hand he is still within us; we have not completely banished him from ourselves; the devil rages and rages in our culture, having been allowed to enter no decades ago but centuries ago.

The West (and therefore the devil) began to systematically infiltrate Russia in the 17th century .  The Slavophiles of the 19th century recognized this and sounded the alarm. This had an effect, but did not prevent further decline. And now we really start to hit the brakes; only now. This will only work if God is with us. Nothing else will work. Therefore, Russia must stay close to God; we must become His people, His followers, true Russian Christians. We can only pray and fight. Struggle with prayer and pray as if we are before death, for the last time.

Special Military Operation is a war against Satan, against the West, against the Olympics, where the rebel Titans of Tartarus have displaced the gods and taken their place. Occidens delenda est.

Translation: Economou Dimitrios (geopolitika)


The opening ceremony was not broadcast in Russia – Russian commentators said it had nothing to do with the ideals of Olympism and was a fascist-style attempt to impose the woke agenda on the planet  . The report of the correspondent of OPEN in Moscow




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