Tucker Carlson’s Explosive Interview With Vladimir Putin

Tucker Carlson’s Explosive Interview With Vladimir Putin

By Neenah Payne

Del Bigtree, host of The Highwire which airs online Thursdays at 2PM ET announced on February 8 that the interview by Tucker Carlson of President Vladimir Putin of Russia would air online at 6PM that evening and would not be behind a paywall.  Del pointed out that the interview would probably “break the internet”.

Although the legacy media criticized Tucker for interviewing Putin, Del showed that Putin had been interviewed by other American journalists in the past without criticism. He showed that Barbara Walters had interviewed Fidel Castro, Dan Rather interviewed Saddam Hussein, Diane Sawyer interviewed the serial killer Charles Manson, Larry King interview Muammar Gaddafi of Libya, and Peter Arnet interviewed Osama bin Laden. Del showed clips of the “talking heads” of legacy media all repeating EXACTLY the same script on every TV channel. Much of that is “Brought to you by Pfizer”.

There were even calls to ban Tucker from returning the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave for daring to interview Putin. Fortunately, saner heads prevailed as shown in Musk condemns idea of banning Carlson from coming back to US if he interviews Putin which reported:

US entrepreneur and one of the world’s richest people Elon Musk has criticized the idea of banning American journalist Tucker Carlson from returning to the United States if he interviews Russian President Vladimir Putin, as the US media assume.

“Agreed,” Musk wrote in response to a post on X (formerly Twitter) from American journalist Brian Krasenstein, who said that the idea of banning Carlson from coming back to the US contradicts the principles of journalism and information freedom. The latter noted that the American press has shied away from interviewing anyone due to their political views. “To the people calling for Tucker Carlson to be barred from the United States if he interviews Vladimir Putin, <…> If you are about freedoms, you wouldn’t be calling for Tucker Carlson to never be allowed back in the United States,” Krasenstein wrote.

The Newsweek article below shows that the European Union is considering imposing a travel ban on Tucker because he interviewed Putin! See Why Was David Icke Banned From 26 European Nations?

Newsweek: Exclusive: Tucker Carlson Could Face Sanctions Over Putin Interview (video)

The New York Times article “Tucker Carlson Regains the Bullhorn, at Least Temporarily” said:

Mr. Carlson’s interview with President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia put him back on center stage for the first time since his Fox News show was canceled….In landing an exclusive interview with President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia — released on Thursday on the social network X and Mr. Carlson’s own streaming site, Tucker Carlson Network — the host returned, at least for a moment, to the center of American politics.

The two-hour interview gave him a bullhorn to an American audience just as many congressional Republicans worked to block a vital lifeline of American military aid to Ukraine.

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