Το εύδαιμον το ελεύθερον, το δ’ ελεύθερον το εύψυχον. – Ευτυχισμένοι είναι οι ελεύθεροι και ελεύθεροι είναι οι γενναίοι. // // Happy are the free and free are the brave.
June 03, 2023
Les Belles Histoires Des Pays D'en Haut - Le Rapporteur Officiel 💥💥💥
Les Belles Histoires Des Pays D'en Haut - Seraphin Et Le Roi De France
Victorian Treasures Found Metal Detecting Along a Creek
Les Belles Histoires Des Pays D'en Haut - La Condamnation
DR. SUCHARIT BHAKDI ( 27.04.2021 )
English / Hungarian translate
Sorce: https://www.bitchute.com/video/mpFEASnIQ8RH/
Biden’s America Keeps On Stumbling
Biden’s America Keeps On Stumbling |
00:30 Biden Missteps Again (28 minutes)
Joe Biden suffered a pretty bad fall at the West Point graduation ceremony, but Donald Trump refuses to joke about it or Biden’s obviously declining cognitive abilities. Biden’s public appearances reinforce his serious mental and physical decline, which is disastrous for America’s public image. Trump presents a strong contrast by standing up for the American people despite constant attacks from the real power behind the current presidency—Barack Obama.
28:00 Celtic Throne Behind the Scenes (3 minutes)
31:30 CNN’s Laughable ‘Exclusive’ on the Trump Tapes (12 minutes)
CNN ran an “exclusive” report today on the recording of Trump talking about a classified document. The report was not based on firsthand information; instead, “multiple sources” told CNN that the recording “captures the sound of paper rustling.” This kind of reporting is especially tone-deaf considering the multiple batches of classified documents Joe Biden has stashed around the nation—and the thousands of documents that Obama took with him when he left office.
43:00 Focus on the Spiritual Marriage (9 minutes)
Marriage and family are unraveling even in the world of traditional Christianity today. The way to have a successful physical marriage is to focus on the spiritual marriage to Jesus Christ. We cannot be true disciples of Christ unless we put God and the Family of God first.
52:30 E-mail Feedback (3 minutes)
Les Belles Histoires Des Pays D'en Haut - Un Acte Heroique De Bidou
Les Belles Histoires Des Pays D'en Haut - La Terre A Bidou Partie 2
Les Belles Histoires Des Pays D'en Haut - La Terre A Bidou Partie 1
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Blog Archive
- ► 2024 (809)
Jun 03
- Les Belles Histoires Des Pays D'en Haut - Le Rappo...
- Les Belles Histoires Des Pays D'en Haut - Seraphin...
- Victorian Treasures Found Metal Detecting Along a ...
- Les Belles Histoires Des Pays D'en Haut - La Conda...
- DR. SUCHARIT BHAKDI ( 27.04.2021 )
- Biden’s America Keeps On Stumbling
- Les Belles Histoires Des Pays D'en Haut - Un Acte ...
- Les Belles Histoires Des Pays D'en Haut - La Terre...
- Les Belles Histoires Des Pays D'en Haut - La Terre...
- Ireland To Slaughter Millions of Cows To ‘Save the...
- Les Belles Histoires Des Pays D'en Haut - Le Demon...
Jun 03
Το εύδαιμον το ελεύθερον, το δ’ ελεύθερον το εύψυχον. – Ευτυχισμένοι είναι οι ελεύθεροι και ελεύθεροι είναι οι γενναίοι. // // Happy are the free and free are the brave.