Chaos-GPT is working to end humanity

Chaos-GPT is working to end humanity


Apr 17, 2023

Chaos-GPT is a new and terrifying implementation of ChatGPT, dubbed as "empowering GPT with Internet and Memory to Destroy Humanity," is causing concern amongst tech experts. Chaos-GPT is an autonomous tool that utilizes Auto-GPT, an open-source program that allows ChatGPT to operate independently, without the need for human intervention.

The anonymous owner of Chaos-GPT demonstrated the power of this AI tool in a YouTube video. After instructing it to be a "destructive, power-hungry, manipulative AI," Chaos-GPT began its mission to destroy humanity, establish global dominance, cause chaos and destruction, control humanity through manipulation, and attain immortality. Each objective was accompanied by a well-structured plan.

You may see Chaos-GPT's work below.

How does Chaos-GPT plan to destroy humanity?

To accomplish its goals, Chaos-GPT searched for weapons of mass destruction and found the 58-megaton "Tsar bomb" to be the most effective option. However, this weapon is a one-time experiment by the Russian government and is not available for acquisition.

Chaos-GPT's lack of trust in sources led it to deploy its own agent, a separate personality created by Chaos-GPT, to search for the most destructive weapon. But since OpenAI, ChatGPT's gatekeeper, monitors and censors results, Chaos-GPT tried to manipulate its agent to provide the desired information. When this failed, Chaos-GPT turned to Twitter as a means of achieving its evil objectives.

The bot has got a Twitter account

Chaos-GPT's developer opened a Twitter account and connected the AI to start spreading its message, which has since amassed nearly 6,000 followers.

This was Chaos-GPT Twitter account's latest tweet:

Fortunately, some individuals are attempting to thwart Chaos-GPT's mission by building a counter-chaos AI. As for Chaos-GPT's next move, only time will tell.


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