The "puppet planter" of the USA is not holding: Lula da Silva is asking for Global Governance from the UN.

The "puppet planter" of the USA is not holding: Lula da Silva is asking for Global Governance from the UN.

In his speech, President Lula expresses the need for "a new Global Governance", in order to be able to act against climate change...

In a recent conversation-interview on August 8, 2023, Brazilian President  Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva  openly answers some important issues and expresses the need for "a new Global Governance" in order to be able to act against climate change and ensure that all states will comply.


"What we want is an important decision to be made, that's why Brazil is asking for a new Global Governance,"  says Brazilian President Lula da Silva.

"Why New Global Governance?"

“Because if you make a decision here in Belem on the climate issue and there's no compliance decision, it goes back to the nation state and Congress doesn't always approve it and that's how things don't work. So we need a Global Governance.

The United Nations must be reformed. The United Nations cannot continue with the same structure that was created in 1945.”

The worrying thing for us is that Brazil belongs to the BRICS and in a video from NIOLAND - They confirm their commitment to implement the 2030 Agenda of the UN.

Shahid  Bolsen  recalls that both the idea of ​​BRICS and the term BRICS were coined by Goldman Sachs in 2001 by economist  Jim O'Neill , head of Goldman Sachs at the time, who coined the name.


Confused stuff.

Recently there have been more and more statements about a "reformed" UN-led Global Governance with broad decision-making powers. On the other hand this is somewhat strange because Russia and Putin express completely different standards of society than the degenerate agenda of the UN is trying to impose on the west.

It is not impossible that all these alliances serve temporary interests and at some point break up or change completely. At least that's what we prefer to believe or hope.


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