Teen faces criminal charges for removing an LGBTQ+ flag in school

 Teen faces criminal charges for removing an LGBTQ+ flag in school

A 16-year-old teenager is currently facing criminal charges for removing an LGBTQ+ flag from his school in Pincourt, Montreal. The incident occurred on May 16, and raises questions about how dissenters are treated if they do not conform to the LGBTQ+ movement.

A viral video on social media captured a group of high school students removing and trampling a LGBTQ+ flag, leading to a series of events that have left families and authorities dealing with the aftermath.

In the midst of this unfolding controversy, the concerned mother of one of the teenagers involved reached out to Rebel News for assistance in dealing with the serious repercussions. The teenager faced school sanctions soon after the incident, and, several families, including his, received a call from the Sûreté du Québec (Quebec Provincial Police).

The mother expressed her belief that the school holds responsibility for the situation, with her son pointing out that the majority of students come from various religious backgrounds. She mentioned that could lead to inevitable conflicts when imposing LGBTQ+ flags on them. Despite this, the school continued with the display.

As we investigate further, we explore the ongoing police investigation related to 'hate incitement' in connection to the event. The email response from the Sûreté du Québec clarifies the involvement of six young minors, aged 13 to 16, facing accusations under "fomenting hatred" (article 319) but reveals that no official complaint has been filed. 

The identity of the teenager remains confidential.

Prior to the incident, he claimed to have been provoked by some individuals from the LGBTQ+ community who attempted to remove the cross he was wearing around his neck. In response to this, emails were sent to the school principal, the school board and the school itself. However, unfortunately, no one has responded to our inquiries.

Stay tuned for further updates on this developing story.




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