ТАЛЬЯНОЧКА. //. Tal'yanochka

All in a sunlit glade one day
A wide-eyed lad did play
Upon his concertina of
The girl that he did love.
He courted her on nights so clear
And warm, and he would buy
Such pretty little shawls for her
To remember him by.
Play us a song, play on, play on
Your concertina, lad
Tell us about the black-eyed girl
Who drove you mad.
Play us a song, play on, play on
Your concertina, lad
Tell us about the black-eyed girl
Who drove you mad.
When off to fight the dreadful war
The lad was to depart
Upon a dark and starry night
He offered her his heart.
She answered him in jest although
She was of him so proud,
“Come back home with an Army Cross
And then we'll work it out.”
Play us a song, play on, play on
Your concertina, lad
Tell us about the black-eyed girl
Who drove you mad.
Play us a song, play on, play on
Your concertina, lad
Tell us about the black-eyed girl
Who drove you mad.

The concertina was his friend
As he fought near and far
And at a battle's fearsome end
He won a Silver Star.
And then to him so far from home
A letter from her flew
That she would wait for him alone
A Silver Star would do.
Play us a song, play on, play on
Your concertina, lad
Tell us about the black-eyed girl
Who drove you mad.
Play us a song, play on, play on
Your concertina, lad
Tell us about the black-eyed girl
Who drove you mad.

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