America - A Nation Dying in Her Sleep! / The Planned Pandemic! / September 2009

America - A Nation Dying in Her Sleep!

 September  2009

Last Trumpet Ministries

 The Planned Pandemic!

One story seems to predominate the news, and it coincides with Obama's health care reform. I am referring to the "swine flu campaign." 

When schools reopen nationwide, millions of young people are scheduled to receive immunizations against this designer virus that seemed to appear from nowhere. 

We know that conspiracy has always been the method of Satan's operation. We find this to be true throughout the Word of God. Things don't just happen to happen; they happen because someone wants them to happen. 

In the July 16th, 2009, edition of the New England Journal of Medicine on page 225, we find the following words: "The current international pandemic caused by a novel influenza A (H1N1) virus derived from two unrelated swine viruses, one of them a derivative of the 1918 human virus, adds to the complexity surrounding this persistent progenitor virus, its descendants, and its several lineages." (15) Quite obviously, this did not happen by itself, but was manufactured for use in both manipulating and reducing the population of the world. Strangely enough, the flu is not as dangerous as the vaccine that is supposed to prevent it!

One type of anti-flu drug that has been used is known as Tamiflu. On July 31st, 2009, the London Times newspaper featured an article with the following headline: "Tamiflu causes sickness and nightmares in children." The article goes on to tell how a significant number of children who received the anti-flu immunization developed an inability to think clearly. Nightmares and strange behavior followed. (16) 

We have now also learned that one of the ingredients being used to make the new vaccine for the H1N1 flu vaccine is derived from the kidneys of diseased monkeys, whose kidneys are harvested for that specific purpose. (17) We must also bear in mind that monkeys in Africa were used to host the HIV AIDS virus when it was being developed and thrust upon the world several decades ago. 

This is all Satan's business and the workings of conspiratorial darkness.

September  2009


15. New England Journal of Medicine, Jul. 16, 2009, page 225.
16. London Times, Jul. 31, 2009, by David Rose, London, England, U.K.
17. Dr. Scott Johnson Health Alert, Aug. 5, 2009,          

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