The director of the WHO announced the adoption of global health passports, to limit travel for the unvaccinated (video)

The director of the WHO announced the adoption of global health passports, to limit travel for the unvaccinated (video)

Many times we hear that vaccines are over, find something else to do. Our answer to this is that nothing is over - but even if it is still over... we have stated that we will not rest until those responsible are brought to justice . 

As the member states of the World Health Organization (WHO) prepare to negotiate the final terms of the agreement that will give the WHO absolute power over the policy of the US and by extension 194 western member states. The director of the WHO with an announcement gives us an idea of ​​what they intend to do.

The director of the WHO yesterday announced the adoption of global health passports, to limit international travel to the vaccinated. This week North Korea joined the WHO Executive Board… makes a lot of sense…

Recently, Dr. Gebregesus warned the world about a much more serious pandemic  that does not yet exist but will be found . How does all this seem normal to you? Yes, if we accept the fact that the overlords have an agenda to carry out and  they will not stop unless they complete it .

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