Modern-Day Child Sacrifice

 A child passes a Pride Month merchandise display in a San Francisco Target. JUSTIN SULLIVAN/GETTY IMAGES

Modern-Day Child Sacrifice

Ancient societies surrendered their children to their gods. Is America any better?

America’s children are under attack. Teachers, government officials, police and even parents have all joined a dangerous, sexually charged assault on the most impressionable and vulnerable among us.

It starts at the earliest possible years. Massive department stores from Target to Kohl’s market “pride” merchandise—for babies. Target has been selling T-shirts featuring naked adults and pro-homosexual merchandise designed by a literal satanist. Videos on social media show clothing designed to make people look more like the opposite gender—including breast binders and other items that have potentially lifelong side effects—for sale in kids’ sections.

Popular kids’ shows like Sesame Street, Blues Clues and Peppa Pig push homosexual propaganda. Disney boasts of its “not-at-all-secret gay agenda.” At Disneyland, a man in a dress helps little girls choose princess outfits.

To celebrate pride month in June, Joe Biden invited thousands of homosexual activists to the White House. Transgender men and women stripped off to pose topless in front of children, while the rainbow flag displaced the American flag on the center of the portico.

These activists once claimed a free-speech right to hold pride parades. Now they demand the right to invite children to watch mostly nude adults perform sex acts on each other. Some parades include a “kiddie korner” where children can play with sex toys. Even small children are invited to “Drag Queen Story Hour” events sponsored by public schools with taxpayer money. At drag events, children are prompted to stuff dollar bills into the underwear of men dressed as women; kids are encouraged to dance like strippers while adults applaud.

School libraries include explicit books on homosexuality for kids. A middle school in Michigan took children pole dancing on a field trip. A New Jersey high school secretly allowed some of its students to perform a drag show for a select group of staff. Homework assignments require students to read or write about masturbation, or describe how comfortable they are with homosexual sex acts.

Parents troubled or angry over these attacks on their children are being silenced and attacked. California’s State Senate is considering a bill that would make the state’s family code consider anyone who refuses to affirm a child’s preferred gender guilty of child abuse and subject to having their kids taken from them. Schools, youth groups, churches and any other organization that deals with children would face charges of child abuse. Last year in Indiana, a court removed a child from his home because his parents refused to accept that their child had swapped genders. Washington State passed a law in May allowing the state to take a child if his parents won’t consent to “gender-​affirming care.” In plain English, if parents refuse to allow their son or daughter to be chemically castrated and rendered permanently infertile, or to have body parts chopped off, the state will seize the child and do it anyway.

This trend is as plainly, monstrously evil as anything you could imagine. How did modern society reach the point where such wickedness has grown common, acceptable—even a source of pride?

The Kids Are Not Alright

Those who push these policies insist they are doing so for children’s benefit. But evidence is rife that this homosexual-transgender push is hurting and even killing children.

In many cases, those promoting these events are literally sex criminals. A school counselor in Tucson, Arizona, who organized a drag queen event, has been arrested for having a sexual relationship with a female student. One “drag queen” allowed to read to children at the Houston Public Library in Texas is a registered sex offender. Performers at some of these events have been arrested for possessing child pornography. Yet these obvious truths are often glossed over.

Some of the individual stories are unthinkably horrific. William and Zack Zulock are a “married” homosexual couple who, in the eyes of the state, share a last name. They adopted two boys, ages 9 and 11, and literally made them poster children for the lesbian-gay-bisexual-transsexual movement. The two men posed for anti-hate campaigns; Out magazine often used pictures of the “family” on its website. They presented a glossy, happy facade. The truth, however, was that these two adult men were raping “their” boys! Even worse, they allowed other nearby pedophiles to rape them as well. On their devices, right alongside Instagram-bound photos portraying them as wholesome and loving parents, were videos they recorded of themselves sexually attacking these miserable children.   ..........

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FROM THE AUGUST 2023          

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